Qingling directly finds Shirley with the holy blood, and then says with a smile, "younger martial sister, this is the holy blood I got from my master yesterday. I said it was good at the beginning, and I will give you a share." Qingling then throws two jade boxes directly to Shirley.

At this time, Shirley happily connects the jade box and opens it carefully. It's just a drop of blood, but it weighs a thousand pounds. The huge power from the blood is even more intoxicating.

"Thank you, elder martial sister." Shirley said happily.

"Now that I've given it to you, I'll go." With a smile, Qingling turns and walks away. Shirley doesn't completely believe in herself, so Qingling simply leaves. As for whether Shirley uses this divine blood or not, she naturally has a way to know.

At this time, Shirley looks at the blood in her hand with a complicated look. It looks true at all. It should be true, but it's so valuable that Qingling can give it to her so simply. It's really puzzling.

Shirley knows that she is far behind her elder martial sister. She can't compare her strength and scheming. She doesn't quite understand what Qingling wants. Shirley knows very well that if Qingling gives her such valuable things, she must pay the corresponding price, so she may not want to absorb the blood.

Is God's blood false, or is Qingling preparing some intrigues?

Shirley can't help but have a headache at this time. She says that she is one of the three masters of the temple. However, she is actually a joke. Qingling and Qingyun belong to the same country, and Qingling has the highest strength. The people in the temple are all aiming at Qingling. She has been hiding behind her back, and even her subordinates are the only ones she has tried her best to win over.

Shirley thinks about it and decides to go to Yin Zhu. If she wants to get the blood, Yin Zhu will want it. At that time, even if Qingling is calculating something, someone will help her share the risk. Besides, if she pays a drop of precious blood, Yin Zhu will have to pay for it.

Shirley to find Yinzhu things naturally can't hide Qingling, Qingling know after just a faint smile, calculate? She doesn't know whether it's true or not, but it's true. As for the separation of divine blood, Qingling doesn't worry. Her divine power is the strongest, and she has the most divine blood in her hands. Therefore, Qingling doesn't worry about her failure at all.

It's a little smart that Shirley can control her greed and go to find Yin Zhu this time, but it doesn't make any difference to her.

Yin Zhu is a little surprised at Sherry's arrival. After all, she doesn't have much contact with sherry. But now the temple is divided into two parts. Recently, the two parts of the people are getting along well. It's funny to think of it.

"I don't know what you want from me?" Yin Zhu asked in a calm voice.

Although she can't talk about hatred with the people in Qingling's side, she can't talk about any good relationship. Generally speaking, she won't come to her if she has nothing to do.

"Do you know where Master's body is?" Shirley asked directly.

Hearing this, Yin Zhu asked, "do you know?" Yin Zhu has always wanted to find the remains of the beast God. When he sees it with his own eyes, he should be able to understand a lot of things.

"Under the soul devouring cliff, we were all punished by master Shenhuo, so we didn't dare to touch master's body at all. Then we suppressed her under the soul devouring cliff. After a long time, after the destruction fire under the soul devouring cliff bit by bit, we could finally get close to master's body. Just yesterday, Qingling took advantage of Sophie's divine light to protect and devour master's body Under the soul cliff, nine drops of God's blood were drawn out, one drop for Sophie, two drops for me, and some on Qingling's hand. " Shirley said simply.

When Yin Zhu heard this, he couldn't help but wonder, "tell me, what do you want me to do?"

"Little younger martial sister, I want to say that I don't want to participate in the 5000 years' affairs at all. Qingling forced me to make a choice. Now I just want to practice peacefully, and I don't want to participate in these intrigues. Anyway, no matter how I do it, the beast God won't be me. Why should I be so tired and bear the sin, so I want to give you a drop of God's blood Of course, God's blood is so precious that you can't ask for mine for nothing, can you Shirley took out a jade box and put it on the table. Then she began to drink tea slowly, obviously waiting for Yin Zhu to make a statement.

With a heavy face, Yin Zhu picked up the jade box in front of him, and then opened it to see. At that moment, the identification system began to operate crazily, and even the drop of blood turned into thousands of strange divine texts.

after a long time, Yin Zhu thought that the system was jammed. At that time, the system finally came to the news of the successful appraisal. "The appraisal is successful. The blood of God is the essence of the unity of heaven and earth. It has the power to destroy the heavens and destroy the earth, and use it with caution."

