Tengxiao looks at the two people holding each other in the distance. He can't help laughing. Leihe is really good. He takes over tengan without hesitation. He supports Leihe. It's Jono who agrees with this matter so soon, which he didn't expect.

Qiao Nuo saw Tengxiao looking at himself, then said with a faint smile, "Leihe is very good."

Tengxiao laughs when he hears this, which is also true. Jono is always generous. As long as he really likes Yin Zhu and treats him well, he won't stop him. Of course, he won't help him. He has to really impress Yin Zhu.

"Looks like we're going to have another brother." Tengxiao said with a smile.

Jono touched his chest and said with a smile, "it's two." Although Xiaojin didn't wake up, Jono still remembers Xiaojin.

Tengxiao sees that he can only turn aside. To tell the truth, Xiaojin's temperament is not very popular with him. He has been robbing Yinzhu from him, and he has to argue with him. Look at Jono's familiar face, the same face and two expressions. Forget it, Jono and Yinzhu admit it. What can he say? No matter how angry the boy is, he should come out and see that he gives his body back to Jono Let's admit him at the meeting.

Jono probably knows Tengxiao's mind, especially Xiao Jin's complaint about Tengxiao's bad behavior and honesty. Thinking of this, Jono patted Xiao Jin on the shoulder. "Xiao Jin is just a little bit childish. Don't worry about him."

Teng Xiao couldn't help touching his nose when he heard this. "You've helped him talk. What can I do? Besides, I've always had a big stomach, so I don't bother to worry about him."

Jono couldn't help laughing when he heard this, "I'll thank you for Xiao Jin."

Tengxiao can't help but curl his mouth when he hears this. They all apologize for him. They are really one heart.

"Why do you think there are so many intrigues? You say it's better to have a quiet time like this. How nice it is for everyone to live happily and not worry about food and drink." Tengxiao couldn't help sighing.

When Jono heard this, he shook his head helplessly. "I don't know. Sometimes desire can never be satisfied." Who knows what they want.

Tengxiao can only shake his head helplessly when he hears this. Who knows what the big people think, but they are the ones who are tired. This year, not to mention Yin Zhu, Tengxiao is tired of running around with him. Tengxiao admires Yin Zhu very much and insists on this year. We should know that the female's body is not as strong as the male's, but Yin Zhu He didn't complain at all, but once he got to a place where he could rest and sleep, Yin Zhu would sleep very deeply.

"Let's go, teng'an, and come to my father to take you to play, OK?" Jono can't help teasing teng'an. Yin Zhu has three children. Unfortunately, he doesn't have much contact with them. Tengxiao doesn't have much time to accompany them.

Xiao teng'an is also in poor health and has Leihe with him for a long time. The other two Teng Xi and Teng Cheng are not so good. Although they are taken care of as little masters, they are short of loving elders.

"OK, let's play with father." Teng'an said with a smile, and did not forget to pull up Tengxiao.

Although he is not very familiar with Tengxiao, the familiar feeling from his blood makes tengan unconsciously close to Tengxiao.

Teng Xiao can't help feeling Teng an's head with joy when he hears this. He deserves to be his own son. He still remembers his father.

"Then teng'an, you see you have several fathers now. Which father do you like best?" Jono couldn't help teasing tengan.

After hearing Jono's words, Teng an turned his head and looked at Leihe and Yinzhu in the distance. Then he said, "my favorite is my mother."

It can be seen that tengan and Leihe have a better relationship, but the little guy is a smart guy. Jono can't help but nod tengan's nose when he hears this, "OK, you're smart. Let's go. Big father will take you to play."

Tengxiao heard that he touched tengan's head with a smile, and then naturally said, "tengan, even if you like Leihe, your father will not blame you. Your father Leihe is so kind to you, so like you, you should like him." Tengxiao is not so close to his own children. Naturally, he is a little disappointed, but he will not be jealous. Instead, he thinks it should be. After all, tengan has been following Leihe.

Hearing this, Teng an couldn't help but show a big smile, and then asked happily: "really? So you're not sad? "

The child will worry about himself, Tengxiao heard this very happy smile, "not sad, how can father be sad, this proves that my tengan is a person of love and righteousness."

"I like you, too, really." Teng an points his small head and says with a smile.

