Yin Zhu was stunned when he heard this. Isn't Qingling the first disciple of beast God? I've never heard of it.

Seeing Yin Zhu's surprise, Qingling smiles, "only I know about this thing, and I know it in my master's sleep."

The first disciple of the beast God, and no one knows about it, Yin Zhu suddenly feels that this may be a breakthrough, but why does Qingling tell her this at this time.

The first disciple of Shifu was QingHan. The first one QingHan followed was Shifu. At that time, Shifu was not a god of animals. At that time, Shifu should be the master of the divine palace. QingHan had outstanding talent and was accepted as the first disciple by Shifu.

At that time, the gods of the orc continent had already gone, and there was no God in the whole continent. Shifu's power was the biggest in the palace, but she was still not a beast God. The person who failed to cultivate the divine power could only be regarded as the ruler of the palace. All the masters of the palace wanted to be beast gods, but Shifu had no chance.

QingHan's talent is very good. At a young age, his strength surpasses most of the people in the temple. He was trained as the future master of the temple. At that time, the master was very good at QingHan, so he almost didn't love her as a daughter. However, all this changed when QingHan was 18 years old.

When QingHan was 18 years old, he suddenly woke up to the destiny, and it was the destiny of the beast God. The master knew this. At the beginning, he was overjoyed, and the temple finally ushered in the real master. However, the joy was only for a while, and then the master looked at QingHan in the wrong way. If QingHan became the beast God, she was not going to salute QingHan To be a beast God is the lifelong wish of a master.

When Yin Zhu heard this, his whole body was cold. There was no news in history that it was the destiny of the beast God. Instead, their master became the beast God. If there were no problems, who would believe it.

"The destiny is not so easy to deprive, even the more you obstruct, the more powerful the destiny will be. The master used many ways but failed to change it. At last, she came up with a way, that is to devour QingHan completely, not only the flesh and blood, but also the soul. Only in this way can QingHan and her completely inherit the destiny, and let QingHan and her be equal to each other And destiny is destiny, which is so easy to capture. QingHan, who was swallowed up, is not completely ridiculed. On the contrary, it is hidden in the master's body. QingHan himself trusts his master most. Who would have thought that the person who once treated her best would have poisoned her like this, and the QingHan hidden in the master would be blackened. You should remember that most of the time, master She is not really practicing in the temple. She wants to swallow up the cold. However, as far as I know, she has not succeeded. " When Qingling said this, he told a story to her, which was very light and light.

Yin Zhu frowned at this time. Is that beast God QingHan or their master?

"When I was a child, I didn't know why Shifu hurt me so much. Later, when I learned about this, I realized that I looked like QingHan. If I had a relationship, I should be QingHan's niece and granddaughter. Later, Shifu probably felt that I knew her secret, and then he didn't want to be intimate with me any more. Even the next few disciples didn't dare to be intimate." When Qingling said this, he was very sarcastic.

"Then you killed the beast God to avenge your aunt?" Yin Zhu asked suspiciously.

Qingling shook his head at this time. "That's not true. QingHan left our tribe very early. When I was born, QingHan died for more than ten years. I didn't know her at all. How could I revenge for her?"

Qingling looked at Yinzhu and said with a smile, "Yinzhu, as far as I know, her soul was broken in the last battle between me and Shifu, but the main soul didn't know where to go. Do you think the main soul is Shifu's or cold? And the ghost in the dark city, whose do you think it is? "

When Yin Zhu heard this, he stepped back a few steps, "then whose do you think it is?"

Qingling didn't answer Yinzhu, but laughed, "people in the world say that I bite master, but who knows, this thing is exactly what master wants to see, I just follow her meaning."

At this time, Yin Zhu felt that his mind was full of paste, which suddenly brought out a cold, some confused.

Of course, we need to inquire about this cold matter. Although there is no information about this in the temple, there must be a few people who know about it, but some old people in the temple may know something.

"I know you won't believe me. Go and find out, but the temple doesn't know much about QingHan, let alone the inside story." Qingling said with a smile.

"Qingling, what do you want to say after you have talked so much with me?" Yin Zhu asked very frankly.

"What do you say? I just told you to be careful, younger martial sister. It's better not to believe anyone, and then go to find the truth you want. In fact, the so-called animal God title, which has no divine power, is not God at all. And then there is destiny. I've seen the master change it by force. Don't you believe in heaven? Do you want to try? I'd love to see it Qingling said with a smile.

