When Yin Zhu woke up, she was full of spirit and very comfortable. She stretched her waist. When she went out, she found that Xiao Jin had been dealing with food there. This guy didn't sleep in the middle of the night last night and got up so early again. She couldn't hide the dark circles under her two eyes.

"What's the matter? The dark circles are so heavy that I didn't sleep well last night?" Yin Zhu asked deliberately.

"No, that Yin Zhu, when I went out to look for prey in the morning, I saw that the wild flowers on the roadside were OK, so I picked them for you and gave them to you." Xiao Jin takes out a big bunch of flowers from behind and hands them to Yin Zhu.

Yin Zhu looked at the flowers. It took a lot of effort to select them. It's so understated. Fortunately, she knew that if she didn't know, she would have picked them casually.

"Well, it's beautiful, thank you." Yin Zhu takes the flower and sucks hard, then laughs sweetly.

After thinking about it all night, Yin Zhu figured out that it's no use worrying about Xiaojin. It's better to leave all the problems behind and enjoy the three months' life. This can be regarded as a recognition of Xiaojin and won't let Xiaojin's three months' hard work be in vain.

"Do you like it?" Xiao Jin's heart is about to fly with joy. His hard work is not in vain. Yin Zhu looks very happy. Come on.

"Yes. I like this big red one best. It's very enthusiastic. " Yin Zhu said happily, although her favorite color is not Dahong, it's still a favorite color.

"Well, I'll bring you some tomorrow." Xiaojin Feichang is very happy to get the response. He wants to shout his success to the whole world. It seems that Jono didn't cheat himself. Females like gifts. He will prepare something else later.

In that way, Yin Zhu will know that she is in the heart, so whether Yin Zhu will respond to his feelings as slowly as now.

"Bring some other flowers back. I'll decorate the room. In addition, I don't want flowers of the same color every day. If I see too many flowers, I'll feel tired." Yin Zhu said that he was willing to use all the flowers Xiao Jin picked yesterday to save waste.

"OK, Yin Zhu, you want to decorate the room. I'll pick some now." Xiao Jin thought of the flowers piled up somewhere by himself, and all those things can be used. When they are ready, they must be beautiful.

Looking at Xiaojin's silly look, Yin Zhu said that she was so weak and satisfied that she wanted to make up for it.

"Don't worry. I'll go after breakfast. I don't have the spirit to work on an empty stomach." This guy has been tossing about all night last night, isn't he tired? She felt tired for him.

Yin Zhu helped to get some breakfast ready quickly, and then quickly ate it with Xiao Jin. Xiao Jin already quickly took out the flowers he had picked before. Xiao Jin picked so many flowers so quickly. Yin Zhu only said that Xiao Jin was very capable, praised him severely, turned his head and smoked his mouth silently. He was so stupid that he would not tear him down.

Yin Zhu put the flowers separately, then stretched out and said to Xiao Jin, "I've been on the road before. I feel very tired. I'm going to sleep again. Go and have a rest."

When Xiao Jin heard this, he said happily, "OK, Yin Zhu, have a good rest." Yesterday he had been tossing until very late, plus Jono has been absorbing his strength, he really should have a rest, fortunately Yin Zhu did not know.

Yin Zhu sat in his room for a while, and then went out. She couldn't sleep. She went to Xiao Jin's room to have a look. As expected, she was already asleep. This guy was the hard support. Yin Zhu shook his head and covered Xiao Jin with animal skin.

Utopia so big, she went out for a walk, maybe like before the altar side, can find some useful information.

Wu she has also come towards Utopia. As for what she wants to do, Wu she is very clear. Although Xiao Jin respects her very much, as a saint, she has to shoulder her own responsibility.

As for Xiao Jin, I'm sorry. She gave him a new life, so it's right to take it back now.

Looking at Sophie standing in front of Utopia, she looks away without disdain. She can still live in this ugly shape. If she had killed herself, she would not live so humbly.

Sophie sees Wu Hu's attitude in her eyes, and her heart is also very angry. Now she has strength, but she can fight with Wu Hu, but it's useless. At least now Wu Hu can stand in front of Yin Zhu, but she can't. moreover, in Qingling's eyes, Wu Hu is more useful than herself. What's the proud of Saint, saint.

Sophie is biting her lips hard. Although she can take a group of guards to rush around now, those people don't give her face, but give Qingling face. In fact, she's nothing, at least Wushe is much better than her.

"Utopia can't get in." Sophie fled in a hurry before, and later found that Yin Zhu had entered Utopia again. Unfortunately, she had not been able to enter. Yin Zhu had sealed Utopia.

