This process is very fast. QingHan takes back his hand very quickly. At this time, QingHan's original light figure becomes thinner. It seems that it takes a lot of energy.

"Thank you." Teng an thanks QingHan very seriously at this time.

QingHan said faintly at this time: "don't thank me. We can say it's mutual benefit. You are a little stronger. You can help me stop Wuji at that time. Besides, my destiny has been plundered. It's better to give you the rest."

Leihe sees Teng an is OK. At this time, his face is a little stiff and he thanks QingHan. He hates being calculated, but he will thank those who should.

Leihe leaves the cold place with teng'an on his mind. Morrison looks at Leihe with a bad look at him at this time. While he is calculating Yinzhu, Leihe and others are not on guard against him. Yinzhu is not a disciple of the original beast God. He pretends to be like him, even the original lanshuang has been concealed.

Morrison had long felt that the ghost in the totem stone was different. He thought it was the ghost of the beast God who had been alone for many years. He wanted to have an independent personality and not be swallowed up. He thought he had the opportunity to use it. Who ever thought it was cold.

Yin Zhu is not a disciple of the beast God, so can Yin Zhu still be the beast God? Morrison didn't know who he was going to turn to and who could see his real way.

Leihe is also in a bad mood at this time. According to QingHan, the beast God is very powerful. Qingling QingHan and Yin Zhu are not her rivals. Moreover, the beast God has a big plot. They have too little power in their hands now.

"Morrison, what are your plans?" Reich stopped Morrison and asked.

"Plan, what do you think I can plan for? I've done so much that I don't know who to rely on in the end?" Morrison was a little annoyed. He had been fighting all his life to get rid of the curse of his clansmen. As a result, he worked so hard for a long time, but found that he was not even a chess player.

Morrison is a little envious of Leihe at this time. At least Leihe can clearly know what he wants, but he doesn't even know who can really help him or who he can play for.

"Morrison, for the last time, I would like to advise you how to deal with Teng an. You should know that Teng an is destined to become the king of orcs, and you can't escape the fate of sincere obedience. It's better to help Yin Zhu now. You should know that Yin Zhu is a man with conscience, different from them." Leihe can't help persuading Morrison again, which is that Morrison didn't really hurt Yin Zhu from the beginning to the end, otherwise Leihe would not speak any more. Moreover, Leihe also admired what Morrison did for the orcs.

Morrison hesitated this time. After a long time, Morrison replied, "I want to think about it."

Following teng'an is tantamount to taking refuge in Yin Zhu. Yin Zhu's son will be the king of the orcs, but it doesn't mean that Yin Zhu will be the beast God. Besides, even the cold beast God's destiny can be taken away, so who can he believe in.

The so-called destiny is just God's advantage, but man-made interference can still be changed. Thinking of this, Morrison can't help rubbing his forehead. He should really think about the way behind. With things happening step by step, the so-called truth of better things has been overturned. Morrison really doesn't know who he should believe .

At the beginning, even he grew up under the guidance of LAN Shuang, so whose is Lan Shuang? Is it infinite or cold? What is their calculation? QingHan means that Wuji has a great plan. Wuji is a beast God. What else does he want to calculate?

Leihe saw Morrison's appearance and nodded. In a short time, Morrison must sort out his thoughts. Fortunately, he didn't have so much trouble. He just had to follow Yin Zhu.

Leihe believes in Yinzhu. Although Yinzhu is very soft hearted and has no ambition, Yinzhu is absolutely sincere to his own people. Yinzhu will fight to the end with the beast gods for tengan, and then change the fate of the orcs.

Leihe took teng'an's hand and walked slowly in the dark city at this time. "Teng'an, watch it. This is your territory in the future." Before, Leihe didn't want to teach tengan those consciousness, but from now on, he wants to cultivate tengan well.

"Father Leihe, in fact, you don't have to come back with me. It's not easy for you to be accepted by my mother, but I'm separated from her again." Teng'an holds Leihe's bun in his arms. His voice is low and he feels guilty.

When Leihe heard this, he couldn't help touching tengan's head. "What do children want to do so much? Besides, who says that love must be together? Love is in the heart."

Teng'an laughed at this saying, "well, father leher is really great."

