In daze tribe, Yin Zhu and his long lost relatives spent the winter happily. Of course, they didn't play all winter. Yin Zhu has sorted out a pamphlet of all the plants identified along the way and before. Because of the existence of Bena, the things sorted out by this system are very clear and there is nothing wrong.

It's just that the system exists in Yin Zhu's mind. To spread these things, we need to guide them. Fortunately, as soon as we come back, Yin Zhu will send people to make paper. This is relatively easy, not very difficult. Of course, there is no way to make the paper. Compared with the paper used by Yin Zhu before, the paper is thicker and less symmetrical. In addition, it is paper Zhang Pianhuang, but just like this, the appearance of this thing also surprised Mengtai and Jiuyue Baixue.

The next time is that Yin Zhu is constantly copying books. In addition, Jiuyue and Bai Xue are allowed to learn next to him when copying. It is impossible for other people to learn quickly. However, as priests, Jiuyue and Bai Xue have the mission of inheriting knowledge. They are also burdened with all the memories of the past priests. Their spiritual power is incomparably strong, and they are all good friends Never forget, let them learn these things quickly.

Of course, the system of Yin Zhu's characters surprised Jiuyue and Bai Xue. In the past, the tribe only had simple hieroglyphics to express some things, which were basically carved on stones and stone slabs. Now, the system of Yin Zhu's characters is very complete. It's a treasure. Is it inherited? The beast God was too powerful before.

Can Yin Zhu speak the words of his own world? We can only put everything on the beast God.

What's left is for the two of them to spread the knowledge all over the world. In addition, Yin Zhu also sorted out some food processing and preservation methods. If time permits, Yin Zhu is going to sort out a recipe. He wants to prepare a portion of anything useful.

Jiuyue and Bai Xue are also very excited. This is a good thing to be famous for thousands of generations. In the future, those people in the orc world will remember their kindness.

Two people learn very fast, but also hate each other, especially some drugs, especially dispensing. Yin Zhu knows some of the drugs, but dispensing is completely unknown. Jiuyue and Bai Xue are both proficient in this. Now there are many novel drugs. How can we use them better? These ideas can be turned back to some small animals to try.

As for Mengtai, Yin Zhu has already talked about Utopia. The most important thing is that Utopia is cut off by the array. There is no cold winter, and the materials on that day are extremely rich. If the Daze tribe people move there, their life will be much better. Moreover, if they move there, they don't even need to build houses.

Montaigne had agreed, but he wanted to discuss with the tribe about who he would take.

The whole tribe is jubilant. Of course, if there are people who are not happy, it must be Jono. Because Yin Zhu has been back for a long time. As long as he is free, he can either accompany Tengxiao or baikun. There is nothing wrong with Jono. Even Montaigne is not willing to help him with this, so he deserves it.

Qiao Nuo saw that Yin Zhu had already cooked a large volume of characters. He came forward very attentively, and then flattered with a smile, "Yin Zhu must have worked very hard after writing for so long."

Jono has been acting like a dog recently. In fact, Yin Zhu is not angry. When Jono comes back, she is more happy than anything else. Just because Jono has gone too far, he always has to hang him up. Otherwise, he will not discuss anything with her. Yin Zhu feels that he can't stand being careful and dirty again.

In addition, what Yin Zhu still has to consider now is the matter of Bai Kun. She thought that Bai Kun's punishment would be relieved if she had been passed on as an animal God, but she didn't have any relevant information. Instead, she was in Utopia. It seemed that there was relevant information. Yin Zhu planned to try it.

Although Bai Kun has survived every punishment, once a month, it's better than the first one. Yin Zhu doesn't want Bai Kun to continue to suffer from this kind of pain. If he can, he can help Bai Kun relieve the pain as much as possible.

However, two days later, it will be the night of full moon again. At that time, she can try to see if she can accept the magic fire like the mural, so that baikun won't be hurt.

Bai Kun told Yin Zhu not to be in such a hurry and to be well prepared. Bai Kun very much hoped that he could get well early and then go out to accompany Yin Zhu. It's not good to be killed in daze tribe. It's just that Bai Kun didn't want to let Yin Zhu get hurt or make Yin Zhu feel guilty because he was not ready to fail.

As a matter of fact, as long as he chose this road to survive, Bai Kun thought that he would never get rid of it all his life. He had no other expectation except that he wanted to go out.

The night of the full moon will soon come. The high-level of the tribe did not sleep on this day. They surrounded the altar one by one. As for other people, they had been driven away for a long time, and no one was allowed to get close to the altar.

