Yin Zhu doesn't want to know what the beast God said to Morrison. Anyway, she doesn't regard Morrison as a trustworthy person, so Morrison is calculating, and she won't be sad, because she never regards them as her own.

When Leihe saw that Yinzhu didn't care about it, he wouldn't ask Morrison about it. Anyway, they have excluded this person, who might hurt Yinzhu. They just want this person to have nothing to do with Yinzhu forever.

As for Morrison's false respect, Yin Zhu doesn't like it either. In fact, Morrison doesn't have to look inferior. She has never threatened him with this. If she can, they can also be friends. Even if Morrison doesn't help himself, Yin Zhu won't care as long as he doesn't count on himself. Unfortunately, Morrison can't do it.

"Let's go, don't care about irrelevant people." Yin Zhu said calmly.

Morrison looks at Leihe and his party who are holding Yinzhu far away. His face is very ugly. It's obvious that Yinzhu is not willing to help himself now. Fortunately, the beast God has also said that as long as Yinzhu contacts the orc's curse, they will also contact the curse. Yinzhu cares about Leihe so much, and her own children will certainly work hard for it.

But now they even ignore themselves. They don't think they need help, do they? Morrison sighed when he thought of this. In fact, he never helped Yin Zhu much. From beginning to end, he was not willing to be enslaved, so he didn't do his best. Now it's fair to be abandoned by Yin Zhu, but it's uncomfortable in his heart.

Originally, he wanted to ask Yin Zhu to do experiments for himself, but all these things could only be cancelled. Moreover, many orcs have died. Although those men were willing to sacrifice, he was reluctant to let them die. The beast God made it very clear that there were too many uncertain factors for Sophie to succeed. He probably killed all his men, but he couldn't find one.

As for Yin Zhu's pause, fortunately, he didn't offend people thoroughly and didn't do anything that actually hurt Yin Zhu. If you want to come back, he can make Yin Zhu change his mind as long as he helps him.

Here, Yin Zhu returns to Leihe's house. Xiao teng'an is still very naughty at this time. The children are heartless, and they don't see the difference of adults at all. Yin Zhu was not in a good mood. Seeing Xiao teng'an's cheerful appearance, she couldn't help laughing. Why should she think so much? The fall of the sky is nothing more than death, as long as she lives If he is still alive, he will help his children and relatives find a way out, no matter what tricks he has.

Yin Zhu, who wants to be happy, is in a better mood. Although she wants to be better in the long run, she has only a headache if she wants to keep thinking about so many troubles.

Leihe was worried about Yinzhu, but seeing that Yinzhu had nothing to do with him and playing with Teng an, it shows that Yinzhu really didn't take this matter seriously.

Of course, Yin Zhu didn't pay attention to it, but Beina did. In the past, Beina really thought that the beast God was gone, but now Beina doesn't believe it. As Yin Zhu said, there are too many problems and loopholes, but what she saw was the ghost of her master. The power of the ghost can't even compare with her.

Yin Zhu doesn't care. Shan Leihe and Qiao Nuo take this matter to heart. They recite it for her. The beast God says so much, which is no different from not saying it. On the contrary, it makes them more confused. However, since they know that Qingling won't hurt Yin Zhu, Lei he and Qiao Nuo discuss and plan to go to the temple again.

At that time, if Qingling is willing to talk, then combining the two sides of the discourse, he will be able to get the answer he wants.

Of course, what makes Jono very confused is that Yinzhu is actually the blood left by the beast God and the descendant of the original Utopia. But Jono is very clear that Yinzhu is a native of daze tribe. Can't the whole daze tribe be descended from Utopia? It's impossible.

However, it is not clear that the ancestor of daze tribe is Jono. What daze tribe has recorded is only a few hundred years of history in the Luoyue mountains. As for the former, only a remnant of the tribe fled to the Luoyue mountains to settle down.

If all these are true, then Utopia is so beautiful, even it can be said that it is the best place for the people to rest. Why there is no one there? Does the descendants of Utopia need to escape from Utopia?

It's a pity that no one answered these questions. Yin Zhu was going to ask them before, but the beast God was obviously not willing to answer. This is a doubtful point.

Anyway, the beast God looks very suspicious and unreliable from inside.

Leihe also has a headache at this time. The road ahead of Yinzhu is not easy, especially now there is a ghost of the former beast God. Is Yinzhu the beast God or she? After all, there are no two tigers in one mountain, and the beast God's own disciples can't accept it. What's more, Yin Zhu, the inheritor who has no feelings at all.

