Thinking of this, Yin Zhu gritted his teeth and continued to throw a seal on the totem stone. At this time, the totem stone cried anxiously, "Yin Zhu, stop it, stop it, are you going to kill yourself?"

At this time, Bai Kun and Tengxiao also saw that Yin Zhu was wrong. They hurried forward to stop him and took Yin Zhu's hand. "Yin Zhu, don't hurt yourself. What do you want us to do?"

At this time, Yin Zhu stopped and said, "Bai Kun, I..."

"It's OK. You have us. It's OK." No matter whether the totem stone is created by a part of Yin Zhu's soul or not, in short, the two people are obviously connected, so Yin Zhu can't hurt himself like this.

"Let's discuss it first. No matter what, there is always a solution." Bai Kun comforts Yin Zhu in a soft voice.

Yin Zhu thought and nodded. She was worried. She should find out what happened first.

"Totem small fire, right? If you say you are Yin Zhu, it means that Yin Zhu is with you. If you want Yin Zhu to be good, you'd better tell everything you know. You've seen what Yin Zhu did just now. Even if you try to hurt yourself, Yin Zhu will destroy you. You always have to tell us that you are Yin Zhu's evidence." Bai Kun said in a calm voice.

Xiaohuo was very aggrieved at this time and said, "I'm Yin Zhu. I'm integrated with Yin Zhu. Just now, you saw that hurting me is hurting Yin Zhu. What evidence do you need?" Xiaohuo said that he was very aggrieved.

At this time, Yin Zhu shook his head and said: "no, you are not me. I have my own independent thoughts, independent personality and unique person, and I will not listen to someone or something. You are not. You are just created by someone who has a heart. Even if you really have some relationship with me, you are not me." Yin Zhu is very sure that the totem spirit of small fire may really have something to do with her, but so what, any Yin Zhu who stands on the opposite side of her will not bypass her.

Small fire this time quickly shook his head, "Yinzhu you don't like this, you don't don't want me, I, I most after all listen to you, you don't angry."

"Do you listen to me? Who did you listen to before? Tell me what other people have told you. " Yin Zhu said very sternly.

"In the past, the elder sister used to teach me a lot of things, all kinds of knowledge and tell me stories. You know people are boring sometimes, and you don't play with me, but I'm Yin Zhu's. If you're not happy, I'll never stop talking to others." Xiaohuo looks at Yinzhu flatteringly.

Looking at Xiaohuo's temperament is a bit like a child, including talking to Yin Zhu before, it is also like a child, just like a newborn child, but it's hard to guarantee that Xiaohuo is acting.

Nowadays, Yin Zhu is a soldier of all kinds. She doesn't believe any of these ghosts and gods except her partner. All of them are old-fashioned. It's easier to lie than to drink water.

"Then I ask you, how many sisters have you contacted?" Bai Kun asked directly.

Xiaohuo was stunned when he heard this, and then thought about it very seriously and said, "the only one who chatted was sister totem stone who was with me, but there was always a voice talking to me, but I couldn't get in touch with that person."

The one chatting with Xiaohuo should be QingHan, but who is talking in Xiaohuo's ear all the time?

"What did that man say to you?" Bai Kun asked with a frown.

"A lot of them told me to grow up quickly, told me that I was too weak, told me good stories, and occasionally taught me things." Xiaohuo thought for a while and said.

"Nothing else?" Tengxiao asked anxiously.

"What?" Xiaohuo has some doubts.

"Such as asking about Yin Zhu, or how to deal with him." Tengxiao asked.

When Xiao Huo heard this, he felt as if he had been trampled on his tail. He immediately became angry. "How can you think about me like this? How can I hurt Yin Zhu? Besides, I have no way to communicate with that person. I feel that she is so far away from me. Besides, don't think so bad about other people." Obviously, Xiaohuo has a good feeling for the person who often talks in his ear.

"Xiaohuo, I ask you, is it someone else who wants to deal with me? Just deal with you?" Asked Yin Zhu.

Hearing this, Xiaohuo was stunned for a moment, and then said: "I'm ok here. Daze tribe is so big and there are so many people. Unless daze tribe perishes one day, it's not so easy to deal with me. It's Yin Zhu who runs outside all day. I think you should be responsible for something. Don't bother me."

"I'll trouble you. Can I trouble you?" Yin Zhu said curiously.

"Of course, we are one. If you're finished, I'm finished." Xiaohuo said in a bad mood.

