Wu Yi has checked most parts of Utopia, even the previous cloud tower. Unfortunately, there is nothing there. Wu Yi can only skim his mouth. There is nothing that can make Utopia come true.

In this case, she should go to Xiaojin. Wu she is very clear that Utopia is something that the animal God left to Yin Zhu. The animal God must leave some hands and feet. If there is something, only Yin Zhu can trigger it. So the best way is to follow Yin Zhu and grab it when there is something good. Does Sophie get any benefit from it?

Thinking that her strength is not as good as that of a orc, Wu Yi feels that her heart is blocked. In addition, Qingling arranges her task to be close to Xiaojin.

I've known Yin Zhu for a long time. Every time I meet him, I'm just in a hurry. Wu Yao also wants to get in touch with Yin Zhu to see what kind of person he is. Moreover, according to Qingling, Xiao Jin is afraid that he has been accepted by Yin Zhu. It's only a short time. Wu Yao has been with Xiao Jin for a while, not to mention Xiao Jin's arrogance, But Xiaojin was also very cold. She didn't see so many people in the temple. Because she woke up Xiaojin, xiaojincai spent a little time on her, and other people didn't pay attention to her.

"Xiao Jin, I finally found it." Wu Ji was very happy when he saw Xiao Jin.

Yinzhu and xiaojinyuan were still talking about astronomy and geography. They talked nonsense. As a result, they got through without any grievance. They felt that Yinzhu robbed her things. Not to mention Xiaojin, Yinzhu felt embarrassed.

"How did you get in?" Yin Zhu is very puzzled. She has clearly sealed the way for Utopia to come in, and how does this Wuhe come in.

"Because Xiaojin has my strength, I come in with the help of Xiaojin's traction and array." For this point, Wu she didn't lie. Now that she wants to follow Yin Zhu and Xiao Jin, she naturally needs to win their trust.

"What can I do for you?" Xiaojin still has a special feeling for Wuhu. This person is the first person he sees when he opens his eyes, and Wuhu gives him the strength to wake him up. At the beginning, he always has a shadow in his mind. He mistook the shadow for Wuhu before, but now he knows that it is the last hint left by Jono, and it is Yin Zhu's shadow.

"Xiaojin, Shifu doesn't want me. I have nothing to go." Wu said that he was suddenly very wronged and lowered his head, then pretended to be very helpless.

"What do you mean?" Yin Zhu can't help frowning at this time. What's the meaning of Wu Yi's coming to find Xiao Jin at this time? Is Xiao Jin in charge?

"Shifu still knows that I let you go secretly. Master Qingling is very angry. Shifu drives me out of the temple to protect my life. I don't know where to go. I have no place to go in the orc mainland, so I come to you." Wu Ji takes a careful look at Yin Zhu, and then looks at Xiao Jin begging.

Xiao Jin frowned and told the truth when he heard this. For a long time, Wu Hu was good for him. Even when he was about to be married to Sophie, Wu Hu also helped to give advice. Now Wu Hu has nowhere to go because of his own reasons. If he drives people away at this time, I'm afraid everyone will say he's cold.

Wu Yu is a female. He is a male with his beloved Yin Zhu beside him. It's really nondescript to follow a female, so Yin Zhu will be angry after seeing it.

What's more, Qingling and Yinzhu are mortal enemies. Xiaojin doesn't know if Wuyu is really driven away. Maybe Wuyu won't hurt himself, but it may not hurt Yinzhu. Xiaojin doesn't dare to gamble on this.

"Wu Yu, I thank you for letting me know at the beginning, but I have no future. It's useless for you to follow me. Your ability is so strong. Even if you go to any tribe, they will give you up." Xiao Jin hesitated for a moment and said.

Wu Yu almost didn't drop her tears when she heard this, but she secretly hated that Yin Zhu really had a way to teach Xiao Jin to be such a loyal dog in a short time.

"But I don't know any of them. I don't want to be with them. Can't I follow you, Kim? " Wu Yu said very wrongly.

Xiao Jin hesitates when he hears this. He doesn't care about Wu Hu. He drives Wu Hu away by force. Some of Xiao Jin can't do it, but Wu Hu wants to stay here. After thinking for a while, Xiao Jin hesitates and looks at Yin Zhu, worried that Yin Zhu has nothing to do with himself.

