Hearing this, Sophie said gratefully, "thank you, master." I just don't know how insincere this is. Sophie thought very clearly that the so-called benefits must be the garbage that Qingling didn't want.

It's a pity that she is so grateful for Qingling's strength. If she has no strength, she will be trampled on by others.

"How long will master be here?" Although this divine power can protect her well, she can't hold on for too long.

"Soon." Qingling said coldly at this time. In fact, Qingling didn't know where the beast God's body was. At that time, she only had time to throw the beast God's body on the soul eating cliff. At that time, her soul was burned by divine fire and her strength was greatly reduced. How dare she go to the soul eating cliff to take risks.

However, Qingling did feel that the probability of the fire of destruction nearby was relatively low. It would show that it was suppressed. What could suppress the fire of destruction? It was probably the corpse of the beast God. After all, the beast God had received the fire.

Sure enough, the more you go forward, the less likely the fire of destruction will appear. However, Qingling is also more and more uncomfortable, because the closer she is to the beast God's corpse, the more vigorous her fire will be.

Sophie can't help frowning at Qingling's uncomfortable appearance. If Qingling can't hold on, Sophie doesn't think she can be safe again.

Fortunately, although Qingling looks uncomfortable, she still sticks to it. Sophie doesn't say anything. They move on.

About half an hour later, Qingling was already sweating. They finally saw a long Hydra lying in front of them. There was a huge hole in the hydra's body. What was more terrible was that even the blood was still flowing.

The Hydra had been spread out on the ground, obviously dead, but it was dead, and the power from the snake still made her very frightened.

"Master, is this the body of the beast God?" As long as people in the orc continent die, they will return to the beast and return to the embrace of nature.

"Yes." Qingling looked at the still very fresh nine head snake and couldn't help frowning.

Sophie was also surprised. The beast God had been dead for more than 5000 years, but his body was just like a man who had just died. The most important thing was that there was still blood flowing in the wound. After more than 5000 years, the beast God's body was still well preserved, which was really frightening. Sophie could not help thinking that the beast God was not dead.

Hydra, this should be the ancestor of snakes. It's the most powerful king of snakes. No wonder she can be a beast God. Sophie can't help but stick out her tongue at this time. Now she believes what Qingling says. It's just a treasure for her to throw some rubbish out.

Sophie is also a snake ORC. If you give her anything from the corpse of the beast God, she will be greatly promoted.

"Go and have a look." Qingling said coldly that she could keep the corpse intact after so many years. Her master is very powerful. Of course, the reason why she let Sophie have a look is to see if there would be any accident. The beast God has a lot of backhand.

Although Sophie was not reconciled to hear this, she walked forward slowly. Fortunately, she didn't find anything wrong until she came to the beast God's body.

Qingling see this also slowly walked up, and then stand.

Qingling then took out a jade bottle and directly handed it to Sophie, "pick up the blood." This is the blood of the beast God. Even the most common blood is precious.

But the speed of the blood flow is very slow. Qingling doesn't have so much patience to wait. Thinking of this, she directly points the button of the jade bottle at the wound, and then uses the magic to suck. Sophie feels a big stream of blood called Qingling. Even the dead body that has no movement under it can't help shaking.

With the flow of blood, Sophie suddenly felt a powerful force swimming, and her divine power began to move. Before the blood flow of the beast God, there was a voice in her brain reminding her that it was good to eat the blood, but she could still restrain herself, but now she is really a bit of a gram I can't help it.

"Teacher, master, what are you doing? It seems that I can't control myself." Sophie cried, trembling. The divine power was a little violent.

Finally, a drop of golden blood flew out of the wound, and the brilliant light almost blinded people's eyes.

Sophie couldn't help it any more. She jumped on it and swallowed it. As soon as she swallowed the blood, Sophie felt like she was going to explode. She quickly sat down and began to practice.

Qingling sees that Sophie swallows the holy blood that she sucks. There is a trace of unhappiness in her eyes. However, Qingling can't bear it. She knows that Sophie doesn't do it on purpose, but she can't control herself.

Qingling gritted his teeth and began to draw for the second time. The animal God's body was so big that there would not be only a drop of God's blood, there would always be some.

