"Come on, let's go and see that fengxu, too." After dealing with Morrison's affairs, Yin Zhu plans to go to fengxu, or kill fengxu like a way.

Because of the Yin wind, no one comes to Yinfeng valley. Even animals don't come. It's very busy these days.

Yin Zhu and they just set foot on the boundary of Yinfeng Valley, and fengxu felt it.

He came out directly from the ground and looked at the three people standing in front of him. He couldn't help laughing and said, "the old man has been waiting for you for a long time. LAN Shuang has gone, so should I go."

"If you want to be liberated, you are the only one who deserves to be liberated." Yin Zhu couldn't help saying it.

Feng Xu laughs at this time, "don't you come to solve me? Are you going to let me go? Little girl, I advise you not to struggle. Live your life well and enjoy it. When the time comes, it's also your destiny. "

When Yin Zhu heard this, he couldn't help laughing, "farting, I have to wait for death to be considered good. Mole ants are still greedy for life, not to mention me. What a good world you do is because of the boundless greed of the beast God. You bet the life of the whole Orc world. You are the most evil, and heaven will not forgive you."

Yin Zhu still doesn't understand what the beast God is going to do, but there must be a need. No one will do anything for no reason. In particular, the beast God has arranged such a big game for this. Besides, according to Bena, although the days before the orc world were far less than the people of the 21st world, they could barely do it Eat and drink, but now the orcs are too poor. All this is caused by the beast God. Yin Zhu said that this is not too much.

Feng Xu was silent for a while, then sneered, "Yin Zhu, you can be so calm now. That's not against your interests. As for the orcs, the reason why they can live a good life is because of the beast God. Now the beast God just wants to take back the rights they have given. How can it be regarded as a great crime? What's more, if they know their own rights Life can contribute to the beast God, even death is willing. "

When Yin Zhu heard this, Feng Xu was still quibbling, and this Feng Xu was indeed the loyal animal God.

"Excuse, you crazy people always have to find an excuse for your evil deeds. You don't think you are superior and can despise the lives of those people." Yin Zhu said coldly that such people are still the beast gods respected by the orcs. They deserve the respect of the orcs.

"Come on, I told you so much about what to do, didn't I want to kill me? Kill me. I'm tired, too. But I tell you, Yin Zhu, your way has already been arranged. You can't escape. " Wind narrates and laughs.

"Fart." Hearing this, Tengxiao couldn't help shouting.

"I want to quibble when I'm dying. No matter what you say, it won't shake our hearts." Leihe was also very angry at this time. He would not be afraid of any arrangement made by the beast God. Moreover, if the beast God was absolutely powerful, he would not make these messy arrangements. The most important thing for them was to find out the goal of the beast God and then destroy his good deeds.

The process of killing fengxu is very fast. Maybe it's because fengxu really doesn't want to live and doesn't resist. He also killed so many of his own people. It's probably very hard in his heart. But his belief in helping the beast God is supporting him. Now he's finally going to die. It's also a relief for him.

Looking at Feng Xu's happy appearance, Yin Zhu didn't want him to die so comfortably, so he spoke slowly, "Feng Xu, you've arranged your back hand, don't you think it's too beautiful, Morrison is not as loyal to the beast God as you are to the beast God, even Morrison has long been good, he probably can't come back, even can't himself, so he put himself away My spirit is hard divided into two parts, half of which is on my side. Do you think this will affect your good master's plan? "

Feng Xu can't help but stare big eyes when he hears these words, "not the children of Xiao, not the children of Xiao." He wanted to resist at this time, but he had no chance. Tengxiao's sharp claws had gone through his neck.

It seems that Morrison's plan can really affect the beast God, so Morrison's soul needs to think about how to use it.

As for what Feng Xu said before, it has no influence on Yin Zhu. She has long suspected that it may be a conspiracy, but now it's just confirmed. Feng Xu is too full of words. It's not clear who will win or lose.

After Feng Xu's death, his original skeleton like shelf was directly smashed and turned into dust, while the round beast Dan was pulled toward the ground by a dark chain.

This kind of change Yin Zhu and Lei he didn't think of, let that beast Dan disappear from several people's eyes.

"Open the valley of Yin wind. I want to know what's under it." Since fengxu is guarding here, there must be something abnormal here. Besides, the beast Dan of fengxu is also very strange. Maybe fengxu is still alive.