Yin Zhu didn't intervene in this matter and left it to Xiao Jin from the beginning to the end. Yin Zhu said that if Wu Yao wanted to have any plans for Xiao Jin, he was afraid that he had used the wrong means. Xiao Jin only had three months. After three months, Wu Yao's plans were all in vain. If Wu Yao knew what Xiao Jin had promised, he would not be sitting here She has been calculating for a long time in Utopia, but she has not found anything useful. If Wu she can find it, it is Wu she is very powerful, and Yin Zhu is not jealous. Besides, Wu she comes here not to kill herself. Since her life is safe, why don't she leave people behind? She also wants to see what Wu she wants to do.If you want to say that Wu Jia really came to take refuge with Xiao Jin, Yin Zhu didn't believe a word. He didn't come early or late. Hum.

"Since people are lonely and helpless, just stay. Anyway, there is a place to live in this utopian city." Yin Zhu rolled his eyes.

However, it was a very beautiful day, because there was one more Wuyu. I'm afraid it will change in the future.

When Xiao Jin heard Yin Zhu's reply, he was very happy, "thank you, Yin Zhu."

At this time, Xiao Jin also wants to understand that no matter what reason Wu she wants to follow her, she only has three months to live now. It's time to take good care of Wu she. It's a reward for her kindness.

Wu she was very happy to hear that she could stay. She looked at the room where Yin Zhu lived. There was room in it, but Yin Zhu didn't pay attention to her at all. Instead, she said simply, "Saint Wu, I don't like to live with strangers, do you mind?"

Wu Jia wants to answer that she really cares. She just wants to live with Yin Zhu. But looking at Yin Zhu's expression, I'm afraid that if she dares to say she wants to live in that house, Yin Zhu moves away immediately. She finally gets involved. It's not good to make Yin Zhu feel disgusted. There's not only one house beside the lake. If you choose one nearby, you can monitor Yin Zhu very well .

It's flexible. When Xiao Jin heard this, he was absolutely uninterested, so he could rest assured that there would be no conflict between Yin Zhu and Wu Yu. In addition, it would be inconvenient for him and Yin Zhu to live in multiple houses.

Originally, I wanted to have a good chat with Yin Zhu, but no one came, all this can only be suspended.

"That house is still very dirty. You'd better clean it up quickly." Xiao Jin simply sent away the Wu who sat on one side.

Wu she still has a lot to say, but she doesn't find that Xiao Jin drives her away directly. When Yin Zhu sees Wu she's black face, he can't help laughing in his heart. Originally, because Wu she came here, his unhappy heart is gone.

Xiaojin looks at Wuji and walks away. At this time, he moves his butt and is ready to lean on Yinzhu. Yinzhu pushes Xiaojin directly. "He has no bones. He can't sit straight."

At this time, Xiaojin can't help but feel full of resentment in his heart. Originally, Yin Zhu still let him rely on him. As a result, nothing has been left since he had no money.

In recent days, Yin Zhu's attitude towards himself is in the eye of Xiao Jin, which is softening little by little. Although he has the feeling of guilt to make up for it, he is willing to be so careful, because it is clearly given to him, not because of Jono, not because of the stand in. Besides, Xiao Jin is sure to wait for three months, so that Yin Zhu clearly loves himself, and the result is good Wu Ji has come. His previous hard work has been washed away.

Wu Yu, what are you doing here? Just come later. At least wait for Yin Zhu to be interested in you.

But at this time, Xiao Jin had already practiced his skill of no face and no face. He leaned on Yin Zhu and said, "well, I don't have any bones. After a hard day, my bones are all sour and I can't sit still."

Xiaojin now finds that another characteristic of Yin Zhu is that he only has to work hard during the day and shout tired at night. No matter how much dissatisfaction Yin Zhu has, he will endure and feel sorry for himself. In the past, being stupid and strong alone is stupid.

Hearing what Xiao Jin said, Yin Zhu couldn't help getting angry. "Can I blame this? Who told you to hunt as hard as you can? What are you doing with so many prey? We can't finish it. Do you have to work as hard as you can? " Think of Xiaojin as long as there is nothing to go hunting desperately, although those prey can exist in her backpack, not waste, but they do not lack food, there is no need to work so hard.

When Xiao Jin heard this, he couldn't help humming, "of course, I'll work hard. I'll save more food for you. In the future, I won't be able to hunt for you. If you have any prey, you can remember me as soon as you eat it."

When Yin Zhu heard this, he twisted Xiaojin's waist. This guy doesn't look like Jono at all. Jono doesn't have so much money.

However, Yin Zhu is still a little sad to hear that Xiaojin is using such words. Xiaojin will be gone because of Jono. "I will remember you all my life, and I will never forget you."

"You swear?" Xiao Jin took the opportunity to ask.

"I swear." Yin Zhu said with certainty.

When Xiao Jin heard this, he laughed happily, "Yin Zhu, I'm so happy. Even if you let me die now, I'm willing."

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