As soon as Morrison went to Leihe's mansion, he saw the appearance of yinzhujono and Leihe's family. Morrison stopped for a moment. He was different from Leihe. Leihe loved Yinzhu and could sacrifice for Yinzhu at all costs. But he was different. He carried the mission of their family and also took them to break free from the shackles of fate .

"Yin Zhu, long time no see." Morrison smiles and says hello. He and Yin Zhu have always been equal to each other. As for the fact that the orcs were suppressed by Yin Zhu, Morrison doesn't want to admit it. He always thinks that he is cooperating and working for others. He is not prepared to do it. At first, they made a lot of contributions with the beast God, but in the end, they suffered a lot, so he should be proud You are in control of your own destiny.

"Long time no see, Morrison." Yin Zhu smiles. He doesn't plan to make friends with Morrison. Morrison is full of tricks and will be sold if he is careful.

Leihe carefully went to Yinzhu's side at this time, worried about Morrison's attack on Yinzhu.

Morrison naturally sees Leihe's actions in his eyes. He can't help laughing bitterly. Leihe is too much. Without absolute assurance, how can he attack Yinzhu? He didn't want to attack tengan before. He just wants to make a mark on tengan and find it later. Leihe really is. It's not good to make Yinzhu resent him.

Morrison doesn't want to arouse Yin Zhu's antipathy, so he just stops and doesn't keep close to him any more, so Leihe will be at ease.

Seeing that Morrison is so smart, Leihe doesn't do anything more. However, Tengxiao and Jono are obviously impressed by Leihe's actions. It seems that Leihe has a conflict with Morrison recently. In the past, the two people at least seem to have a very harmonious relationship, but now they don't even pretend to be. Leihe is not a power man, otherwise he would have been black years ago If the dark city is not unified, it will not be ignored all the time. Jono thinks that this matter may have something to do with Yin Zhu. Lin has personal differences, and Leihe must be defending Yin Zhu. Thinking of this, Jono can't help but be wary of Morrison.

"How come Leihe wants to occupy Yinzhu, for fear that I won't be able to compete with you?" Seeing this, Morrison couldn't help making a joke.

Who knows Leihe even directly took it, "of course, Yinzhu is mine, you have nothing to do or stay away, so as not to disturb me and Yinzhu."

Morrison's teeth itched with anger when he heard this, but there was nothing he could do. Who told him that he could not offend Yin Zhu now.

Yin Zhu can see the undercurrent between Leihe and Morrison, but Leihe didn't say, and Yin Zhu didn't plan to ask, anyway, she is firmly on Leihe's side.

"By the way, Morrison, I'm going to see the totem stone, OK?" Yin Zhu asked faintly.

"Yes." Morrison nodded. The totem stone was originally taught to Yin Zhu. If Yin Zhu wants to see it, he should find something.

"Can I go with you?" Asked Morrison.

Yin Zhu heard this and nodded, "go ahead, I have a lot of doubts. Maybe you have a lot of doubts just like me. You can get answers this time." If my guess is not wrong, then this time all the doubts can be answered.

Through the long underground secret Road, Yin Zhu stood in front of the blood red totem stone again. The totem stone saw Yin Zhu's arrival and sent out bursts of Yingying light, as if it was welcoming everyone.

Yin Zhu walked around the totem stone and tried to communicate with Beina, "Beina, do you feel it?"

"Well, you should feel right." Bena was silent for a moment. Just after a moment of silence, Bena also felt that she had a lot of questions to ask.

"Beast God, should you solve my doubts? We will not all come here. You are still hiding in the totem stone." Yin Zhu said in a cold voice.

Morrison and Leihe, who were standing beside Yin Zhu, were shocked when they heard this? Isn't the animal God now Yin Zhu? Who is Yin Zhu talking about? The former beast God, the former beast God is still alive, it's impossible.

However, at this time, there was a faint sigh from the totem stone, "boy, you have come at last. I thought you would come to see me again after a long time." At this time, a pale white shadow appeared from the totem stone. If you look carefully, it should be a beautiful female ORC with wings on her back.

Morrison was looking at that group of figures. He never thought that the beast God was not dead, and he was hiding in the totem stone guarded by their family. He watched their family suffer for so many years.

Morrison clenched his fists with some resentment. His ancestors were loyal to the beast God. All people thought that the beast God was gone. Even the first generation of guards committed suicide and followed the beast God. Who could have thought that the beast God was not destroyed.