Maybe the beast God is to use Yin Zhu's hand to fight Qingling in the arena, and then she recuperates and comes out to pick up a bargain when Yin Zhu and Qingling are both defeated.Yin Zhu and Qiao Nuo discuss with each other and plan to go to the temple to find Qingling. Qingling did fight with her before, but he didn't want to hurt Yin Zhu. Yin Zhu believes in what the beast God says. Qingling still needs her own help.

Leihe says that he is willing to go with Yin Zhu. The dark city is not very safe now. He takes teng'an with him. As for the other people here, Leihe is relieved. Morrison has no bad intentions towards orcs and will not deliberately harass them.

Several people cleaned up and left directly. Morrison knew that Yin Zhu had left. He didn't say anything, let alone stop him. He just went to see the beast God in the totem stone for the first time.

When Morrison said Yinzhu had gone to the temple, she sighed faintly and said, "I know they won't believe it. If you go to the wall, you will believe what I said." After that, I went back to have a rest.

When Morrison heard this, he couldn't help but gasp. Not to mention that Yin Zhu didn't believe it, even he didn't believe it. He didn't have any substance, so he wanted others to work for him. How could it be possible? But the fate of their family was in the hands of this beast God. For 5000 years, because their ancestors were loyal enough, they harmed future generations, They were comfortable, fulfilled their loyalty, and were relieved when they died, but they didn't think about how much pain they would have to bear. Morrison was even more disgusted with the beast God who brought all these evil sources. A ghost didn't want to control them. What she said was to give Yin Zhu a hand, in fact, it was to give her a hand. Moreover, Morrison was worried, even if she helped her After all, they are the best dogs to use. They don't have to worry about betrayal. Unfortunately, he wants to understand it too late. If he had known an Anfen before, he might have been able to contact the incantation earlier.

"Go away, practice hard, and you'll soon be able to use it." Beast God is probably to see Morrison's mind, some unhappy said.

Morrison clenched his fist hard at this time, "I hope you keep your word, otherwise even if you are a beast God, I will pull you to hell."

"Well, I didn't ask you to do anything too much, but I asked you to do some small things for me. Forget it. Now I really don't have the right to ask you to help me. Let's go." The voice of the beast God was a little angry, obviously angry. How dare Morrison treat himself like this.

On the side of the temple, Qingling knew that when Yin Zhu brought people back to the temple, he couldn't help laughing. "I couldn't wait to leave, but now I'm back. Our younger martial sister's brain is more and more useful."

Shirley can't help but curl her mouth when she hears this. Look, she knows that the younger martial sister is a big elder martial sister who can't fight with her heart. She has a lot of careful thinking, but fortunately she doesn't show it.

"I specially give time for my younger martial sister to study. I don't know if she can make progress in the past half a year. It's hard for her to come back. Let's go and welcome her." Qingling said happily.

When Qingyun heard this, she almost fell down. She had been fighting with Yin Zhu's people to death before, but now she even said to welcome her. But this is her sister's way of doing it. Her sister always arranged her way early.

As soon as Yin Zhu returns to the temple, Qingling takes people to wait there. Because of this, Fuxiang almost doesn't fight with the people there. He thinks that Qingling wants to count on Yin Zhu, but Qingling says with a smile that he wants to have tea with Yin Zhu.

Yin Zhu looks at Qingling who is waiting for him. It seems that Qingling is sure that he will come back to find her. Compared with Qingling, he is far worse. This man is very calculating.

But I don't know whether qinglingzhi knows what he wants to ask. When he drinks tea and chats, Yin Zhu says he is very happy.

So Mei Ying and Fu Xiang look at each other foolishly. In the previous days, they killed and worked for their masters. Now the masters shake hands and make peace. Why did they fight like that.

"Qingling, what do you want to talk to me about? Are you so sure that I will come back to talk to you?" Yin Zhu directly sits down in front of Qingling. Knowing that Qingling still needs his own help, Yin Zhu has no fear of Qingling.

"Of course, I believe you must have a lot of questions about the beast God. In addition, I dropped something on your partner. You always come back to me, but I didn't expect it to be so fast." Qingling very indifferent said, very simply pointed out that she had done something in Jono.

Yin Zhu almost didn't vomit blood when he heard this. Jono also frowned at this time. In fact, he had doubts about this, but he couldn't find out what was wrong. Yin Zhu also checked his body, and there was no problem. The only seal could just protect Xiao Jin's existence.

However, when Qingling says this, Qiao Nuo and Yin Zhu believe that after all, Qingling still wants Yin Zhu to help her take away her magic fire, so what can Qingling do to make Yin Zhu agree to this basically impossible thing? The only possibility is to coerce, and Qiao Nuo is the one who can threaten Yin Zhu.

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