"Yin Zhu, you see, the dark city of Leihe has just taken over. There are many things to do. Let's stay here and help him. How about fighting?" Tengxiao put forward his opinion with a smile.

Yin Zhu nodded and agreed to Teng Xiao's request after thinking for a while. Now she has nothing important to do. It's just cultivation. Cultivation can be done anywhere. Besides, Teng an and his three children can be seen here every day. Teng an is the one Yin Zhu takes the most. Because of Teng an's natural defects, Yin Zhu shows special pity and tolerance for him. As for the other two children Yin Zhu can only say sorry, she is not a qualified mother.

Tengxiao talks about helping. In fact, they can help very little. Although they know a lot of people in the dark city and they are familiar with each other, they are welcome to be guests. But if they want to intervene in their affairs, it is estimated that there will be a riot soon. The orcs only recognize the orcs, even if Yin Zhu is tengan's mother, What they approve is only tengan.

So they can help Tengxiao very little in this aspect, but Leihe doesn't need Yin Zhu's help. That is to say, he has a lot of capable people. Now he just takes over more places, and he won't be too busy.

Tengxiao looks at Yinzhu and starts to practice. He can't help but go to the front of Yinzhu and squat down. Then he takes the tail of Yinzhu's hair and scrapes Yinzhu's nose.

This itchy, Yin Zhu looked at Tengxiao funny, can't help but open his eyes angrily, "Tengxiao, what are you doing?"

"Well, isn't Morrison gone? RAH has found a secret passage from his residence. Let's explore there. " Tengxiao said with a smile, there must be nothing good in this secret way, and Morrison will not keep any good things. The reason why he bothers Yin Zhu is to let him relax.

This practice can't be practiced all the time. It's the combination of work and rest, relaxation and moderation.

Yin Zhu is led by Tengxiao to walk out, and soon arrives at Morrison's residence. He finds the dark road Leihe said. They walk straight along the dark road, and finally appear in a big cave. There is a bright pearl inlaid in the southeast, northwest and middle of the cave top. The whole cave looks very bright.

There are rows of ranks in the cave, and some Orc runes are simply depicted on them. In addition, there is a beast Dan in front of the ranks, which should be the ancestral land of the Morrison clan.

Although Banshou Dan has great power, Yin Zhu doesn't dare to absorb it, so it's useless.

After a walk, this is a ancestral hall. It's also treasure hunting.

Yin Zhu stares at Tengxiao. Tengxiao scratches his head in embarrassment and laughs at Yin Zhu.

Yin Zhu saw what else he could say. His partner smoked the corner of his mouth and laughed so stupidly that he covered his face.

Since it's polite to pay homage when you come to the ancestral ghost area, she said that how could Morrison leave something good for them? It's useless to give it to her.

Yin Zhu really kowtowed to these people before he opened the book on the stone platform. Well, this is the family tree of the Morrison family.

Yin Zhu is really just casual look, but really did not expect to see a very interesting thing.

"Tengxiao, come and have a look." Yin Zhu called Tengxiao in a hurry.

Well, this thing records the information of Morrison's ancestors, and this genealogy records the information of the first generation of ancestors.

Morrison's first ancestor, fengxu, was a snake. He was the playmate of Wuji, the beast God. Wuji had outstanding talent since childhood. Later, he activated the ancient learning to sell, and evolved into the nine headed snake king. Fengxu was his most central guard, guarding the beast God all his life.

There's nothing to study. The strange thing is that it's recorded here that fengxu was buried in a Yinfeng Valley not far from the animal god mountain after he died. According to fengxu's prophecy, he would help the animal God to protect him even if he died.

It's normal for orcs to die, but generally speaking, orcs go back to their ancestral places. It's really rare for them to be buried separately like fengxu. What's more, they have to help the beast God to protect them when they die.

Yin Zhu then looked at the records of other people. However, the next people were all normal, only this wind narration was abnormal.

Tengxiao is really just for Yin Zhu to have fun. I didn't expect to find any useful clues like this. It seems that I will go back there to have a look. It's a pity that Morrison has left. Otherwise, I can ask Feng Xu what he has done in his life.

Yin Zhu carefully put Morrison's family tree away, and then left the place with Tengxiao.

"Lehe, I think it's necessary for us to go to all the places related to animal gods in the world. Why is fengxu buried not far away from animal god mountain? I remember you met the ghost on it before. I don't know whose ghost it is?" Yin Zhu said faintly.

