It's a pity that no matter how hard Bai Kun tried, he couldn't get out of the tribe, because Bai Kun was somewhat lost.

All the people in the tribe know about Bai Kun. Mengtai Baixue also went to the gate of the tribe and looked at baikun who was still trying.

"Bai Kun, you want to go out, don't you?" Snow said with emotion.

"Yes." Yin Zhu's soft response.

"Yes, it's not easy for this child to live in the tribe. He's alone. Because of his health, he doesn't have much contact with the people in the tribe. Yin Zhu, you're not in the tribe. He's very lonely. The child used to run around all the time, so he was suddenly trapped in a place, just like a prisoner. I kept thinking about when he would be unable to help it Bai Xue sighs. For Bai Kun, she is guilty, because Bai Kun has been paying for their family.

Yin Zhu nodded, yes, Bai Kun seems to be OK, but who knows that he has a hard time. Because of his own reasons, he hides in the dark like a thief who can't see anyone during the day, and then walks alone in the tribe at night, but she can't accompany Bai Kun for various reasons.

"It's not your problem, of course." Bai Xue looks at Yin Zhu as if she feels guilty and explains in a hurry.

Meng Tai sighed deeply at this time and said, "since Bai Kun wants to go out, take the totem stone away." Bai Kun's soul is in the totem stone. He can't leave the tribe. In fact, it's only within a specific scope. If Bai Kun takes the totem stone away, it can be moved.

In recent nights, Yin Zhu seems to be doing something on the altar. He knows all these things, but he doesn't know what specific things are. Yin Zhu doesn't want to say it, and he doesn't ask. After all, he doesn't need to worry about the beast God and the whole Orc world. If he should know it, Yin Zhu will say it.

As the head of a tribe, Montaigne knows what to do and what not to do. Of course, if there is no totem in the tribe, the fighting power of the tribe will drop a lot. But for the present daze tribe, without totem, they can easily defeat the wild animals outside, because they have sharp weapons and they still grow food Small animals are not so short of food, so it's OK for baikun to take the totem away.

Another thing is what Yin Zhu will do to the totem stone on the altar. About this, Meng Tai has another idea. He is afraid that the totem is very important to Yin Zhu. It's good, but it can also bring hidden dangers. So it's better to let Yin Zhu take it away. Daze tribe should not be so fierce as long as the tribe It's just as well for people to live in peace.

Yin Zhu was stunned when he heard this. In fact, Yin Zhu didn't think about it before. Of course, he also wanted to see if Bai Kun could get rid of the shackles of totem stone. There was no way to use it. Moreover, totem was not her own, but the whole tribe was using it. It was not good to take things away directly.

"Take it away. Our tribe can live well without totem stone now. Yin Zhu, you are an intelligent and powerful female. I'm so glad you were born in our tribe. Unfortunately, the tribe is too weak to help you. You have given enough totem stone to the tribe. Take it away." Montaigne smiles.

He hates those intrigues. You say it's a good day. However, because of so many things caused by personal desires, the so-called beast God is not worthy of respect. Without these messy things, his Jono is still living with Yin Zhu in the tribe. Maybe he will have grandchildren.

The so-called animal gods have been worshiped by them for thousands of years. What happened? Did you bless them? No, on the contrary, he knows more and more truth. In fact, they can live a good life. The reason why the orc continent has become so poor is because of the selfish desires of those high animal gods, who may not protect all living beings.

All the tribes have to do is rely on their own efforts. Yin Zhu has brought everything to the tribe. That is to say, the tribes in the plain outside have more or less benefited from Yin Zhu, the culture spread by Yin Zhu, and all kinds of other common sense of life, plant encyclopedia. Even Bai Xue has made a lot of drugs because of this, and the people in the tribe are less suffering from illness.

"They don't have an opinion?" Yin Zhu asked with a frown.

Montaigne nodded and said, "don't worry about this." If he is a patriarch who can't manage this, he should not be a patriarch.

"OK, let Bai Kun have a try first. If not, I'm not welcome." Yin Zhu also wants Bai Kun to follow him. Some of them will try to find a way together. Maybe they can save Bai Kun earlier. Bai Kun will miss her when she is alone in the tribe.

"All right." Meng Tai says with a smile that Yin Zhu is good at this. He never pretends not to want what he wants, and then goes back to say how much he has paid for the tribe.

