"We're leaving, and you?" Yin Zhu looks at Wu Heng with some doubts. In fact, Wu Heng has always been very obvious before, that is, he has a purpose for them. However, after a period of time, he doesn't know why he suddenly changed. Then, until Qiao Nuo comes back, Wu Heng doesn't make any action.

Originally, Yin Zhu was a little disgusted with wuheng, but wuheng didn't do any action. She was embarrassed, so when she wanted to leave, she came to ask.

Wuheng looked at Jono intently at this time, and then sighed, "Xiaojin doesn't regret it, right?"

Jono nodded. "Yes, Kim said I'm sorry. He owes you. I'll pay it back for him later." Xiaojin owes wuheng. It can be said that wuheng has saved his life, and wuheng is sorry for wuheng Xiaojin because he is in this embarrassing situation. However, no matter how sorry he is, it is not as important as Yin zhulai.

"No, he didn't owe me. I didn't mean anything to him. Even at the beginning, I just wanted to take in a thug. If it wasn't for his strength, I wouldn't save him. I wasn't so kind as to save everyone." Wu Heng turned and left.

Yin Zhu looked at Jono at this time, and then said, "wuheng is not very bad, right."

"You look at the surface, but as long as she doesn't hit us, I won't go to her trouble." Jono points Yinzhu's nose. Yinzhu is not good at this point. If others treat her a little better, he will be moved. Later, he will keep a close eye on Yinzhu, so as not to cause a lot of trouble around him.

"Jono, are you all right?" To tell the truth, the switch between Jono and Xiaojin is too smooth, which makes Yin Zhu feel uneasy.

When Jono heard this, he laughed and rubbed Yinzhu's head. "It's OK. Don't worry." Jono also knows that Qingling will not be so kind as to leave a seal to protect Xiaojin. She must have a purpose, but he doesn't know what the purpose is, but now he doesn't want to worry Yin Zhu about unknown things.

"OK, we'll go back to Daze tribe when we leave here. OK, we've been away for a long time." Yin Zhu looks up at Jono.

Jono nodded. It's just winter. It's hard for them to get on the road, but they have strong strength, so there's no problem. Besides, it's going to be winter soon, so we should find a good place to have a good rest. Naturally, daze tribe is the best choice.

What's more, Yinzhu has arranged the things that Bena has arranged. Yinzhu plans to get out the books after returning to Daze tribe, and then spread the knowledge to the orc tribe with the help of daze tribe. After all, it's too slow for her to spread the knowledge by herself.

"Good." Jono also wants to go back to Daze tribe to have a look. He doesn't know what daze tribe has become in this year, and whether father and mother are getting old.

They looked at each other and laughed, then walked out hand in hand.

The entrance of Utopia suddenly gives out a soft white light. Sophie and Tengxiao, who are guarding by the side, notice this. They are both staring at the exit at this time. It's obvious that someone is coming out, otherwise the array won't work suddenly.

Then three figures appear in front of the two people. Sophie recognizes Yin Zhu who is held by Jono in her arms. After three months, Yin Zhu looks more beautiful and charming. Looking at herself in a mess with a long snake tail, Sophie directly stops in front of Yin Zhu and says, "Yin Zhu, it's all you, because you, my father is dead, dead 。”

Yin Zhu frowned when she heard this. What's the relationship between her father's death and her? What's Sophie's father's name? Living in daze tribe, she doesn't know how long she hasn't gone back to kill Sophie's father. It's even more impossible to say that people in daze tribe hurt Sophie's father for themselves. Montaigne is not selfish On the contrary, he is very regular and will never kill a clansman without any reason. Sophie's father died because of his own reasons.

"Sophie, you will always blame others for your mistakes, and never dare to admit that you are wrong?" Yin Zhu looks at Sophie with a sneer. She really looks down on such a person.

Sophie was stunned when she heard this, and then began to giggle. Her voice was very ugly.

"Yin Zhu, let's fight one-on-one. Do you dare?" Sophie said word by word, and it seemed very difficult to spit out one by one.

Yin Zhu almost didn't laugh to death when she heard this. Sophie is a ORC. She naturally suppresses orcs, OK? Sophie even said to fight with her. It's like looking for death. Is it because her father is dead and her brain is gone?

Yin Zhu looks at Sophie like an idiot at this time. She really can't figure it out.

