Montaigne sighed, "OK, I promise you, as long as she doesn't come back to harm daze tribe, I will let her go." In the face of a person's dying begging, Montaigne has no way to refuse.

Gila is not bad, and Gila is not damned. It's all about Sophie.

Sophie, who was hiding in the jungle, naturally saw what happened here. When Jila came to ask her to leave, she didn't want to see if she had a chance to attack the Daze tribe. Unexpectedly, because of her hesitation, her father died and died like that.

Sophie always felt that her father and mother were not very good to her, at least not like other people's father and mother, so she didn't feel guilty even if she used them before. But when Jila died in front of her and died for her, Sophie felt for the first time that she had father's love, which was the deepest love, but she didn't understand.

"Father." Sophie couldn't help rushing out any more.

"Father." She knelt down in front of Jila and cried, and Montaigne and they didn't start at this time, just looked at Sophie coldly.

Jila looked at Sophie with sentimental eyes at this time. She thought she would never see Sophie. Fortunately, she could see Sophie at the last time. He had a lot to say, but he couldn't say a word.

Her own death can make Sophie appear, which shows that Sophie's child at least has parents and is not completely inhuman. I hope her death can make her change.

"You, you killed my father, I will kill you, kill you." Unfortunately, Jila's wish is disappointed. Sophie will never admit her mistake.

"Sophie, I'm for your father's sake. If you don't move now, it doesn't mean you can be presumptuous. For the last time, I warn you not to think about harming daze tribe when you leave daze tribe, otherwise daze tribe will never forgive you. You should be glad that you have a good father, but he is not lucky enough to have a good daughter. " Montaigne said coldly.

"Come on, take Gila's body back." Meng Tai orders his men lightly.

"Don't touch my father's body. Get out of here." Sophie looks resentfully at the people of daze tribe.

Montaigne saw Sophie's appearance and said, "enough, what kind of filial daughter do you want to pretend at this time? Jila is from daze tribe. Even if she dies, daze tribe will collect her body."

Sophie looks at Montaigne and bites her teeth. Unfortunately, she has no chance to attack Montaigne. As long as she dares to attack Montaigne, people from daze tribe will never keep their promise and will kill her. Montaigne and Tengxiao are all willing to kill her, but their hearts are softened because of their father's death. Maybe they will come back and kill her I'll settle with her. It seems that my method is useless.

After thinking about it, Sophie turned to leave first. Of course, she didn't leave the Luoyue mountains, but hid in the mountains and didn't come out for the time being. She had to think about what to do. Ning Wai was how to explain to Daisy.

Her mother is a female made of water. She doesn't know anything at all, but she still loves her. She just knows that Jila died for herself. Will she still love her?

Sophie is restless and walks around on the ground. In fact, all people think Sophie is cruel and cruel. However, Sophie still has feelings for daze tribe. Otherwise, if she wants to deal with daze supplement, Sophie can directly poison the water source. In that way, the whole daze tribe can't escape. Why should she attack daze tribe so hard and kill one or even a hundred people For Sophie, it's all killing, but killing, Sophie really didn't want to kill all the people in daze tribe.

Say Sophie is not human, but sometimes she will leave some thoughts for herself.

Father, why did you die for me? You don't think she is rubbish, but why are you willing to die for her rubbish?

A line of clear tears slowly from Sophie's tears, next to the guards at this time one by one very shocked, Sophie in their eyes is a pure female devil head, this female devil head all evil, kill without blinking an eye, can be such a person even can cry, who can let the big devil sad, this is a shocking news.

At this time, Montaigne took Gila back. Montaigne didn't say much. He just said the whole story, without any embellishment or cover up.

Daisy was staring at Jila, who was lying on the ground motionless, and then her tears fell. No wonder this guy didn't let her go out before. Originally, she had such a mind. If only she didn't ask him to save Sophie before, he never refused her request, and finally died under her request.

