Naturally, the actions of daze tribe are in the eyes of several powerful people, but no one interferes with the disease. What Yin Zhu seeks is the people's will in the world. However, what they fight for from the upper class is not only the people's will, but also the divine power.

Although popular belief is useful, Yin Zhukong has the name of animal God. Even if Yin Zhu can collect the power of belief, it can't be used for the time being. Only Yin Zhu can use it after he gets the power. Moreover, the people of the orc continent have been suffering for 5000 years, and they should really enjoy happiness.

After Qingling knew what happened outside, he laughed and said to Qingyun, "our little younger martial sister has finally made efforts."

Qingyun nodded, "elder sister, then we should be ready."

Qingling nodded to show that she knew that everything she had arranged would not go wrong.

Shirley just smiles mysteriously at this time and doesn't say anything. Anyway, from the beginning to the end, she was caught in the chariot by force and didn't give her any choice. Now, even if Qingling makes any decision, it's also a direct order and doesn't give her a chance to discuss. In this way, she doesn't care about anything.

At this time, Yin Zhu studied the relevant knowledge seriously during the day. Many of the forces she absorbed in the utopian cloud tower were hidden in her body and failed to stimulate them well. Now what she has to do is to use these forces.

Jono and Tengxiao also have their own things to do. Tengxiao's own talent is very good. Jono's talent is also very good because of the beast Dan. They have absorbed a lot of energy from Yin Zhu, and now they want to turn that energy into their own strength.

For a whole year, Yin Zhu didn't leave the temple, and Qingling didn't trouble him. There was a strange balance in the temple. In one year, there was no big change in Yin Zhu's side, and Tengxiao's strength was greatly improved.

There was something wrong with Jono's body. At the beginning, Jono didn't feel it. After such a long time of cultivation, Jono's strength didn't improve at all, and he maintained the prototype all the time. Jono felt that his soul was stained with a strange color. For the time being, he couldn't see any abnormality in the color, but Jono knew it was definitely wrong, it should be Qing The spirit of their own under the backhand.

Jono remembers that he didn't practice much, but there was no abnormality in his soul. This was the problem after his practice. At the beginning of one year, Jono didn't want to tell Yin Zhu. He wanted to solve it by himself. Besides, as a male, he couldn't protect his partner, and he kept dragging his feet. He couldn't accept it, he couldn't accept it My own incompetence.

However, Qingling's means are not so easy to contact. Jono thinks many ways are useless. Jono plans to go to Qingling to have a look, at least to know what Qingling's purpose is.

Qiao Nuo didn't hide Tengxiao. If he was abnormal, someone would have to help him. He met Yin Zhu every day. Without Tengxiao's help, Yin Zhu would have found out.

Qiao Nuo goes to Qingling directly. Qingling looks at Qiao Nuo who goes directly in front of him and says with a smile: "how can you come to my side and find something wrong with yourself?"

"What have you done to my body?" Jono said with a very bad look.

"It's nothing. It's just the black wind of soul eating cliff added to your soul. This is a little trick I've learned in soul eating cliff for more than 5000 years. Don't worry, it won't kill you for the time being. It will only slowly devour your soul, but the speed is very slow. It will take at least ten years, so you don't have to worry." Qingling said with a smile.

Jono turned blue when he heard this. "OK, I see." As for the matter of asking for help, Jono didn't say a word. Qingling would do such a thing. He must have blackmailed Yin Zhu with himself. Jono would not ask Qingling for help.

He came here just to find out what was going on. At least if he knew what was going on, he could find a way to deal with it.

Qingling still smiles gently at this time. "By the way, I have a way to relieve the black wind. Do you want to know?"

When Jono heard this, he turned around and left. Jono knew very well that Qingling would not be so kind-hearted to tell herself, otherwise she would not need him.

Qingling looked at Qiao Nuo straight to go outside, can't help laughing, "Qiao Nuo why so angry, just go like this, you have a heart to little younger martial sister, forget it, think that way you won't use, then I won't say, save you give me a look. Don't worry, I didn't want your life, and I didn't want Yin Zhu's life. You probably know that we have been punished by Shenhuo. I hope Yin Zhu can be more powerful, cultivate his magic power quickly, and then take away the Shenhuo. Then I'll take away your black wind and give you a healthy body. "

Qingling doesn't want to talk nonsense with Jono, so he says his purpose clearly.

When Jono heard this, he stopped for a moment. Although he wanted this Qingling to die, Jono knew very well that if Yinzhu was not in any danger, Yinzhu would definitely make such a deal without his consent.

