Tengxiao originally wanted to stay in the tribe for more time, but he couldn't sit still when he thought of Mengtai. As for Sophie's reply to Daze tribe at this time, it must have been unkind. People in daze tribe don't know Sophie's strength, and Tengxiao he made it clear that only himself and baikun can compete with her, but baikun didn't do it at all FA went out. Of course, there are many people in daze tribe, so we can use more people to kill Sophie, but the cost is too high.

Sophie's heart is too cruel. Thinking of Yutian tribe, Tengxiao absolutely can't accept such a cancer to stay in daze tribe. After thinking about it, Tengxiao wants to leave, at least get Sophie away, and absolutely can't leave people here.

After deciding this matter, Tengxiao is ready to be swept up. As long as he finds Sophie, let him deal with it.

Montaigne promised that this matter really needs to be solved. Montaigne also doesn't understand how Sophie, who was a little wayward in the past, became such a ruthless person now.

Montaigne didn't hide what he was going to do, and soon the Argonauts and Daisy's family knew about it.

After knowing this, Yager felt very guilty. It was obvious that the patriarch had already known his mistake. Thinking of this, Yager could not help pleading guilty to Mengtai. As for bypassing Sophie, Yager did not dare to ask. If he spared Sophie, what would those people who died because of Sophie do? He just knelt down in front of Montaigne.

Montaigne saw the man kneeling in front of him, and Yager knew that kneeling in front of him was not hopeless. How could such a good man meet Sophie?

"Go to the altar and kneel for three days." Montaigne said coldly.

Yager knew that Montaigne punished himself. Even if it was over, he didn't dare to quibble and went to get the punishment.

As for daisy and her husband, they didn't have the same experience as Yager. At this time, they wanted to know how to communicate with Sophie.

Daisy is very clear that Sophie's mistake is too big. The tribe will not bypass Sophie. The best way is to let Sophie leave. Daisy also knows that Sophie deserves to die, but no matter how she deserves to die, it's her child. If she can, she would rather die for Sophie.

"Jila, let's go to Sophie and ask her to leave soon, OK?" Daisy looked at Jila pleadingly.

Jila looked at Daisy sadly and shook her head. "Daisy, this thing can't be done unless we don't plan to survive in daze tribe. We have other children besides Sophie." If the clan leader doesn't know about this, he can still persuade them. Unfortunately, if the clan leader knows about it, he will betray the clan. Besides, if they met Sophie before, they were afraid that they had already implicated Yager, and the clan leader didn't know how to punish them.

"But we can't watch Sophie die. Jila, if we don't do harm to the tribe, how can we be considered a traitor? What punishment will the patriarch have? Let's help her to bear it. You say it's OK." Daisy looked at Jila with tears in her eyes.

Jila is very upset by Daisy. He doesn't care what he says now, but it's his child no matter what. If Sophie is smart, they should leave immediately when they know her existence, instead of staying outside.

"Jila, please, Sophie. She's become a ORC. She's been punished." Daisy said with grief.

Jila sighed helplessly when she heard this, "Daisy, you're embarrassing me."

Daisy's other friends are also persuading daisy. If it's for Daisy's sake, they can do it, but it's not worth it for Sophie's unfilial daughter. Besides, they can't all carry the pot for Sophie's sake. This time, Montaigne won't punish them. Just driving them out of daze tribe will be enough for them to drink Now it's going to be winter. If they are driven away at this time, they will die.

Daisy looked at her friends sadly. "You don't want to help me, do you? Maybe the patriarch may not know. Let's hurry to pass on a message. "

Jila looked at Daisy's perseverance, sighed deeply, then held daisy in her arms, "I'll go, you don't go." He didn't want Daisy to cry so much. Besides, he wanted to go. Maybe this was the last time. His father really had to bear the responsibility for his children's failure to teach them well.

When the garbage said that they would go, the other partners also said that they would go. After all, it was a disaster. They wanted to share the responsibility with Daisy, but Jila refused. "No, I'll do it. You don't want to do it."

Jila has already thought that if the patriarch finds out his guilt, he will bear it by himself. However, Jila is most worried that Sophie will not listen to her advice.

