Fuxiang wondered why Yin Zhu had come back at this time. After all, Yin Zhu was not strong enough to compete with Qingling. What's more, Yin Zhu had come back. Who should listen to in the temple?

Although it was said that there was a Yin Zhu in front, Yin Zhu was not in the temple. He was basically in charge of Fuxiang. It was really good that he was in charge of everything.

Yin Zhu takes a look at Fu Xiang. Naturally, Fu Xiang's worries are in his eyes. The temple is not his own. Even the servants in the temple are Fu Xiang's. to tell you the truth, Yin Zhu really doesn't want to fight for this right. What's good about the right? One by one, he doesn't even have the most basic feelings.

"Fuxiang, it's up to you to deal with the affairs in the temple. I'll have a rest first." Yin Zhu directly reassured Fu Xiang, saying that he would not interfere in the affairs of the temple.

If you want to let Yin Zhu choose, she won't stay in the temple in the future. Her subordinates should be trained by herself. She doesn't want to accept other people's subordinates. Besides, there are still many troubles between her and Qingling and the beast God. I don't know if there are any in the future, so it's useless to consider these.

"Jono, do you believe what Qingling said?" Yin Zhu was silent for a while and asked.

After hearing this, Jono thought for a while and said, "I think some of them are true and some of them are false, but I think it should be true that daze tribe is descended from the beast God."

If you think that even Sophie can be transformed, then the whole daze tribe can be transformed. Of course, it's not good for the original daze tribe to take in people without the blood of daze tribe.

"What about the demise of Utopia?" Yin Zhu asked with a frown.

"I don't know, it may be true or false, but now the most important thing for Yin Zhu is to improve your strength and stay in the temple. The temple gathers the spiritual power of the world, so you can learn better here. Besides, there are many classics here, which are enough for you to learn. The Qingling has a plan for you. I don't think it will do anything to you, but you are most at ease All right, but I and Tengxiao and Lei heteng'an should pay attention. After all, we are your weakness. " Jono thought for a while and said with a headache.

Obviously they came to protect Yin Zhu, but it turned out to be a drag on Yin Zhu. This kind of feeling is really bad.

When Yin Zhu heard this, he said with a smile, "I don't think you should leave my sight. There should be no accident. Qingling didn't intend to tear my face completely. Now I'm a little confused. What does Qingling want to do? Do you want me to take away the magic fire? It doesn't feel like it. "

Jono nodded when he heard this. It's true that Qingling feels strange and completely confused. Even now, he can't figure it out. Fortunately, they are all here now. Several people can discuss with each other. One can count on the short and two can count on the long. There are so many of them, and they will always come up with a good way.

Yin Zhu nodded and breathed deeply. After leaving daze tribe, she couldn't oppress herself. She was afraid that she would be caught by Qingling, or her partner would be killed by Qingling, and she couldn't do anything about it. Now she knows that Qingling has no hostility to herself at least. Yin Zhu's heart is down.

"Well, we'll live here in the temple in the future. Jono, you can study the power in our blood. If you can find a way to stimulate the blood power, it's good to transform like Sophie. At that time, you can make the whole daze tribe follow the transformation." Sophie said that the whole daze tribe is naturally the original daze tribe. The latter daze tribe develops too fast and expands too much. Yin Zhu is very strange to the people in it, and the feelings between those people and Yin Zhu are not as good as those before, so Yin Zhu does not regard them as his family.

"Well, I'll take this." By the way, he also wanted to see what was wrong with his body. What Qingling said was always a thorn in his heart.

"What about me? Yin Zhu Tengxiao asked in a hurry.

Yin Zhu turns his head and looks at teng'an turning around in Leihe's arms. His son is not close to Tengxiao at all, so he says directly, "you've taken teng'an to me recently, and your own son has cultivated my feelings."

Tengxiao heard this and quickly nodded, "OK, don't worry, I will take tengan well." Teng Xiao loves Teng an. If it had not been for the fact that the world could not accept the orcs, Teng Xiao would not have thrown Teng an into the dark city.

Look at teng'an's son, he calls a father, but it's not him, it's Leihe. It's hard to think about it. His son calls someone else a father, even if that person is Leihe.

Leihe looks at Yinzhu and arranges all the people around him, so he looks at Yinzhu and asks, "Yinzhu, what about me? What do I do?"

