Jono didn't go back to Daze tribe after he left the temple. Daze tribe didn't need him. Moreover, his state was just to hurt people around him. It was better to go away.

Since he has left, he is not ready to give Qingling the opportunity to calculate Yin Zhu. If he has no way to solve his own problems, he will not appear in front of Yin Zhu in the future. If he leaves quietly now, Yin Zhu will not be sad.

It's just that he left suddenly, and Jono didn't know where to go.

Jono stops blankly. After a long time, he decides to go to the jungle and swamp to have a look. The reason why Jono chooses the jungle and swamp is that Jono wants to find the trace of tengxi and Tengcheng. Jingguan tengan says that the two brothers are OK, but Jono is still worried.

Teng an said nothing but that there was no danger to his life. As for the hard work in the middle, he couldn't feel it. Of course, tengxi and Tengcheng have been away from the jungle and swamp for a year, even if there is a trace inside, they may not be able to find it. But Jono still wants to go and follow the footprints of the two children. Anyway, he has nothing to do now.

Besides, Teng an said that tengxi and Tengcheng have their own specific destiny to follow, and he also wants to know what the destiny of the two children is. He also wants to see what the destiny of their family is, whether it is the so-called destiny or the design of their own. If you want to know what the destiny of the other two children is, you can probably guess.

As for the so-called jungle swamp is very dangerous or something, Jono didn't think about it at all. No matter how dangerous the jungle swamp is, the two children can walk through it. Why can't he walk through it as an adult.

It can be said that there is no road in the jungle and swamp. Jono is the first one to go to the ancestral land of Meizu, but Jono has only gone through it once. It took him a long time to find the place. Unfortunately, there are no people left and nothing left. As for tengxi, the traces they have gone through can not be found.

Seeing this, Jono sighed, then sat down and began to rest. Looking at the empty cave, Jono sighed deeply. This is the tribe. If it is not strong, it will be swallowed by others, and it is the same with Yin Zhu. If it is not strong enough, it will be swallowed.

The shade of the tree covered a little sunshine in front of him. Jono slowly closed his eyes. There was no sound around him. He was not used to it. He was lonely. This kind of feeling was really bad. In the past, there were many people around him, at least Yin Zhu. The future was his own way.

After leaving for such a short time, Jono felt that he missed Yin Zhu very much, but he was determined that if there was a chance, he would never see Yin Zhu. Now that it was only such a short time, he would be so miserable. If it was a long time, what would he do.

"Xiaojin, I was going to find a way to let you out in the future, and then let you meet Yin Zhu, but now we're afraid it's impossible. I'm really sorry." Jono touched his chest and said with emotion to Xiaojin that he really felt sorry for Xiaojin.

Xiaojin, who is hiding in the bottom of Jono's heart, is not in a good mood at this time. The reason why Jono will be hurt now is that he didn't guard against the heart and let Qingling hurt them. Jono's spirit will be slowly swallowed by the black wind of soul eating cliff, and so will he. Although he and Jono are relatively independent personalities, their souls are strangely linked Together, there is no way to separate.

"It's me who should say I'm sorry. If it wasn't for my close friend Qingling, you wouldn't have suffered now." Xiaojin was a little annoyed. He believed in Qingling so much at the beginning. In fact, Qingling was calculating him at that time. No matter he or Jono, he didn't really want to help him.

Jono heard this light smile, should not, to say that there will be now this series of things is because of his hasty swallowing animal Dan caused, can regret it? Jono thought that he would still choose such a road even if he was allowed to go back to that time, because if one day his strength was very low and he could not help Yin Zhu, but was a drag on Yin Zhu, he would rather die, just like he is now, and he would not affect Yin Zhu.

"Needless to say, I'm sorry. Besides, we may not lose. We still have a long time to go." Jono said with a smile.

"Yes, I don't believe that only Qingling can be relieved. There must be others in the world, so we don't have to lose heart. Besides, we still have a long time, maybe our strength can surpass Qingling. Maybe we can get rid of those black winds by ourselves at that time." Xiaojin is very confident to answer, he will not admit defeat, he never admit defeat, even if play all means will let himself live, he finally put himself into Yin Zhu's heart, just don't want to disappear.

