After three people finished breakfast, Yin Zhu looked at Tengxiao's meditation and asked directly, "Tengxiao, do you have anything to say?" Tengxiao can't hide his mind. Everything is directly on his face.

Tengxiao nodded and said, "Yin Zhu, last night, I seriously thought about it. You said that if a person's soul was really split, Yin Zhu, you can't feel nothing, so I think the small fire in the totem stone should not be a part of your soul."

Yin Zhu nodded after hearing this. It's true. On this point, Yin Zhu also thinks that the soul is the foundation of a person. No matter how powerful the beast God is, it is impossible for her to split her soul when she is unconscious, and she is not abnormal at all. It's impossible. But the strange thing is that Xiaohuo is really connected with Yin Zhu. They want to be Siamese and share everything together.

"So?" Bai Kun is very curious. He doesn't want to understand the abnormality. He didn't expect Tengxiao, a guy with a simple brain circuit, to have an idea. Bai Kun is wondering whether the recent comfortable life has made his mind regress.

"So I think of Jono and Kim. They are two individuals. Their souls are not the same, but they share the same body." Tengxiao said.

When Bai Kun heard this, he laughed, "what does Yin Zhu have to do with it?"

Tengxiao looks at Yin Zhu at this time, because Yin Zhu already understands the meaning of Tengxiao.

"You mean that's Yin Zhu, the original Yin Zhu?" Yin Zhu was stunned. She thought that when she crossed over, her original body was dead. At that time, she didn't react at all. She didn't snatch the body, she didn't want it.

"What original Yin Zhu, you give me a good stroke of this matter." Bai Kun said in a hurry. He didn't expect that there was a secret between Yin Zhu and Tengxiao. He thought that with his own intelligence, he could be the second in Yin Zhu's heart. Now it doesn't seem so.

Tengxiao tells the story of Yin Zhu at this time. When he knows that Yin Zhu belongs to a lonely soul in a strange world, Bai Kun takes a breath, and then suddenly looks at Yin Zhu. No wonder Yin Zhu feels so different. It can be said that Yin Zhu is independent from the rest of the world. It turns out that Yin Zhu is not a person in this world at all.

"In other words, Xiaohuo is probably the original Yin Zhu, Tengxiao's mother?" Bai Kun asked.

As a result, Tengxiao immediately looks at baikun with a straight face. "Baikun, my child's mother is Yinzhu, which has nothing to do with her original body. When she gives up her child, she has nothing to do with her child." Let's not talk about the temperament of Yuanshen. Tengxiao can't appreciate it. Yuanshen's attitude towards children's life makes him feel cold. He will never have anything to do with Yuanshen. His cub is Yin Zhusheng's and has nothing to do with Yuanshen.

Seeing Tengxiao angry, Bai Kun immediately put away his joking attitude. Obviously Tengxiao is very concerned about this.

Yin Zhu is also thinking deeply at this time. It has to be said that Tengxiao's theory really has a little basis. After all, if we want to control the body, then the original body naturally has enough power to influence the body. Then the doubt that it can coexist with Yin Zhu has been solved. It's only when the original body is dead, and Xiaohuo has no memory of the original body.

Of course, there is another possibility that the original body was not dead at that time, and Yin Zhu's coming to this world is likely to be a conspiracy of the beast God Wuji. That original body may have been suppressed by Wuji at that moment, and then Yin Zhu can take over the body openly.

Yin Zhu can think of this problem, Bai Kun naturally also thought of it.

Yin Zhu was very puzzled at this time and said, "but I don't understand. I'm just a very ordinary girl in our world. What can I do for the beast God Wuji?"

"How can you say that, Yin Zhu? You are so smart. You know the ancient words, and all kinds of food processing methods. A lot of things lost here are made by you. Otherwise, the orcs don't know how many people will starve to death. Maybe you are ordinary in your world, but in our eyes, you are just like God, what You know everything, you know everything Tengxiao refutes Yin Zhu's statement that his partner is the best.

Bai Kun was still meditating. After listening to Tengxiao's words, a light suddenly flashed in his mind. As if there were some important clues, he grabbed Tengxiao in a hurry. "Tengxiao, what did you say just now? Would you repeat what you said just now?"

Tengxiao looked at Bai Kun in a daze at this time. Bai Kun cried angrily, "repeat what you just said. Hurry up."

Tengxiao is a little silly, but he also knows that Bai Kun probably found something, so he quickly repeats what he said before.

"Yes, yes, it must be, it must be." Bai Kun mumbles to himself. Yin Zhu and Tengxiao can't help staring at Bai Kun at this time. They are waiting for Bai Kun to find out the answer.