Whose is it? It's definitely not the beast God. The beast god hides so deep, it's definitely not easy to expose, but who is that?

Looking at Yin Zhu's beautiful frown, Tengxiao can't help holding Yin Zhu's shoulder, and then reaches out a hand to smooth Yin Zhu's frown, "I don't like your sad face, I like to see you smile, these things I will go with you, even if it's very troublesome, we will face with a smile."When Yin Zhu heard this, his heart began to be sweet. "Well, I'll be happy from tomorrow." This is quite reasonable, smile is also the face, cry is also the face, why not face with a smile, of course, this is easy to say, it is very difficult to do, Yin Zhu will try to do.

"Let's go. Today is a big harvest." Yin Zhu said with a smile.

"I'll ask these people who stay. They belong to the Morrison family. Maybe they know something else." Tengxiao said with a smile.

Yin Zhu nodded, really understand better work.

After that, Tengxiao Yinzhu and Leihe visited the people left by Morrison one by one. Now that Morrison has left, Leihe is tolerant of them and doesn't scold them. Now they are just asking questions, and all they know are honest answers.

However, it's a pity that they are not the core personnel, and their talent is not very good. They don't know a lot of news. They tell a lot of stories from the legend, and most of them are stories, which is useless.

He didn't ask what he wanted. Yin Zhu was a little disappointed, but then he began to laugh. How can everything go smoothly? It's good news to get the news of fengxu.

After Morrison got the blood of God, he walked all the way south. The place he went to was the extreme south. The extreme south, like the extreme north, was an ice sheet. The extreme north was sealed with the Utopia of the beast God, and the extreme south did not know what was there.

Looking at Morrison's Yangxi, it's obvious that he already knew what's here, and even figured out that he would come here.

At the beginning, Morrison was very careful. He kept detouring all the way. He was worried that Yin Zhu would catch up with him, but later he found that Yin Zhu didn't catch up, so he let him go.

God's blood, is Yin Zhu going to give up such a valuable thing? At this time, Morrison can't help but think of what Yin Zhu said before. Yin Zhu said that this is likely to be a trap, and there is a great possibility that it is true, otherwise Yin Zhu would not give up like this, so does this divine blood need to be used?

Moreover, it is said that the blood was extracted from the remains of the beast God. Morrison also wanted to see the remains of the beast God. Or when he saw the remains of the beast God first, he was very familiar with them.

Now it's better to go to ice city first. As for this holy blood, Morrison can't use it for the time being. There's no more than half probability that Morrison will never use it. He's the leader of their line. He can't die until someone behind decides how to go in the future.

Ice city is a secret city in the far south. It's very difficult for outsiders to go to ice city. First of all, they have to walk through the thick ice field. Secondly, there is always thick fog above the ice field in the far south. Basically, they can't see the distance. If they don't have familiar people to lead the way, they are easy to get lost in the far south.

The other side of the ice city is their former hometown. However, after they became orcs, they never went back. Do you know that the rest of them still exist? In addition, I don't know if the people over there are willing to accept them, but they are very enthusiastic. I don't think they will despise him as a half beast.

Of course, the most important thing now is to find the ice city. Morrison has never been to this place. He only has the map handed down from his ancestors.

However, in 5000 years, with constant wind and rain, some landforms have changed. It's not easy to find the ice city. At least Morrison and other people are very embarrassed and scurry in the ice field. When they walk around, they keep comparing maps to see if they can find similar places.

Of course, Morrison also uses the secret technique to launch the blood traction, but it's useless. Blood traction requires the existence of blood and the appropriate distance. Only if both of them agree, the blood traction will be displayed. Unfortunately, he hasn't displayed it for so long. He has walked two thirds of the ice field, but still hasn't found the so-called ice city.

Morrison was a little anxious. He left with his people. The city of darkness is definitely not going back. As for the orc continent, it's hard to find another place for the orcs to live. The best way is to find the ice city. In addition, Morrison has many things to authenticate with the orcs.

Fortunately, he brought the elite of his own family, but there was no reduction due to the climate. As for why Morrison didn't take all the people away, it wasn't because he was cruel. He was always soft hearted to the people. With this elite part, it was because they were strong and could help themselves in some ways. In addition, they were all his confidants, even if they stayed in the dark And reher won't use them. On the other hand, Morrison was afraid that in case of failure, the remaining people would follow Yin Zhu. Yin Zhu was kind-hearted, and those people didn't do anything too much. Then he took refuge with Leihe, thinking that Yin Zhu would take care of them.

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