Of course, these hard comparisons can be accompanied by Yin Zhu, which are insignificant. Compared with Qiao Nuo baikun, he can always be with Yin Zhu, and he is lucky.

After all, they can't be with Yin Zhu and bring hardships to him. Generally speaking, they suffer more than him.

If he is in their position, he may not do better than them. The only thing he has to do now is to follow Yin Zhu closely and guard in front of Yin Zhu. No matter who wants to hurt Yin Zhu, he will guard in front of Yin Zhu, unless he dies.

He may not be the best and he doesn't understand Yin Zhu's mind best, but he will always stand behind Yin Zhu, just like he firmly became Yin Zhu's guardian at the beginning, and now he is her most loyal guardian.

He's not smart enough or powerful enough, but he will guard his partner in his own way.

Tengxiao walks slowly in the tribe. He hasn't come back for many years. The tribe has changed so much that he can't adapt to it. Just think that a few years ago daze tribe was a tribe that could be destroyed at any time, but now it has become the largest tribe in the Luoyue mountains. The world is changeable. No one can think of these.

He walked back and forth to the front of the altar. Tengxiao looked at the altar. Then he walked slowly to the top of the altar and sat down cross legged. "Small fire, come out and have a chat."

At first, no one answered, "come out, I know you can hear me."

Then the center of the altar began to light up slowly, and the totem stone slowly climbed out from the middle.

"What do you want to talk to me about?" Xiaohuo watched Tengxiao carefully.

"If I want to talk to you, I can do anything." Tengxiao put his head behind his head with his hands. He lay on the ground and looked at the sky.

Chatting? When Xiao Huo heard this, he couldn't help smoking. Is it so idle?

"What can we talk about? Don't you believe me?" Obviously, Yin Zhu didn't trust Xiaohuo before, which made the little guy sad.

"You say you are a part of Yin Zhu. Are you like Xiao Jin?" Tengxiao can't help but ask curiously at this time. After all, Yin Zhu doesn't feel split at all, and Xiaohuo seems to be a newly intelligent person, which can be said to be two relatively independent people. That's why Tengxiao asks. After all, Jono and Xiaojin seem to be the same person in appearance, but they are actually two people, but their fate is absolutely the same.

Kim? Xiaohuo is very puzzled, obviously does not know who Xiaojin is.

Tengxiao said the origin of Xiaojin at this time. Xiaohuo nodded and thought seriously, "maybe you're right, maybe not right. Anyway, I really came out of Yinzhu. But I don't know why Yinzhu didn't feel split. But you also said that it's necessary to have a contract for new wisdom The opportunity, and the reason why Jono swallowed the beast Dan, what about Yin Zhu? "

Tengxiao is thinking yes, where's Yin Zhu? Then Tengxiao suddenly remembers what Yin Zhu said. She is not the original Yin Zhu. She is a lonely soul from a different world. Does that mean that Yin Zhu's original body still contains Yin Zhu's former soul? So when we sacrifice, we sacrifice the original soul of Yin Zhu? Then there are two relatively independent people?

But it's not right. If it's true, why doesn't Xiaohuo have any impression of Yin Zhu? If it's Yin Zhu, he should be crazy. Tengxiao can't help shaking his head when he thinks about it.

Tengxiao wanted to throw this idea out of his mind, but it took root in Tengxiao's mind.

"Xiao Huo, do you know who I am?" Tengxiao sat up at this time and asked, pointing to his handsome face.

At this time, Xiaohuo flew to the front of Tengxiao, turned a few circles, and then said very seriously: "know, you Tengxiao. I know all the people of daze tribe."

"Who do you like most about daze tribe?" Tengxiao asked curiously.

"Yin Zhu." A very positive answer is very fast. It's obvious that it can be answered without thinking.

Thinking of this, Tengxiao felt that this little fire was sincere to Yin Zhu at least.

"Besides Yin Zhu?" Tengxiao asked again.

"You." Although the answer hesitated for a while, Tengxiao was a little frightened when he heard this.

"Why me?" Tengxiao is very curious. After all, isn't it Jiu Yue and Bai Xue who are close to totem stone? What's the matter with me?

"Because you are the only one who wants to chat with me except Yin Zhu. No one else wants to chat with me. I'm so bored." Xiaohuo said that he was lonely in the totem stone.

"After that, I'll let Jiu Yue and Bai Xue come here to chat with you, OK?" Tengxiao rare tone good discussion, of course, Tengxiao do the purpose is also good let nine Yue and white snow two people staring at small fire.

