What's more strange is the strange sound, as if there was another person in Teng an's body.

"Who, get out of my child's body, get out." Yin Zhu shrieked, her child's body is absolutely not allowed to be possessed by others.

Tengxiao's face is also very bad, one by one around teng'an, but also to check teng'an over and over again.

It's a pity that nothing can be checked out. Even Yin Zhu has checked back and forth for several times, but it's still useless.

"What's the matter? Teng an, do you have any discomfort Yin Zhu is worried. What she fears most is the unknown situation. Because I don't know anything, or even how to prevent it.

When Yinzhu was in a panic, Beina said to Yinzhu quietly, "Yinzhu, teng'an is OK. You don't have to worry about it. Teng'an just feels his mission and wants to complete it."

Mission? Yin Zhu was puzzled when he heard this, and then Beina explained that some people's destiny was predestined by heaven, that is, destiny, and Teng an's destiny was to rule the orcs and become the king of the orcs, which was his way.

As for the pattern on teng'an's forehead, it represents the awakening of destiny.

When Yin Zhu heard this, he thought it was ridiculous. Is it destiny? She only believes that man will conquer nature. Besides, teng'an was complete at the beginning. If it wasn't for her saving Bai Kun, teng'an would not have become a half ORC. At that time, all the jokes are jokes.

What's more, Yin Zhu still thinks that this so-called destiny is very strange, is it a trap of the beast God?

at this time, Beina refutes Yin Zhu's words, "Yin Zhu, destiny is predestined as soon as he is born, it can't be changed, and it's not the beast God that can intervene, so it's called destiny."

"Ketengan is only a few years old, a little more than two weeks old. He is a child. It's a joke to tell a child about destiny." Yin Zhu can't do such a thing as to throw a child into a wolf's nest.

For teng'an, Yin Zhu has always been partial to teng'an. Because of teng'an's inborn deficiency, Yin Zhu is very guilty. He wants to give teng'an everything good, the orc, who is easy to contact. Even now, teng'an's strength is not enough to convince those orcs. Yin Zhu says that teng'an will not be allowed to fulfill the so-called God damned destiny.

There are many people in daze tribe who have to leave something to a child. Unless the adults die, Yin Zhu will never let Teng an fulfill the so-called destiny.

No one here can persuade Yin Zhu. Of course, Tengxiao doesn't agree. Even if the orc's children are precocious, they are still protected cubs.

"Mother, I know you want to protect me, but I have to shoulder my responsibility. My brothers have been ahead of me, and they have begun to walk their own way." Just when Yin Zhu was entangled, the adult voice remembered again, and the pattern on Teng an's forehead gave off a faint light.

Yin Zhu stares at the pattern at this time, "you call me a mother, I'm just Teng an's a mother." Obviously, Yin Zhu doesn't approve of this person.

Hearing Yin Zhu's words, the other party was very helpless, "I am teng'an, teng'an many years later. This is my mission. I have to go. You can't stop me, my mother, just like two brothers."

"The way your two brothers are going, what will happen to them?" It's only at this time that Yin Zhu grasps the key point of the discourse. Unfortunately, teng'an turns back to that naughty teng'an.

When Yin Zhu saw this, he was so angry that the critical moment was gone. It was meant to entertain her. What else is teng'an's rebirth many years later? It's not like that.

It's a pity that Yin Zhu couldn't make that person speak any more. In Beina's words, it takes a lot of energy for heaven to speak. Teng an's body has not enough energy.

And Beina's meaning is that Yin Zhu had better not stop it. Destiny can't stop it. Once it is stopped, it will make it more difficult and painful for those who bear destiny. The best way is to face the difficulties.

After hearing Beina's words, Yin Zhu can't help but wonder if Beina is cheating on her. This explanation can't convince her.

Beina can feel Yin Zhu's resistance to herself and can't help sighing. In fact, she said a long time ago that she was tied to the system and survived with Yin Zhu. She can't betray Yin Zhu at all.

Beina knows that Yin Zhu shouldn't be blamed for this. After all, there are too many puzzles and many truths buried by history. Even she doesn't know what she is doing.

Yin Zhu thought for a moment, ready to go to Qingling and ask about the so-called destiny.

Yin Zhu feels wonderful about Qingling. If Qingling is an enemy, it's not pure. If it's a friend, it's even worse.

