When Xiaojin gave Yin Zhu the new clothes, Yin Zhu was attracted by the golden color at the first sight. It was made of whole pieces of golden feathers. It was very beautiful.

When Xiao Jin saw Yin Zhu's happy appearance, he was very happy. Sure enough, the clothes he made were the most beautiful. Yin Zhu liked them very much.

But Yin Zhu frowned after a while. This golden feathered bird is very rare. At least now she knows that golden winged Eagle has feathers of this color. It's not Xiaojin who got the feathers from her body.

"Where did the feather come from?" Yin Zhu asked Xiao Jin calmly.

Seeing that Yin Zhu's face was not very good, Xiao Jin said awkwardly, "you know, it's normal for birds to lose their hair. It's OK to lose some hair."

When Yin Zhu heard this, his eyebrows would turn into Sichuan characters. Is this a matter of losing some hair? This is to pull the whole body bald.

"Who told you to make clothes out of your own hair? What a fool you're making." Yin Zhu is not angry and says that she can bear to pull out a hair occasionally. The purpose of pulling out the hair is to make a beautiful skirt for herself. Thinking of this, Yin Zhu is not moved at all. She is so angry that she is going to find a stick to kill Xiao Jin. Do you have such trouble? Why don't you cherish yourself so much.

Xiaojin was very angry when he saw Yin Zhu. He didn't know what he had done wrong. He shrunk his neck and said stubbornly, "I don't think I can't be with you in the future. At least when you wear this dress in the future, it's like I'm still with you. At least when you wear this dress, you will think of me. Yin Zhu, I'm afraid, I'm afraid you'll forget I have so many males around you that one day someone will take my place. " Xiao Jin said something uncomfortable.

Yin Zhu wanted to punish Xiao Jin severely. When she heard this, she couldn't say any more blame. She looked at the poor little Jin, put her hand around him, buried her head in his arms, and then said, "how can I forget you? I will remember you all my life, you are you, no one can replace you. I'm just angry. Why don't you cherish yourself so much? How painful it is to pluck hair like this. "

Yin Zhu was very sorry for Xiaojin, but now it's because of Xiaojin's words.

"Well, Yin Zhu, remember what you said. You can't forget it." The little golden horse went up and demanded every detail.

"Well, I won't forget." Yin Zhu holds little Jin and sobs.

"Well, don't cry, Yin Zhu. I originally wanted to make you happy, not sad. Otherwise, Jono would have to settle with me." Xiaojin saw that Yinzhu was crying. He was in a mess. He didn't want to make Yinzhu sad, although saying that Yinzhu was sad means that he had his own heart.

"How can Jono settle with you?" Yin Zhu asked.

Xiao Jin wants to say that Jono can really find himself. As long as Jono absorbs his energy, his time with Yin Zhu will shrink. Now Jono's strength is growing, Xiao Jin feels that as long as Jono is willing, he can start to suppress him. Fortunately, Jono is still clear, so that he can get along with Yin Zhu in the last time.

The relationship between Xiaojin and Jono is either that the east wind overwhelms the west wind or the west wind overwhelms the east wind. Now Jono is powerful. Even if Jono doesn't want to absorb Xiaojin's power, he can't help but absorb it.

"Well, Yin Zhu, you didn't mean to give me a gift, just give it to me." Although Xiao Jin doesn't hate Jono, he doesn't want to talk about Jono with Yin Zhu in the last time, so he finds a topic and jumps over.

Yin Zhu probably knows something in her heart. She smiles and then waves to Xiao Jin, "close your eyes."

Xiaojin Yiyan nods and closes her eyes. Yinzhu looks at Xiaojin's quiet face. She can't tell who it is, but once those eyes are opened, she will know who they are.

At this time, Yinzhu gently stroked Xiaojin's face with both hands, and then slowly sent his red lips up.

Xiaojin first felt his hands holding him carefully, and then a soft thing stuck to his lips. He opened his eyes tremblingly and saw the enlarged face of Yin Zhu facing him.

"I give myself to you as a gift, OK." Yin Zhu's voice is small.

Xiaojin was stunned at first, and then hugged Yin Zhu, "this is the best gift I received, and also my favorite gift."

At this time, Yin Zhu leaned against Xiao Jin's arms, smiling coquettishly.

Yin Zhu looked at Xiaojin holding his jubilant look, don't care about forever, only care about once have? Yin Zhu now thinks that this is farting, she cares about forever, she is particularly greedy.

It's a pity that all the people who follow her are involved for various reasons. Is that fate? Yin Zhu gritted her teeth. She didn't believe in fate. She would change everything.

