Morrison thought that he could easily catch tengxi and Tengcheng. Even those people in daze tribe were totem fighters, they would never lose to them. But what Morrison didn't expect was that all kinds of wild animals rushed out to fight, and these wild animals were unique in the jungle and swamp. When they occupied the right place and the right time, The orcs took advantage of the situation and suffered a lot. Of course, although there were no dead people in Meizu, the contract animals they managed to cultivate also died one by one. It can be said that the losses were heavy.

At the beginning, Morrison thought it was the beast here, but later he was wrong. When was the beast so disciplined, and he knew how to ambush, Morrison stepped back quickly when he found that it was wrong. The people of daze tribe knew how to control the beast and hide it deeply. Damn it, he suffered a big loss this time.

Morrison couldn't help thinking at this time. He always thought that the allies of daze tribe were only orcs. He didn't expect that there were still such people who could contract with beasts. However, it must be the beast God's backhand, just like them, right?

Thinking of this, Morrison couldn't help pondering. It seems that the beast God still has a lot of backhand, and it still exists that he didn't know. He should be careful in his future work, so as not to be fooled by the beast God. After all, he has careful thinking, and even the beast God can guess it.

"I mean no harm. I'm not your enemy." Morrison looked at the other side obviously want to continue to attack, quickly stop.

Snow looked at Morrison coldly at this time, "is there any malice, I can feel it, Morrison, say, what are you doing here?"

When Morrison heard this, he waved his hand helplessly and said, "I didn't mean any harm. I really came here for tengxi and the two of them, but I didn't want to hurt them."

When Bai Xue hears this, she stops the people around her. She wants to see what Morrison says. The orcs are a big help to Yin Zhu. Yin Zhu doesn't make a statement. Bai Xue hasn't completely fallen out with Morrison yet.

Morrison was very helpless at this time. He felt embarrassed when he was caught. He looked at snow white, then said the beast God's request again, and then said that he really didn't mean any harm, just wanted to protect tengxi.

White snow hears this sneer, this words coax others to also calculate, she arrived this age, if still don't want to understand Morrison's careful thought to live in vain.

Morrison doesn't mean to hurt tonsey, at least for now, but who knows if he will hurt tonsey in some special circumstances. Can we gamble on Morrison's kindness?

As for the beast God, Bai Xue thinks for a moment that the beast God should not be able to control the whole Orc tribe. If Yin Zhu had such ability, he would have jumped out long ago. Thinking of the totem mentioned by Morrison, the beast God should use the totem stone to determine the location. Besides Daze tribe, king of beasts City, there are totem stones on the side of the jungle and swamp Yes, no wonder.

Want to understand this, Snow White's heart finally let down, so she does not worry about tengxi their position will be exposed.

"Snow white, their safety has become a problem. Shall we escort them back to Daze tribe?" Even if you can't control them, you have to know where they are.

When Bai Xue heard this, she said with a cold smile, "you're probably going to be disappointed. Tengxi are not here. It's just a special training ground for our family."

Morrison can't help but frown when he hears this. It's a ghost letter. If they are not here, what will snow white do when he talks nonsense to him before?

"No? Do you believe that beast God's words Snow white looks at Morrison with eyebrows.

Morrison hesitated for a moment when he heard this, and then looked up at Snow White seriously. "It's not that I want to believe it, but that she wants to catch tengxi and both of them. Will she cheat me?"

White snow this time cold hum a, "you want to see slowly, I don't wait, since our secret base has been exposed, then we go back to Daze tribe." Then Snow White asked the people below to pack up their things, then turned around and left without hesitation.

Morrison can't help but feel some pain in his head. Seeing snow white's simple appearance, they should leave, otherwise Snow White would not leave so cleanly. Of course, it may be snow white pretended to let him leave.

However, no matter what, he always has to go to have a look, but then there is no snow they stop, his progress should be much faster.

Snow White must have gone a long way to tengxi. Even snow white may not be able to find it now. After all, the jungle and swamp are so big that there is no direction. How to find it? Snow white just wants to go back to Daze tribe as soon as possible and tell Meng Tai about it. It's best to find a way to know Yin Zhu.

Thinking of letting the two children out like this, Bai Xue doesn't know whether she is right or wrong, but she is wrong. Now there is no way to look back. I hope Yin Zhu has a way to find the two children.

Morrison couldn't find them. He went back to the city of darkness to recover his life with the beast God.