Seeing Leihe's honest appearance, Yin Zhu couldn't help laughing, and then stretched out a little finger to hook Leihe.

See Leihe obediently go to his front, Yinzhu live directly, and then let him sit down beside him.

"RAH, what are you going to do?" Yin Zhu turns to ask Lei he.

"I will do whatever Yin Zhu asks me to do. Anyway, I follow him." Yin Zhu has known Leihe's thoughts for a long time. After all, Leihe's color is too hot to hide. She can't understand it, but Leihe doesn't show it from the beginning to the end. He just keeps paying for himself. Paying out silently is the most painful thing.In fact, Yin Zhu has been waiting for Leihe to make his confession. As a result, the snake has not made any real confession from beginning to end. Of course, the confession in action has been made many times. This guy just drags on, because what? Because he is a Orc?

"You're not my partner. What do you do with me all the time?" Yin Zhu is not angry and says that Yin Zhu knows that Leihe doesn't want to find a partner because of his own reasons, but this guy is having an affair with her like this?

She doesn't mind. Even Jono doesn't mind. Don't you see Jono and Tengxiao are gone now? She just can't see his gentle energy. When Jono was the only one in the past, Yin Zhu really didn't want to have several partners, but now there are several people, not bad for Leihe. Yin Zhu finds that he has changed, at least his heart has become wild and greedy, and wants to get them one by one.

After so many things, plus what his future is, Yin Zhu doesn't know. Yin Zhu doesn't want to make himself regret, and doesn't want Lei he to regret. If they want to be crazy, they will be crazy, as long as they are happy and happy.

"Yin Zhu, you..." Being driven away by Yin Zhu, Leihe is injured. He doesn't know what he has done wrong. Is it because he doesn't like it or because he hates it? Reich turned pale at the thought.

"RAH, you're really not likable, you know? You see, Jono, he likes me, so he tells me directly that Tengxiao wants to follow me, and he forces me to be my guard. Baikun does it for me directly. Although it's the reason to save me, Xiaojin also directly uses everything he can use. You're good. You've been having an affair with me. Are you waiting for me to tell you? " Yin Zhu is scolding. Although she already has several partners, it's very embarrassing to let a female confess first.

Leihe was pale when he heard Yin Zhu say that he was not likable. When Yin Zhu said that he was not likable, his beautiful face immediately turned red. His narrow Phoenix eyes just looked at Yin Zhu, which was full of emotion.

"Yin Yin Zhu, you... " Leihe happily incoherent, his two hands tightly grasp Yin Zhu's shoulder, and then a force to hold Yin Zhu tightly in his arms.

"Yin Zhu, I, I never thought about getting you. I just want to help you." Holding Yin Zhu in his arms, Leihe is still very excited.

When Yin Zhu heard that Lei he was still shirking, he was so angry that he pushed people directly, "you didn't want me, I want you, OK? I've been salivating for your face for a long time." Yin Zhu pretends to be frivolous and uses his fingers to hook up Leihe's chin.

Leihe's face is really beautiful. It's mainly about male and female models. It's very delicate, just like the beautiful boy in the cartoon. It's breathtaking, especially the long snake tail. It's more ascetic.

Leihe was startled by Yinzhu's action. After a long time, he blinked. Then he held Yinzhu in his arms and rubbed his chin against Yinzhu's head.

After a long time, Leihe spoke slowly, "Yinzhu, I'm very happy, very happy, and I'm not good. It should be me. I like you. I like you very much. You are my life."

Leihe is satisfied with Yin Zhu in his arms. He really didn't expect Yin Zhu to do this. He doesn't have no desire, but his love is more pure compared with desire. It's just that Yin Zhu is happy and doesn't ask for anything else. Especially after knowing Yin Zhu's despair after giving birth to a Orc child, Leihe doesn't want to be with Yin Zhu. What should he do if he has another Orc child? Now Yin Zhu responds to him, and he's happier than anything.

"I don't think you like me at all. Where are you?" Yin Zhu is cold at this time. In fact, her face is still red at this time. She is very embarrassed. It's the first time that she has done such a bold thing.

Seeing this, Leihe smiles, then reaches out his hand and hugs Yin Zhu, "let me show it later. If you are not satisfied, you can correct or scold me, OK?" It can be said that the feeling of holding Yin Zhu is so good.

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