Yin Zhu gritted his teeth, looked at the system in front of him, and then went on without hesitation. It's better to die than to suffer now.

With Yin Zhu's action, the system was upgraded to a level 6 system in a gorgeous aperture, and then a youmengxian stone was awarded, along with a cultivation method called concentration.

Yin Zhu looked at the things, and it was good for him to improve his spiritual strength. He didn't expect to improve his strength. Now, as long as he can improve his strength, Yin Zhu is willing to try.

According to the introduction of the youmengxian stone, it's very fun for people to lie down and get out of the body quickly, and then use the spirit to travel around the world. Originally, Yin Zhu wanted to try it, but Tengxiao stopped it. Tengxiao said that he would try it first, and Tengxiao wanted to see if it was safe.

Tengxiao tried for a while, but there was no problem with the youmengxian stone and the skill. After trying, Tengxiao gave it back to Yin Zhu. At this time, Yin Zhu happily lay on the youmengxian stone and began to practice. Yin Zhu closed his eyes and began to practice. At the beginning, Yin Zhu felt as if he was in a hazy place and couldn't go out. There was no explanation That way, she can travel around the world in three dimensions. It's not that she made any mistakes in her cultivation.

Just when Yin Zhu is about to give up, Yin Zhu suddenly finds that the fog in front of him has become lighter. Yin Zhu hesitates for a moment and walks slowly towards the front. However, this moment, Yin Zhu finds that what she is surrounded by is not the orc world, but the place in her mind that she has deep memory. This is her home, the home in the 21st century in her memory, and she is now in her own room Between.

Is she back, back, great, so that she can get rid of those messy calculations, and she doesn't have to eat those barbecues all day long. In terms of delicious food, there are many delicious things in her place.

She always wanted to come back in her dreams, but as soon as she thought of her coming back, Jono knew that she was gone. She was afraid that she would be crazy. Those men really wanted her, or she would not be so greedy to take all the people, just because they were too good to let go.

Think of here, Yin Zhu can't help but tangle up, she really want to go home, also want to their parents, but what do they do? There are tengxi, Tengcheng and tengan, who think that if they come back, the three children will have no mother in the future. Yin Zhu feels that her chest is very painful at this time. She shakes her head fiercely. No, she can't stay here. No matter how good it is, she can't leave her children and her partner.

What's more, how did the room become like this? How did her things disappear? There were a lot of messy things piled up. Who was so excessive? Yin Zhu frowned. How could she sleep in the future.

Yin Zhu angrily walked out of the room and looked at the two old men with half a hundred hair. They hadn't seen each other for two or three years. The two old men seemed to be getting old all of a sudden. When she wasn't at home, they couldn't take care of themselves, or they were just getting old because they were missing.

"Mom and Dad, I'm back." Yin Zhu cried with tears in his eyes.

However, to his surprise, Yin Zhu rushed up and didn't embrace them. Instead, he went directly through them. Only at this time did Yin Zhu find that he was transparent.

Yin Zhu realized later that she didn't come back. She just came back after practicing spirituality. Now she is a soul body, and her parents can't see her.

Thinking of this, Yin Zhu couldn't help sitting on the floor, tears trickling down.

She and her parents still have no way to meet.

Yin Zhu's mother seemed to feel the existence of Yin Zhu at this time. She suddenly stopped her action and looked up hesitantly at the old man sitting opposite her, "old man, I feel like we Yin Zhu are back."

"You like to think wildly. I'll ask Yin can to come back for lunch today." Yin can is Yin Zhu's younger brother.

When Yin zhuniang heard this, her work stopped for a moment, and then she directly cut off the topic, "well, tell that little bastard to come back for dinner, and quickly bring me a daughter-in-law back. The grandsons of Lao Wang's family next door are all out, and our little bastard is still out."

Yin zhuniang knew that she mentioned her dead daughter, which made the old man sad and shouldn't be mentioned, but she really felt like her daughter came back. Maybe she missed her too much.

Yin Zhu is staring at his parents gossiping over there. Tears of missing drop by drop. Yin Zhu really wants to jump into his mother's arms and tell them that she is back and they are by their side. She didn't guess wrong, but she is back.

It's a pity that she can't communicate with the two old people at all. Yin Zhu is very worried. "Beina, Beina, do you have any way? Can you help me think of a way? I, I want to talk to my parents." Originally, Yin Zhu didn't use Beina for a long time because he suspected Beina.

