"Yinzhu, does it matter if you give Morrison that holy blood?" Leihe said with some worry, for Morrison, Leihe's feelings are very complex, but fortunately, as Morrison said, he didn't want to be the enemy of Yin Zhu from the beginning to the end, he really didn't mean to hurt Teng an.

"It doesn't matter. I didn't dare to use it. If there is a conspiracy trap, he deserves it. If there is no conspiracy trap, it's just a decoration on Yin Zhu's side." So it has little influence on Yin Zhuzhen whether he has it or not. Yin Zhu wants to make a good study of what's in the blood of God, but now he's lost.

In fact, Morrison is very pitiful. He said that he was living for the tribe, but he didn't think about himself. He kept calculating, but he didn't know what he wanted. He even found his own way. He really hated such people, but he couldn't.

However, it seems that the cold is calculating a lot. Yin Zhu is not happy to think that tengxi and Tengcheng are forced to go out to find a way to live.

Yin Zhu doesn't intend to let QingHan calculate all the time. No matter what QingHan arranges, Yin Zhu doesn't intend to continue like this. She can't kill QingHan, but she can seal QingHan, so that she can't make trouble any more.

Of course, for such an old monster, if you want to seal her, you must make a detailed plan.

Yin Zhu shows that he carefully gets out all the spells about seals in his mind, and then contacts them in detail according to their functions and prepares the corresponding seals. Although the cold has not been aggressive all the time, Yin Zhu doesn't think such people will be safe.

The reason why QingHan always shows that he is weak and harmless, but Yin Zhu doesn't believe that a person who has been swallowed by the beast God and escaped for so many years will be a simple person? Yin Zhu will never look down on some people.

Of course, it's impossible for QingHan to be very strong. If she was really strong, QingHan would not have been calculating carefully. Morrison and them.

At this time, Leihe takes teng'an to collect all the people left behind in the dark city, and Morrison only takes his cronies. There are still a lot of them that have not been taken away. Leihe now wants to accept those people.

Fortunately, after Morrison stole Yin Zhu's blood and left, the people who remained in the tribe knew that they had been abandoned by Morrison, and there was no resistance to Rehe's incorporation. The main reason for their frustration was that they left the dark city and didn't know where to live. There were too many orcs in the orc world who were hostile to orcs.

It took Leihe and teng'an more than half a month to unify the whole dark city. Of course, there are those who are unyielding in the middle. They are all subdued by Leihe and then thrown to teng'an to kill. Leihe's meaning is very clear. Teng'an must have the courage to kill if he wants to be a king.

Teng an's mood is not very good recently. He has become the weakness of his mother, which makes him very angry.

At this time, Yin Zhu went to the place where QingHan was and saw the big totem stone in the middle. At this time, Yin Zhu directly picked up a red potion and splashed it on the totem stone.

QingHan originally hid in the totem stone and couldn't come out. Seeing Yin Zhu like this, he couldn't help frowning and drilling out, "Yin Zhu, what are you doing?"

"Don't you understand what to do? If you're not banger, I'll lock you up and see how you still banger. " Yin Zhu is very annoyed to say, pure spirit she can't clean up, beast God also can't clean up, clean up a ghost always can.

"That Yin Zhu, you lost your Divine blood. I can understand your bad mood, but I can't blame you for this, can I?" QingHan never thought that Yin Zhu would not play according to the card principle. He lost his own things. Instead of looking for Morrison, he came to find himself to settle accounts. This is bullying himself.

Tengxiao and Leihe also stood on one side at this time, holding a huge silver panel in their hands. Looking at Yin Zhu's fully armed appearance, QingHan couldn't help saying that this preparation was too comprehensive. They had everything.

Yin Zhu said that for these things, she wasted half a month more. If this can't suppress the cold, she won't believe it.

"Don't blame you? Joke, you were my child before, now do it again? I've never believed what you said. It's the same with Qingling. I regard all of you as enemies. Originally, I didn't want to worry about you, so you're a poor man. But I found that biting dogs don't bark. Don't be too compassionate. " Yin Zhu squints at QingHan.

"What do you want to do to me, Yin Zhu? You can't kill me. You don't think you can take my destiny if you kill me, do you?" Cold some headache said.

"Capture? Joke, I want the destiny thing to do is, I never believe that thing, man will conquer nature, have you heard the word, so the so-called destiny mother does not believe a word. " Yin Zhu said fiercely, but the action in his hand didn't stop.

