"There is no reason. Some wishes need sacrifice to realize, but they will not sacrifice in vain. The world will remember their contributions in the future." Feng Xu was silent for a long time.

Morrison couldn't help laughing when he heard this, "credit, people are dead, credit has a fart use, they have been dead for 5000 years, who remembers them, they trust you so much, you are the head of a clan, you even attack them, you bastard."

Morrison can't understand what is more important than life in this world, what's the use of those so-called immortality and credit, what's the harm of simply living in peace, and how fengxu decides life and death for those people.

"And you? Why don't you die? They are all dead. Why don't you die? Why don't you accompany them? What qualifications do you have to live? " Morrison cried angrily.

Morrison has no way to accept such an answer. He would rather fengxu tell him that he doesn't know anything than that he killed his own relatives.

"I'm waiting for you. When you come, I can die." Feng Xu said very quietly.

When Morrison heard this, he stepped back two steps. "Are you calculating me?"

Morrison doesn't think fengxu will be waiting for him here, so the only possibility is that he has something to do.

"I tell you, I can't do anything for you, because I'm afraid tens of thousands of people's grievances will come to me to settle accounts on the Internet." Morrison clenched his teeth and looked at fengxu fiercely.

Originally, he had some expectations for fengxu, but the answer he heard made Morrison fall into the abyss.

"You will help me, because you want to expose people to incantations, don't you? If you want to remove the spell, you can only help me, otherwise our family will be orcs forever and forever. If you miss this chance, you will never have a chance. " Wind said with a sigh.

When Morrison heard this, his face was black and blue, and the veins on his face came out. The whole person kept shaking, "you, you are threatening me, threatening me with the fate of the whole people. Do you still have humanity? They are also your descendants, and because of you, they have become what they are now and suffered a lot. "

Morrison was so angry that his teeth kept bumping up and down, shivering.

"You can leave it alone, can't you?" Fengxu said lightly, he didn't want to force Morrison, but for the great cause of Wuji brothers, he had to do that, and only in this way could their curse be lifted, so fengxu didn't feel that he had done anything wrong.

Morrison could not help biting his teeth when he heard this. "OK, what did you say?"

He has been fighting for his people and relatives all his life, so he can't leave them alone. Of course, now Morrison doesn't believe in fengxu. He will carefully distinguish what is feasible.

"Morrison, don't hate me. I'm also for the better inheritance of the clan. You'll understand later." Feng Xu looks at Morrison's expression of hatred and can't help saying a few words of defense for himself.

When Morrison heard this, he just sneered and said, "don't make excuses for your sins. You are selfish like the beast God. You'd better guarantee that I will die, or I won't let you go."

For the sake of the better inheritance of the people, it's a joke. For the sake of a distant future, it may even be a lie, you can kill your own people. Such a person is never worth forgiving. He looks down on such a person.

After listening to Morrison's words, Feng Xu said with a helpless smile, "that's it. I don't ask for your forgiveness. Anyway, as long as I succeed, people in future generations will naturally praise me."

"What I want you to do is also very simple. You have a drop of God's blood hidden in you. Right? You should cultivate your divine power first, and then go to the bottom of the soul eating cliff of the God's palace to guard the remains of the beast God for me. No one can destroy it." Wind Xu light said.

"That's it. Nothing else?" Morrison couldn't help asking questions.

"No, when the beast God returns, everything will return to the right track, including our family." The wind said calmly.

"It turns out that this is your way to remove the curse of our family. Unfortunately, I can't believe in the beast God. I want to destroy his body and let him disappear in the world forever." Morrison said angrily.

Even he didn't understand that a person could gamble on the human life of the whole family for the sake of so-called affection and loyalty. What does Feng Xu think? He just wanted to go by himself. Why should he have to press on the fate of the whole family? He hated him and also complained about why he had such an ancestor.

