The return of Yin Zhu makes the Daze tribe all cheer. When Mengtai sees Jono who is following Yin Zhu, the whole people begin to tremble. Jono comes back, but he didn't expect Jono to come back.

"Father, I'm back." Jono was kneeling in front of Montaigne.

Montaigne saw the bright eyes with tears in his eyes. He trembled and held out his hand to help Jono. "Come back, just come back, just come back."

Many people who added the tribe after this were still surprised. Who was this man and how could he make the patriarch so impolite? I remember that Jono was a little patriarch and only the original daze tribe.

Those people asked curiously, and then someone gave them popular science. They realized that this man was actually the head of the tribe.

Montaigne held a lively bonfire party, and the whole tribe was immersed in joy.

On the other side, Wu Jia hurried to take Sophie to the temple. Sophie knew very well that all the people in the temple wanted to use themselves. Now she only had the use value, but it didn't matter. Anyway, she also wanted to use the power of Qingling to deal with Yin Zhu, just to use each other.

Moreover, although she awakened the ancient blood and had the divine power, she didn't know how to use the divine power very well. They had to help her.

Sure enough, Qingling jumps up after seeing Sophie's appearance. This is the first time that she loses her manners. It's the ancient blood. As for where the ancient blood comes from, Qingling doesn't know. At least she hasn't found the existence of the ancient blood. How did Sophie wake up the ancient blood?

Qingling directly catches Sophie and checks. Unfortunately, after checking for several times, he can't find any problems. Then he asks Sophie how she became like this. Qingling infers the process over and over again, but he can't find anything useful. He can't find one like Sophie and swallow the beast pill. Even if he swallows it, where can he find the beast God for yin The energy of bamboo, so Sophie's change is unique and can't be copied.

"Well, well, Sophie, you are really good. You deserve my respect." Qingling is very happy. Now she no longer regards Sophie as a mole ant. At least Sophie has the ability that she values.

Sophie just laughed when she heard this. You see, people still depend on themselves. Only when they have enough strength can they stand and speak.

Then Sophie said that she wanted to learn how to use some magic power. Qingling laughed, nodded, and asked Wu to take her.

At this time, Qingyuan looked at Qingling puzzledly, "sister, didn't you say Sophie is a dog that can bite people? How can she learn those things? What if one day she bites the Lord? "

Qingling this time gentle smile, "this matter you don't have to worry about, this Sophie also has the big use, moreover you rest assured, she temporarily can't turn out my palm."

Shirley saw that it was just a faint smile and didn't say anything.

It's still quiet here in the temple, and Sophie is absorbing some basic knowledge quickly, but when Sophie's news reaches the dark city, people in the dark city have different thoughts.

Morrison looked at the news from the palace and the snow outside. After a long time of meditation, Morrison said to the people around him, "let's go and see Xiao an."

Xiao'an, teng'an, is Leihe's son. He's a lion orc, and he's almost a beast. At a young age, he's very powerful, but he's a little grumpy. Leihe has announced that xiao'an will be the successor of the dark city. Originally, he thought that Leihe put a little boy in this position. Morrison should have some opinions. Who knows, moson Not only have no opinions, but also very supportive, from time to time with the past to play with xiao'an, get along very well with xiao'an.

The man next to him nodded to keep up with Morrison's steps. In fact, he wanted to tell Morrison that it was snowing heavily at this time. Xiao an might be hiding in the house to have a fire and would not go anywhere to play. He just didn't say it at all. Sometimes Morrison's mind was beyond their imagination.

Morrison's mind kept turning at this time. Sophie, the female who had been tortured to death by them, thought that she would never turn over. Unexpectedly, she turned into an ancient blood, and had divine power to completely get rid of the original curse. Could they also get rid of the curse? Maybe I don't have to work for Yin Zhu.

It's just that there are too many uncertain factors in Sophie's success. This Morrison doesn't dare to gamble. Morrison has never been the kind of person who will be loyal to Yin Zhu. In the past, it was just to relieve the curse of the people. Now with Sophie's obvious success here, he has other thoughts in his heart.

On the other side, reih also received the news from the temple, which did not expect Sophie to be able to get up like this.

