As time goes by, it's soon agreed that more than two and a half months have passed since three months. At the beginning, Wu she will follow Yin Zhu and Xiao Jin. I don't know how, but she doesn't follow any more. Instead, she lives a casual life. She meets occasionally, but she doesn't chat much. Yin Zhu thought Wu she would do something to herself and Xiao Jin, but she doesn't know what to do It's strange that nothing has been said.

Yin Zhu thinks that this saint is strange, but people no longer have their own troubles, and Yin Zhu will not go to other people's troubles for no reason. Yin Zhu doesn't know that the reason why Wu Yi has such a change is because he talked with Xiao Jin before.

Wu she didn't want to betray, but she did see that there was no treasure in this utopia, and Yin Zhu and Xiao Jin were just living. In this case, why should she be so tight? She might as well relax and relax.

She was a saint since she was a child. For various reasons, she didn't have a good rest and kept forcing herself. She was afraid that she would not do well. However, she didn't dare to think of such a relaxed life before, but such a life would be memorable. Maybe there would be no such day after she left this utopia.

For such a long time, Yin Zhu really gave up everything and lived with Xiao Jin. They took care of each other and lived together. However, they didn't break that layer of paper. There was still a die-cutting relationship between the two people, like very familiar friends and relatives.

But Xiaojin doesn't want to wait any longer. He only has seven or eight days. If he can't ask clearly, he's really not willing to. Although his spirit can be preserved because of the seal of Qingling, his power is lost. It's hard for him to think about it in the future. Now I don't know when to wait.

"Yin Zhu, do you like me more?" Xiaojin smiles and leans on Yin Zhu. This guy finds that Yin Zhu is very soft hearted, so what he is good at is Sarai. With Jono's guidance, Xiaojin can say that he has a good grasp of Yin Zhu, which is not boring and just right.

"Yes." Yin Zhu smiles tenderly. Xiao Jin's mind is very clear. In the past two months of silent care, how can she not have feelings? Just thinking that Xiao Jin will die sooner or later, Yin Zhu's heart can't help trembling.

Is it a good deal to trade little gold for Jono? Yin Zhu thinks about it, but she still wants Qiao Nuo to come back. Although she has feelings for Xiao Jin, she can't be as deep as Qiao Nuo. If there is a way, it would be better. But in this world, you can't have both. Yin Zhu now finds that she has become very greedy. She never dared to expect several people around her before, but now she gradually gets used to it West, not only can not hold on, just like a flood out of control.

"It's very kind of you, Yin Zhu." Xiaojin is very happy to get the answer she wants.

Yin Zhu felt even worse when she saw Xiao Jin's contentment. She wanted to be a mean fisherman and let Xiao Jin take the bait willingly, but she didn't give him what he expected most. Thinking of this, Yin Zhu felt that her heart was very uncomfortable. In this love journey, she always thought that she could stick to it, but she just gave Xiao Jin a thought, but she fell down, In fact, she lost at the beginning, because she couldn't bear it, and then it turned into heartache.

"I'm sorry, Kim." Yin Zhu suddenly opened his mouth.

Xiao Jin was stunned when she heard this, and then looked at Yin Zhu in surprise. Yin Zhu said sorry to himself because he liked him from his heart? That's why I'm sorry?

At this time, Xiaojin happily held Yinzhu in his arms and gently touched Yinzhu's long hair, "you don't have to say sorry to me. This body is Jono's, I just borrow it to use it. I'm very satisfied to know you. Of course, if you love me, I'll be more satisfied."

When Yin Zhu heard this, her tears almost didn't fall down. She grabbed the hide in front of Xiao Jin with her hands and said with some complaints, "Xiao Jin, why do you want to provoke me? If you don't provoke me, I won't be sad. I'll kill you directly."

When Xiao Jin heard Yin Zhu's words, he just reached out and gently touched Yin Zhu's hair, which could let Yin Zhu show his heart. He was enough. He knew very well that there was a deep relationship between people. Even if Yin Zhu fell in love with himself, he couldn't compare with Jono. Moreover, Yin Zhu was looking forward to Jono's return, and he didn't want to disappoint Yin Zhu.

"I'm not good enough to make you sad, but you don't have to be sad, Yin Zhu. I won't disappear. I'm still here, so you don't have to be sad." Xiaojin doesn't want Yinzhu to think that he is dead and miserable, so he quickly tells Qingling about the seal. Although after that, he is afraid that he will fall asleep and it's not so easy to wake up again, who can make Yinzhu a beast God? Maybe Yinzhu has a way to save himself.

