"What do you think the beast God wanted to do at that time? She was already the beast God, the highest ranking person in the world. She wanted everything, but why was she so unwilling?" Yin Zhu is very puzzled to ask.

"Shouldn't the lives of so many people be more precious than anything?" Yin Zhu sighed.

When Bai Kun heard this, he gently took Yin Zhu's hand and said, "Yin Zhu is not everyone as kind as you. Sometimes the desire can never be satisfied." Of course, Bai Kun is also curious about the purpose of the beast God. After all, as Yin Zhu said, the beast God is in that position. What else does she have.

"QingHan people should know the purpose of the beast God, but they don't want to say anything." Yin Zhu sighed.

Those people must know it, even if they don't know it completely, but they haven't talked about it to Yin Zhu all the time. It's very likely that the purpose of the beast God is related to their interests. They are afraid that it will affect their interests and Yin Zhu will be wary of it when they know it. That's why they all agree with each other Don't say anything.

"It doesn't matter. We'll always know." Bai Kun's eyes sank.

"Smile. I don't like you to be so miserable." Bai Kun reaches out his hand and pinches Yin Zhu's thin cheek. It is said that Yin Zhu used to be very fat, but he doesn't see it. He always feels that Yin Zhu is a little too thin now, and it's better to hold him with flesh.

"I know that no matter what their purpose is, I will be optimistic and never give in to them." Yin Zhu clenched his fist and said he would be strong.

"Come on, I'm optimistic, cheerful and brave." Bai Kun teases Yin Zhu with a smile.

"Of course, no one can beat me." With that, Yin Zhu shook his hair and walked away with his head high.

Bai Kun shakes his head with a smile. Yin Zhu is good at this. He won't be immersed in grief, and then he pities himself. This is where he will take a fancy to Yin Zhu. He is strong and independent, and has his own ideas. If he is a female like dodder flower, he will probably never find a partner for his whole life.

"What to do?" Tengxiao asks Bai Kun with some worry.

He is not good at these conspiracies, especially for those who have made many turns. He can't figure out what to do.

"Don't worry, let me go back and sort out these things." Bai Kun rubbed his head, hoping that he could find some clues in the myriad thoughts.

"Well, it's up to you. If only Jono were here." Tengxiao said with emotion.

"Don't mention Jono before Yinzhu." Bai Kun takes a glance at Tengxiao. According to Bai Kun's practice, he won't leave. If he does, he will stick to Yin Zhu and take advantage of his advantages to rob Yin Zhu of his love. If one day he can't control himself and hurt Yin Zhu, he will commit suicide ahead of time. He still has the ability to believe that.

Of course, everyone has their own ideas. What Jono did may not be wrong, but his personal views are different.

Jono left like this, Yin Zhu was very worried, but Yin Zhu, no matter what his partner did right or wrong, never asked for anything from his partner, but only supported his partner's decision. Tengxiao, who was careless, might not feel it, but Bai Kun could feel it. Yin Zhu always felt guilty for them, and then gave in to them as long as they did what they wanted Love is not that kind of excessive thing, Yin Zhu will not oppose, but will support them to do it.

As for Yin Zhu's own bitterness, he didn't say it. Fortunately, Yin Zhu broke out when he was drunk last time. Otherwise, Yin Zhu didn't know when to suppress it.

Bai Kun doesn't know why Yin Zhu is so accommodating to them, but to be honest, Yin Zhu doesn't owe them anything. If it's the problem of many partners, the females in the orc mainland have many partners, so they don't need them at all. However, Bai Kun didn't point out Yin Zhu before. After all, he is also in favor of this point, and Yin Zhu is also in favor of him He is very tolerant, but now Bai Kun feels that this is not good either. Any partner who moves to another partner will lose balance.

"Yinzhu, let's go. Anyway, it's all out. I'll take you to see the stars." Bai Kun walks up to Yin Zhu with a smile, takes Yin Zhu's hand and runs away, leaving behind those people.

Tengxiao subconsciously wants to keep up with him, but he stops after two steps. Bai Kun obviously wants to be alone with Yin Zhu. What does he run up to do.

I just think that I've been lonely for more than a month, and I'm not used to it. In the past, he used to sleep with Yin Zhu in his arms. Every night this month, he couldn't sleep, but he knew that he should give in, but it was really uncomfortable.

Yin Zhu is taken by Bai Kun to run around in the tribe like crazy. Finally, he runs to the river side of the tribe and sits down. Bai Kun holds Yin Zhu in his arms and sits on the grass by the river side. He says very gently, "Yin Zhu, I want to give you a gift. What do you want?"