Qingling can't help laughing as she looks at Qiao Nuo's going away. For this transaction, Qingling dares to promise that as long as Yin Zhu really cultivates her magic power, she will trade with her 100% and Yin Zhu will never give up his partner's death.After Qiao Nuo returns to the temple, he looks at Yin Zhu and teng'an who are working hard. He looks at Yin Zhu who is working so hard, but he wants to be a drag on Yin Zhu. So Yin Zhu has to detoxify Qingling to make his opponent stronger.

Thinking of this, Jono decided to leave the temple. Anyway, he couldn't practice now. He might as well leave to avoid disturbing Yin Zhu here. Moreover, he didn't believe that he couldn't change the current situation. Moreover, even if he couldn't change it, he didn't want to seek Qingling.

Jono said that she would go back to Daze tribe to have a look. Although Yin Zhu was very surprised, Tengxiao interrupted Jono, but Yin Zhu didn't find anything wrong. In addition, Yin Zhu's whole mind is on cultivation now. She is reluctant to give up Jono, but she won't stop Jono.

Yin Zhu knows that his partners are better than each other, even Jono. Otherwise, Jono would not have swallowed the beast secretly. If he wanted to be strong, Jono had his own way to go. Even if she stopped him, he might not succeed.

After Yin Zhu and Qiao Nuo separated, Yin Zhu looked at Tengxiao coldly, "is there something wrong with Qiao Nuo's body?" Yin Zhu has never forgotten Qingling's threat to her. It's just that Jono hasn't found any physical problems before, so they are together.

Yin Zhu is very clear that although there are many things in daze tribe, there are Mengtai and baikun in daze tribe. They are not short of Jono.

Yin Zhu knows how much Jono cherishes his time with him. There is only one reason why Jono suddenly proposes to leave, that is, there is something wrong with Jono's body. But Jono doesn't want her to worry about it, so she just leaves. Thinking of this, Yin Zhu can't help clenching her fist. It's all her fault, If it were not for her lack of strength, those people would not dare to bully them like this.

Had it not been for her inexplicable ghost inheritance, Jono would not have had so many troubles at all. In fact, it was her who dragged them down.

Tengxiao is suddenly asked by Yin Zhu, and his face is not good. He stammers and doesn't know how to answer Yin Zhu.

When Yin Zhu saw this, he was not embarrassed. Tengxiao said, "OK, you don't have to say. Jono told me that you can't tell me, right? You are stupid When Yin Zhu saw this, he held Tengxiao in his arms.

Yin Zhu hugged Tengxiao tightly and said, "Tengxiao, you must not have any more accidents in the future." He is a partner. Now Tengxiao is the only one who is good. The others are all because of this and that. Apart from the problem, if Tengxiao hadn't been good all the time, Yin Zhu would have regarded himself as a disaster.

Tengxiao heard this and hugged Yin Zhu, "yes, I'll be fine all the time. Don't worry about Yin Zhu." Tengxiao fondly touches Yinzhu's long hair. Yinzhu has a heavy heart. He knows it.

Yin Zhu is just so fragile for a while. She has already laughed at this meeting. "I will continue to practice. I must become a beast God, and then trample those ghosts and snakes under my feet. There will be no messy things to find me."

Tengxiao heard this and nodded, "well, I'll be your first guard in the future and become the most powerful guard in the orc continent."

"Yes." Yin Zhu answered quietly, and then the two of them were speechless one after another. They both practiced hard, and the pressure forced people to move forward. Now Yin Zhu is that even if the pressure is heavy, Yin Zhu will continue to move forward for the sake of the people he loves.

Qingling naturally knows about Jono's departure. Qingling didn't expect that Jono would leave directly. It seems that he would give up directly. He still wants to go outside to find a way. I didn't expect that Jono would be so desperate.

It's a pity that there are few such people around her. They don't see her. They just make their own decisions about a lot of things. All the people around her can believe is her sister. It's a pity that Qingyun has no heart. She doesn't dare to say anything. She's afraid that if she says too much, Qingyun will be stereotyped, and it's not good at that time.

It's a pity that there are few such people around her. They don't see her. They just make their own decisions about a lot of things. All the people around her can believe is her sister. It's a pity that Qingyun has no heart. She doesn't dare to say anything. She's afraid that if she says too much, Qingyun will be stereotyped, and it's not good at that time.

Qing Yun was stereotyped, when it's not good, Qing Yun was stereotyped, when it's not good..

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