Sophie, who is driven back by Qingling, is obviously very unwilling. She can't help but resent why Yin Zhu's luck is so good. No matter when someone is helping her.

Besides, Qingling is not a good thing. She thought she had divine power, and Qingling also said that she was accepted as a disciple. Even the people in the temple did not dare to disrespect her. She thought that her status had changed, but now she still didn't change. However, she thought it was a matter of course. How could Qingling, a person who can eat teachers, treat his disciples well? I'm afraid Cultivate a person as like as two peas.

On the contrary, Yin Zhu's life is quite satisfactory. Fu Xiang only cares about the affairs in the temple. As for Yin Zhu's refusal to accept the affairs in the temple, he keeps learning. Even in order to reassure Fu Xiang, Yin Zhu says that he is not interested in the affairs in the temple. In the future, the temple will still be managed by Fu Xiang.

Because Yin Zhu and Lei he have broken the last layer of paper, they have been mixing oil with honey these days, and they are very interested in seeing Jono's box. However, they still know that Lei he is a new man. Let him be proud for a while, and then they have plenty of time to clean him up.

Yin Zhu takes the time to absorb some knowledge. When he is tired of cultivation, he does not forget to listen to some stories, especially stories and myths about animal gods and Utopia. Whether they are useful or not, Yin Zhu listens to them and also has a look at relevant historical knowledge. These things are more difficult to find outside, but there are still some records in the temple.

Yin Zhu doesn't want to collect evidence of garlic sprouts. In five thousand years, even if there is evidence, it has long disappeared in the long river of history. She can find out garlic sprouts, but those myths and even stories can spread. I think some of them are true. These functions depend on her own speculation. After all, Yin Zhu doesn't believe what anyone says now, and she only believes it I have my own.

Jono's own efforts also help Yin Zhu find relevant clues, but there are so many historical records and some distorted myths. To find out useful information is like looking for a needle in a haystack. It's not so easy. These can only be done slowly.

What Yin Zhu doesn't know is that when he is working hard on this side, Morrison has left the dark city with people on the other side.

Morrison went to the jungle and swamp this time, which is the ancestral land of Meizu. Morrison knew that Yin Zhu had hidden his two children. But before, he thought tengan was in the dark city. He didn't have to worry about it. He didn't expect that after this time, Leihe took tengan away and left the matter of the dark city to tangzhuo, Although Leihe can't leave the dark city forever, he will come back with tengan sooner or later, but obviously, he won't want to meet tengan, Leihe won't give him a chance.

This time, when the beast God in the totem stone asked him to do something, especially when he knew that the beast God wanted to catch tengxi and Tengcheng, Morrison agreed directly.

Of course, as for Morrison, he won't completely listen to the beast God, or he doesn't want to listen to anyone at all. He won't give his fate to anyone. Seizing Teng xitengcheng is OK, but this man can't give it to the beast God. On the contrary, he can take advantage of it to control people in his own hands. On the one hand, he can make Yin Zhu yield and help himself to contact later Curse, another is to protect the two children, do not let the two children fall in the hands of the beast God, so he will not completely offend Yin Zhu.

Morrison people are not bad. He just wants to get rid of their cursed fate from the beginning to the end.

Morrison doesn't think that the beast God wants to see the two children is kind-hearted. If it is kind-hearted, why don't they discuss with Yin Zhu directly, so the beast God must be uneasy and kind-hearted. Thinking of this, Morrison can't help laughing. Look, there's no good in helping the beast God, such as their family, such as Yin Zhu now.

But the beast God is still useful. For example, he doesn't know where Yin Zhu put tengxi and Tengcheng, but the beast God knows.

The jungle and swamp is really a good place. Although the orcs are very brave one by one, the danger of this natural environment is inevitable. Who would have thought that Yin Zhu would put his two children in such a bad environment, even if someone was with them, but the living conditions would never be good. They are the two proud sons of heaven.

But if you want to get ahead, you always have to suffer. No good comes from the sky.

Soon Morrison took people to the jungle swamp, Morrison waved to his men, "be careful when you go in. You'd better try to use things before you walk. Don't ask you to build Dagong. In this dangerous place, you should protect yourself first. We have plenty of time to search slowly." For his own people, Morrison is very loving.