"I found that many legends in the world have certain basis, so I plan to go through the swamp first. If I can find the two boys, I will go with them. If I can't, I will go to these legendary places. If I can find one or two relics, it will be enough." Jono slowly planning, in order to quickly live a strong strength, relying on slow cultivation is not good, the best is to get a strong inheritance.

"Yes." Xiao Jin said that he has heard a lot of legends during his long time in the temple, so he can go and have a look."Xiao Jin, do you miss Yin Zhu?" Jono asked with a smile.

"Yes, I dream about it. I have nothing to do. I think about it every day." Xiaojin youyou said that with a little complaint, because Jono, he can't see Yinzhu now. Although he said that Yinzhu's smile is always in his heart, he is greedy. That's not enough.

"Well, you can think about it every day." Jono wants to say that he also wants to think about Yin Zhu all the time. Unfortunately, he has a lot to think about and many things to think about. He is a little envious of Xiaojin's purity.

When Xiao Jin heard this, he said with a smile, "that's right, so among so many people, I love Yin Zhu the most."

When Jono heard this, he laughed, "yes, you love it most." So try every means to follow Yin Zhu's side, and really let Yin Zhu remember Xiao Jin.

"It's a pity that Yin Zhu soon forgot me. This meeting has another partner." Thinking of his absence, Yin Zhu accepts Lei he, and Xiao Jin is bored.

Jono can't help laughing when he hears Xiaojin's words, "Leihe knew Yinzhu earlier than you. What kind of vinegar do you eat? Although Yinzhu didn't accept Leihe before, everyone has already acquiesced that Yinzhu will be with Leihe sooner or later."

Xiaojin heard this but haughtily replied, "anyway, I follow Yinzhu before him, he is the youngest."

Jono can't help laughing when he hears this. Xiaojin has been worrying about ranking. It's true.

"Well, I don't think Reich will care about you." Leihe is willing to do anything as long as he can follow Yin Zhu.

Xiao Jin couldn't help but feel embarrassed when she heard this. She seemed very stingy when she heard Jono say so.

"You mean I'm the cheapest." Xiaojin is stuffy. Even if he is the cheapest, he is stingy. He wants to occupy Yinzhu alone. Unfortunately, it's impossible.

"In fact, Xiaojin, you should think like this. You and I are the same body. You are Yin Zhu's husband. You are the biggest." Feeling that Xiao Jin was not very happy, Jono couldn't help coaxing him.

Sure enough, when Xiao Jin heard this, he was in full bloom. He was Zheng Fu, and all Yin Zhu's friends wanted to listen to him.

Jono seems to be infected by Xiaojin's happiness. He can't help but be happy. Fortunately, Xiaojin can communicate with him along the way. Otherwise, they can't support each other. They can at least warm each other and miss Yinzhu together. It's good.

Yin Zhu has nothing to do but study his own identification system, because the system is no more than five levels up to now, and obviously has not reached the top yet. The rewards for each level are different. Yin Zhu is curious about what will happen if he raises the system to the top?

If someone had arranged all this, she would have to upgrade the system to the top to know the result.

Recently, Yin Zhu told Fu Xiang to find some special plants and animals for himself. As long as Yin Zhu can identify them, he can be promoted to level 6. Now Yin Zhu is a little confused about whether he wants to upgrade or not. Moreover, Yin Zhu doesn't know whether level 6 is the top level.

It's a pity that no one can give an answer to this matter. Beina doesn't know what the top level of the system is. Besides, Beina can feel that Yinzhu doesn't trust her as she did at the beginning, and Yinzhu may not believe what she said.

Upgrade the system or not? The five level system will be passed on to her. What will it give her if she upgrades it? Yin Zhu has another feeling that if she continues to do so, she will probably be a bomb, but isn't it?

Experience is enough, but Yin Zhu hesitates all the time, and Tengxiao knows about it. Tengxiao has been obsessed with Yin Zhu for two or three days and has not been able to make a decision. Unfortunately, he has no brain and doesn't know how to give Yin Zhu advice.

"Yin Zhu, otherwise, you'd better order it directly. It's a knife to stretch your head and shrink it. It's not the same." Tengxiao looks at Yinzhu and is about to grab his hair, so he gives Yinzhu an unreliable attention.

Yin Zhu thought for a while and nodded. Yes, to be ugly, she has been driven to this position. Even if she wants to hide, those people will not give her a chance to hide. So it's better to have a good look at what this system can do for herself, even if it's a trap.

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