I don't know what happened to Yinzhu. Leihe thinks about Yinzhu. He just looks at xiaoteng'an who is holding his arm and laughing. Leihe can only sigh that he can't run at this time. It's also a kind of happiness to accompany xiaoteng'an. Although sometimes the little guy is so noisy that he wants to beat others, as long as he sees his smiling face, all his anger will disappear.

In the past, he thought children were boring, but now he thinks it's good to have a child.Seeing Morrison striding forward, Reich's brow wrinkled, and then quickly spread out. He laughed and hugged Teng an to greet him. "How come here? Is there anything important?"

Morrison looked at tengan, who was held by Reich in his arms, laughed, and then said, "you know the news about Sophie."

Open up? This is a good strategy for Morrison, but he will never lower his doubts about Morrison. This guy is not with him. As long as he can lift the curse of their family, this guy can do anything. He may not help Yin Zhu obediently and wait for Yin Zhu to lift the curse for him.

"Yes, and then?" Leihe asked in a calm voice.

"I'd like to choose some clansmen for a try. Anyway, there were many animal pills in the past." Morrison said simply.

"Yes, as long as you make clear the relationship and the consequences, as long as those people are willing and no one forces them, I don't have any opinions." Leihe grabs tengan's hand and holds him in his arms. This guy runs around in three minutes.

"Good." Morrison laughed, then waved to Teng an, "Teng an, uncle is gone."

Teng'an nodded to Morrison with a smile. Morrison's men looked at Morrison and left like this. They were a little confused. Didn't Morrison say that he wanted to play with teng'an? Why did you leave without doing anything.

Morrison naturally saw his men's doubts. In fact, he wanted to find Teng an today, but he didn't want to do anything. He just wanted to put a mark on Teng an. He didn't want to hurt Teng an, but he wanted to know where Teng an would go in the future. It was a precaution. As long as he didn't know what he wanted, Morrison would not block his way. It was just that Leihe was too busy this time I'm on the alert. I didn't get it.

Reich watched Morrison walk away, frowning and pacing back and forth. It seemed that Teng an was not safe and bothered.

"Don't forget, don't you, don't you, don't you?" The little guy is very smart and strong. As long as he wants to avoid someone early, he can still do it.

"Morrison is not a good man. Father is afraid that he will hurt you." Leihe looked at tengan's puzzled expression and explained a few more words.

"Remember." Leihe wants to force teng'an to remember this, or one day he will be in a trance. If teng'an has an accident, how can he tell Yin Zhu.

Teng'an is pinched by Leihe and can't help roaring. Leihe won't be so strict with teng'an at other times, but this matter must be remembered by teng'an.

Think of this, Leihe can't help but increase the strength, make sure tengan can feel the pain, and won't catch people bad.

"Remember what father said?" Reich asked fiercely.

In the absolute strength plus pain suppression, teng'an finally nodded obediently, "I know father, I know." The little guy is rebellious, but one thing is good, that is, he will definitely do what he promised.

Leihe saw that teng'an agreed to come down, and finally put down his heart, and then patted teng'an on the back, "teng'an, I'm sorry, my father didn't mean to pinch you, but my father was worried, you know? Your mother will worry, too. "

"When will my mother come to see me?" Teng'an looks up at Leihe. Leihe tells him about Yinzhu every day, which leads to Yinzhu's deep memory in teng'an's memory.

Hearing Teng an ask this, Lei he sighs. Originally Yin Zhu said it was two months when he left, but now he is afraid that he will wait for the village to open.

"When spring comes, my father will take you to your mother." Morrison already has other thoughts. Teng an is not safe here. Fortunately, it's winter now. Even if Morrison has any bad thoughts, it's impossible to launch a large-scale battle at this time. As for one or two, he can still solve them.

"Good." Teng an said happily.

At this time, Leihe also asked them to come and tell them to do something, especially Morrison's experiment. He told them to stare at Morrison. Anyway, Morrison would not dare to do anything to his people as long as he didn't tear his face completely.

When Tang Zhuo heard this, he nodded. The two masters of the dark city were afraid to fight each other. The peaceful life of the dark city would soon disappear. However, he is a member of Leihe's family. Naturally, he listens to Leihe's orders. Besides, the good days in the dark city are mainly due to Yinzhu, who is very happy to guard Yinzhu.

Leihe looks at the carefree tengan, hoping that tengan can continue to live like this. He also hopes that Morrison will not do anything to disappoint him. He does not want to fight the poor ORC.

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