Yin Zhu knew that Xiao Jin had no feelings for Wu she, just because Wu she let him come to this world and was grateful for Wu she. But in the early morning, when he saw Wu she sitting beside Xiao Jin and talking with smile, Yin Zhu was not happy.

Yin Zhu doesn't think that Wuyao really came to take refuge with Xiaojin because he was homeless. To put it bluntly, Xiaojin is not a good target. He even has no future. Xiaojin has a lot of things to carry on him. What kind of person does Wuyao want to find? If he wants to find Xiaojin, it's nonsense. Wuyao's own strength is high, it's not at all The kind of female that can't survive without a male.

For those who calculate themselves, it's strange that Yin Zhu is in a good mood.

Wuyu must have a purpose, but Xiaojin didn't drive him away because he felt in debt, and Yinzhu owed Xiaojin, so Yinzhu didn't ask Wuyu to leave.

What Yin Zhu didn't know was that in the morning, as soon as Wu Hu sat next to Xiao Jin, Xiao Jin warned Wu Hu, "Wu Hu, I like Yin Zhu very much. You must not hurt Yin Zhu, or I will be rude to you, even if you are my benefactor. I'm very grateful to you. If you want me to do anything for you, you can tell me that you couldn't hurt Yin Zhu at the beginning. "

Wu Yu felt confused when she heard this. She either loved Xiao Jin or felt that she was at a loss. At the beginning, she would spend her strength to help Xiao Jin sort out her energy, so she wanted to find a good man? As a result, the man was abducted not long ago. Although it was the result of her indulgence, Wu she was still very unwilling. What's good about Yin Zhu? He won Xiaojin so easily.

What's more, Xiaojin warns herself for Yinzhu's sake. Obviously, Xiaojin doesn't trust her. Thinking of what Qingling asked her to do, Wufen doesn't have any confidence in her. Xiaojin doesn't trust her at all. What can she do?

"Xiao Jin, you don't believe me. I said before that I just came to you. How could I hurt Yin Zhu?" No one is helpless.

Unfortunately, Xiao Jin didn't pay much attention to him at all. Instead, he directly divided half of his prey to Wu Hu, "take it back and cook it, and I'll send you a copy of it later." Anyway, didn't Wu Wei come to himself? Then he will get food for her within his ability.

Wu Yi looks at the half piece of wild animal meat placed at her feet. Jude is very angry. Is she just short of this meat? If she wants this thing, she can catch it by herself. She can run to the front of Xiaojin to ask for prey.

Xiaojin just doesn't like Duoli himself. Xiaojin can't help his breath when he sees Wuji's face changing. Wuji used to treat him very well, at least he hasn't played a trick. Now he has to swallow what he says. It's hard for her.

He has only three months now. He doesn't have a lot of time to get along with Wu he. When he has time, he still wants to think about how to stand by Yin Zhu's side.

In the evening, when there was no one, Xiao Jin communicated with Jono again, especially about the problem of Wu he. This person didn't think it thoroughly enough, so many people would discuss it.

Qiao Nuo's first opinion to Xiao Jin is that he must be righteous and say no to Wu, and never let Wu have an opportunity to take advantage of it. What Yin Zhu hates most is people who are half hearted. Yin Zhu thinks that Xiao Jin has feelings for Wu, and Yin Zhu absolutely does not want to be a third party. Because of this, Xiao Jin resolutely refuses. Maybe others can misunderstand him, and then he slowly refuses I don't have so much time to misunderstand, so Xiao Jin is so impolite in the morning.

Since there is a dangerous person around Yin Zhu, Qiao Nuo naturally wants Xiao Jin to see Wu's real intention clearly. In fact, Xiao Jin will pay special attention to Wu's attitude and tone of speech.

Of course, after all these things are done, there is also how to ask Xiaojin to deal with Yin Zhu.

Jono is very good. He really gives advice to him, and it's still a good idea. Sometimes Jin can't understand how Jono is so generous. He can't do it.

As soon as Yin Zhu came out, Xiao Jin noticed that Yin Zhu had some sullen faces. Xiao Jin couldn't help but wonder if Yin Zhu would also care about himself because he was angry and jealous when he saw Wu?

Thinking of this, Xiaojin can't help but feel that his heart is about to fly. He quickly stood up and happily took Yin Zhu's hand. "Yin Zhu, come and sit down. Breakfast will be ready soon."

Looking at Wu Mo, who was reluctant to leave, Xiao Jin didn't drive him away. His words had been so clear before. If Wu Mo still didn't understand, don't blame him.

"Come on, Yinzhu, would you like to have a hot one?" Xiao Jin Ma Liu filled a bowl of soup, and then very attentively prepared to feed Yin Zhu.