"If the system is upgraded to level 7, the remaining experience will be 990000"

"if the system is upgraded to level 8, the remaining experience will be 9000000"

"if the system is upgraded to level 9, the system will be fully open."

Yin Zhu wanwan didn't expect that she had just identified a drop of divine blood. As a result, the whole system was opened up, and she would be confused by the system in her mind.It's too scary. Yin Zhu is a little scared. Besides, it's still from the dead. Yin Zhu thinks it's a bit unlucky. He gets it on himself. Thinking about it, Yin Zhu shakes his head and pushes it back.

"It's too expensive. I can't exchange it for something of equal value. If you want to talk about good things, you can't know how many good things your temple has collected for 5000 years." Yin Zhu said that he was so willful that he didn't want what he didn't want.

Tengxiao didn't say a word from the beginning to the end. When Yin Zhu said no, he believed in Yin Zhu. If he didn't want to, he didn't want to. Although the holy blood was a good thing, did they see few good things? All kinds of magical machines, and all kinds of technologies created by Yin Zhu.

Shirley didn't expect that she couldn't deliver anything. Of course, she knew that there was nothing good in Yin Zhu's hand. But normally, when she saw this kind of treasure that could enhance her strength, she should try her best to possess it, and then return it with a personal feeling. As a result, people didn't follow the usual way and didn't want it directly.

"You don't want it? This is divine blood. " Shirley looks at Yin Zhu in shock.

"I don't dare to accept such a good thing, you'd better take it back." Yin Zhu said that this kind of blood is a good thing, but she dislikes this kind of thing.

Yin Zhu also plans to quickly send Shirley away, and then she can have a good look at what her system has become, and there are so many things that Bena didn't show up.

"Don't you want to look at the master's body under the soul eating cliff? If you can't cultivate the divine light, you can't go to the soul eating cliff. " Shirley said, gnashing her teeth.

The more Shirley can't wait to give herself good things, the more Yin Zhu dares not accept them.

Shirley's face is very bad at this time. She probably knows that she is too hasty and wrong, which makes Yin Zhu feel jealous.

"Yin Zhu, you can recognize this thing. I didn't cheat you. I want to give you divine blood because I ask you. You know that I am punished by divine fire every day. Only if you cultivate your divine power can you help us relieve the punishment of divine fire. My request is that you can help me relieve the punishment of divine fire after your cultivation is successful, younger martial sister You should know my temperament. I really regret it. I just want to practice it well. " Shirley sighs.

"The holy blood is on your side. You can think about it. It is said that you also have a partner who has been punished by holy fire. You have the heart to let your partner bear me all the time. I have no bad heart for you. If you really don't want to use Holy Blood, I will take it back half a month later." Shirley turned and left.

Yin Zhu took a look at the jade box on the table. She had no choice but to put it away first. It was too expensive. It would be bad if she lost it. The most important thing for her now was to see what the system had evolved into.

"Tengxiao, you help me to protect the Dharma. I have something to do." Yin Zhu simply explained it, then called the teaching system, and immersed his mind in it.

"Bena, where are you? Come out." Yin Zhu began to call.

This time, however, Beina didn't respond again. Yin Zhu had a bad feeling in her heart. At this time, she looked up and saw that the system, which was originally just an operation interface, had turned into Beina's appearance. However, Beina seemed to have no soul but only appearance.

"What's the matter with you, Bena?" Yin Zhu asked anxiously.

"System, what's going on?" In the past, she had to confirm the system upgrade. This time, the system was upgraded directly to level 9. What kind of bullshit blood is really weird.

"The system has evolved. The host can use the system in an all-round way, and the specific host can see how to use it." It is a face as like as two peas. Now it becomes a stiff and rigid system. Without a smile, it is not familiar.

Yin Zhu has a general look at the system. Now it doesn't need her to identify. Now it will automatically scan by itself, and then add all kinds of materials that are not in the system. Even a person's strength can be scanned, and even the moves that the person wants to make can be predicted in advance. It can be said that it used to be a simple system for identifying materials, but now it has become a new system after upgrading This system is used to assist combat.

"What about Bena? What about Bena?" Yin Zhu asked in a calm voice, Beina said before that she and she are one and can't leave at all. Although the current system is facing Beina's face, it's not her. She has disappeared. Did Beina cheat her before?

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