After the beast God knew that Morrison had not been able to bring the two children, he just said faintly that he knew, and then there was no following.Then Morrison left. Morrison thought that the beast God would be angry. Morrison also wanted to see how powerful the spirit of the beast God was, and whether it could punish and control him. But Morrison didn't expect that the beast God would say that he knew, and there would be no following. Was it because he didn't believe himself? I don't believe him. Why did you ask him to come?

The spirit of beast God looked at Morrison who went out and couldn't help laughing coldly. That's all.

Bai Xue tells tengxi and Tengcheng about going deep into the jungle and swamp. Meng Tai can only sigh when he knows about it. The reason why the people of the jungle and swamp and the Meizu dare to live in that area is because they have made clear the environment of that area before. As for the depth, even they dare not go. Now send someone to get familiar with it, not to say whether they can find people, but themselves I don't know if it's safe.

Montaigne didn't send someone to look for them. They shouldn't send talents. Tengxi's two children are destined to take such a road. They can't grow up safely in daze tribe. When they send them out, Montaigne knows that their identity is doomed that they can't stay in one place for too long, because no place is absolutely safe.

As a child of the beast God, Yin Zhu wants to do something, so they are destined to fight for Yin Zhu. This is also the way for daze tribe. As a member of Yin Zhu's clan, they have no other way to go, either with glory or with Yin Zhu to hell.

In the past two years, Montaigne has been training the orcs under his hand, and has been accumulating weapons. The machines Yin Zhu gave him basically work as long as they are full of energy.

War requires not only weapons, but also food. Some dried meat is easy to carry. Mengtai has also prepared a lot of food. Now the Daze tribe has a large population, and there are many prey in the Luoyue mountains. They have sharp weapons. Some wild animals that did not dare to provoke in the past have been moved back to the tribe by them. They have enough strength, and they are not short of food at all.

Now the hungry daze tribe is not weak at all. Even compared with the people in the king of beasts City, Montaigne is brave, but it's not enough. In the eyes of the God's palace, the king of beasts city is just a little dog they raise, and it's still the kind that will die if you press it. Although the Daze tribe has developed rapidly in the past two years, the time is still too short.

I hope Yin Zhu can strive for more things for their development.

There is no time for daze tribe to deliver the news to Yin Zhu, but Leihe has received the news from the orcs. After knowing that Morrison went to tengxi for their trouble, Leihe almost didn't jump up. He took tengan away. Is that Morrison's idea of tengxi and tengxi?

It seems that he was too kind. Before, he always thought that we were all orcs and ill fated people. He didn't want to embarrass Morrison, but Morrison should never attack Yin Zhu's children.

Yin Zhu and Qiao Nuo were also surprised when they knew the news. However, when they were ready to go back to Morrison to settle the accounts, Teng an suddenly came out with a smile, "mother, father, don't worry. The two brothers are OK. You don't have to worry."

When Yin Zhu heard this, she wanted to knock teng'an and tell him not to make trouble. Suddenly, she thought that teng'an and tengxi were triplets. Maybe they had some telepathy and could feel something. So she quickly picked up teng'an and said, "teng'an, is that true? Are they OK? "

"Well, it's OK. You don't have to go back to Leihe's father. It's not easy for you to be with her. You'd better accompany her more. As for the city of darkness, leave it to me." Teng an said with a smile.

Yin Zhu was stunned when he heard this, and then patted Teng an's ass, "you little fart, what are you talking about? What do you know?"

At this time, Teng an's forehead suddenly appeared a dark golden pattern, and then a slightly indifferent voice sounded, "of course I know what I'm doing. I'm the king of orcs. I was born to accept them. Now it's time for me to complete my mission."

Yin Zhu was shocked by this, then threw Teng an out of his hand, "who are you? You're not tengan. "

However, Teng an looked at Yin Zhu vaguely at this time, with tears in his eyes, "mother, why do you throw me? My little butt hurts."

Yin Zhu looks back to normal teng'an, can't help but have some doubts. Finally, Leihe hugs teng'an and gently rubs teng'an's buttocks. "Is it OK, teng'an?"

Teng'an shakes his head to show that he is OK, while Yin Zhu has already gone to the front of teng'an at this time. Looking at the golden grain on teng'an's forehead, he thinks deeply. Yin Zhu is good at wiping it, but it's really strange.

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