After that, Qingling takes another drop of blood. This time, Sophie doesn't start to rob again. If she does, Qingling won't spare her.This drop of divine serum spirit didn't dare to put it in the jade bottle. Instead, he took out a jade box which was slowly sealed and put it in. Then he continued to draw eight drops of divine blood. After that, he couldn't draw any more divine blood. On the contrary, there was a lot of ordinary blood, which seemed to be different.

Qingling knew that there was only so much blood in the beast God. Nine drops, nine is the extreme number, and there should be none. As for the beast God, there are animal teeth, animal bones, and so on. These Qingling didn't move. Although they can be used as excellent weapons, she was not so crazy as to separate people.

It's a good thing that she doesn't lose blood. She's just comfortable with it.

Qingling takes a look at Sophie, who is still practicing. Sophie doesn't know how long she wants to practice. She's impatient to go down.

Fortunately, Sophie didn't let Qingling wait for a long time. Soon she opened her eyes, and the magic shield around her immediately doubled. Obviously, her magic power has been greatly improved.

"Thank you, master." Sophie is really grateful this time. She didn't expect that the divine power would be out of control. Then she robbed Qingling of a drop of divine blood. It's divine blood. Qingling didn't kill her. It's really merciful.

"No, I originally said that I would give you benefits, but you didn't suffer any losses. I took the ordinary blood and gave it to you. Now let's go back first." Qingling throws the jade bottle to Sophie.

Sophie took something and said thanks again. She didn't expect Qingling to be so generous. She gave her the blood when she robbed her God's blood. But just think about Qingling's eight drops of God's blood. Qingling's income is several times her.

As for why Qingling doesn't absorb it, it's very simple. It's still very dangerous.

The journey back is much simpler. Two people return to their own residence without danger. Sophie directly chooses to shut up. After all, she still has a lot of blood to digest. Qingling also goes to shut up with divine blood at this time.

What Qingling and Sophie don't know is that just after they left, one of the snake heads in the beast God's corpse began to change slowly. If you look at it carefully, you can see that snake head looms and Sophie's face appears.

If Qingling had a check when he came down, he would find that the corpse of the nine headed snake was not all beast like. For example, the face of the main head was the face of her master, the face of the snake head on the right side of the main head was cold, and there was also a face on the left side. Unfortunately, Qingling didn't pay attention to the snake head lying on the ground at that time.

If Qingling pays attention, he will find that the head of the nine headed snake has three heads with human faces, and Sophie's head is the fourth one.

Qingling is closed. However, Qingling doesn't directly swallow the blood as Sophie thinks. Qingling is experimenting with the blood. Qingling can't believe his master. Qingling is worried that the animal God will do something in his body. The most likely thing is blood, because blood is something they all need. As for the animal teeth and bones, what is the most important thing Yes, these can only be used as weapons and can not be used.

In addition, Sophie swallowed the God, the reason why the serum spirit didn't kill her is also because Qingling lacks an experimental person, Sophie's automatic door delivery is the best.

It's a pity that no matter how excited Qingling was, Shenxue didn't work. There was no abnormality or change at all. Qingling looked at the jade box in his hand with a very complicated look. He just bit his teeth and put the jade box away.

Qingling tells herself that it's not urgent. Anyway, Yin Zhu's strength is not enough. She can observe Sophie's achievements first, and then consider whether to take the blood. It's right to be careful.

What's more, Qingling is worried that there is no limit to the holy blood, but there are limits to their three unfilial disciples. Maybe she can try it. Qingling won't be impatient with Shirley, the younger martial sister. Anyway, Shirley doesn't give her some trouble behind her back. Besides, she won't force Shirley to eat the holy blood. If Shirley is greedy at that time, I can't blame her.

Of course, if there is really no limit, it can be regarded as giving benefits to Shirley, so she is not too bad. After all, who gets good things and is willing to share them, is afraid to swallow them in the first time.

After thinking about it clearly, Qingling goes directly to sherry. Of course, how to make Sherry eat this holy blood needs to think about what to say. After all, Sherry will not believe her.

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