Yin Zhu and Bai Kun can't help looking at each other at this time. It seems that Wuji uses this method. Even if Yin Zhu wants to hide alone, the world is so big that it's easy to hide, but this totem stone is troublesome. It can't walk.

"Well, small fire, totem stone can be moved." Yin Zhu can't help asking whether Xiaohuo is the other half of his soul or not. At present, Xiaohuo has become Yin Zhu's biggest flaw. We must find a way to prevent it. The best way is to remove the totem stone.When Xiao Huo heard this, he shook his head and said, "can't move, can't move."

"Why not move?" Yin Zhu was very curious. In history, he had never heard of any totem that could be moved. However, Yin Zhu was really curious about why the totem could not be moved.

Xiaohuo is crying to Yin zhukeke at this time. Totem stone is stored on the altar of a tribe and carries all the Qi and hope of a tribe. Totem stone accumulates and uses these things on this basis. However, totem stone generally moves, which indicates the migration of a tribe. Normally, unless the tribe can't survive, no tribe will survive move.

The relocation of a whole tribe means breaking the bones and muscles. The totem stone is even more important. Once the tribe is relocated, it means that the previous accumulation is gone and it needs to be started again. The totem spirit who already has wisdom will be injured and even sleep deeply.

Xiaohuo, in particular, is a cub in the totem spirit now. It can be said that once the totem stone is removed, Xiaohuo is 100% asleep. As a result, Xiaohuo can't bear it, and Yin Zhu can't, so this totem stone can't be moved.

When Yin Zhu heard this, he almost didn't faint, so he was really confined to Daze tribe. Yin Zhu thought that he would go out, and even if there was anything, he would not affect daze tribe. But now it seems that daze tribe was forced to be tied with him.

Yin Zhu feels a little uncomfortable when the whole tribe's 10000 or 20000 lives are tied to her. Of course, if it comes to such a day, Yin Zhu will not hesitate to sacrifice herself. This is not Yin Zhu's greatness, but her responsibility, because she brings the totem of daze tribe and naturally she should take it away.

This Wuji is really cruel. Thinking of the cold ice city and Utopia, those who have been destroyed are often one tribe, and there are many places Yin Zhu doesn't know. Thinking about the future of daze tribe, Yin Zhu's heart can't help shrinking.

Why do so many people die? It must be because it is necessary. As long as normal people are not psychopathic, they will not like to die so many people. Besides, they have to bear the cause and effect. So why do animal gods kill so many ordinary people? They will not harm animal gods.

Sacrifice, these two words suddenly flashed over Yin Zhu's head, in addition to this Yin Zhu is in think of nothing else, just what to do with so many lives to sacrifice.

Purpose, what is the purpose of the beast God to do these things? We must understand it. Maybe we can understand it, and then what the beast God does will be clear.

If we say that the first person who knows about the beast God is naturally his confidant, but it's a pity that Feng Xu has already done something. It's estimated that he will find those people in the future, and he won't tell himself. The other one is QingHan Qingling. As disciples of the beast God, they must be clear.

It's just that they seem to have a hostile relationship with the beast God, though Yin Zhu knows very well that the so-called enemy of the enemy is a friend, which may not be correct. At least Yin Zhu can't make friends with them, because they are also on the opposite side of Yin Zhu for some interests.

For a while, Yin Zhu thought a lot in his mind, even a lot of inexplicable thoughts.

"Don't worry, Yin Zhu. I'll stay with the totem stone in the future. It's OK." Bai Kun holds Yin Zhu's hand tightly.

Yin Zhu turned his head and looked at Bai Kun's worried eyes, smiling, "it's OK, I'm not so easy to be knocked down, I'm Xiaoqiang who can't fight."

After cheering himself up, Yin Zhu looked at Xiaohuo seriously and said, "from today on, you should stay in the altar for me. You are not allowed to chat and tell stories with any messy people. If you are really bored, I will let Bai Kun chat with you." During the day, Bai Kun didn't do anything because of his image problem. Besides, Bai Kun has a good brain. Maybe chatting with Xiaohuo can set up something useful.

Small fire in front of some unhappy, heard Yinzhu said to let people chat with him, but also can't help but happy around Yinzhu turned a circle, "thank you Yinzhu, Yinzhu, you are really good."

"If you listen to me, I'll treat you better." If Xiaohuo is really a newly born wisdom, then Yinzhu doesn't mind giving it candy and sweeting its heart.

"Well, Yin Zhu, I'll be obedient." Xiaohuo is very happy.

Compared with Xiaohuo's happiness, several people present were not in a good mood.

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