Bena thought for a while and then said, "they are still awake and alert. When they fall asleep, people's spirit will also be in a state of dormancy. At that time, you will directly make a mental imprint, which should be the same as your legendary dream. At that time, you will tell them what you want to say, and they will remember when they wake up.""Thank you." Yin Zhu is the center's thanks.

Beina just gave a faint smile. She didn't expect that Yin Zhu was just practicing the art of concentration. She didn't expect that she could return to the 21st world. However, she didn't know the effect of this art. She didn't practice it. This is a special animal God. When she got strong, Yin Zhu's idea could sweep the whole Orc continent directly.

Beina explained that Yinzhu didn't believe what Yinzhu doubted about herself, but she had a clear mind, and she would never betray Yinzhu. Moreover, in her opinion, the system always gives benefits, and she can't see what the end of the system is, but as far as her soul and system are integrated, she doesn't feel any harm So she thinks that there should be no so-called traps in the so-called system.

At noon, Yin can comes home to have dinner. Looking at his brother who used to be a little boy, he grows up, matures and becomes very patient with his parents. This makes Yin Zhu very happy.

When Yin can grows up, she can trust her parents to her younger brother. Moreover, in two years, although parents have not been able to hurt, they have adjusted to live a new life.

Then the two old people went to take a nap after eating. Yin Zhu planned to try Beina's method, at least to tell them that they had a good life, so that they should be able to completely put down their grief.

Yin Zhu also learned this spiritual secret. It's very easy to leave a hint. Yin Zhu told the two old people about his own experience, and showed that he had a good life. He also found a son-in-law for the old man to nag. Yin Zhu talked about it all afternoon. By the way, Yin can also told him to take good care of his parents.

It's not easy to come back, but Yin Zhu knows that she still has to leave. Although she can't communicate with her parents face to face, Yin Zhu is very satisfied to see her parents again. Originally, she thought she had never seen her parents in her life. Yin Zhu was so fascinated to watch her parents for a long time that she wanted to never see enough. I remember that she just arrived in daze When she was in the tribe, she was crazy and wanted to go home. Unfortunately, she didn't come back. She didn't expect to come back in this way. She was really happy.

Yin Zhu did it for a long time. Looking at their peaceful sleeping faces, Yin Zhu knew that he should go back, otherwise Tengxiao would be worried.

To leave, Yin Zhu plans to go outside the street for a walk, in case later can't sleepwalk in this world?

This familiar world, which she hasn't seen for several years, even if she wants to leave, she has to have a good look at it and engrave it in the memory. Yin Zhu takes a deep breath and is full of satisfaction.

After a quick tour outside, Yin Zhu still chose to go home, and finally took a look at his parents, and then chose to go back.

What Yin Zhu didn't know was that just after she left, the two old people who were still sleeping on the bed opened their eyes. At this time, Yin zhuniang looked at his father with tears in her eyes. "Old man, I dreamt that we were Yin Zhu."

Yin Zhu's father looked at her in surprise at this time, "you also dream about it."

At this time, just out of the door, Yin can is also very surprised to see his parents, not only his sister, but also his parents.

At this time, the three members of the family were very surprised and said with one voice, "Yin Zhu said that she was not dead. She went to another world and found four sons-in-law for us. She told us not to worry."

Several people looked at each other when they finished saying this, and then grabbed each other's hand very excitedly, "old man (old woman), it seems that we Yinzhu are really alive, she is back to dream."

"Yes, yes." Yin zhuniang wiped the tears on her face. She thought how sad they were when they gave the white haired girl to the black haired girl. Now they seem to be OK. They just hide their back and hide all Yin Zhu's things. They are afraid of seeing things and thinking of others. They didn't expect that the smelly girl would have such a chance. Well, it's good to live a good life. They are very happy with their hands together, I sincerely pray that all the gods in the sky can protect my daughter.

Here, Yin Zhu opens his eyes in confusion. When he opens his eyes, he sees Tengxiao looking at himself anxiously. "Yin Zhu, what's wrong with you? You're crying." Tengxiao reached out clumsily to wipe Yin Zhu's tears.

"Tengxiao, I'm happy, happy, you know? I'm really happy. " Yin Zhu happily hugs Tengxiao and says.

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