Yin Zhu is overjoyed when she hears Xiao Jin's words. What she fears most is that there is no hope. As long as there is hope, she will not despair at least. Anyway, she has enough on her back, and she doesn't mind adding one more person. Bai Kun, Lei he and Xiao Jin have worked hard to save her relatives and friends.

But how can Qingling do such a thing? It's just right? Is there such a good thing? But now even if it's a trap, Yin Zhu will step in.Although Yin Zhu is not very smart, he has understood for a long time that there is something wrong with Qingling. Normally, people who are hostile to life and death should be constantly suppressed. However, Qingling just harasses people like Sophie. When Yin Zhu got the staff, he thought it was really arranged by the beast God, but now he wants to understand, At that time, the beast God should have let himself leave.

What does Qingling want to do and what kind of person is Qingling? Yin Zhu thinks that she is a little confused. Beina's memory should be a gentle and intelligent elder martial sister, but this elder martial sister killed her master. All this is a mystery. Yin Zhu thinks that she has many doubts, and she can't understand them.

Maybe she can talk to Qingling in the temple. She used to be careful that Qingling would kill herself. Now that she knows that Qingling will not kill herself, Yin Zhu really wants to go back to Qingling to have a talk.

"What are you thinking, Yin Zhu?" Looking at Yin Zhu's meditation, Xiao Jin can't help asking.

When Yin Zhu heard this, he shook his head. Xiaojin didn't have much time, and Yin Zhu didn't want to add trouble to Xiaojin. Moreover, Xiaojin had no way to answer this question. After all, Xiaojin had limited knowledge.

Xiao Jin knows what Yin Zhu must be trying to write, but Yin Zhu doesn't want to say it, and Xiao Jin doesn't want to. Anyway, he's like this now, even if it's related to himself. In the future, it's OK for Jono to carry everything. He gives Jono everything, so Jono should solve the problem.

"Yin Zhu, I've sorted out all the good animal teeth I've hunted in Utopia. Shall I string you a necklace?" Animal teeth can be said to be the best spoils of the male, generally they will give their best spoils to their partner, Xiaojin this is also a subtle proposal.

Yin Zhu saw Xiaojin looking forward to him, and then nodded for sure, "in addition to the necklace, I also want a beautiful animal skin skirt, and flowers." Yin Zhu is not polite to say what he wants.

Hearing this, Xiao Jin's eyes laughed so much that the water inside was about to come out, "OK, I'll make the best skirt for Yin Zhu." This shows that Yin Zhu agreed.

Xiao Jin almost didn't hold Yin Zhu and cheered. What he had been looking forward to was still got. He wanted to cheer loudly so that everyone could know the joy in his heart. When Yin Zhu saw Xiao Jin's happy appearance, his guilt was diluted. He hoped that he could make up for Xiao Jin.

"I'm going to look for animal skin to make a skirt." Xiaojin happily ran out, but Jono said that at the beginning, he got Yin Zhu a hundred bird skirt, he can't get worse than Jono, but what's special?

Yin Zhu looked at Xiaojin's cheerful appearance, and some helplessly watched him go away. Xiaojin's temperament is really lively and good. He is really happy.

Xiaojin has gone out to prepare something for himself. Yin Zhu also plans to prepare something for Xiaojin. What can he give Xiaojin?

What is Kim doing at this time? Clothes, those beautiful animal skins, even if you make a skirt, it's not special enough. After thinking about it, Xiao Jin suddenly comes up with the idea of his own feathers. With his golden feathers, it must be beautiful to make a skirt. Besides, his feathers can be worn by Yin Zhu. Does that mean that he has been with Yin Zhu all the time?

It's not that you don't have to use your own feathers to make clothes for your partner. For example, snakes usually shed their own snakes to make clothes for their partner. It's light and comfortable. Birds occasionally lose their hair. It's OK to collect them to make clothes. You can pluck your own hair directly, probably only Xiaojin.

Fortunately, if you don't understand the main wings, you can regenerate them with more than half a month's effort. In addition, the bald bird is not yourself. So some dying Xiaojin quickly get down the fur on his body, and then quickly find a needle and thread to make a fur skirt. There is no magnetic help here, so he has to do everything by himself.

Xiao Jin thinks that he is more sincere than Jono. He made the clothes himself and Jono made them for others.

Jono didn't know that when he accepted that his body had become a bald bird, he didn't dare to become it for a long time. Of course, now he just felt a little cold...

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