Daisy's other friends couldn't help but feel a little bit impatient. Of course, they were more worried that Montaigne would settle accounts with them. Sophie was really a pest. In the past, because of Daisy's relationship, they still loved her very much, but now they are deeply disgusted.

Even if they can be regarded as a family with Sophie, the whole family will also have conflicts, especially when Sophie's disaster affects innocent people. Without Sophie, they would have been the middle and lower management personnel of the tribe. How could they be an ordinary people now."Daisy, don't do that. It's Gila's decision. You should support his decision so that Gila can go safely." One of the partners comforted Jila, who cried even more.

"You've taken care of Jila's affairs. I won't hold you responsible for Jila's death this time, but if you still dare to communicate with those who endanger the tribe, don't blame me for being impolite." Meng Taileng, even if you forgive me, you have to beat their family, so that you won't do it again next time.

Besides, if Jila's death fails to awaken Sophie's conscience, Montaigne will not give Sophie another chance. Besides, this time he promised, he was ashamed of those people who died in the tribe. He will have to appease them later.

At this time, Sophie found the guard captain ziyao and asked in dismay, "what kind of person do you think I am?"

Ziyao couldn't help rolling his eyes when he heard this. He didn't know what he was? Recently, those little bodyguards have been spoiled by Sophie. Because of this, ziyao has to do ideological work one by one. For the first time, Sophie asked herself what this means? It's not his idea, is it? In that case, he would definitely teach Sophie how to recognize reality.

Ziyao's disdainful look made Sophie know what kind of existence she was in those people's minds. Sophie sneered, "I'm so different from Yin Zhu?"

Ziyao almost didn't laugh when he heard this. There is no comparability in this matter. Although he thinks that the reason is the masters, Yin Zhu is at least of character. As for Sophie, does she have this thing?

Sophie thought quietly at this time. After a long time, Sophie looked up at ziyao and said, "if I want to change, can I still have time?"

Ziyao almost didn't let Sophie's words scare him to death. The devil's brain is not normal. He has been stimulated. Otherwise, how can he say such words? It seems that Sophie is deeply stimulated by today's suicide scene.

"If you change, what do you change? If the master needs an executioner, you can only be an executioner." Ziyao can still guess what Qingling means, so Sophie says she wants to change it. Where can she find such a good executioner.

"Don't worry. I know about Yin Zhu." Sophie said coldly, but Jila's last eyes flashed in her heart.

Daze tribe is not only Yinzhu's, but also Jila's daze tribe, so she can't destroy it, at least Daisy is still living in it. If Jila has anything to worry about before she dies, it's her own daisy. So when she has no absolute ability to give Daisy happiness, she can't destroy Daze tribe, she should ensure Daisy's happiness.

As for destruction, there is no need. When she is strong enough, let these daze tribe people live and then respect themselves. That is the biggest punishment for them.

Sophie really wants to change this time, just because of Gila. Of course, as the enemy of life and death, Yin Zhu will not give up. However, she has already figured out that she can deal with Yin Zhu, and she can also use inferior means, but she can only deal with Yin Zhu's relatives. As for those people, it's better to let them go. They have no big weight, and they are responsible for killing.

"Go, go to Utopia." Wu Yi can find a way to enter Utopia, so can she. This array is originally arranged by people. It is impossible to have no solution, but it is more difficult, and she has to face the difficulties.

Later, Sophie and ziyao learned some basic skills and knowledge of the temple. Now she only has strength, but no relevant knowledge. It's useless. She has to constantly enrich herself. Only in this way can she compete with Yin Zhu. She doesn't want to be oppressed by Yin Zhu all her life.

Ziyao looks at Sophie like a fool. Sophie has really changed. Sophie is willing to learn. It's frightening. Of course, what's more important is that Sophie's learning speed is really fast, and she's not fishing for three days. She's really hardworking.

Ziyao took a serious look at Sophie for the first time. This woman has changed from the inside. If Sophie can only be regarded as a gangster before, now Sophie can really be Yin Zhu's opponent. He can understand why Qingling takes a fancy to Sophie.

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