Qingling saw Yin Zhu who went directly to his residence and couldn't help laughing, "younger martial sister, you're so brave. You've come here like this. Don't you take your friends with you?"

Recently, because of the temporary reconciliation between Yin Zhu and Qingling, both Fuxiang and Meiying have suspended fighting. There is a temporary peace in the temple."Anyway, you won't hurt me. What am I going to do? Besides, there are a lot of good things on your side. I want to go back in order." The temple has been in the hands of Qingling for so many years. There are a lot of Qingling. There are only a few things in their hands.

Hearing this, Qingling looked at Yinzhu with a smile, "younger martial sister, your temperament has really changed a lot. Are you so sure that I won't hurt you?"

Yin Zhu's heart jumps when he hears this. The final secret of the battle between her and Qingling is that Qingling always thinks that she is reincarnated by Beina. Yin Zhu never refutes it, that is, he wants to induce Qingling to think in which way.

"Qingling, what do you want to do?" Yin Zhu thinks that Qingling should be more than a beast God. Unfortunately, Yin Zhu still can't see through.

"What do I want to do? I want to be a beast God. Will you give me this position?" Qingling looks at Yinzhu with her head tilted.

"I don't want to be a beast God at all. I just want to live with my friends and family. You just want to take it directly." Yin Zhu is telling the truth. She feels that her burden is too heavy. The position of animal God is a big joke from heaven.

Her biggest wish in her life is to have a family and a beautiful life.

"Well said, I want to be a beast God. The first condition is that you die and absorb the divine power in your body before I can become a God. Will you help me?" Qingling is cold.

When Yin Zhu heard this, he could not help feeling that his neck was a little cold. Qingling was really abnormal. He would talk and laugh and change his face to kill.

"Come on, I don't think you'll come to my side to show off anything." Qingling said impolitely.

Yin Zhu is thinking about how obvious he is?

"What is destiny? I don't believe in destiny. " Yin Zhu looks directly at Qingling.

Hearing this, Qingling couldn't help laughing, "it seems that someone around you has awakened the destiny."

"What is destiny? That's a good question. I don't believe in destiny either. Destiny means that I can never be a beast God. I don't believe it, so I will break the sky with my own hands." Qingling looks up at the sky.

"Is the beast God chosen by heaven?" Yin Zhu asked.

"No, you are not." Qingling sneered, and then added, "you must be the weakest animal God in history. You don't even have any divine power. No wonder God doesn't give you certification."

"It's the weakest in history. Besides your master, were there any animal gods before?" It was the first time that Yin Zhu heard of other animal gods. He couldn't help asking curiously.

Hearing this, Qingling laughed, nodded and said, "of course, what do you think is God? God is only from cultivation. Naturally, our master is not the first one."

"What about the beast God before?" Yin Zhu asked anxiously. After all, the animal gods in the fairy tales she knew were all about Qingling's master.

"I don't know. Maybe I left. Anyway, I don't know. I read from the storybook a long time ago. There was more than one beast God in the past, but there were many. Unfortunately, I don't know why there was only one master left." Qingling said slowly, looking very gentle, as if in the memory of very beautiful things.

"You don't think it has something to do with Shifu, younger martial sister. Our Shifu is not so powerful. It has nothing to do with Shifu." Seeing that Yin Zhu was meditating, Qingling couldn't help laughing.

That's a long time ago. It has nothing to do with the beast God. When Yin Zhu heard this, she turned her mouth in embarrassment. She really wanted to find some clues from here, but it's useless for Qingling to say it directly.

"In fact, Shifu was very kind to me before. I was the first disciple of Shifu. I came to the temple with Shifu when I was six years old. At that time, there were very few attendants in the temple. They were afraid of me. Only Shifu was close to me. It can be said that I was the only disciple brought up by Shifu." Qingling didn't know what it was. He suddenly got excited and talked about the things related to the beast God long ago.

Looking at Qingling in memory, Yin Zhu sits beside him and listens quietly. Yin Zhu also wants to know why the two good masters and apprentices fight each other and become enemies. The reason Qingling said before is only one of them, certainly not all of them.

"At that time, the master treated me very well. I was just like her children. I worked hard every day to make the master happy. At that time, as long as I saw the master smiling, I would be happier than anything else."

Qingling stopped for a moment, looking a little trance, she faint smile, "but later I found that I was not the master's favorite disciple, not the first disciple."

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