Leihe can't help rubbing teng'an's head when he hears this. This little guy is big, no big, no small.

"Father Rahab, from tomorrow on, you start training me to hunt." Teng an spoke lightly.

Normal Orc cubs learn to hunt after they are six years old. Of course, at this time, they usually catch weaker animals. Even if they are more powerful than Orc cubs, half Orc cubs don't go hunting when they are more than two years old.Leihe didn't say no. Leihe was very clear about the weight of tengan's burden, especially the children who wake up to heaven's destiny, will be more precocious and intelligent, "OK, don't complain at that time." Teng'an now has the blessing of heaven, plus his own strength is not bad, it should be OK, but teng'an's life is expected to be very hard, no childhood.

Teng an laughed at this time, "I'm much luckier than the elder brother and the second brother. I have at least a father with me." Teng an's eyes looked at the distance, as if he could see tengxi Tengcheng's experience.

Leihe can't help touching tengan's head when he hears this. The child is so sensible that it hurts.

As for the so-called taking over the dark city and gathering forces and so on, reih has not done it for the time being, and teng'an has not said that he wants strength to win over Morrison, but what teng'an lacks now is strength.

The next day, Leihe decisively takes tengan out to hunt. The prey is a long hairy beast prepared by Leihe. In addition to the faster speed, the attack mode is single and the strength is not strong. It is most suitable for the cubs who have just learned to hunt.

After all, teng'an was too small, and it was the first time that teng'an spent a whole morning killing the long haired beast, and he also injured himself. After beating the long haired beast, teng'an lay on the ground, and he was exhausted after a whole morning of high-intensity fighting.

Leihe looks at teng'an who is too tired to speak. En, there are wounds all over his body. They are not serious injuries, but they are everywhere. The child doesn't even cry. Leihe goes forward to pick up teng'an and applies the medicine he has prepared to teng'an.

After a day's rest, teng'an went on hunting, and Leihe followed teng'an to guide him.

Morrison naturally sees the actions of Leihe and tengan. Looking at the hard-working people, Morrison suddenly decides to shut up. Since QingHan says that the weak have no rights, he has been waiting for others to give him the opportunity. Why doesn't he become strong by himself? When he is strong enough to be afraid of everyone, who dares to use him? Fate is not impossible Yes, Sophie has also broken free from the shackles of orcs? A female can. Why can't he.

To say that his ancestors used to follow the beast God, and when they were the most powerful, they also cultivated their divine power. Although they were still orcs at that time, their blood will not change anyway.

Since chaos is coming, we can only use the fastest speed to improve our own strength. The fastest and most effective way for orcs to improve their own strength is to swallow the animal pill. However, swallowing the animal pill has side effects, that is, it is easy to be swallowed by the power of the animal pill. Of course, the safer and safer way is to find a little stronger animal pill than our own strength, which has a great impact It may be successful. When the energy of the animal pill is absorbed, find another one. This is the safest way.

Morrison used this method, and he also found his own direct predecessors of the animal Dan, so down in a continuous line, the danger will be much smaller.

Reih and Morrison both practice and improve their own strength, but the orc side is relatively calm, and there is no dispute.

QingHan felt the movement of the dark city in the totem stone, and couldn't help laughing happily. Everyone was on his own way.

On the other side, a caravan came out of the Daze tribe. The commodities in the caravan were the specialties of daze tribe. They were accompanied by several priests. Every time the priests went to a place, they would leave a Book handed down to the local tribal priests and teach them the above things.

The book contains all kinds of plant knowledge, food and medicine, and even all kinds of food preservation and treatment methods, animal domestication and plant cultivation. It is a complete encyclopedia. As long as the Daze tribe has something in it, people outside have it. Some elite crop seeds that can be planted also spread with the arrival of the caravan.

Because of the appearance of this caravan, the whole Orc world has undergone earth shaking changes. All people are very grateful to Daze tribe and the new beast God Yinzhu. In many places, there are even temples of the beast God Yinzhu.

For a time, the news of Yin Zhu, the new beast God, spread all over the world, and people's life in the world became better. Many people even went to Daze tribe to learn the unique knowledge of daze tribe.

For the first time, the Daze tribe in the Luoyue mountains came into the eyes of the orc world.

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