Morrison's efforts for his own people can be said to have run out of ammunition and food. As for why he chose Yinzhu instead of Qingling, it is because Yinzhu has a kindness that others don't have.

No matter they are animal gods or Qingling, they all look down on them and watch them struggle. They don't take the lives of the people at the bottom as one thing, and they can do nothing for their own purposes. This is why he doesn't offend Yin Zhu to death no matter what he does. He just wants to leave a way for his people, but he doesn't care .

Morrison is very clear that he is not a good person. On the contrary, he is also the kind of person who does not break the means for the purpose, so he should not admire Yin Zhu.

It took Morrison more than 20 days to find the sign on the map, and then with the map, he finally found the legendary ice city. Only when he got to the gate of the city, Morrison stopped, because now the ice city can no longer be called a city, it can only be said that it is a ruins, and it is still a very desolate ruins.

Morrison stood outside the gate of the ice city. His genealogical record clearly indicated that only the most powerful hundreds of soldiers in the family became orcs at that time. The rest of the people still lived in ice city. After they became orcs for many years, they had no face to return to ice city, and they did not dare to let the people of ice city know why they left They became orcs. At that time, they were very powerful. But now, the whole group is gone. The whole ice city is dead.

A group of people standing next to Morrison can't help sighing when they see this. Although they don't have the same expectation as Morrison for the people, such a big family is gone. Looking at the desolate appearance of ice city, it should have been gone for many years, otherwise it won't be like this.

"No, it shouldn't be." Morrison shook his head. The strength of their family was not weak. Even if the most powerful hundreds of soldiers left at that time, what the people wanted to survive was quite simple. How could they be cut off?

At this time, Morrison could not control himself and rushed directly into the cold ice city. He hoped that he could find some information to see how the people didn't have it.

Unfortunately, the barren City, even if there is something left behind, after thousands of years of weathering, hand touch on the wind scattered.

Morrison kept walking. He always felt that he had a way to go, but he didn't expect that ice city would become like this. Who is it? Who destroyed ice city?

Morrison kept looking for the ancestral place of their clan. The secret room of the dark city was built according to the one on the side of ice city. Soon Morrison found the corresponding place, dug the channel, and rushed in quickly.

There are a lot of animal elixirs in the ancestral place. Another is a well protected genealogy. Morrison picked up the genealogy with trembling fingers. Morrison had planned to have a good look at it to see how ice city didn't exist.

However, Morrison found that there was no record of this genealogy after Feng Xu, the hero of his clan, left. That is to say, after Feng Xu left, something happened to the tribe.

Morrison can't help shaking at this time. When fengxu left the ice city, fengxu was still alive at that time. At that time, someone destroyed the ice city and didn't let them know? Who will this person be?

Five thousand years ago, the people in this cold ice city have been dead for more than five thousand years. Thanks to him, he thought they still had clansmen and helpers. As a result, he came here to know that they had nothing left.

"Morrison, what are we going to do now?" Asked tonian, Morrison's confidant, anxiously.

"You can live here for the time being. Go and find out where you live. As for the places around the food, there are many animals on this side of the ice sheet." Morrison breathed a sigh of weakness.

It seems that it is necessary for him to talk to fengxu. Yes, talk to fengxu and see if fengxu knows what's going on.

Yes, fengxu is still alive. In their memory, fengxu has never died, but he is not alive. Like Bai kunlan frost, he has become a corpse. Morrison only knows where he is, but what he does there is not clear.

In the memory of inheritance, it is said that unless it is a major event of extermination, we must not go to him. He is doing a very important thing.

Now they have nothing left except the orcs. If they can't touch the curse, they will disappear from the orc world forever.

This is tantamount to extermination. Sometimes Morrison wants to ask Feng Xu, what kind of things can be so important that they don't even want their relatives? Is it the so-called mission and responsibility?

They have such painful days and the charges they bear, all because of Feng Xu. I'm not Feng Xu. I want to follow the beast God. Their family could have lived a very ordinary life, even the disappearance of the people in the ice city. It's probably because of Feng Xu. Thinking of this, Morrison doesn't feel very good about this ancestor. This ancestor is the whole family This is a disaster.