"I know, but I have a way in." Wu Yi said faintly that Xiaojin's initial consciousness was awakened by her. Therefore, she helped Xiaojin to sort out the spiritual power of the riot for a long time at that time. Her strength was not less than Xiaojin's. Xiaojin had her strength. She could not break the seal, but it was OK to sneak in with Xiaojin's traction.Sophie obviously also thought of Wu Hu's way. She looked at Wu Hu coldly and laughed, "but saint, can you go in alone? Yin Zhu is not what she used to be. She's got a big baby and her strength has improved a lot. "

"I didn't go in to kill people. How could Yin Zhu embarrass me?" Wu fan turns a white eye. What's Sophie thinking? She knows that she wants to lead her against Yin Zhu.

Wu Yi doesn't like Yin Zhu either, because Yin Zhu, her most solid subordinate, has become Yin Zhu's person. In addition, because of the existence of Yin Zhu, the weight of her saint has shrunk.

However, this time she went to Utopia, she didn't really go to kill people. She went in to see if there was anything else in Utopia. The other was to find a way to keep Xiaojin. Wuzhen believed that she still had a little influence on Xiaojin.

Qingling helped Xiaojin seal Jono at the beginning. It's not cuncui's help Xiaojin, but it also means to monitor Jono. With the seal moving, Qingling knows that Qingling has already told Wushe in a special way that Wushe should keep Xiaojin's existence anyway. She can't allow Xiaojin to disappear like this. She still has calculation for Xiaojin.

Sophie's face became very ugly when she heard this. Damn it, if you don't go in and kill people, will you make friends with Yin Zhu? But thinking of Wu she's identity, she won't betray Qingling. Thinking that Yin Zhu is likely to receive a plastic sister, Sophie is happy again. As long as she can make Yin Zhu feel bad, she will be happy.

Wu Yi is already playing with the array at this time. After the array is finished, she flashes and disappears.

Sophie looked at the useless array and could not help kicking the stone under her feet. Qingling said that she supported her, but it was useless. Why didn't she teach her something useful, such as powerful techniques and these arrays? All of them were not based on her own strength.

At this time, Wu Yu had already entered Utopia. After entering Utopia, Wu Yu knew where Xiao Jin was at the first time. However, Wu Yu didn't look for Xiao Jin. Instead, he carefully observed the whole Utopia to see if there was anything useful. Such a big Utopia was the group before the beast God. If he didn't leave anything behind, Wu Yu was If you don't believe it, at least some ethnic groups have their own development marks.

There are indeed some of these things, that is, there are many murals on the high wall. Yin Zhu is also slowly looking at these things, which mainly talk about the major events of some ethnic groups. However, at present, Yin Zhu has not found any useful information.

Wu Yi doesn't want to meet Xiaojin for the moment. She can feel Xiaojin's existence, but she can easily avoid Xiaojin.

Wu Ji is going to find out the whole Utopia before meeting Xiao Jin. Anyway, it's not so easy for that Jono to devour Xiao Jin even if he wants to.

Yin Zhu and Xiao Jin don't know that a man has been mixed up in Utopia. They hunt and cook food every day. When Xiao Jin hunts, Yin Zhu also goes to the mountain to pick wild fruits and vegetables. They live a very peaceful life and take care of each other.

After eating, she strolls around Utopia, looks at the history here, and studies it casually. Such a small day is as happy as a peach blossom land. Yin Zhu thinks that when all the disputes are settled down, she brings her friends to live in Utopia. She is enjoying such a peaceful and happy day in Utopia.

Utopia, the hometown of hit Peach Blossom Land, the name is very appropriate.

Xiaojin is also very happy recently. He doesn't have to be gallant, and Yinzhu won't refuse him. Although they have no further development, Xiaojin feels that the tacit understanding between them is gradually increasing. As soon as he turns his head, he can see Yinzhu standing beside him, looking at himself and caring for him. This feeling is very wonderful, as if there are only one person in the world There were two of them. For a moment, Xiaojin wanted to go on with Yinzhu like this. There was no Jono, no Tengxiao, no all kinds of things, just him and Yinzhu.

Now he can basically walk out with Yin Zhu's hand every day, and every day he wakes up to see Yin Zhu smiling sweetly at himself. He really feels the sweetness and happiness of love. No wonder they don't even want to die for Yin Zhu one by one. Now he is the same. Love can be so happy, he is so happy, and then he dies happily.

Love really makes people stupid, but he is willing to.

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