Tengxiao heard this very happy smile, "I know." The blood relationship between them will never change.

Sophie naturally knows the news that Yin Zhu has come to the temple. She has always wanted to settle accounts with Yin Zhu. Now she has got rid of the fate of being suppressed by Yin Zhu. Besides, she has learned a lot in the temple during this period. It's time for her to settle accounts with Yin Zhu.Knowledge Sophie just went out, was stopped by Qingling, Sophie this time some angry looking at Qingling, "what are you doing? I don't know what you are calculating. It's your business how you want to get in touch with Yin Zhu. I don't care about my business. "

Qingling looks at the angry Sophie and claps her hands. "Do you think you can compete with me if you have some magic power? Dare to talk back to me. It's good. I'm growing up. "

Sophie was stiff when she heard this. Sophie knew that she was qualified to speak to Sophie now. She was no longer the humble self before, but it was not enough. Now she was only enough to speak to Qingling, but she did not have equal status.

Seeing Sophie standing in the same place thinking, with a bad look on her face, Qingling couldn't help but smile, "if you understand, you can go back to learn knowledge for me."

"Why? Are you not hostile to Yin Zhu? " Sophie asked, biting her lip.

"Yes, but now I keep Yin Zhu useful, so you'd better not do it. I know you hate Yin Zhu, but you can't do it now, and you may not be able to kill Yin Zhu by doing it now, so it's better to accumulate your strength and wait for the chance. You're doing it now, isn't it better?" Qingling said with a smile.

Sophie can't help but look at Qingling seriously when she hears this, and then clench her teeth, "OK."

"Sophie, you are very smart. I like you the most Qingling can't help giggling after saying that, very happy.

Sophie clenched her fist when she heard this, then turned around and walked away stiffly.

Qingling naturally knows that Sophie is not reconciled, but what if she is not reconciled? She still listens to her own words. As long as she has her own presence, Sophie just wants to sneak out.

Sophie's appearance naturally let Qingling see in the eye, and others go away, Qingyun can't help but say, "elder sister, you want to let Yin Zhu give us the magic fire, now don't pay her, I understand, then why do you want Sophie to study, you know now Sophie is not the former Sophie, you also said, Sophie is a white eyed wolf, we didn't give her less anger before, wait for her Once you have the strength, are you not afraid that she will deal with us in turn? "

Qingling looked at the worried appearance of Qingyun, couldn't help but smile and touched Qingyun's head, "don't worry, I have arrangements."

Her last words are so clear. Sophie is so smart that she won't go against her words intentionally. Maybe she will study hard and beat her down. Thinking of this, Qingling can't help but smile. The smile seems strange.

Qingyun can't help but spit out her tongue when she hears this. Well, her elder sister has arrangements for everything. Sometimes she can't figure out what the elder sister thinks in her heart, but she doesn't need to care about anything. Anyway, there are big things, and her elder sister supports them. She is happy to do it herself.

Qingling is really not worried about Sophie. Besides, Qingling is very curious about Sophie's divine power, so he doesn't know if it will change later. Of course, he doesn't know if all daze people can cultivate their divine power.

Today, she specially told Yin Zhu about it. I think other people in daze tribe will try it.

This is probably one of the successors of the beast God. As for why she still doesn't understand, she likes to arrange things early, which is related to the animal theology, but her apprentice is not as good as the beast God, such as daze tribe.

Even if Yin Zhu didn't jump out of daze tribe, she didn't know that the beast God had arranged this step. Maybe there are many small tribes similar to Daze tribe. Who knows, but those people will jump out sooner or later.

She can't compare with the beast God, but it doesn't matter. She will learn slowly. For 5000 years, she has also arranged a lot of things.

Today, Qingling talks to Yin Zhu as if she is fearless. But Qingling knows that she is very upset. She has been fighting with her master for 5000 years, but she still hasn't won. On the surface, it seems that the beast God has lost, and they have won, but it's not. The beast God hasn't lost, but they just hide, and they have been tortured for 5000 years.

In fact, the fight is not over yet, and even the appearance of Yin Zhu just means that things are beginning to enter a tense period.

She calculated so much, but still uneasy, because she didn't know her lack, so uneasy, but the same, Qingling is also very excited, five thousand years of waiting, for the arrival of this time..

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