"Won't you come? I don't like them. They are too serious. They just keep praying to me for strength and strength. They don't like them. " Small fire very willful said."You are a totem. Isn't it right to make people strong? Who do you want to chat with? "Bai Kun?" Tengxiao didn't say well.

"No, that's a dead man. Who can chat with him? Can't you come to chat with me?" Small fire very lost said.

"Chat, what do you want to talk about?" Tengxiao didn't know what he wanted to talk about. He just talked nonsense.

"Well, I see that you eat those novel foods every day. Why don't you give me some? For example, what kind of sugar and vermicelli? I want to try them. Your tribe is always stingy. Every time you sacrifice, they are all wild animals. People are tired of eating them and don't know how to change them." Xiaohuo dislikes the tribute of daze tribe.

Tengxiao frowned at this time, a greedy totem spirit? He had never heard that the totem spirit was still greedy.

"OK, I'll find you something you like to eat some other day, but you have to protect the people of the tribe, you know?" Tengxiao ordered.

"Don't worry, I will. I will love our people very much." Xiaohuo said happily.

Tengxiao then chatted with Xiaohuo again. In fact, Xiaohuo's character is very different from that of Yinzhu before. At least Xiaohuo's temperament is very rare and simple now. She won't be as stubborn and tenacious as Yinzhu in her original body. Of course, Yinzhu in her original body left little impression on Tengxiao. Maybe the most profound one is her suicide.

Yuanshen should have known that he had a baby before he committed suicide. Tengxiao felt a dull pain when he thought of it. Fortunately, Yin Zhu came here. Otherwise, he would never let Yuanshen go. This is one of the reasons why he would not like Yuanshen.

Always feel nothing to do, but Tengxiao always subconsciously connect Xiaohuo with Yinzhu.

After thinking about it, Tengxiao always feels that something is wrong. Tengxiao doesn't know what he thinks. He decides to go back to Yin Zhu and Bai Kun tomorrow to discuss it and see if it is possible.

Tengxiao slowly goes back to his home. It's quiet. It's obvious that Bai Kun and Yin Zhu have had a rest and look at their familiar home. In fact, he hasn't lived long in this home. Shortly after the house was built, there was an accident in Qiao Nuo. Yin Zhu then went out, but that's what he remembered. His home is this house. He held three children with Yin Zhu in harness.

Tengxiao tries to sleep with his eyes closed. He just has something in his heart. He turns back and forth until it's almost dawn. When it's dawn, Yin Zhu and Bai Kun wake up, Tengxiao wakes up.

Seeing Tengxiao's black eyes, Yin Zhu rushed to Tengxiao and asked, "Tengxiao, what's the matter with you? Did you have nightmares last night? "

Tengxiao shook his head and said, "No

At this time, Yin Zhu thought that they went to ask about Xiaohuo yesterday. Was it because they were worried about Xiaohuo? She put out her hand and patted Tengxiao on the shoulder and said, "Tengxiao, you don't have to worry about the small fire. There are so many people in the tribe, and the totem won't happen. I'll take away the totem if it does happen."

"Yin Zhu, I want to talk to you about that little fire, OK? Bai Kun also helped me with my reference. " Since Yin Zhu took the initiative to talk about it, Tengxiao went on.

"Well, you say." Yin Zhu said very simply, looking at Tengxiao's appearance, he had been tossing all night.

"You don't have to go to bed all night because of this. You're not so stupid. There's something you can't wait for when you wake up. Slowly speaking, it's not so bad. You'll toss yourself like this. These two eyes will be swollen." Yin Zhu is so nagging that he has already gone to one side to boil eggs for Tengxiao. If he doesn't roll the eggs, he won't want to see anyone today.

Seeing that Yin Zhu cares about himself, Tengxiao can't help laughing and tears his mouth open. Yin Zhu also cares about him and loves him. He's not so useless as he thinks. He still has a place in Yin Zhu.

Bai Kun can't help but curl his mouth at this time. This silly Tengxiao is also enlightened. He even knows how to compete for favors and use bitter meat tactics. Although he is 10000 people who don't like bitter meat tactics, he has to say that the bitter meat tactics are the best. Who is the softest of his friends.

He just told Yin Zhu not to be too nice to his partner yesterday, but Yin Zhu is ready to go to the black road.

Bai Kun has gone to cook breakfast at this time, but Yin Zhu is not here. He doesn't want to have a deep look at Tengxiao. He and Yin Zhu huddle together to cook something, which may enhance their relationship.

Of course, after two people chatting last night, the relationship between the two people can be said to progress by leaps and bounds. Bai Kun immediately got into Yin Zhu's heart.

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