For the departure of Leihe and tengan, Yin Zhuxin is very weak and weak. She doesn't know too much, so her three little children are forced to grow up.

Teng an made it very clear that not only he but also tengxi and Tengcheng would walk out of their own destiny. Yin Zhu still didn't believe in the so-called destiny. If she wanted to say it, why didn't she? Instead, her three little children had the so-called destiny.

Yin Zhu wants to help, but finds that many things have already been decided by others. Tengxi and Tengcheng don't know what destiny is, and her children don't know when they will meet again.

"Jono, Tengxiao, I'm going to shut up the next time and not take care of your affairs outside. What about you?" The three children's affairs once again stimulate Yin Zhu's nerves. If we say that the curse of Lei he baikun and the two of them was the driving force to force Yin Zhu, then the so-called destiny of tengxi's three children is forcing Yin Zhu to work hard.

"We also practice." Qiao Nuo calm voice says, Yin Zhu all desperately, they as male want to desperately is.

"Yes." Yin Zhu answered, the temperature was a little dull, but the three people were ready to work hard, Yin Zhu thought very clearly, no matter what people outside want to do, any conspiracy is good, there is nothing, she just want more is useless, now there is still time to improve their strength, otherwise it is too late to regret because they have no strength.

Leihe takes teng'an back to the dark city. As soon as he gets to the gate, he sees Morrison and the people of the dark city greet him at the gate. When Leihe thinks of Morrison and forces teng'an and teng'an to venture into the jungle and swamp, he becomes angry and fights with Morrison.

When Morrison did that, he knew that he must have offended Reich, but he was not afraid of Reich. They were equally powerful. It was not so easy for Reich to kill him. As for the reason why he took people to meet Reich and made this gesture, it was his apology.

Of course, another point is that Leihe brought tengan back, which means Leihe won't go all out with him. After all, Leihe has to take care of tengan.

Reih and Morrison were big and dark, but the other orcs didn't do it.

Morrison also deliberately gave Reich a blow, and then with a face that had been seriously deformed and could not see the appearance, he said to Reich, "now that his anger is gone, can you listen to my explanation?"

Leihe doesn't want to talk to Morrison at all. What he wants to do now is to beat him, then nibble away Morrison's power bit by bit, and push teng'an to the throne of ORC king. There are plenty of opportunities after picking up Morrison.

The two of them have different purposes. They are doomed not to be on the same road. They have known what kind of person Morrison is for a long time, and they are doomed not to be friends.

"Tell me, do you know the details of that ghost?" Asked Reich impatiently.

Leihe doesn't think that Morrison will obediently listen to the ghost's instructions. This man is very careful. Yin Zhu can't convince Leihe what a ghost who can't walk out of the totem stone can do.

"Let's go and see the so-called beast God. Teng'an, too." Morrison looked at the pattern on Teng an's forehead and laughed faintly.

Destiny, I see this thing again, and it's the king of orcs.

Leihe holds Teng an and slowly follows Morrison. He also wants to know who the ghost is.

The totem stone felt their existence when they walked into the stone room. Layers of light silver light appeared next to the totem stone, and then slowly gathered into a human shape.

"Teng an, you're back." The figure said softly, the voice is very gentle.

"Yes, I'm back. I'm back to be my king." Teng an said in a calm voice.

Leihe is a little complicated at this time. Looking at tengan like this, tengan will become calm when destiny wakes up. He doesn't want to be a naughty guy like him at all.

"It's good for you to come back so that I don't have to go to them. You are the same." The figure lightly says.

Leihe heard this directly blocked teng'an, afraid that the ghost would do something to teng'an. "Who are you and what do you want to do with Teng an?"

"Me? Didn't you guess? " The figure laughed softly.

"You are QingHan." Leihe said in a calm voice, if it is said that the divine power of the beast God came from the cold destiny, then the totem stone, as a divine thing given to the beast God by heaven, only the real one can hide in it. If it is a fake, it will be burned to death by the divine fire on the totem stone.

"What are you going to do with Yin Zhu's children?" Leihe's face is very bad, whether it's the beast God or the cold, it's not a good match.

"Don't worry, I won't hurt them. I just want to give them benefits. You don't have to worry so much." QingHan said that he was kind, but he didn't mean it.