Only after Bai Kun said a few words, he was meditating. At this time, Yin Zhu couldn't help but anxiously asked: "in the end, what do you think of? Anyway, tell us, I'm dying of anxiety.""Different world, different world." Bai Kun said excitedly.

Seeing that Yin Zhu and Tengxiao didn't understand, Bai Kun couldn't help taking a deep breath at this time, and then said, "Yin Zhu, I think I know the purpose of the beast God's doing this. You really have something that the beast God can't calculate."

"You say, I listen." Yin Zhu looks at Bai Kun excited and pours him a cup of tea. Then he sits down and slowly waits for Bai Kun to say that if they know the purpose of Wuji, it will be much easier for them to deal with Wuji.

"I think you all know that in ancient times, there were a lot of ORC gods in our continent, not only one. You should have heard about that." Bai Kun said that he is very grateful to travel around in his early years. He has heard many stories. Although many stories are embellished or exaggerated, many of them can be found in the stories.

Yin Zhu and Tengxiao nodded. It was only after Yin Zhu became an animal God.

"But no one knows where those gods went in ancient times. I've heard about them. It's said that in ancient times, all the gods crossed the starry sky and went to the legendary kingdom of God. At the earliest time, we had a passage to the kingdom of God, but for some reason, the passage no longer existed. There was no God in the whole continent, and Wuji robbed his disciples Only then can she become a God. You say that for the sake of Wuji, there is nothing she doesn't have in the world. The only thing she has is to break the shackles of the world, and then cross the starry sky to enter the legendary kingdom of God. " Bai Kun said with emotion.

"But we don't have a kingdom there." Yin Zhu said, puzzled.

"That's right, but the beast God doesn't know. He just wants to leave the world now. I even estimate that the so-called catastrophe five thousand years ago was probably caused by the beast God in order to cross the starry sky, but later Wuji found that her strength was not enough. After all, her strength came from QingHan, and there was no essence. Therefore, the beast God had time to put the spirit of her disciples Soul to send out, maybe what he calculated is not Yinzhu, just Yinzhu happened to be with Beina at that time. The death of those people in the utopian ice city may be due to the lack of limitless strength. They were sacrificed with them. Then he spent 5000 years to accumulate strength and bring Yin Zhu to you. " Bai Kun said with emotion.

"But I still don't understand. Does it have anything to do with me?" Yin Zhu was puzzled.

"No, Yin Zhu, as you said, when you practice and concentrate, your spirit appears in your original world, not in this world. That is to say, the connection between you and that world always exists. Maybe animal God Wuji uses your existence to open the door of space." Bai Kun said in a calm voice.

Yin Zhu was stunned at this time. Then she bit her teeth. What Bai Kun said should be right. In addition to this, Yin Zhu can't figure out what else is worth planning.

Tengxiao anxiously grabbed Yin Zhu's hand at this time. "Yin Zhu, you won't leave us, right? You won't go back to your original world."

When Bai Kun heard this, he turned his head and looked at Yin Zhu. It was obvious that the world where Yin Zhu lived should be higher than this world, and the life of that world should be better than this. He was also worried that Yin Zhu would leave, but Bai Kun could not ask Yin Zhu to stay and suffer with himself.

"My partner and my children are all here. This is my home. How can I leave?" Yin Zhu looks at Tengxiao and baikun with a smile.

Tengxiao holds Yin Zhu in his arms at this time. Although Yin Zhu said he would not leave when he told him she was from a different world, Tengxiao is still worried.

"But in that case, what is this little fire for?" Yin Zhu is very confused. Wuji obviously wants to make use of himself. He should leave himself in the world. How can Xiaohuo stay.

"Stay and fight for your body?" Tengxiao is weak at this time. After all, Xiaojin competed with Qiao Nuo for his body at the beginning. If Xiaojin had not fallen in love with Yin Zhu, he would have given in automatically, otherwise, Qiao Nuo would have been sober.

When Bai Kun heard this, he fell in love. This is the simplest and most direct, but this is also the most possible.

"Probably, after all, if the beast God wants to cross the starry sky, it's best to have a guide in the middle." This guide is naturally Yin Zhu. As for the consequences of Yin Zhu's soul leading the way, Wuji doesn't care at all.

When Yin Zhu heard these words, he could not help shivering. Although these were all their conjectures, Yin Zhu thought that these should be true, even the QingHan Qingling. They were probably the same as the beast God Wuji. He wanted to see if they could also go to the legendary kingdom of God. So they didn't stop the plan of the beast God I'm sure I'll give you a hand by the way.

"Whether our guess is right or not, just try Xiaohuo. If she is really the soul of her original body, even if she has lost her memory, she can try it out." Bai Kun said in a calm voice.

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