"Isn't it supposed to be a surprise to give a gift? How insincere of you to ask so directly. " Yin Zhubai glances at Bai Kun. He is really happy in his heart. This guy is better than Tengxiao. Xiao Jin is also better than Tengxiao. Tengxiao is just a piece of wood and can only hold food and animal skins in front of her."I want to surprise you, but I want you to ask for it from me. Look at the females in the tribe, who don't ask for something from their partners, only you, who never ask for it from me, have no feeling of being needed." Bai Kun said in a lost tone.

"Is that so?" Yin Zhu thought for a moment, as if it was true, she didn't seem to have asked for anything with her partner.

"But for a moment and a half, I can't think of what I want." Yin Zhu looks at Bai Kun helplessly. In fact, she wants a lot of things. There is no problem in the world. In this special and poor place, there are few things she can get.

"Well, I'll think about it slowly. It'll always give me a sense of achievement, won't it?" Bai Kun reaches out and grabs Yin Zhu's little hand. I'm together with ten fingers intertwined.

"I think you're lazy, giving presents and asking me to think for myself." Yin bamboo Du this mouth half take Jiao Qi of reply.

"If you don't want to, you can refuse. You don't have to accommodate me, Yin Zhu. Really, you don't have to accommodate us. You don't owe us. On the contrary, I'm glad to have a partner like you." Bai Kun hardly corrected his expression and said it seriously.

"Accommodation? I'm not, I'm not accommodating you. " Yin Zhu replied.

"You have. I can feel it. Yin Zhu, you feel that you owe us something, so you are very careful with us. In fact, you don't have to. I don't like you." Bai Kun put his chin on Yin Zhu's shoulder.

Yin Zhu was silent for a while when she heard this. Yes, it was probably because she felt guilty, because she didn't feel able to be single-minded to them. Yin Zhu was as good as possible to several partners. Of course, Jono was also very good to her, but it was because of this that she felt more pressure and was afraid that she would fail to live up to such feelings Only Bai Kun realized that she had such a mind.

Among the four partners, Tengxiao is careless and Leihe's contact time is limited. Jono doesn't pay attention to this aspect because of her own problems. Only Bai Kun notices her sensitive mind.

"Neither." Yin Zhu's answer is a little weak.

"Yin Zhu, I really should take you to see how other females in the tribe treat their partners." Bai Kun said with a smile.

When Yin Zhu heard this, he shook his head. "I don't want to learn from them." The female in the tribe knows how to face her partner's Yin Zhu, so she doesn't learn from them.

"Why do you think you owe us?" Bai Kun asked curiously.

"The four of you are so good, just like me. For example, now I can only accompany you, and Tengxiao has to stand aside. Don't you feel aggrieved?" Yin Zhu hesitated for a long time to answer.

Bai Kun was stunned when he heard this. Then he remembered that Yin Zhu used to say that he wanted to be a couple of people. Then he was used by him. He took up his post and Tengxiao was a rogue. Then he gradually became four people.

"Yin Zhu, I don't know where you come from. You can't say it's bad. To tell the truth, if you want to be with me, I will be very happy and crazy. But if you want to change your mind, we are willing to be your partner, and I knew before that you will have many partners, even if I am entangled with you, how can you say that you are in debt? Why don't you say that I am entangled with you? I chose the road myself. " Bai Kun said helplessly.

"You didn't pester me. You were there to save me." Yin Zhu corrected.

"Yin Zhu, do you think that if I wasn't interested in you, I would not want my own life to save you? At that time, you always said that you wanted to be a couple, and you were not ready to find another partner. If I didn't use some means, I don't know if you still have me around now. " Bai Kun laughs and rubs Yin Zhu's hair helplessly.

Means, calculations? Yin Zhu's brain was a little confused when he heard this, but it was also an alternative confession, and his heart was a little sweet.

"You love rubbing my hair." Yin Zhu looks at Bai Kun askew.

"Because you're stupid." Bai Kun replied.

Stupid? What's the connection between being stupid and rubbing your hair? Besides, she's not stupid. Yin Zhu couldn't help staring at Bai Kun angrily, "where am I stupid? People in the tribe say I'm smart."

"But it's rare for me to be as stupid as you are." Bai Kun looks at Yin Zhu's puffy face and reaches for Yin Zhu's cheek.

Yin Zhu, who used to be very angry, couldn't help but feel his heart beat faster when he looked at Bai Kun's doting smile. She couldn't say anything about the rest of the accusations. She patted off Bai Kun's hand and said, "you're stupid. You like being stupid."

"Well, yes, I'm stupid, too, so we're made for each other." Bai Kun hugs Yin Zhu.

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