There is only one person who can make the threat so beautiful and refined. However, from the way Qingling is pressing, Yin Zhuhe makes it clear that he can't play Qingling if he wants to talk about playing with his mind.

"Qingling, why do you think you can hold me? You're not afraid that I'll give up Jono, but as a partner, just find another one." Yin Zhu doesn't want to be caught dead, so she will be completely at a disadvantage.

Hearing this, Qingling burst out laughing, "little younger martial sister, if I'm not sure about others, but you are my little younger martial sister. I don't know enough about you and me. Do you think I will do such a thing? Will it let you develop? I'll kill you from the beginning. "

Yin Zhu can't help but frown when she hears this. It's obvious that Qingling still thinks that she belongs to Beina, but no matter she is Yin Zhu or Beina, she is darn soft hearted and threatened by others.

Qingling is also worried that Yin Zhu's temperament will change after so many things. When Sophie comes back, she says that Yin Zhu is soft hearted even to some orcs who don't want to close, let alone those close to him.

"You're right. I really don't want Jono, but do you think I can harm the whole Orc world for a Jono? I can't afford the cause and effect. " Yin zhuleng hum, this feeling of being calculated is really bad.

Qiao Nuo is checking his body at this time. If he becomes the handle of Yin Zhu being coerced, he would rather die like this than drag Yin Zhu down.

It's a pity that no matter how Jono checks, he can't find out the problem. This Qingling really has a way.

"Yin Zhu, you don't have to worry about me. You can do whatever you want." Jono let Yin Zhu make his own decision at this time.

After listening to Yin Zhu's words, Qingling couldn't help looking at Yin Zhu sarcastically, "little younger martial sister, I'm a disaster. What's the master? Compared with Shifu, I'm too kind. " Qingling said and laughed.

When Yin Zhu heard this, he just looked at Qingling coldly, "you must have seen the ghost of master from the dark city." Qingling said without care.

Yin Zhu was shocked. Qingling knew that the spirit of beast God still existed. But why did Qingling not care for so many years?

"I think you've heard a lot about me from that ghost. Now I'll tell you a story." Qingling finished with a faint sigh.

Qingling simply explained her story. She said that she was very angry when she knew that she had not been able to take over the palace, but she didn't want to bite the master. At that time, she planned to leave the palace and form her own school. However, the beast God didn't agree. On the contrary, the beast God wanted to kill her. Because Qingling was very angry, she wanted to revenge the beast God. Look How can she do it to her without an heir.

At the beginning, Qingling only thought that xiangbeina, the beast God, would fight back. Qingling found out that it was not. The beast God should be holding a very evil sacrifice, because the beast God sacrificed hundreds of thousands of orcs in the whole Utopia. Those people died because of the beast God. Even the three disciples of Qingling were counted as sacrifice by the beast God It was only when they tried their best to escape from the sacrifice that they became infected with this sacred fire.

As for daze tribe, it should be the descendant of Utopia. Even Sophie is also the descendant of Utopia. She has the blood of beast God in her body, otherwise Sophie would not be so easy to degenerate. Daze tribe should have been deliberately arranged by the beast God. Even she has calculated what will happen when Bena comes back five thousand years later.

"Little younger martial sister, since the beginning of the sacrifice, we all ran away in a hurry. I didn't notice where the master's main soul went. However, the residual soul had existed long ago. The master wanted to cultivate the power of belief, so he separated a wisp of spirit on the totem stone and slowly grew to the present scale. One of the reasons why I didn't fight against you is that Because I need you to help me collect the fire of God's punishment from me. Another thing is that I don't think Shifu can have no purpose after he has arranged so many back hands. After all, for this purpose, he even has to kill the three disciples he raised himself. Do you think she will go without this purpose? Yin Zhu, you have to be careful. I think this goal is definitely on you. I can't do it as well as Shifu in thousands of years. " Qingling laughs indifferently and looks at Yinzhu calmly.

Qingling didn't plan that Yinzhu would believe what she said, but as long as Yinzhu kept this thing in mind, as long as Yinzhu didn't believe in the beast God, there was something she would do.

When Jono heard this, his brows turned into Sichuan characters. They all told different truths. I really don't know who to believe.

"How can I believe what you say?" Yin Zhu looks at Qingling sarcastically.