Yin Zhu's face is not good when he hears this. He is making fun of his son.At this time, Qingling said with a smile, "let me guess the one who shows the destiny over there, Tengxiao. He is just the child of the lion king, and his blood is not enough. I think there will be a greater possibility of the destiny. There are people from daze tribe, Jono or tengan. I think the greater possibility is your child tengan, or you won't rush to ask me It's a matter of destiny. "

After listening to Qingling's analysis, Yin Zhu finds himself in a bad mood. He really can't hide anything.

"Only two or three years old has the destiny, really formidable." Qingling said with a smile.

"Why didn't you talk about the cold before?" Yin Zhu clenched his teeth and asked why such an important thing has been said so far.

Hearing this, Qingling was stunned, and then said, "you didn't ask, how can I remember to say it? It's thousands of years, and I've forgotten many things. If you didn't suddenly mention destiny, I really didn't remember."

When Yin Zhu heard this, he turned his lips with disdain. Don't believe the ghost. How could Qingling forget such an important thing.

Qingling saw Yin Zhu's expression and laughed. She was very happy. "Little younger martial sister, go back and think about it. If you have any idea, tell me. Maybe I can help you with your reference."

Yin Zhu doesn't see Ling's smiling face at all at this time. She turns around and leaves. The news is too important. She wants to go back and think about it carefully. Then she wants to think about who the ghost in the dark city is, especially if the other party wants to catch her son.

Yin Zhu went back to find Qiao nuotangxiao and Leihe, and told them about QingHan. Several people on the scene were stunned when they heard this. QingHan had no information about this person. They had to look for some useful information first, and then analyze who the ghost was in the totem stone.

Yin Zhu asked Fuxiang to find out the oldest people in the temple, and then inquired about QingHan one by one. It's a pity that no one knew about QingHan. Finally, he got some information from an old man who was guarding the fire at the altar of the temple. The beast God did have a disciple named QingHan before, but it seemed that he betrayed his master and was expelled from the school by the beast God, and then no one came Goodbye to her.

Well, we can't find any useful information, but we can be sure that the beast God did have an apprentice before Qingling.

What's more, there is no good change in destiny. What about Teng an?

Let teng'an go to the dark city, Yin Zhu is absolutely not at ease, but Yin Zhu can not always accompany teng'an in the dark city.

"Yin Zhu, I'll go back to accompany teng'an. Originally, I wanted to train teng'an to be the successor of the orcs. Now I just start this thing ahead of time. With me, it will be much easier for teng'an to take over the dark city." Leihe gently touched Yinzhu's head.

Yin Zhu knows that this is the best way, but Yin Zhu is really not willing to be Leihe. They are only together and they have to separate. Why can't she live well with the people she likes? She always separates one from the other, so it's annoying to have no strength.

"Yin Zhu, you can come to see me in the dark city." Probably seeing Yin Zhu's reluctance, Lei he was very happy. Yin Zhu finally put himself in mind.

Yin Zhu said that they had just come out of the dark city, and now they have to send it back, and they must have a fierce fight with Morrison, "otherwise, let's go back together to help you accept the dark city, and clean up the ghost by the way, no matter who she is."

Leihe shook his head. "Yinzhu, I'd better go back with tengan. Let the orcs do what they do. " Yin Zhu and they are all right in the dark city. That's because Leihe suppressed them. But they really want to take care of the affairs in the dark city. They're afraid that the orcs will deal with Yin Zhu first, so it's not a good thing for them to go.

On the contrary, as long as it's still their Orc affairs, it's better to deal with.

Listen to Leihe said, Yin Zhu can only reluctantly agree.

Qingling looks at Yinzhu going out and can't help laughing happily. Qingyun goes to the front of Qingling and says unhappily, "elder sister, why should I tell Yinzhu something so important?"

At this time, Qingling gently touched Yun's hair, "because she can use it. We don't know what the beast God wants to do, or even where it is hidden, or what plot there is. We don't know that someone has to force her out. Our master is not so easy to deal with, so I also want to see how capable Yin Zhu is. I've been pushing her all the time It's always useful to stay, isn't it? "

Qingyun see this embrace Qingling, "elder sister, don't think so much, so many years, we live I'm not happy, in fact, even if death is nothing, anyway I follow elder sister you."

After hearing what Qingyun said, Qingling's original hard heart softened. Yes, for so many years, in fact, she couldn't hold on any longer, but for the sake of the only relative and sister to be well.

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