After QingHan was sealed, Yin Zhu felt that it was not very proper, so he took away the totem stone directly, and found a suitable place for the seal with Leihe. He buried the totem stone, and then arranged layer after layer of seals on the ground. No matter it was useless, it could at least block QingHan for a period of time.

After these things are done, Yin Zhu breathes a sigh of relief. Leihe looks at Yin Zhu and says, "Yin Zhu, are you going to leave again?"

"RAH, I'm sorry." Among several partners, Leihe is the one she accompanies least. Even Bai Kun doesn't want to spend more time with Leihe.

"You don't have to apologize to me for anything stupid." Leihe smiles and touches Yinzhu's head. He always finds that Tengxiao likes touching Yinzhu's head very much. Now he finds it very comfortable.

He has total trust and love for Yin Zhu. It's beyond his expectation for him to be able to work with Yin Zhu now, so he's never greedy.

"You're going. I'll tell them to have a bonfire party tonight, and we'll all have a good time. " Reich said with great joy.

"Good." Yin Zhu smiles. Tengxiao has consciously walked away at this time. Although he also wants to be with Yin Zhu, as a male who has been with Yin Zhu for a long time, and he has all the cubs, he should give in at this time. He still has the discretion.

In the orc world, despite being polygamous, few families will cause conflicts because of jealousy. Most of them will adjust themselves and occasionally ask for small benefits for themselves, but they will not hurt the elegance. Basically, they won't make it difficult for females. In the past, Yin Zhu was always worried that he couldn't deal with it, but Qiao Nuo Tengxiao didn't give Yin Zhu any chance to tangle.

Of course, the main reason is that all of them are on their own side, not all of them are together. Baikun can only stay in daze tribe now and can't leave. Jono has left now for special reasons, and he has left before because of Dan, the devouring beast. Leihe wants to manage the city of darkness, and Tengxiao is the only one who has been around her for a long time.

In the evening, the bonfire party was held on time to celebrate the unification of the dark city. Teng'an always followed Leihe this time. Leihe expressed his position with his own actions. In addition, teng'an has a legendary destiny. Although teng'an has not yet been named king, all people in the dark city understand that teng'an will be their king in the future.

"Yin Zhu, come and taste this crisp fruit. It's unique to our dark city. You can't find it anywhere else. You're right. If it's a few months later, it will be gone." Leihe hands Yin Zhu an emerald green fruit. Yin Zhu takes a bite of it. The flesh is very crisp and a little sweet. It's a rare good fruit.

"Well, it's good. We'll have barbecue first, and then a fruit after dinner. It's perfect." Yin Zhu said with a smile.

"Well, this is the fruit wine made according to your suggestion. How do you like it?" Leihe happily poured a bowl of dark red wine and handed it to Yin Zhu.

"You've made the fruit wine. It's amazing." Yin Zhu said that he just mentioned it casually at the beginning. In fact, people in this world are quite smart. Many things just don't start for them. Once there is a beginning, this great achievement will come out.

As far as I'm concerned, fruit wine has no specific formula. I only know the general materials. If I let her do it, it may not be successful. As a result, Leihe and his family rely on this house, which is out of tune. That's why Yin Zhucai admire them.

Yin Zhu took a look at the color, very beautiful, and then tasted it. The wine was a little sweet, with a strong aroma of fruit, very good smell, "good thing, you are really good." It's not suitable for men, but it's suitable for women. At least Yin Zhu likes sweet.

Leihe was praised by Yin Zhu. As long as Yin Zhu was happy, his heart was like flying in the sky.

"If it's good, drink more." Leihe is very attentive to Yin Zhu.

Yin Zhu didn't refuse either. As a result, the sweet wine went down bowl by bowl. The wine was very sweet. Yin Zhu drank it as juice. When Yin Zhu reacted, he was already guilty. The wine didn't show up, but it would have stamina.

Yin Zhu grabs Leihe's skin unsteadily. "Leihe, I wonder how there are two Leihe."

Seeing Yin Zhu's confused appearance, Leihe can't help but laugh and cry. He holds people in his arms. "Yin Zhu, you are drunk. I'll take you back to have a rest."

Tengxiao sees that Yin Zhu has drunk too much. He just follows him for a while and doesn't step forward. Anyway, Leihe will take good care of Yin Zhu. He doesn't need to worry about this. He follows him from a distance, just in case Leihe needs to arrive soon.

"Not drunk, I am not drunk, people in this world are drunk, I can not be drunk." Yin Zhu reaches out and pushes Leihe away, then stumbles forward.