Then Morrison carefully recalled the memory of fengxu. Well, Wuji, the beast God, grew up with fengxu. Fengxu was straightforward, had no flowery heart, and was very powerful. At that time, Wuji's strength was not as good as fengxu's, but Wuji was very smart, so he fooled fengxu to be his guard. This time, it was a lifetime.Fengxu has absolute trust and loyalty to Wuji, even with his children and grandchildren. Now Morrison thinks that Wuji just wants to live up to fengxu's trust.

Wuji's mother is a famous beauty of their family, and the father of the beast God is a wanderer to their tribe. We don't pay attention to where the father of the beast God is. When we know, it's the time for Wuji's achievement. At that time, his people have moved to Utopia. Of course, the relatives of Wuji's mother have also moved to Utopia When it comes to Orc blood, all people say it's utopian. Who can remember that Wuji also has their blood.

A group of people in Tainan soon cleared out their temporary residence, and even the food was ready. Morrison had a rest for one night. The next day, Morrison left. He was going to find fengxu.

Fengxu's place is not far from the animal god mountain, but it's probably the reason why he doesn't like the animal God, and Morrison hates the things about the animal God in the world.

The world is full of respect for Mt. beast, but Morrison didn't. If it wasn't for his lack of strength, Morrison wanted to destroy the place directly.

Yinfeng Valley is just like its name. This is a very strange valley. There are a lot of Yinfeng in the valley. This Yinfeng will not kill people, but it will devour life bit by bit. It will only devour the function of the body bit by bit, and then let the life pass quickly. If an Orc dares to stand in it for ten and a half days Yes, I guess I'll lose my life.

"Fengxu, come out. Your descendants are coming. Come out and give me an answer." Morrison stood outside the valley of the wind, shouting.

At this time, deep in the valley of Yin Feng, a skeleton who was chained in the cave raised his head. His eyes, which were burned by the magic fire, seemed to see Morrison and laughed.

"It's been many years, and it's finally here. Hehe hehe." Skeleton breeze narrates to smile very gloomy, let a person hear inside the heart very of fear.

At that time, he clearly left a warning saying that the people could not disturb him unless there was a big event of extermination. He didn't want to see the people all the time and was afraid that such a thing would happen. But at the same time, he expected such a thing to happen, because in that case, he would be free soon.

Feng Xu shakes his own chain at this time, the chain crackles, and then the chains melt into his bones little by little, and then slowly disappear. But the one under his feet is still there, but it can be extended infinitely, and does not stop him from moving.

After a while, Feng Xu slowly crawled out from the ground and saw the eyes on his head. He couldn't help laughing, "who are you, what's your name, what do you want me to do?"

Looking at Morrison standing in the sun, Feng Xu can't help but be jealous. He seems to be standing in the sun. Standing in the sun should be very comfortable. Unfortunately, he can't. He can only stand in the wind. The sun is blocked by the wind of the wind Valley and can't shine on him.

"My name is Morrison. I'm your direct back, and I'm also the manager of our generation in the dark city. I want to ask about the ice city. The whole ice city people disappeared after you left. Do you know?" Asked Morrison in a trembling voice.

Feng Xu shook his body when he heard this, then lowered his head. After a long silence, he looked up at Morrison and said, "I know, because I killed them all." After a while, Feng Xu slowly crawled out from the ground and saw the eyes on his head. He couldn't help laughing, "who are you, what's your name, what do you want me to do?"

Looking at Morrison standing in the sun, Feng Xu can't help but be jealous. He seems to be standing in the sun. Standing in the sun should be very comfortable. Unfortunately, he can't. He can only stand in the wind. The sun is blocked by the wind of the wind Valley and can't shine on him.

"My name is Morrison. I'm your direct back, and I'm also the manager of our generation in the dark city. I want to ask about the ice city. The whole ice city people disappeared after you left. Do you know?" Asked Morrison in a trembling voice.

The wind hears..

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