"Yes." The people around them answered in a hurry. Although they had asked some things to pay attention to when walking in the bath before, they didn't walk in the bath after all. Theoretical things can only be understood by practice.

Not long after the beginning, some people accidentally fell into the bath. Fortunately, before the trip, Morrison worried that they were all tied with ropes. When they fell into the bath, they almost pulled the people in the back. Fortunately, the people in the back stabilized and then pulled the people out of the trap. Although they had tested the depth with branches before they left, they can't Sometimes I'm not careful.As the day went by, they walked too little. On the contrary, they met many wild animals living in the bath, and they were killed. Several people were seriously injured. If they weren't strong, they were afraid that someone would die.

Morrison couldn't help sighing when he saw this. On the first day, so many things happened. It was still outside. If he went inside, he was afraid that it would be more dangerous. But they still had to take the risk. After all, with teng'an and them in hand, he had a guarantee. He didn't mean to hurt teng'an and both of them, and he wouldn't make Yin Zhu the enemy, although Yin Zhu was the enemy Zhu Hui has a bad sense for them. It's good to apologize afterwards. I think Yin Zhu can understand what he's doing.

Morrison's wild action can't hide the white snow and others who live here. After all, the jungle swamp is a bad place in Thailand. Usually, no Orc will move here. Some of them are there. It's strange that such a large group of people suddenly come here. If there is no problem, there is no treasure in the jungle swamp, which can be said to be 70% or 80% It's all for them. It's for the tengan brothers.

It's just that the orcs and Yin Zhu are allies? What's going on? If you can let the Meizu people come to deliver the news, the most likely thing is that the orc has fallen out with Yin Zhu. Moreover, this person does not know where the news comes from. He knows that tengan brothers are here. Bai Xue frowns and Yin Zhu gives the two children to her. He always has to protect the safety of the two children.

But don't worry now. Morrison wants to find their ancestral land for a long time. Bai Xue is ready to find out what's going on. Moreover, Morrison can know that Teng an is here, so other forces outside will soon know the information of Teng an and his brothers. I'm afraid it's not safe.

Bai Xue looks up at the stars in the sky. She is afraid that the world will be in chaos soon. As early as Yin Zhu became a beast God, she knew that their family standing behind Yin Zhu had benefited. She was afraid that they would fight for Yin Zhu.

Fortunately, everyone in Meizu now has one or two contract beasts under their hands, and their combat power has been greatly improved. In particular, some contract beasts are aimed at some special circumstances. He wants to see how powerful those orcs are.

Snow White soon let her people with the contract beast to fight against Morrison's orcs, and borrowed some excellent geography, directly captured a prisoner from there, and heard what she wanted. After knowing Morrison's plan, snow white would not be soft hearted at this time, and directly let people to kill Morrison's people, and then let people take the Teng without hesitation Ando Cheng left, and he left in two ways.

Although Bai Xue didn't want to separate the two children at all, she did so for the sake of safety. No matter what plans those people had, she wanted to try her best to ensure the safety of the two children.

Of course, snow white didn't think about it. Would they deliberately force them to leave the jungles? Because of this, Snow White asked them to take this man directly to the depth of the swamp jungles and let them go through the jungles. If those people could find the two tengxi brothers, she would not be able to.

As for where to go, Bai Xue didn't ask. Her only request was to leave. They didn't have enough strength to return to Daze tribe in tengxi, or they could only go back when Yin Zhu was strong enough. Even she didn't know where to go. That kind of random escape was the safest way, because no one knew where they would go.

Of course, there is a danger in doing so. If they are in danger, maybe they will never return to Daze tribe. However, Bai Xue didn't think so much about it. If they don't go now, they will have no chance in the future.

As an old priest, Bai Xue is quite resolute sometimes. The rest is to meet the orcs who come here for a while and force her to do this. She has to ask those orcs to bleed well. She should always let the people in the world know the power of Meizu.

Meizu, a special ethnic group, is not so easy to bully. It has been silent for so long, so it should shine.

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