It's a pity that the beast mountain has been completely destroyed. The most important ghost has left, and the rest of the statue has been completely broken. There is nothing useful to find.

"Forget it, if you can't find it, let's go back and ask where there are things about animal gods in the world, such as the 7788 temple, I think there are problems in those places." Yin Zhu said with a smile.

Tengxiao nodded. Most of the places about animal gods have been handed down for a long time. Even if there is no abnormality, they have a lot of power of belief. It's better to go and have a look. You'd better get rid of all these things. You can't get rid of the animal gods.

Leihe wanted to have a good fight, but fengxu was not aggressive. He died so soon. He really wanted to stay with Yinzhu for a while, but he had to hurry back to the dark city.

"Time flies. We're going to be apart again." Leihe looks at Yinzhu reluctantly.

Seeing this, Yin Zhu went to Leihe's side and put his hand around Leihe's neck. "I don't want you either. I'll miss you very much."

Tengxiao looked at these two people sticky, can't help but some sour mouth, "you two enough, this whole month you two stick together, still here to stimulate me."

When Leihe heard this, he said, "you are with Yinzhu every day. Naturally, you don't care. Besides, who knows how sticky you are with Yinzhu when I'm away."

He likes to be with Yin Zhu. He wants to be a pendant of Yin Zhu. Tengxiao is the best one to miss. He never has to suffer from the pain of missing.

"Yes, you are right." Tengxiao said that he had better speak less. After all, he has taken a big advantage. He will be beaten if he talks nonsense again.

"Hum, Yin Zhu, let's go. Don't go to the sky." Leihe said angrily that he was going to leave. Naturally, he wanted to say goodbye to Yinzhu. He didn't want to see Tengxiao watching when he was sweet with Yinzhu.

Tengxiao touched his nose when he heard this and turned away. He said that he didn't like to see it either. He felt sad when he saw it, but he had to let Leihe do it. Leihe paid too much for Yinzhu, which he still had.

They are all Yin Zhu's friends, but they don't want Yin Zhu to have a headache because of these small problems. They have a good idea. They will give in when it's time to give in. It's absolutely indisputable. Besides, he gets the most cheapness.

All of them have cubs, while the others haven't, but Leihe doesn't want cubs. His cubs will become orcs in the future, and he doesn't want his children to become orcs. Besides, he has long regarded tengan as his own child. Baikun won't have cubs in this state, and Jono has left. Yin Zhu wants to have another cub Unless you still talk to him, think about shaking his head, now Yin Zhu has no mind to have a baby.

Tengxiao has been waiting for Yinzhu for about a morning. When Leihe sends Yinzhu back, the boy is very satisfied and smiles with peach blossom on his face. Yinzhu is a little embarrassed, but no one here will tease her.

Leihe left, Yinzhu also some reluctant, "Tengxiao, I have only one you."

"Why am I not good enough? Can you keep thinking of others? Am I not working hard enough? Why don't I work harder tonight? " Tengxiao holds his chest, tilts his head and looks at Yin Zhu with a smile.

Well, he's just teasing Yinzhu. Leihe has been taking Yinzhu's time for a month. He can't leave, and he has to take Yinzhu's heart. Besides, he can't see Yinzhu's stuffy appearance.

When Yin Zhu heard this, he immediately widened his eyes and went to Tengxiao's side. He stretched out his hand and pinched Tengxiao's waist. "I call you nonsense."

Tengxiao saw Yin Zhu, who came to him in front of him, and laughed. He was not sad. It was so good. "Yin Zhu, don't you really think about it? You've been ignoring me for a month, don't you want to Tengxiao ran after him with a smile.

"Bah. It's shameless. " Yin Zhu turned red and walked forward.

Tengxiao seldom sees Yin Zhu's coy appearance, so he catches up in a hurry.

Tengxiao catches up with Yin Zhu, looks at the angry Yin Zhu, slowly rubs to Yin Zhu's side, then takes Yin Zhu's hand as if nothing had happened, "this road is not easy to walk, I'd better lead you."

Yin Zhu wants to get rid of Tengxiao's hand, but he can't. in the end, he can only get rid of Tengxiao cheaply.

"Tengxiao, do you think totem stone has soul? Will you give birth to your own soul? " Asked Yin Zhu.

"Don't you have doubts, Yin Zhu? But how on earth did this soul enter into the original stone of our tribe, praying? Besides, she has brought strength to the people of our tribe. " Tengxiao frowned and said, it's a pity that there is too much information lost about totem, and he can't say one.