Wu Yi looks at Xiaojin holding Yinzhu and cheers. He can't help sighing. Xiaojin's breath is getting weaker and weaker. He's afraid that it will disappear soon. What kind of power makes Xiaojin not want his own life? He just dedicates to Yinzhu. What kind of magic power does Yinzhu have? All the males like her.Wu Yi wants to stop it, but it's Xiaojin's choice. Moreover, she doesn't know what Qingling wants her to do when she comes here, because Qingling says that as long as she harasses them, everything will be as she wishes.

And now she is not as the heart, sometimes really envy their feelings.

The life in Utopia is really addictive. It's quiet and makes people want to live in this paradise for a lifetime. All the troubles in the world have nothing to do with themselves. Unfortunately, this life is coming to an end soon.

These last few days can be said to be the crazy days for Yin Zhu and Xiao Jin. They don't go out hunting either. There is enough food in Yin Zhu's backpack, so they keep playing. They go wherever they have fun. They are very happy.

The appointed time still came. Xiaojin was sitting by the lake with Yinzhu in his arms. Xiaojin did nothing, just quietly holding Yinzhu, as if it were just like this.

Yin Zhu didn't speak either. She just quietly leaned against Xiao Jin's arms and enjoyed the warmth of the last moment.

Yin Zhu just sat quietly. He didn't know how long. He looked back and found that Xiao Jin was asleep. Looking at this familiar face, Yin Zhu slowly put his head up.

Yin Zhu was so motionless that he didn't go into the room to sleep, so he sat until dawn at night.

At the moment when the sun rose, Yin Zhu returned home and saw a pair of familiar eyes looking at him, "Yin Zhu, I miss you very much."

"Jono." Yin Zhu gave a loud cry, and then jumped into Jono's arms.

Clearly is the same embrace, but not the same taste.

Qiao Nuo talked and touched Yin Zhu's long soft hair. "Silly girl, you're working hard. I know what happened during this period."

"It's all your fault. Why do you swallow some animal pills? You don't know. When I heard the news of your death, I almost didn't go crazy. Do you know?" Yin Zhu kept beating Jono with both hands.

Qiao Nuo didn't dodge, so he stood there and beat Yin Zhu, "it's me who's not good. I don't think it's comprehensive. I just want to be strong. It's me who's not good." Of course, Jono knows how much Yin Zhu has suffered, and there is a little Jin in the middle. How can he not know Yin Zhu's suffering? It's because Xiao Jin's leaving, they don't say, but it doesn't mean she's not suffering.

"Woo woo." Yin Zhu beat a few times, then rushed to Jono's arms and cried loudly, as if to cry out the grievances of this period of time.

When Qiao Nuo heard Yin Zhu's depressed cry, he felt uncomfortable. He really choked Yin Zhu for a while.

Jono pats Yinzhu, who sobs slowly and falls asleep in Jono's arms. Yesterday, he didn't sleep all day, and now he is very happy and sad. It's good for Yinzhu to sleep. Jono gently hugs people into the room and then lies down to rest with Yinzhu. Since he has consciousness, he wants to do such a thing, and now he can do it.

Looking at Yin Zhu's sleeping face in his arms, Jono didn't feel sleepy. He finally woke up. He didn't want to sleep at all.

Outside Utopia, Tengxiao has been waiting outside for a long time, and Sophie is also waiting outside. During this period of time, Sophie and Tengxiao have had several fights. Recently, Sophie doesn't know what's going on, and the attacks are very crazy, even at the expense of both sides. Tengxiao has been injured several times because of this, but fortunately, the injury is not very serious. In addition, Tengxiao can fly, so he is very happy If she wants to hide, Sophie has nothing to do with him.

Moreover, Sophie is very strange now. It's reasonable to say that Sophie, who even ignores herself in the fight, is so cruel that she can't let go of those people from daze tribe and the people from surrounding small tribes. Instead, she goes to Tengxiao to fight, and the more frustrated she is, the more brave she is. Tengxiao wants to say whether Sophie is taking the wrong medicine.

This kind of Sophie is very powerful. Tengxiao even has the seed. If she doesn't run, she will be killed by Sophie. After all, one is not afraid of death, and the other is concerned about it. The effect of this desperate effort is much worse. I don't know if it is because Jila is dead.

But I didn't see that Sophie would change because of Jila's death. After all, Sophie had sent people to harm daze tribe before. At that time, didn't she think that her parents would be involved? At this time, he came to be filial, but Tengxiao didn't say these words.

Three months is coming. Yin Zhu and Xiao Jin will come out at any time. I don't know if Xiao Jin has returned his body to Jono as agreed. Besides, I have to worry about Sophie's counterattack. I really don't understand. Sophie's life knows that Yin Zhuke is still waiting for her, so she's not afraid that Yin Zhu will come out and deal with her?

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