Although Tengxiao and Meng Tai talked about their recent experiences for such a long time, they didn't elaborate. Yin Zhu still needs to talk about all kinds of animal gods.

The next day, after Yin Zhu had a good rest, he called several leaders of the tribe together to talk. Meng Tai, Jiu Yue, Bai Xue and others didn't let them know that Yin Zhu was back. Besides, when people knew about the beast God, they couldn't say anything. On the contrary, it would cause fear. There was no need to let them know these things.

Yin Zhu then speculated that the beast God might have a big conspiracy, and there are still unknown ghosts in QingHan Beina and Morrison, and the totem stone of the tribe. Yin Zhu said that these may be the key to the beast God's endless conspiracy. Of course, another one is that Yin Zhu wants to see the remains of the beast God. After all, if the beast God really has a conspiracy, then the remains must be the top priority However, Yin Zhu has no way to go to the soul eating cliff now. To go to the soul eating cliff, she must have divine power, and she has not been able to cultivate divine power up to now.

Yin Zhu now admires Sophie. She and Jono have simulated the process of Sophie's magical power generation, but they have never been able to succeed. Probably because of the simulation, and she won't kill Jono completely, for fear of hurting Jono, so they can't give birth to the magical power. Sophie is cruel to others and herself. It's just that she has such an enemy It's hard to sleep.

However, because Jila's death brings back Sophie's humanity, she will not trouble daze tribe. Otherwise, Yin Zhu will really have a headache for such a man with no compromise.

At this time, Bai Kun frowned and said, "Yin Zhu, I think your idea is right. No matter what the reason is, that totem can't be used any more. Our tribe is strong enough to not rely on totem. We will destroy that Totem now." How many things did they do for this totem stone? However, it never occurred to them that the totem in the legend of the orc continent was still harmful.

Bai Kun is very straightforward. His idea is that no matter whether the totem is good or bad, as long as there is a possibility of bad, it is better to destroy it simply.

Montaigne also nodded positively, "yes, our tribe can not use totem."

There are not only powerful soldiers, but also advanced weapons and equipment in the tribe, which can't be compared with before. Now daze tribe is very rich. There are orcs on the other side of the plain who are going to move in.

"Well, go and have a look. I'm not sure if it's in the tribe." Thinking of the cold ice city and Utopia, the once powerful ethnic groups all perished overnight. Yin Zhu was afraid that even if she could die, such a big ethnic group could never die so quietly.

"Don't worry, it's going to be OK." Bai Kun looks at Yin Zhu's frown and reaches for it.

"Well, we just have to go first. No matter what the infinite calculation is, it's useless." Yin Zhu said with great certainty.

She doesn't know what animal design wants to do, but she can prevent it. She doesn't believe that she didn't prevent any of them. She's not smart. She can fly first.

"Yes." Bai Kun rubbed Yin Zhu's hair and said, "don't worry so much. You know, no matter where you are, we will accompany you. Besides, it's just the worst outcome. We may not lose. " Tengxiao told him about Yin Zhu's crying because of too much pressure last night. Bai Kun couldn't help feeling that Yin Zhu was so stupid, but he was so stupid.

In the orc world, females are affectionate, but they seldom carry all the responsibilities like Yin Zhu. In the orc world, the reason why females have a high status is that there are few females. Females choose so many partners in order to rely on males for survival. Even if they are affectionate, they can't resist the pressure of life and give in to fate. A few females would like to stand up like Yin Zhu.

Bai Kun is sure that if one day Yin Zhu's partner is gone, Yin Zhu can definitely live on her own. If she wants to find a partner again, it's not because of the pressure of life, but because she likes it.

Now the life of the tribe is much better, but it's still the males who shoulder the heavy responsibility of life. Now the females of the tribe also help because of Yin Zhu, the model female metropolis. But there are still many males who go out of the tribe. That is to say, the males are basically busy planting. Of course, except the females of Meizu, the females of Meizu are very fierce.

Yin Zhu heard this and nodded, "I know." It is because there are so much loved people around him that Yin Zhu will work hard.

Totem is the lifeblood of a tribe, and what Yin Zhu is going to do now is destroy totem, so this thing can't be done openly. They can only wait for Yin Zhu in the dead of night.

At night, the people of the tribe have rested. Even the patrol team has been sent away by Montaigne. Don't patrol near the altar. This kind of thing has happened before, so no one doubts it.