Hearing this, Qingling just laughed, "I don't need you to believe it. You just need to doubt it. The rest of you will find the truth yourself, won't you?"

Yin Zhu frowned when he heard this. This Qingling is sure to eat her now.

"In addition, your little lover is OK now, but it won't be possible after a while, so you'd better practice quickly, younger martial sister. You're still a beast God. You don't have any magical power. You can't even compare with Sophie." Qingling takes a sarcastic look at Yinzhu.Now she can understand why she has been practicing all the time and can't produce divine power. It's probably related to the blood of the beast God. She thought that she had been desperately trying to fight for the position of the beast God. This is a pit. As far as she knows, even Bena didn't have the blood of the beast God before. Therefore, the beast God didn't want to inherit the position of the beast God from the beginning to the end, It was because she didn't understand that Qingling felt cold. Even she couldn't understand what the beast God wanted.

After all, the beast God can be said to stand on the top of the orc continent and have what he wants. But the beast God, his own people, the whole Utopia, except the blood of daze tribe, is gone. It is estimated that the blood of daze tribe is also left for calculation. Looking at his beloved disciples, in fact, it is nothing. Younger martial sister, when you think you are shouldering a heavy responsibility, what is it You are nothing.

Thinking of Qingling, she couldn't help laughing. She didn't know what kind of expression she would be when her younger martial sister worked hard and got the position of beast God.

As for why Qingling didn't tell Yin Zhu about it, it's very simple. She may not believe it even if she said it. Besides, there is no evidence for all this, which is her own guess. Moreover, she's not very well now. Where does she have the heart to help Yin Zhu? This is also the reason why she never cares about the orc affairs in mainland China for thousands of years In the end, she didn't want to make wedding clothes for the beast God. No matter how much she did, it was useless.

Besides, the spirit of the beast God didn't know where to go. For so many years, no matter what method she used, she couldn't find his whereabouts. If the beast God left, Qingling didn't believe it. The ghost in the totem stone was left there on purpose. It was a pity that Qingling didn't know anything about it for thousands of years As for the beast God, this wisp of ghost has been thrown out. It has not been suppressed by the main soul for thousands of years. It grows slowly. Now I'm afraid that I have my own thinking and ability. A person with unique thinking will not want to be swallowed like this. It can be said that she has raised a poisonous snake for the beast God. I don't know if this poisonous snake can hurt the beast God.

For five thousand years, Qingling has been living very hard, but even if she is suffering, she has to live. At least she has to ask the beast God why.

"You'd better make sure Jono's OK, or I won't let you go." Yin Zhu is biting his teeth and threatening, but Qingling laughs like a nobody.

When Qiao Nuo saw Yin Zhu angry, he came forward and gently took Yin Zhu's hand. "Yin Zhu, you don't have to ask her for me. Originally, I was blessed to be awake. Now I just want to have a happy time with you every day."

Yin Zhu heard this and nodded, "yes, we will be very happy." Yin Zhu then turned to look at Tengxiao and Leihe behind her. She has no ability or ambition, but if anyone dares to destroy her happiness, don't blame her.

"Let's go back to the temple and have a rest. Fuxiang must have prepared delicious food for us." Tengxiao takes Yinzhu's other hand with a smile. Leihe holds tengan and follows Yinzhu with a smile.

Qingling watched Yin Zhu and his party go away. She couldn't help but smile and said, "little younger martial sister, these partners are not bad."

When Shirley heard this, she couldn't help laughing, "the eldest martial sister is so envious that she can find several partners. I believe many people are willing to be the partners of the eldest martial sister."

After hearing this, Qingling gives Shirley a white look, and then shakes her head calmly. Shirley thinks carefully about what she always knows. The reason why she still keeps Shirley by her side is that after 5000 years, it's too lonely. The familiar people around her disappear one by one, and there are only a few left. Qingling can't bear to destroy them.

The third younger martial sister has a lot of thoughts, but she doesn't have that ability. Without her, I'm afraid Shirley would have died a long time ago. Who made her feel soft and nostalgic.

I don't know what the younger martial sister will think about her words? Qingling holds his chin and smiles, then slowly stands up and walks slowly in his room.

Qingyun sees this and knows that there must be something bothering her sister. As long as she doesn't understand, her sister will keep walking until she wants to understand the key.

Fortunately, all things don't need her to worry about. If she really worries, she can't do the same as Qingling.

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