Leihetengxiao and Yinzhu work together. Soon the soil on the valley is cleared by the three people. At this time, what appears in front of the three people is a mass grave. Many animal bones are piled here, and there are many animal pills in the middle. This is not the animal bones of wild animals, but the animal bones of orcs. This is where the wind of Yinfeng Valley comes from.Yin Zhu remembers that Yin Feng is not natural. It's hard to form it the day after tomorrow. So many people have all kinds of animal bones. It's obvious that they don't die of old age. Feng Xu and the beast God Wuji all deserve to die.

Yin Zhu felt very sad, and he also felt that the beast God was extremely cruel. Such a person must not let them succeed, not only for himself, but also for the ordinary orcs on the continent.

Beast god damn, wind Xu damn.

Leihe and Tengxiao move the animal bones a little bit at this time. Yin Zhu sees that there is an array under the animal bones, and that array is vaguely combined with the animal Dan above at this time. Then the naked eye can see that the array keeps swallowing the power of the animal Dan, and then creates Yin Qi.

As for fengxu's animal pills, Yin Zhu has already seen that he is in the middle of all the animal pills, like a leader.

Seeing this, Yin Zhu couldn't help but almost rushed up to smash the beast pill. Now Yin Zhu has figured out that these dead people are the people of the ice city that Morrison said.

Orcs have a strong xenophobic nature. Normally, when a tribe's animal God dies, he will go to the ancestral land. Although the animal pill has no consciousness, their subconsciousness still exists. Although it is impossible to repel the animal pill, if it is a foreigner, even if it is buried together, the animal pill of the alien race will be excluded alone, and the animal pill of fengxu is obviously different It's the ruler. Who will rule him? Obviously, only their original people.

Even if these people die, they don't forget to contribute to fengxu. Fengxu is cruel and excessive.

"Destroy this array." Although I don't know what this beast God collects Yin wind for, it's always useful.

It's hard to crack this array, but it's easy to destroy it. If three people directly destroy it violently, it's hard for those people in cold ice city to enter the earth.

But what Yin Zhu didn't expect was that the array here had just been destroyed, and the beast mountain nearby began to shake, "what's the matter?" Yin Zhu was shocked and watched.

Then she saw that the high animal god mountain began to collapse. Leihe and Tengxiao hurried back with Yin Zhu, but unexpectedly, the animal god mountain collapsed. Although this place is far away from Mt. beast, the collapse of Mt. beast is obviously related to this array. It's better to stay away first.

I'm afraid the world will soon spread all over the orc continent, and I don't know what those people will think. After all, the beast god mountain is the symbol of the beast God in the eyes of the orcs.

Several people stood far away, but Yin Zhu was a little annoyed. Maybe the beast God was destroying the evidence. She had known that she should go to the beast god mountain first to see the ghost. Now the whole god mountain has collapsed, and I don't know if she can find any clues later.

Yin Zhu is still thinking about it. Then Yin Zhu sees a flash of light coming from the top of the mountain. Yin Zhu hears a woman's voice ringing around him, "Yin Zhu, help me, help me."

Unfortunately, Yin Zhu didn't have time to reach out, but the lightning had disappeared.

Yin Zhu is sure that the person she asked for help with is the ghost of the beast god mountain. She also knows her name, but she is sure that this person is definitely not the beast God. Who is she?

"Damn it, we should have gone to the beast mountain before." Leihe was a little angry, so he managed to make a trip. As a result, the clue still ran away.

"Forget it, no one can tell. By the way, Reich, you've seen the ghost before. You've seen her." Yin Zhu couldn't help asking.

Leihe shook his head at this time and said, "it's useless to see these people. You know, they all look like animal gods. There's no way to explain. At the beginning, she didn't say who she was, and I can't guess who she was. Many of these people who were hidden in ancient times are unknown to us."

Since Leihe can't find information here, Yin Zhu can only give up. What does the beast God want to do? The ghosts appear one by one, one is cold, one is unknown, and one is Bena. There are many ghosts. Maybe the soul from the totem stone of daze tribe is also one of them.

However, it seems that the beast God wants to summon all these spirits back. Yin Zhu feels his chin and thinks what he should do.

When the shock stopped, Yin Zhu looked at the animal mountain, which could not see its original appearance, and shook his head. "Just go and have a look. Maybe there are other clues." Of course, Yin Zhu didn't look forward to it very much.

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