"Morrison, you can't do that. I can tell you very clearly that no matter Qingling or the new so-called animal God descendant, they are just chess pieces arranged by the animal God. They can't be animal gods, let alone contact Curses for our family. The only possible thing is the animal God. I've been with the animal God for such a long time, I know his strength better than anyone else. You have to believe me. If you are fooling around, our family will really have no future. " The wind says with worry.So many things have happened, and even the old things from a long time ago have jumped out one by one. How can Morrison not understand that someone is playing a big game of chess, but he heard that Qingling and Yinzhu are chess pieces. Morrison is shocked, but no one will be willing to be a chess piece. Even chess pieces will resist, and chess pieces may not be able to kill the players in turn.

Of course, now Morrison finally understands why the people in the temple have such a strange attitude towards Yin Zhu. Qingling and Yin Zhu are clearly hostile. Although they often find fault with Yin Zhu, they don't really want to cause fatal damage to Yin Zhu. Instead, they give Yin Zhu time to grow up and think that Qingling also understands his situation, so they give Yin Zhu a chance, No matter what the beast God's plan is, at least a powerful man can be left to contain the beast God.

In fact, he is also a chess piece, but compared with Yin Zhu, he is just a small chess piece, an insignificant thing. Fengxu, the ancestor, is willing to be a pawn and sacrifice. He is not willing to bite off a piece of meat even if he dies.

"Why guard? Ordinary people in that place can't go down. Before Qingling, he had a chance to destroy the body, but he didn't move. He won't destroy him. Do you want me to guard him?" Asked Morrison, puzzled.

"Now that they have a way to go down, they will not destroy it this time, and they will certainly destroy it next time. Morrison, I only ask once, will you go or not?" Feng Xu asked angrily.

Morrison was silent for a moment and said, "go." He always wanted to see what the beast God wanted to do. Of course, he had to be a backhand before he went.

Next, fengxu didn't want to say anything more and couldn't find out anything, so Morrison left directly. As for politeness, he didn't care at all. Anyway, fengxu wasn't worth it.

Morrison went back to ice city first, told all the news he got from fengxu, and told him what fengxu asked him to do.

All the people present were shocked by Morrison's words. All of them couldn't understand how the ancestors of fengxu could be so cruel.

Tenen looked at Morrison with special concern at this time, "patriarch, you can't go, you have to take our people to find hope, you give me the God's blood, I'll go, even if there's any conspiracy, if I die, our family still has you to lead, you must not have an accident."

Seeing this, Morrison smiles, then reaches out a hand and pats Tenan on the shoulder and says, "you can't do it. You can't do it. Besides, since fengxu is named me, I have to go. You should settle down in ice city first. If I have an accident, you should go to Rehe. Rehe seems very cold, but his heart is very soft, you know I'm relieved to follow him. "

"Patriarch." Tenan yelled at this, obviously disagreeing with Morrison's plan.

At this time, Morrison raised his hand to stop the next words of Tenan, "Tenan, I've decided, don't think about it. Besides, I'll stay behind. Don't worry about me. I'll never fight a battle I'm not sure about."

Tenan wanted to say that he was even more worried when he heard that, but he could not stop Morrison. Fighting for his people all his life was Morrison's wish and the driving force of living for them, and he could not stop it. "Then you must be good, I only have one word, if you go, I will accompany you, can't let you alone."

Morrison almost didn't jump up to smoke when he heard this, but he didn't smoke at all. "Nonsense, what a mess." It's just that his voice is choking. He made it clear that this is not a joke, so he must protect himself.

"I'm going to cooperate with Yin Zhu, so I plan to discuss with her in the dark city." For his partner, if Qingling and Yinzhu choose, Morrison will choose Yinzhu.

Yin Zhuxin's softness is a weakness for her, but it is an advantage for him. Moreover, Yin Zhu won't take the initiative to calculate people, which also makes him feel at ease.

I don't know if I will be beaten to death by Leihe and Tengxiao when I go back to the dark city. I guess those two are willing to beat him to death.

Who would have thought that only he could do such shameless things if he had just robbed other people's things and now had to go back to find cooperation with them.

Morrison is thinking that he must be embarrassed when he goes back, but embarrassment is embarrassing. Who told him to ask Yin Zhu for something? Yes, this time he asked Yin Zhu for help.

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