Think about this daughter. He didn't persuade her. The first time Jones died, he advised her. It's a pity that Sophie always thought she was smart and could escape. As a result, she hurt others and herself more.

Daisy wanted to say something more, and Jila stopped her. "It's more convenient and faster for me to take you alone. It's better to catch up with the patriarch before they arrive. It's not safe outside."Jila thought, if the situation is out of control, the thing she expected will happen. It's better not to let Daisy see those horrible pictures. Daisy is always timid.

"You, wait for me at home. You guys take care of daisy." Jila turned and walked out quickly.

Daisy watched Jila go away and then sit down worried. She was very upset. She always felt that something big was going to happen.

Mengtai naturally knows what happened to Jila's family. Watching Jila leave the tribe quickly to inform Sophie, Mengtai is still disappointed. For Jila's family, apart from not letting them contact the management of the tribe, Mengtai doesn't treat them lightly because of Sophie. Sophie didn't punish them for killing Yin Zhu by their hands, because that's not good It's their subjective fault, but now they choose to betray the tribe because of Sophie. As a person who harms the tribe, Montaigne will never allow Sophie to stay.

As for the daiskira family, let's hand it over to the tribe's people for trial. Montaigne can bypass them once, because he understands their parents' heart, but he can't understand them twice. Daze tribe doesn't need such people.

As soon as jilla left, Montaigne followed him with his men.

Jila didn't see Sophie before, so he didn't know where Sophie was, and didn't know if Sophie had changed places. He had to go to the previous place to try his luck.

"Sophie, where are you? You go, leave here, clan leader, they have brought people to hang you. You run away, leave daze tribe, and don't come back, don't come back. " Jila began to shout, hoping Sophie would hear her voice and leave quickly.

Sophie really did not leave, she is not reconciled, and she is very clear that her strength is high, as long as she does not meet the strength of the high, want to escape, or very easy.

At this time, when she heard Jila's cry, she didn't understand. It must be the actions behind Yager and Jila that exposed herself. It's really annoying. Waste is a lot of trouble. But Jila ignored everything to help Sophie, which made Sophie's cold heart warm.

Even if you know what it's like for Montaigne to bring people to encircle and suppress her, she still has more than 50 bodyguards around her. Isn't it a joke to ask her to retreat like this? Even Qingling is afraid that she is useless. Although she seems to be very powerful now, she is also standing on the cliff. Mengtai actually comes here in person. If she can catch Mengtai, daze tribe will be in chaos. If she can kill him, Yinzhu will be in agony.

"Sophie, do you want to listen to your father again? Do you want to listen to him for the last time? Go, leave here and never come back. OK, OK." Gila's voice was almost imploring.

It's a pity that only the cold wind answered him, and he walked alone, not far away, you can see people from daze tribe coming here.

Jila couldn't help but sneer at this. When he came to do it, he didn't want to hide it. Besides, the patriarch he and Daisy had done before also knew it.

Soon, Montaigne and Jila met. Looking at Jila standing in front of him, Montaigne looked at Jila coldly, "Jila, do you know what you are doing?"

"I know." Jila's voice was very low.

Jila's words made both sides silent for a while, and then Jila slowly said, "I know I shouldn't, but I'm her father. No matter how many sins she has, I'll help her atone."

"You can't afford it." Meng Tai said angrily.

"Ha ha." Jila tried to pull out a smile, but it was worse than crying.

"Patriarch, I know you want Sophie's life. That's simple. One life for another, OK?" Jila burst out laughing, then took out a sharp dagger and slashed it at her throat.

"Stop it." Montaigne was surprised to see this. Then the artery was cut, and the blood gushed out like a spring.

At this time, Jila squeezed her throat, looked at the woods in the distance, and murmured, "Sophie, listen." The voice was not very loud, but everyone in the room heard what he said.

With these words, Jila looked at Montaigne pleadingly, "patriarch, please..." He can't say the rest.

Montaigne can't help frowning at this. Seeing Jila like this, it's not good not to agree. But he doesn't want to let Sophie go.

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