Looking at Yin Zhu's action, QingHan couldn't help crying anxiously, "Yin Zhu, stop, stop." If Yin Zhu goes on like this, her temporary totem stone will be destroyed. Yes, it's very simple to deal with totem stone. Totem is a place to collect beliefs. If you want to destroy it, you need relatively dirty things to smear it. Yin Zhu has made a lot of things, except some special medicinal materials and some excrement and urine."Yin Zhu, I said, I'm not your enemy, or the child who was looking for you at the beginning. I also want to give your child benefits." QingHan can't help feeling his head with some headache.

"Besides, even if I really make you angry, I didn't give tengan some benefits before, making tengan's destiny more powerful." QingHan said that he still has benefits for Yin Zhu.

"Destiny, I never believe that thing, but you believe it, right? I guess the reason why you haven't been engulfed is also the reason of destiny. It's a strange power. Even just now you thought that I wanted to take the destiny from you. If I want to become a beast God, I must have destiny. That's the destiny of heaven." Yin Zhu thought for a moment, two hands overlapped and knocked on his palm.

When QingHan heard this, she didn't answer. She didn't think that this woman was very smart. She thought of the key point so quickly.

"It seems that the reason why you are here all the time is not that you are weak, but that you are worried that the beast God will find you and take away your destiny completely?" Yin Zhu, one more word.

QingHan's face really changed at this time. She didn't expect that Yin Zhu could guess so many things according to her own words. In fact, she was the one who made Qingling rebel. Of course, the beast God had a reason. Her destiny was swallowed by the beast God bit by bit, and she wanted to escape.

"Yin Zhu, let's cooperate." QingHan thought for a moment.

"Cooperation, I can't believe you. I think you must have cooperated with Qingling before, and then you made them do not want to." Yin Zhu shook his head.

She can't believe QingHan. In fact, it's clear to think that the story of the beast God's killing his apprentice is so secret that people in the temple don't know. How can Qingling know it? Qingling says that he is QingHan's offspring, and QingHan's offspring are even more unlikely to know it. So it's very likely that QingHan disclosed it to Qingling.

Including the rebellion of Qingling, it is very likely that the beast God wants to calculate the number of Qingling, and then QingHan reveals that Qingling will rebel in order to survive, and then QingHan flees.

Yin Zhu is not very clear about the specific process. This general plot is also inferred by Yin Zhu. It has to be said that Yin Zhu's inference is very reasonable.

QingHan is silent at this time.

After a long time, QingHan slowly said, "you are smarter than Qingling. I also want to see if you can escape the established fate."

Established? When Yin Zhu heard this, she laughed. She didn't believe that fate was decided by heaven, and now she didn't believe that she was a little woman, and she didn't want to dominate the world, but she was forced to go this way by these people.

"I tell you, you don't decide my fate." Yin Zhu said with certainty.

"Yinzhu won't go the same way as you. You all have your own calculations. But Yinzhu is different. Yinzhu has me and Jono around him. We are willing to die for Yinzhu, so don't compare Qingling with Yinzhu." Tengxiao holds Yin Zhu's hand tightly at this time.

QingHan is amused to hear this. Several males, if they want to be male, just shout. I don't know how many males are willing to go through fire and water for her.

Looking at the deep friendship between Yin Zhu and Tengxiao, QingHan feels that he didn't find several partners at the beginning. It's a good feeling to be protected by others.

"No matter what you say, I won't let you go, so cold, you give up." Yin Zhu said impolitely.

QingHan some resentment and some helpless deep breathing, and then said to Yinzhu: "Yinzhu, you do this, you will regret."

When Yin Zhu heard this, he couldn't help laughing loudly, "regret, why should I regret?"

According to Yin Zhu's inference, if you want to be a beast God, you must have a destiny, and the previous destiny QingHan has not disappeared. So it's said that her so-called successor of the beast God can't be a beast God, even the previous beast God can't be a beast God. What Yin Zhu has to do is seal QingHan, so the beast God has absolutely no chance to become a God.

Yin Zhu didn't know whether he was right or not, but it didn't prevent him from doing so.

To do nothing is better than to do what she wants. At least she tried her best.

QingHan wants to escape, but his spirit is fixed, so he can't escape at all. Finally, he is forced into the totem stone by Yin Zhu to seal it.

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