"Morrison, how dare you come back." Leihe looks at Morrison standing in front of him with a blue face.

This shameless man, he just made things right in the dark city, he came back for fear of turbulence, Reich will never give Morrison this opportunity.

"Well, we are not enemies, Reich. You don't have to do this to me, right? You should be very clear that I have no hostility to you, and I won't hurt you." Morrison said with a smiley face that he was harmless.

Leihe was not confused by Morrison at this time. "Morrison, no matter what you say, I won't let you into the dark city. You may not hurt our hearts now, but one day our interests conflict with each other, you will not hesitate to attack us, so I won't let you get close to people like you, let alone hurt you Yin Zhu

He admires Morrison's ideal of being desperate for the people, but it can't be Morrison's approach to them again and again, and then use them. Leihe knows very well that Morrison took the blood to leave, if it's not something, he will never come back, so it's very likely that this is another use.

Morrison saw Leihe showed his attitude, and finally sighed helplessly, "well, I've done so many things before that I let you down, and you can't believe me. This time, I'm not really here to calculate you. I want to ask Yin Zhu to help me."

"Help you? Do you need any help? " Leihe looked at Morrison sarcastically. He calculated everything. It was almost the curse that could help him get in touch with the orcs. He would get closer and play special six games.

"I'm not strong at all. If I'm strong, I don't need to curry favor everywhere. In the end, no one will curry favor with me. Lei Hezhen, helping me can be regarded as helping Yin Zhu. You should know very well that I will never hurt Yin Zhu before I come to the last step. I'll give up my own way. In this case, why don't you let me meet Yin Zhu and explain to him? Besides, I left you a clue when I left. " Morrison looks at Leihe pleadingly. If he can, he doesn't want to ask anyone.

The genealogy Yinzhu found was actually left by Morrison. After all, Morrison wanted to take a genealogy. At that time, he also wanted to show Yinzhu that he could be better to the orcs left behind, but he didn't expect to use it himself.

After coming back from fengxu, Morrison is in a bad mood. In this world, only Yin Zhu wants to help him. Morrison thinks that he is mean. He can't talk about friendship with Yin Zhu, but now he wants others to help him.

After knowing Morrison's request, Yin Zhu asked Rachel to meet Morrison in a valley next to the dark city. Morrison is not convenient to enter the dark city now, otherwise the security of the dark city will be affected.

"Morrison, didn't you say you wanted my help? Tell me, what's going on? " Yin Zhu is also guessing about Morrison's asking for himself. Did Morrison use God's blood to find something wrong?

At this time, Morrison said the news he got from fengxu and the requirements of fengxu again in simple words, and then Morrison said, "I know very well that I am a chess piece. I don't want to follow the way arranged by fengxu, but I'm worried that our family will be like this forever, so I still have to go. Do you say there is a conspiracy in Shenxue I think it's probably true

"What do you want me to do?" Since Morrison wants to do as Feng Xu asks, what does he ask himself to do?

"Yin Zhu, I learned some secrets a long time ago. I can split my soul. Then I put one of them on your side. I'm afraid that if I do those things according to Feng Xu's requirements, I will lose myself. Then the other half of my soul is very important. Maybe I can destroy the good deeds of the beast God at the critical moment." Morrison repeated his plan.

"Morrison, you are right, but how can I believe you? Who knows if your soul is here to watch me?" Yin Zhu looks at Morrison from the corner of her mouth. Besides, she doesn't owe Morrison anything for why she wants to help Morrison.

Morrison has done so many things, although it does not cause any substantial harm to himself, it does not mean that those things do not exist.

"You're right. I'm too self righteous. Then, Yin Zhu, I'll hide my soul. I'll tell you an address later. If one day I really lose myself, if I can help you at the critical moment, please take my soul out. And for the sake of the orcs, please help them Except for the curse, I'm sorry. " Morrison said, got up, turned and left.

He thought that Yin Zhu could help himself, but he thought too much. Yin Zhu is kind, but he is not stupid. Besides, there is a lot of fog now. Yin Zhu is right to ensure his safety. He can't trust anyone easily.