"Then I'll be busy." As a clan leader, Meng Tai is still very busy. Besides, it seems that Yin Zhu Tengxiao, who is about to leave the tribe, always has to prepare some special products for his children. Although Yin Zhu doesn't lack that, Meng Tai still has to prepare his own mind.Seeing that Bai Kun is ready to go out with Yin Zhu, Meng Tai misses Qiao Nuo. His son doesn't know where it will be. Qiao Nuo, you'd better come back quickly. If you don't come back again, you really don't have a place for your partner.

Montaigne is very clear about Jono's temperament. Although Jono looks warm and good-natured, sometimes the child is very stubborn and doesn't look back. This is a headache for him. He doesn't know how to cultivate this temperament, because he is always picked up by Amy.

Bai Kun has been trying for a long time. Every time he tries to cross the boundary, he will feel a pain in his spirit. It seems that someone is stabbing his head with a needle. But because of this, Bai Kun feels that his mental power is growing. Although the speed is very slow, he can feel it. Bai Kun believes that as long as the time goes on, he can feel it If one's mental power exceeds the boundary, the totem stone can no longer restrain one's own.

It seems that his own attempt is still useful. Bai Kun has not tried it before, but he has tried it once before. If he can't, he doesn't leave and he doesn't insist on trying. Therefore, he doesn't realize that it can increase his mental power. It will be a constant stimulation. After repeating it all the time, he finds that this kind of almost self abusive behavior can cultivate his mental power.

Yin Zhu looked at Bai Kun, who was already sweating. She walked slowly to Bai Kun, "Bai Kun, I think you'd better have a rest first."

I can't see Bai Kun's expression, but Yin Zhu can feel that Bai Kun's mood is not depressed. On the contrary, he is still happy. It seems that Bai Kun has gained something.

Bai Kun nodded. He was really tired today, so he went back to have a rest first, and then thought about how to do it.

Yin Zhu goes home slowly with Tengxiao in one hand and Bai Kun in the other.

"How do you feel?" Back home, Yin Zhuxian poured a glass of water for Bai Kun, and he couldn't wait to ask.

Bai Kun talked about his feelings. Maybe one day, his mental strength will be strong enough to break free from the shackles of totem stone, but it will take a long time. It is obvious that short time is not enough, so he is likely to leave with totem stone on his back.

"That Yin Zhu, do you think it can be like this? Can't the totem stone be divided into small totems? Although the effect is not as good as the present one, we'd better get a new totem stone and put it in the tribe. Besides, we have to see what the totem stone can do for the beast God. " Bai Kun said that he could leave with the totem stone and set up a new totem stone for the tribe.

Yin Zhu nodded, this thing is OK, also avoid the tribe people because totem stone disappear and find Mengtai trouble.

Seeing that baikun is relatively tired, Yin Zhu can't help but think about the front of baikun and help him to brush up his magic. En, it's the simplest way to calm his mind. Not to mention, this kind of magic, which was originally used to calm his heart, is quite easy to use for his tired soul. It's very comfortable, just like soaking in a hot spring, warm and comfortable.

"By the way, I asked the people of the tribe to collect the myths of ancient times. Have you collected them yet?" Asked Yin Zhu.

"Well, there are quite a lot of myths left over from ancient times, but there are only seven miracles or strange places that were suddenly born five thousand years ago, such as Utopia, ice city, beast mountain, and the place of divine punishment, which we all know and have been to. The beast mountain has been destroyed. At present, the nearest place to us is Wucheng. Where is a mountain called jimie mountain, and the land in it Fang because of special reasons, there is no grass, no plants, so it is called extinction. There is a sea god island on the other side of the East China Sea, and there is a Sun Temple on the far east side. These two places are the most popular places in the legend, and the others have not been found yet. " Bai Kun himself is good at these, which is also sorted out by looking for people and combining the information he knows.

"Well, let's go to the lonely mountain first." Yin Zhu frowned. This mount jimie is a bit like the Yinfeng Valley beside the beast mountain, but the valley is not so domineering as the mount jimie. Most people will die when they enter the mount jimie. It's very dangerous there.

"Well, I'll look up the information of Mount jimie later." Bai Kun said he would follow up on this.

"I'll prepare some medicine." Tengxiao wants to go on. They are only afraid to fight. They should prepare some medicine.

Yin Zhu nodded. It's good to have a partner. They have done their job well.

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