Leihe saw this and quickly followed up. He didn't expect that Yin Zhu would be like this when he was drunk. It was his fault. He didn't get drunk when he let Yin Zhu drink too much, so he thought it was the same thing.

"OK, OK, I know you're not drunk. Come on, I'll hold you. I want to hold you." Leihe coaxes Yin Zhu into his arms."Ray, ray, I, I'll tell you a secret. Do you want to know?" Yin Zhu glanced at Lei he and blinked again. His faces were red.

"Well, what's Yin Zhu's secret?" Leihe took Yinzhu and sat down on a piece of grass. Then he patted Yinzhu on the back as if he were coaxing a child.

"I, I'm not a person in this world. I, I come from a very far, very far planet. I probably can't go back in my life." Yin Zhu stopped for a moment and said, "do you know? The first time I saw you, I was shocked. You are so beautiful. You are just a beautiful man in the cartoon. I used to tell my roommate that it would be great if I could sleep with such a person. Then I put you to sleep. " Yin Zhu said that he giggled twice and clapped Leihe's face with his hand.

Leihe was surprised by the previous sentence, but he also thought that if he was not from another world, how could he have such a distinctive personality? It was Yin Zhu who said that he had fallen asleep, which made him not know how to answer. However, he was very happy in his heart. Yin Zhu was praising himself.

"Don't you dislike orcs?" Leihe asked curiously.

Yin Zhu shook his head at this time, "we are all human beings, human beings, not orcs, but orcs. They are all immortal beings in the legend, so if you think about it, I've been burning incense for eight generations to sleep until I'm like you."

Leihe shakes his head when he hears this, and then laughs silently. He doesn't know what Yin Zhu thinks. If it wasn't for Yin Zhu's drunkenness, he would never have said it all his life. Before, he always felt inferior to himself as a ORC. He didn't expect that he was totally different in Yin Zhu's eyes. Does he want to thank himself for being a Orc .

"Reich wants to be an orc, but I'm afraid I can't do it myself?" Yin Zhu said, tears fell down one by one.

Leihe saw Yinzhu crying and quickly wiped his tears. "Yinzhu, don't cry, don't cry. I don't want to be an ORC. I'll stay the same. If you like what I look like, I'll be what I look like. Yinzhu, don't cry."

"I didn't cry. I didn't cry. It was the wind that blew the sand into my eyes. Leihe, what if I didn't become a beast God and save you and baikun? Jono's gone too. I don't know what to do? In fact, I can't do anything. I've tried my best to learn, but I still can't help you. I'm so afraid. What should I do when you are all disappointed? Do you blame me Yin Zhu suddenly fell on Leihe's chest and cried.

"I really want to help you, also told myself must do, you are helping me, but I have no confidence, I am so afraid." Over the past three years, Yin Zhu has stretched herself into a tight bow and kept accumulating strength, just waiting for time to shoot an arrow. Moreover, she has not turned back. She carries too many people's hopes, so she can't even slack off.

But no one knows the pressure in Yin Zhu's heart. Even though Jono and they keep trying to open up Yin Zhu, Yin Zhu still doesn't dare to say anything that he doesn't have confidence in, because she is their hope. She says that there is no hope. What do they do?

Besides, there are all kinds of intrigues from Qingling, which constantly force her to move forward, and she can only keep moving forward. If it wasn't for being drunk this time, Yin Zhu would not have said anything from his heart. It's better to let it out this time. Otherwise, Yin Zhu would be defeated one day.

When Leihe heard that Yinzhu was crying so helplessly, he couldn't help holding Yinzhu in his arms. "Yinzhu, it's OK. It's OK. I don't want to be an ORC. I like to be a semi ORC. Semi orcs are powerful and beautiful."

All the people outside saw Yin Zhu's strength. No matter what happened, Yin Zhu held on, but who could think that Yin Zhu was just a female, a female who needed male care, who could think of her vulnerability in the bottom of her heart.

"Lie, you lie to me." Yin Zhu's mouth flattened and he began to cry again.

"No, no, I didn't lie to you." Leihe is very uncomfortable holding Yinzhu, this is his sincere words, as long as Yinzhu does not dislike what he looks like, he does not care.

Yin Zhu cries and screams. Tengxiao hears it even if it's far away. Tengxiao looks at Yin Zhu who is coaxed by Lei he in his arms. He falls down on the grass powerlessly. It's useless for him to make Yin Zhu so miserable.

From daze tribe, it can be said that he has been with Yin Zhu all the time, but he has not been able to help Yin Zhu much. Xiao Jin sleeps and almost disappears. When Qiao Nuo leaves, Bai Kun is the same as before. Yin Zhu is still responsible for everything, but he has not helped him much. He is useless.

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