Originally, they didn't doubt the birth of this creature. After all, totem stone is different from other things. He also collects the power of the tribe's belief, and it's normal for them to give birth to wisdom. But seeing too many so-called ghosts, Yin Zhu had to doubt it."Go back and have a look. If there is no way, seal it first." Yin Zhu can't think of any other way.

Tengxiao nodded. This is a temporary way. They can talk to Bai Kun when they go back. Maybe Bai Kun will have a different idea.

Yinzhu and Tengxiao return peacefully. After all, Yinzhu's identity is not the same now, and she is afraid of bringing harm to Yinzhu. Yinzhu secretly returns to the tribe at night. Yinzhu has some helplessness. It's windy for others to go home, but she's sneaky, so she's really depressed.

"Yin Zhu, back." Bai Kun smiles, opens his hands and looks at Yin Zhu.

Yin Zhu ran over and hugged Bai Kun, "Bai Kun, I'm back. I miss you so much."

Tengxiao looks at his empty hand and wants to say that it's really hard for him to let Yin Zhu stay in the dark city and go back to Daze tribe. However, seeing Yin Zhu's obviously cheerful smile, he thinks it's all worth it.

Bai Kun rubbed Yin Zhu's head and held him in his arms. "Well, just come back. I'll wait for you here forever." He has no way to go out, can only guard for Yin Zhu.

"I don't want you to wait for me forever. You should stay with me forever." Yin Zhu looks at Bai Kun with disgust. The people waiting for him are the most tired. Because he is always waiting, he is more afraid that the people waiting for him will not come back one day.

This time, Tengxiao didn't mention going back and forth to Daze tribe. She almost came back. Although she knew that baikun was waiting for her, she didn't think how anxious baikun would be.

"All right, Yin Zhu is right." Bai Kun smiles very gently.

"It's me. I should have come back to see you earlier. You must be worried." Even if I know that Yin Zhu is OK, I can't get any news. I only know that Yin Zhu keeps practicing. Can I not worry about it?

Bai Kun's heart is sour when he hears this. He doesn't blame Yin Zhu for not coming back to see him. He knows how precious Yin Zhu's time is and how hard he works. What he hates more is why he can't be with Yin Zhu and he seems so powerless.

I didn't expect Yin Zhu to come back. He came back to see him and said what he knew casually, which also reassured him. Thinking of this, Bai Kun held people tightly in his arms. "I'm very good in daze tribe. Don't worry about Yin Zhu. You can do whatever you want. Daze tribe will always support you." With him, daze tribe will always support Yin Zhu. That's all he can do.

"Well, I know." Yin zhurou answered.

"If you all spoil me so much, I'm right. I'm not afraid that I'll make a fool of myself one day?" Yin Zhu looks at Bai Kun very puzzled. These men really spoil her.

When Bai Kun heard this, he laughed. Then he held people in his arms and said with a smile, "you are too self disciplined. If only you can make a fool of yourself, I don't think we spoil you at all. Spoiled people are not afraid of anything." There are a few females who are not a little willful. The problem is that Yin Zhu is too self disciplined to do what she can and can't do. She has a steelyard in her heart.

Sometimes he thinks that Yin Zhu is too good, but he has so many responsibilities on his back that he dare not act willfully. That's why they pity Yin Zhu more and more and want to spoil her. Besides, it's normal for their partners to spoil their females.

Yin Zhu said that this kind of life is too good. None of her partners has ever mixed their mouths for the trivial things in life. In fact, Yin Zhu doesn't feel good about herself. At least sometimes she is a little lazy. Most of the time, her food is given to her by Tengxiao, but they don't think this is a problem at all.

"It's said that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I guess you will see me as a pearl even if I am a fish." Yin Zhu said with a smile.

Although I don't know what Yin Zhu means by Xi Shi, the general meaning is understandable. Bai Kun smiles and pinches Yin Zhu's face. "My Yin Zhu is a rare treasure in the world, and it's worth holding."

When Yin Zhu heard this, he couldn't help but feel elated. Bai Kun is the best talker among his friends. In addition to this guy's prosperous appearance, Yin Zhu said that he was drunk.

"Well, Bai Kun, you are the best." Yin Zhu is coquetting with Bai Kun with a smile.

Bai Kun looks at Yin Zhu and points his nose. His heart is so soft that he is moved. Fortunately, he was determined by them early. Otherwise, he really doesn't know where he will be cheated.

Tengxiao goes directly to Mengtai at this time. After going out for such a long time, he naturally wants to talk to the patriarch when he comes back. He can eat less dog food with him. In addition, he doesn't know if Jono has sent any news back.

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