Yin Zhu went to the altar and summoned the totem stone directly. As soon as the totem stone appeared, the guy happily surrounded Yin Zhu for two rounds. "Yin Zhu, Yin Zhu, you finally came back. I miss you so much."

"You miss me, what do you want me to do?" Yin Zhu asked coldly.

Yin Zhuban put a face on his face, and then threw a technique directly on the totem stone. As a result, the totem stone came out with white light, and then everything was gone. As expected, the attack technique didn't work."Yin Zhu, what are you doing? Are you bullying me? I hate it. How can you bully me as soon as you come back? " Totem stone looks at Yin Zhu angrily.

Some of them are childish, huffy and cute.

It's just that these thoughts are soon thrown out of Yin Zhu's head. This totem stone is so powerful that it can influence his own thoughts. It's terrible. "I have seen through your intention for a long time. Why do you install totem stone in front of me? Whose ghost are you?"

"Ah?" Totem stone is in a daze. "Yin Zhu, what are you talking about? Why can't I understand?"

"Don't you understand? It doesn't matter. I can't kill you. At least I can seal you. Well, the original totem stone, that is, QingHan, has been sealed by me. I think you should be able to feel it. I'll seal you later. It's better for you to be a difficult brother with QingHan. " Yin Zhu holds his chest and looks at the totem stone in front of him coldly.

Totem stone understood this, and then she looked at Yin Zhu in amazement, "but, Yin Zhu, why do you want to seal me? I didn't do anything wrong, and I didn't slack off. Recently, I have given blessing to the people. Why do you want to seal me?"

"Pretend, you will continue to pretend, are thousands of years old monster, give me a little cute? I hate it. " Yin Zhu said impatiently.

"No, Yin Zhu, you can't hate me." Totem stone has been wronged.

"Forget it, Yin Zhu. You talk so much with her. We've given her the chance. If she doesn't want to say anything, just seal it." Bai Kun said without hesitation, Yin Zhu nodded, there is a saying that the villain died of talking too much, she still does not talk nonsense.

Totem stone looked at Yin Zhu really in preparation for the seal technique, quickly called up, "Yin Zhu, you can't seal me, I am you, you seal me, you seal yourself."

"Ah?" Yin Zhu is very surprised, and several people nearby are also very surprised to see Yin Zhu.

Seeing this, Yin Zhu couldn't help getting angry. "It's just nonsense." How could he become the spirit in the totem stone? Yin Zhu never felt that he was missing, so this is impossible.

"I'm not bullshit. I'm you. Who inspired each totem? The born wisdom is a part of who. When you enlightened me, you already gave yourself a part to totem stone. I'm you, Yin Zhu. I don't understand what I did wrong. You have to seal me. I've been diligent all the time. Baikun's divine punishment is not that I don't help, it's me I really can't help it. " The totem stone explains quickly.

"It's impossible. If you were me, why didn't I feel anything?" Yin Zhu asked in amazement.

"What I said is true. The spirit of totem comes from this way. When you enlighten, you have already contributed part of your soul as a sacrifice to the totem stone. Of course, the totem stone is very magical. Even if you separate your soul, you will not feel it. The most important thing is that the separated soul only exists faintly at the beginning, and then slowly cultivates and changes To be a soul with one mind Totem stone hastily explained.

Sacrifice? Hearing this word, several people on the scene have bad expressions, which is obviously not a good word.

"You think you can escape from being sealed like this, don't you?" Bai Kun screams angrily. Of course, Bai Kun is more flustered. Yes, once what totem Stone says is true, Yin Zhu is afraid that he will step into the trap of beast God very early.

"I know you won't believe it, Yin Zhu. If you really don't believe me, you can seal it. You can feel it then." Totem stone is very helpless to say, if it can, it is not willing to tell such a secret, Yin Zhu did not feel, but she has feelings, so she has been Yin Zhu as a relative.

"Just try. Don't be afraid, Yin Zhu. It's OK. Let's seal her." Tengxiao grabs Yinzhu's hand and comforts him.

Yin Zhu nodded. She absolutely didn't believe such a strange thing. She believed that her soul had never been missing.

When a seal fell, Yin Zhu felt his body sank, and then he got another layer of body. The last thing he wanted to face was in front of him. Of course, what the totem Stone said may not be true. Maybe it's just that Wu Ji doesn't know how to connect her Qi with the Totem stone.

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