"Dare or dare not, in a word." Sophie looks at Yin Zhu coldly. Of course, she understands the way Yin Zhu looks at herself, but she is doomed to fight with Yin Zhu all her life. She doesn't want to crawl at Yin Zhu's feet like this. If she is suppressed by Yin Zhu all her life, she will talk about revenge. It's better to die now. So Sophie wants to fight to see if she has any problems The power of resistance.

Ziyao popularized some knowledge with her to let Sophie know that the most powerful thing in the world is not the power, but the soul. Of course, not everyone can stimulate the power of the soul. Sophie can only live under the oppression of Yin Zhu if she can strengthen her own heart."If you want to die, why not?" Yin Zhu's hatred for Sophie is absolutely not small. The main reason is that Sophie is too vicious and has killed so many people. She should have died long ago.

As for Qiao Nuo and Tengxiao, they will not stop Yin Zhu from taking revenge. Anyway, Yin Zhu is sure to win. As for Sophie, this person can be removed by Yin Zhu himself, which can make Yin Zhu feel less guilty about Yutian tribe.

Teng Xiao and Qiao Nuo both stepped back, and then carefully looked around, worried that there were still some bodyguards around, and Wu he was following in the distance at this time.

Sophie was ready to succeed at this time. She was lying on the ground with only one head up, like a fierce snake ready to attack.

Yin Zhu has directly used the special magic to restrain the orcs to deal with her at this time. No matter how well Sophie is prepared, Sophie just can't do anything in the special incantation.

Sophie's whole body was shaking and twitching under the light of the staff. Because of her painful appearance, she was beaten into deep pits by her long snake tail. Snake scales began to fall off, and blood began to appear on her body. Blood also kept coming out from the corners of her mouth and fell to the ground drop by drop.

"Sophie, that's what happened to you. You killed so many people from Yutian tribe, and now it's your turn." Yin Zhu coldly said, not a bit soft hearted, kindness to the enemy is cruel to himself, Yin Zhu will not give Sophie a chance.

There is a big pool of blood on the ground. Sophie can't move any more. She can only keep shaking and groaning, as if she can't bear the pain. Just like this, Sophie doesn't beg for mercy with Yin Zhu, even if she can't move. Her eyes are always staring at Yin Zhu, and she doesn't move away.

Standing in the distance, Wu Mo can't help but close her eyes when she sees Sophie's appearance. She used to look down on Sophie. Even if she was playing chess for her, she couldn't see such dirty things. But now Sophie's will really stimulates her. This woman is cruel enough.

She didn't know what the suppression was about, but there was no simple thing left by the beast God, such as baikun's divine punishment, Qingling's divine fire, and the curse that the orcs could inherit. Which one was simple, but Sophie resisted.

Sophie felt like she was being roasted on the fire, and then slowly she could not feel the pain, that is, the whole person was floating as if she was about to fly, and even her consciousness became more and more blurred. Then in her mind, Jila died. Jila told her to live until she died, and her life was changed by Jila, You can't just die. You can't.

She will never die like this. The so-called curse can be broken. She is Sophie. She is destined to be Yin Zhu's opponent in her life. How can she defeat so easily.

What Sophie doesn't know is that when she insists on it, the power of ORC () beast Dan hidden in her body explodes completely, and then she swims away in her body. Because of this power, the body that was about to collapse begins to heal. Although it continues to collapse soon after healing, it continues to heal after the collapse.

Yin Zhu looked at Sophie struggling under his feet, "Sophie, do you feel despair? That is, when you kill ordinary people who are helpless, they are so desperate that no one can save them, and you are the same today. "

Sophie heard Yin Zhu's words, she would like to answer, she will not be, will not, just pain can only let her teeth, and then with ferocious eyes looking at Yin Zhu.

As time went by, Sophie was nearly in a coma. Even her body was red with blood, and she could not see the whole flesh. If her body was not still shaking, Yin Zhu would have thought she was dead. I didn't expect that Sophie could hold on for so long.

What Yin Zhu didn't notice, however, was that Sophie's bloody body was slowly recovering at this time. At least the speed of recovery was faster than the speed of collapse. Sophie, who had been supporting herself in one breath, was desperate, but she didn't expect that there was a sudden increase of strength in her body, and then she felt which force could be completely controlled by her.

Looking at Yin Zhu standing in front of her, Sophie's mouth flashed a bloodthirsty smile.

Yin Zhu, you wait for me, wait, soon, soon.

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