The next time, Yin Zhu continued to practice the art of concentration for several times. However, it is strange that every time Yin Zhu's spirit comes out of his body, he returns to the earth instead of appearing in the orc world.

After that, Yin Zhu asked Tengxiao to have a try. As a result, Tengxiao practiced the art of concentration, but he wandered around the orc continent. When he came here again, Yin Zhu couldn't help wondering whether the art of concentration could distinguish the soul of the other party. For example, she didn't belong to the orc continent, so her soul couldn't appear in the orc continent.

On this issue, Yin Zhu also tangled for a while, and no longer had a headache. Anyway, she wanted to see more of her relatives. Now it's good to see them. Besides, it can increase her soul strength, and there's no other difference.

Tengxiao followed Yin Zhu closely every day at the beginning. He was afraid that Yin Zhu would suddenly disappear from the world. Fortunately, Yin Zhu was always there, and Tengxiao slowly settled down.

Of course, Tengxiao didn't believe in Yin Zhu, but worried that Yin Zhu would be forced to leave one day, just like she came to the orc world suddenly.

What Yin Zhu didn't know was that when she practiced the art of concentration, the black wind under the soul eating cliff beside the temple became stronger.

Qingling looks at the black wind of soul eating cliff, and can't help laughing. The black wind of soul eating cliff increases, and the magic fire in her body can be suppressed faster, and she can do more.

Qingling slowly came to Sophie's front. Sophie had been practicing for more than a year, and didn't play any role.

Sophie looked at Qingling standing in front of her and couldn't help frowning and looking at Qingling, "master, you are a rare guest."

Qingling at this time slowly came to Sophie's front, "how because I stopped you from looking for Yin Zhu's trouble, still resent me now."

Sophie heard this silent, and then light said: "I dare not."

Hearing this, Qingling couldn't help laughing, "don't you dare, or can't you, forget it, you can't have much respect for me."

Sophie couldn't help muttering when she heard this. Isn't it the best to have this self-knowledge? They are just making use of each other, but she is weak and can only be reduced to a chess piece.

"What's the progress of the divine skill I asked you to practice? Your divine power will increase." Qingling asked impolitely.

Sophie directly shows her ability at this time. Qingling frowns when she sees it. Obviously, Sophie's progress doesn't satisfy her very much.

Sophie didn't say a word at this time, but she was thinking about whether Qingling wanted her to do something, and it was obvious that she had to use divine power to be useful.

After thinking for a while, Qingling said, "come with me."

Sophie hesitated for a moment, but asked, "what do you want me to do?" How can she have a bad premonition? Besides, Qingling was obviously dissatisfied with her before, that is, her divine power was not enough, but Qingling still let her go. Does it mean that she wants to take risks?

Seeing Sophie's obvious reluctance, Qingling said with a cold face, "why don't you want to go? I still think I will harm you. Don't worry. It's a little dangerous, but it's good for you. "

Qingling then goes out. Sophie hesitates for a while and then follows up. No matter whether she wants to or not, she has to follow up. Let's not say that her strength is not as good as Qingling now. If she doesn't destroy Qingling's good things, will Qingling kill her? In addition, her body is sealed by Qingling just like Jono. For more than a year, Sophie hasn't thought of a way to untie it Seal, escape here, but useless, seal is still very strong, this is why she still stay in the temple.

Qingling takes Sophie to the soul eating cliff and looks at the black wind rising from the bottom of the cliff. Sophie can't help hiding at this time. "Master, where are we going?"

"It's all here. Where else can we go?" Qingling gave a cold hum.

Sophie couldn't help swallowing at this time. "Master, this soul eating cliff will devour people's souls." Sophie is very uncomfortable. Although her strength is much stronger than before, she is still very dangerous.

This soul eating cliff is really strange. Under the cliff, there is a continuous black wind, which can weaken people's soul. The strange thing is that the black wind only appears near the soul eating cliff. As long as you leave the space of soul eating cliff, the black wind will disappear naturally and will not spread.

Qingling didn't give Sophie the chance to shrink back at this time. She twisted Sophie directly and said coldly, "protect yourself with your divine power." Then he jumped from the soul eating cliff without hesitation.