"Advantage, you let Morrison deliberately drive tengxitengcheng to the depths of the jungle and swamp, this is the advantage?" Leihe is cold. Leihe estimates that when QingHan asked Morrison to work, he knew that Morrison could not bring tengxitengcheng back, or even run away."RAH, what do you know? Do you know what kind of responsibilities your partner has to bear? You don't know. It seems that Yin Zhu has worked very hard, but it's not enough. Just Yin Zhu and you are not the opponents of Wuji at all. If you meet each other, you will die. Well, Wuji is my master's name. " This is the first time Leihe heard the name of the beast God. Wuji, a female's name is so domineering.

"That's not your reason for calculating Teng Xi Teng Cheng." Leihe angrily called, there are always a lot of people with the flag for you, and then keep telling your life, but also think it is good to do things.

"Tengxiteng city must go out and bear the fate they have to bear. Only when they grow up can they help Yin Zhu. Otherwise, you will all die. Do you think you still have secrets? I know Yin Zhu is not our younger martial sister. I even know more than you. After all, I'm a member of Wuji. I know all her plans. " QingHan said with a smile.

When Leihe heard this, he felt a thump in his heart. They never talked about Yin Zhu's identity in front of QingHan. Even Morrison always thought that Yin Zhu was the reincarnation of Bena. Who knows that QingHan said that she knew a lot at this time, and she also said that she knew a lot. Indeed, if it was the back hand made by the beast God, who knows, then QingHan is the most clear person.

"Don't you really think Wuji is very weak, and you are killed by several disciples? I tell you that's because Wuji designed it, otherwise no one can kill her. " Cold calm voice said coldly.

"So? How is the beast God going to deal with Yin Zhu? " Reich's face was gloomy, you asked.

"Now you don't need to know this. It's not good for you to know it. You should honestly improve your strength. I have only one word to say that Yin Zhu, Yin Zhu and Qingling are just pieces of the beast God. But I'm not willing to. I was swallowed once, and that's all that's left. I don't want to disappear, so you have to work hard for me Li, if you don't go, don't blame me for my tricks. " Cold cold said.

Looking at Leihe silent, his face is not good, then QingHan said, "Leihe, the weak have no right, can only follow the road arranged by the strong, you have no choice."

Even Morrison, who was standing on one side, could not help clenching his fist, because he was also a weak man who was forced to have no power.

"Bring teng'an here. I can do him some good." Cold light said, typical for a slap and then give a sugar.

"Why should I believe you?" Reich took teng'an in his arms and stepped back.

QingHan ignored Leihe directly at this time, but waved to teng'an, "teng'an, I have something good here. You come and give it to you. You should feel that I'm not lying."

Teng an was silent for a while at this time, and then said to Leihe who held him tightly: "Leihe, father, you can go down. It's OK."

Leihe didn't expect that QingHan didn't persuade himself, but he convinced teng'an. Leihe held teng'an tightly and said with a headache, "why do you believe her? Who knows if she will harm you?"

"Don't worry. For the moment, I'll depend on you to help me kill Wuji, so don't worry. I won't harm teng'an." QingHan said that he only wanted to cooperate with Yin Zhu.

"Since you say you want to cooperate, you have to show some sincerity. Where is the promise?" Reich asked coldly.

QingHan takes a look at Leihe and Morrison, then smiles, "in the temple."

Leihe's face changed when he heard this. It's impossible to say that Yin Zhu is in danger. Besides, there are Qingling in the palace. If the beast God is really in the palace, how can no one find him.

"As far as I'm concerned, she hasn't left the temple for five thousand years, but I don't know where it is. But the general direction is not wrong. Wuji has swallowed my destiny. Now I can't control it, but I can still feel her existence. You think, the destiny is still in the beast God, and Yin Zhu has no divine power You know how dangerous your so-called beast God's companion is, and you should improve your strength as soon as possible. " QingHan looks at Leihe sarcastically.

Teng an has jumped out of Leihe's arms at this time, "Leihe's father believes me, it's OK, at least now I promise it's OK." I'm sorry to say that the perfect person has slowly come to the front of the cold.

QingHan sneered at Leihe at this time, "it seems that this boy's courage is much bigger than you."

QingHan grabs teng'an at this time, then tears and sees that gold runes come out of the totem stone and fly to teng'an. The pattern of destiny on teng'an's forehead is more and more bright.

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