Although it was a snowy night, everyone didn't feel cold. One by one, they looked at the shining totem stone from the altar nervously. Yin Zhu slowly stretched out his hand and put his finger on the totem stone. The totem stone felt the existence of Yin Zhu and gave out bursts of cheers. Although it was said that after Yin Zhu left, the Daze tribe would also let Jiuyue and Yu go They presided over the sacrifice, but the effect was not as good as that of Yin Zhu. This totem was initiated by Yin Zhu himself. Yin Zhu even felt the grievance of totem stone. This totem stone seems to be conscious. Now it's just like a child's coquetry with Yin Zhu, accusing him of abandoning him.At this time, Yin Zhu is also very happy to point the totem stone, this little troublemaker.

The totem stone has become bigger and bigger, and the whole totem stone has become green. It seems that the totem stone has been upgraded to blue jade, which is no longer the lowest grade white jade in the past. Totem stone has absorbed a lot of beliefs.

At this time, Bai Kun stepped onto the altar. As soon as Bai Kun came up, Yin Zhu felt that the totem stone was malicious to Bai Kun. The totem stone was really conscious, and Yin Zhu affirmed it again.

Although Yin Zhu is also ready to receive magic fire, he doesn't know if he can succeed. If he can communicate with totem stone for help, will it be easier to succeed?

When Yin Zhu thought of this, he couldn't help asking Beina if there was such an operation. Beina was stunned, and then said, "I really don't know about totem stone. There is no totem stone in the temple. Totem stone is the embodiment of the will of beast God, and it is something that the beast God conveys happiness to the orcs. I really don't know about the spirit of totem stone."

Yin Zhu was stunned for a moment. She was the incarnation of the will of the beast God. But when the totem Shi Qiling came, she was not the beast God. The former beast God no longer existed. How did this thing come from?

What does Yin Zhu think? She always feels that something is wrong when she listens to Bei Na's explanation. Unfortunately, Yin Zhu can't remember it for the time being and doesn't care. Yin Zhu plans to communicate with totem stone first. Maybe what she guesses is right.

Yin Zhu waves Bai Kun to step back a little, and then puts his hand on the totem stone. His spirit begins to entangle with the totem stone, and the totem stone starts to keep pounding. If the totem stone is conscious, it should collide with his own spirit.

Sure enough, when Yin Zhu brushed his spirit for the second time, Yin Zhu felt a spirit body appeared. He surrounded it carefully, and then a red flame appeared in his mind, "Hello, I'm Yin Zhu. Are you the spirit of totem?"

"Mm-hmm, Yin Zhu, you've finally come. They've been so lonely. Before, those two priests were stupid and didn't know to talk to me." A tender voice rang out in Yin Zhu's mind.

Yin Zhu couldn't help sweating when he heard this. He really can't blame Jiu Yue and Bai Xue. As for the people who worship totem stone, who will nag with totem stone.

"You look like a fire to me. Can I call you small fire? I feel that you seem to be hostile to Bai Kun. Did you release the fire that burned him? Can you take away the magic fire? " Yin Zhu hurried to communicate, feeling that the spirit of the totem was very friendly to her. Yin Zhu hurried to put forward his own opinions.

"No way, Yin Zhu. This rule is not made by me. Although I set the fire, I will be bound by the rules." Xiaohuo answered wrongly. The first one to chat with himself was the one to enlighten him. I like it very much, but I can't help her.

"Rules? What are the rules? " Yin Zhu asked.

"Well, there's a more powerful totem stone in the northwest. It's the one who controls the whole totem stone. I have to abide by its custom rules, or it can kill me." Xiaohuo said very seriously.

Is the larger totem stone in Northwest China the totem stone hidden in the dark city? It's said to be the original totem stone of the orc world. "

Yin Zhu really didn't expect that there was consciousness in the totem stone of the dark city, whose consciousness was that? At that time, she didn't feel it at all when she opened the seal. Now Xiaohuo says that it can control the totem stone spirit of the world.

At the beginning, LAN Shuang died too fast, and there were too many things that she didn't explain clearly. It seems that she should go to the dark city to have a good look at the totem stone.

"Then I won't embarrass you. I'll take the magic fire myself." Yin Zhu touched the totem stone.

Xiaohuo shook his head at this time and said: "Yin Zhu, you can't collect it. This Shenhuo is a kind of industrial fire. You can't touch it. Even if you are much stronger now, you will still get hurt."

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