Sophie was scared to "ah" and cried out. Then she trembled and propped up a small shield with divine power. Qingling didn't know what method was used. Sophie's shield automatically spread to her. At the beginning, Sophie was very scared. Later, Sophie found that nothing happened. She protected herself with divine power and the black wind automatically bypassed them.

Although the height of soul eating cliff is very high, there is no danger with Qingling. After a long time, Qingling and Sophie finally fall to the foot of the cliff.Sophie looked at her feet with fear. Her feet turned out to be a piece of red scorched earth, huge cracks, and some sparks from time to time. Then these sparks slowly burned out, and a black wind flew up. It turned out that the black wind of soul eating cliff was formed in this way.

Although she can stop the black wind, it is obvious that the fire is more powerful. Sophie doesn't think she can stop the fire, so she is careful.

"Master, what are we doing down here? And what are these fires? " Sophie asked curiously.

"Naturally, there is something to do. You'll know later. As for the fire, it's OK to tell you. It's the fire of destruction." Qingling carefully avoided the fire at his feet, and took Sophie to move forward quickly. However, because the fire tongue on the ground was disorderly and there was no regular eruption, he could only feel the heat rising at his feet a moment in advance, so even Qingling could not move forward quickly, so he had to be careful.

At the same time, Qingling did not forget to introduce the fire of destruction to Sophie. It turned out that there were two fires coming down from the sky, one of which was collected by the beast God, and the other was the fire of destruction. The burning of this fire can make people improve their soul purity. It was originally a beneficial fire, but because it was controlled by the beast God, it was controlled by the beast God for cultivation, and then it was burned It has become a special fire to punish people. It still has the effect of refining the purity of the soul. However, it has no original gentleness and becomes extremely violent. Once it burns, it will not go out. Only the beast God can lift this punishment when the soul is burned out.

The fire of destruction, just like its name, exists for the purpose of destruction. The beast God didn't accept the fire at the beginning, so he had to trap it under the soul eating cliff by means. In fact, the soul eating cliff didn't use this name before, only because of the fire of destruction.

The fire of destruction is very domineering, and only the divine power can make it shrink a little, which is why Qingling wants to bring Sophie together.

Sophie was looking at the fire of destruction on the ground with hot eyes at this time. The fire was so powerful that even the beast God couldn't accept it. If she could accept it, she would make the whole Orc continent sincerely accept it. If it wasn't enough, Sophie would think about it. After all, her real strength is far from enough. All this is just fantasy.

"What are we doing down here, master?" Sophie couldn't help asking again. After all, there seems to be nothing else on the ground except the fire of destruction. Qingling doesn't intend to collect the fire of destruction at all.

"Do you know where the beast God is my master Wuji's dead body?" Qingling asked with a smile.

Sophie was stunned when she heard this, and then she looked at Qingling, the corpse of beast God. Is that right?

Qingling nodded at this time. "Yes, the corpse of the beast God is in the soul eating cliff. At the beginning, my master was calculated by us to die, but her soul escaped. As a beast God, how powerful her strength is, you don't know. Even if she dies, she can be reborn soon. After my calculations, I know that the whole world can suppress my master's flesh There is only this soul eating cliff where I live. "

"What are we doing here now?" Sophie couldn't help asking.

"What to do is to draw my master's blood. She is a beast God. Even if she died, the essence and blood in her body are still there. When she died, she was still powerful, so she couldn't get close to her. After so many years, she has been crushed by the fire of hell. In fact, I should have come to see her for many years, but I can't get down. ”Qingling sighed.

After hearing Qingling's words, Sophie was very excited. If she could get a little, her strength would develop rapidly, and even her divine power would advance by leaps and bounds. But this idea only disappeared after a circle in her mind. Sophie was very clear that Qingling told herself so clearly that Qingling had planned so many benefits Young man, she didn't even bring her own sister. How could she share such a great benefit? If she showed a little thought about this feeling, Qingling would kill her immediately.

"Congratulations, master. Master, if you get the essence and blood of the beast God, you can unify the temple." Sophie quickly congratulated.

Qingling looked at Sophie's insincere appearance and couldn't help laughing, "don't worry, I say you are good for you. As for blood essence, you don't dare to absorb it even if I give it to you, unless you are ready to explode and die."

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