"Child, I can feel your resentment towards me, but I can only say that it's a last resort. Your family protects me. I know that. It's hard for you." Beast God light said.

When Morrison heard this, he turned his head and did not look. He was afraid that he would attack the beast God on impulse. At that time, his family was afraid that he would really die."Well, it's all my fault." The shadow sighed faintly, then turned his head and looked at Yin Zhu seriously. Yin Zhu felt as if he had been X-rayed from inside to outside, and was stripped clean, "you're not Bena."

Yin Zhu didn't have time to answer. She said, "well, I had time to settle down in a hurry. Bena had some backers, but I didn't make sure. But since you have my inheritance, you are also my descendant. The stability of the orc continent depends on your back."

"I'm really not Bena. As for why this happened, I don't quite understand. Beast God, there are many things I don't understand. I hope you can give me an answer, OK?" Yin Zhu asked a question.

"Yes, you can ask." The figure answered very simply.

"Can you talk about 5000 years? We all want to know. " Yin Zhu asked a question.

Then the beast God began to slowly talk about the course of 5000 years. The beast God said that many years ago, she had reached the barrier and could completely break through the air. It was just because there was no suitable successor that she had been dragging on. Although there were several disciples in front of him, Qingling didn't have much kindness to the people of the orc mainland as long as he had the right. Qingyun was Qingling's follower, to the end Yu Xueli's strength and means are not good. The only little disciple, Beina, is kind-hearted and has good talent. He prefers Beina to be his successor. At that time, the other three elder martial sisters can also help her. She is playing. She didn't expect that Qingling would plot against her with other younger brothers. At that time, she arranged everything and was ready to leave the void, but she didn't Thinking of being schemed by Qingling, her whole body was destroyed in the end. In a hurry, she only had time to send away Beina's spirit. However, she tried her best to send away Beina's ghost. She also suffered a lot of damage. Finally, she could only hide in the totem stone to recover.

In fact, she was just a ghost. At that time, he was angry with Qingling. She was a ghost separated at that time. She just fell next to the totem stone, because the power of belief collected by the totem stone is the source of the cultivation of animal God. This is also the reason why she can keep a ghost. As for the main soul behind, she is not very clear, No She did not feel the existence of the main soul in this world, so there are only two reasons, one is the main soul broken, void gone, one is disappeared.

Then Yin Zhu asked Qingling why he didn't kill himself. The beast God said that it should be Qingling's sacred fire. Only the beast God can take away the sacred fire. Even Qingling can't put it out. He can only hide in the soul eating cliff. If Qingling wants to get rid of the sacred fire completely, he has to ask Yin Zhu to help him.

Of course, according to the current hostile relationship between them, Yin Zhu will definitely not help them get rid of it, so he can see what means the spirit uses.

As for why the beast God didn't indicate his identity when he first met Yin Zhu, it was because Yin Zhu's strength was too low at the beginning. Once she appeared, she was afraid that Yin Zhu would rely on her everywhere. Ning Wai even worried that she would be discovered by Qingling, and the consequences would be out of control.

Then Yin Zhu talked about the divine punishment on Bai Kun. The beast God said with a smile, "this divine punishment is actually the same as the divine fire on Qingling, but your name is different. I can't get rid of it. I have to have divine power to take it. I still have a little divine power, but if I dare to use it, I'm afraid I'm going to eliminate it Scattered in the world, it's up to you. When you cultivate Yin Zhu's divine power, you can receive the divine fire. With the divine fire, your fighting power will be greatly improved. As for Bai Kun, I can only help him reduce some pain, and the rest depends on you. "

In fact, Yin Zhu really wants to ask himself why he went through time and space. Seeing what so many people around him didn't ask, most of the questions Yin Zhu had already asked clearly, so he didn't ask any more.

Of course, this beast God said Yin Zhu did not believe it all, all this needs to be verified.

Then Morrison asked them about the ORC. Yin Zhu didn't want to listen to the orc's secret. Besides, Morrison didn't want to listen to it. Seeing Yin Zhu turning around and leaving, Leihe didn't hesitate to leave. He didn't even know his own secret.

When Yin Zhu saw this, he really felt warm in his heart. No matter how many shackles Lei he had, she would help him break them one by one.

Yin Zhu didn't know what Morrison had talked with the beast God. Anyway, when he came out, his face was very ugly. But what made Yin Zhu feel different was that he was so respectful to Yin Zhu.

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