Yin Zhu didn't know whether she was stimulated by the scene she saw before. She opened her mouth to eat. When she swallowed the soup in her mouth, she felt embarrassed. Her face turned red. Her hands and feet were in good condition. What's the matter with being waited on at this time.

"I'll do it myself." Yin Zhu grabs the bowl in Xiaojin's hand in a hurry, and then gululu's bowl of soup goes down. As for whether the taste is hot or not, she has forgotten.

After eating all of them, she felt a little pain in her mouth. At this time, Yin Zhu wanted to cry without tears. Recently, she was really stupid.Wu Yi looked at the two people as if no one else were showing their love. Just as she didn't exist, it was useless for her to continue to sit there. Looking at this, she couldn't help stepping on the half piece of meat that Xiao Jin threw to her, and then turned to go out.

Yin Zhu looked at Wu Qi and left, and then looked at the ground was trampled dirty meat, can't help but very distressed, "this Wu Qi what to do to waste food." In the orc continent, the most valuable food is food. The food is brought back by the orcs at risk and must not be wasted.

At this time, Yin Zhu turned his head and looked at Xiao Jin, "is this OK?"

Xiao Jin shook his head at this time. "It's OK, Yin Zhu. Don't worry about her. Just wait for her to understand."

As long as Wu Hu is harmless to Yin Zhu, he will finally find a way to help her. Although his return is different from Wu Hu's new life, he will try his best to see if other aspects can help her. As for other things, he can only say sorry.

Yin Zhu tilted his head to look at Xiao Jin at this time. He didn't expect that Xiao Jin was smart enough to understand. The most important thing is that he could understand in the game. I'm afraid it would be very difficult for him to do that.

"Well, after eating, we'll go for a walk in the back mountain." There are some new plants in the back mountain of Utopia, and many of them are edible. Yin Zhu estimates that these plants should have been planted by Utopians. Yin Zhu has found a way to collect some plants, which can be planted after leaving Utopia. These foods should be good things accumulated by early people's wisdom.

Of course, Yin Zhu has not yet been able to find a staple food that can replace meat, such as flour and rice. In this world, Yin Zhu has been to many places. In her dreams, Yin Zhu wants to find these staple foods. In her dreams, she is so greedy that she is about to drool. Unfortunately, she has not been able to find any staple food. This is Yin Zhu's biggest loss.

The back mountain of Utopia is very big, one by one. Yin Zhu hasn't checked many places, so he doesn't know if there are any new varieties. However, Utopia is a good place for tribes to live. There are many animals and many edible substances in the back mountain. Yin Zhu is already thinking about whether to move the people of daze tribe, of course Certainly not all of them can come here, but we can consider bringing in the core personnel first.

Yin Zhu stands up and walks with Xiao Jin. Wu Yi looks at the two people running side by side. He can't help biting his teeth. He still follows up. The city has been looking for many times, but he hasn't found anything good. Maybe there are still good things in the mountain. Otherwise, why does Yin Zhu persevere in searching here and refuse to leave.

Wu Yi doesn't know the agreement between Xiao Jin and Yin Zhu. She thinks that Yin Zhu has been staying in Utopia and doesn't want to leave. Then there must be something very important to Yin Zhu, who is still in Utopia. Otherwise, Yin Zhu will have free time to have a love talk with Xiao Jin here.

No one knows that the most impossible answer is the answer. The reason why Yin Zhu went out with him was that he just wanted to collect species, especially some high-yield species, which would be a precious wealth for every poor tribe.

Yin Zhu and Xiao Jin both know about Wu she who follows behind them, but Wu she doesn't have any extreme behavior. If it's just surveillance, let her go. Anyway, they have nothing to do, that is, they scatter dog food. Wu she won't be embarrassed when she sees it. What are they embarrassed about.

Then Wu Yi saw that Yin Zhu had nothing to do with picking wild vegetables and making flowers. He was very free. He felt like a wild crane. He was too leisurely.

This day and two days are like this, Wu Yi's brows are about to wrinkle up, Yin Zhu is really free, of course, Wu Yi also knows that this is probably Yin Zhu made to see for themselves, after all, there is a good baby will not let themselves find, she wants not to follow, and afraid that Yin Zhu really secretly got the baby, but this is not the way to follow every day.

Later, Wu Yao pretends to relax her vigilance to see if Yin Zhu and Xiao Jin will act secretly. Then Wu Yao finds that no matter day or night, Yin Zhu and Xiao Jin live a very regular life, that is, they hunt and pick every day, then come back to show their love, and do nothing else.

There's nothing wrong with Yinzhu and Xiaojin. However, because they are worried about Yinzhu's stealing in the middle of the night, they can't sleep well, so they are haggard.

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