Yin Zhu looked at Morrison and sighed, "let's go."

For people like Morrison, Yin Zhu can't hate him, but he won't help him either."Yinzhu, shall we go to see fengxu?" Tengxiao asked curiously at this time.

Yin Zhu nodded when he heard this, "see, of course. Fengxu has been staying in that place. Obviously, that place is very important. Morrison didn't kill him for various reasons. Let's go. There's no need to keep such a poor and vicious man." If you can't kill the beast God, you have to kill his paws step by step.

"Well, then we'll wait. We'll leave when Morrison gives us the message." Although they are not willing to reach out to help Morrison, but Morrison's message really wants, no matter what, it should be left behind.

"Well, I'll go with you then." It's going to kill a soul of ancient times. It's dangerous. Reih wants to see it. As for the dark city, it should be OK to enlarge it for half a month.

"Good." Yin Zhu answered with a smile.

It's ten days since I said goodbye to Morrison. Morrison has changed and become very old, like an old Orc who is about to return.

"How did you become like this?" Yin Zhu was shocked.

At this time, Morrison coughed a little and said powerlessly: "if you want to split the soul, you have to pay a price." Morrison was also worried that he would let the beast God find the soul because of the relevance, so he was completely broken. The soul was almost another person. Of course, because of this, the soul was very weak, even his own soul became very miserable, even the life in his body If there is no way to save it, he will live for another three years at most.

At this time, Morrison took out a white jade box and handed it to Yin Zhu. "Yin Zhu has another soul in it. You can help me find a place to seal it. I'd better not know where it is, so as not to lose it. Thank you." Originally, Morrison wanted to hide himself in a place. At last, he felt that it was not safe. After all, who knew the means of the beast God.

"It's their happiness that their clan has such a patriarch." Yin Zhu said with emotion that Morrison is worthy of their race.

Yin Zhu slowly opened the jade box in his hand, but when he saw a creeping silkworm in the jade box, he couldn't help smoking his mouth. Morrison's shadow could be seen on the silkworm. It was obvious that Morrison's soul had melted into the silkworm's body.

This is to turn one's own body into a worm. How determined is it to sit down? As Yin Zhu knows, the things that can make the ghost reside are basically related to the beast God, such as totem stone, such as the beast god statue on the beast god mountain, which Morrison does not dare to use. If there is no carrier for the ghost to reside, it will slowly dissipate between heaven and earth. What's more, this is it Morrison's secret is not as good as the beast God's.

Yin Zhu looks at the jade box in his hand, and then covers it. Morrison probably doesn't want to turn himself into this kind of person if he doesn't go to a dead end. What Morrison said before may be a little credible. Of course, Yin Zhu won't believe it all. Morrison has a soul in his hand, which may be used to counter calculate. They can even control mo at a critical moment Leeson, even if Morrison calculated himself, it's OK, because Yin Zhu will never take this thing with her, and she doesn't need to be afraid. In general, this thing is in her hands, and the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

The thing in his hand really needs to be settled. Fortunately, this silkworm is the best silkworm. As long as he has aura, he can survive. Otherwise, Yin Zhu really doesn't know how to settle this thing. Just go back and find some jade to put on the seal.

Yin Zhu thought about it and finally decided to seal it in the swamp jungle, which is far away from the dark city. Moreover, there is the ancestral land of the Meizu. Although they have left, Bai Xue still has several people to guard the ancestral land. If there is any change in the soul of Morrison, some people will inform themselves.

He has been in the dark city for nearly a month. Yin Zhu plans to leave. Tengxiao and Leihe nod their heads. Although they don't want Yin Zhu to be so tired and want him to have more rest, they also know that the plot of the beast God is approaching little by little, and Yin Zhu doesn't dare to rest even if he wants to.

The three men left secretly, but Teng an was arranged by Leihe to practice in the secret room. When he was away, Teng an was too young. For fear of an accident, Leihe asked Teng an not to appear in front of others.

It's very easy to seal Morrison's soul, because it's easy to learn from the past. It doesn't take Yin Zhu too much effort.

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