When they left, the tribe didn't know much about Yin Zhu. Besides, the people who came in later didn't have strong feelings for Yin Zhu. A lot of things in daze tribe came from Yin Zhu, but in order to protect Yin Zhu, they were basically counted on the head of Mengtai. Only the original Daze tribe and Meizu people knew about this. The people of these two tribes had been killed for a long time It's forbidden to say anything about Yin Zhu. Those people don't know Yin Zhu's identity. After all, Yin Zhu's identity is too frightening to say. They only know that he is an important person in the tribe.

Although this is unfair to Yin Zhu, it's exactly what Yin Zhu wants. Many people in the orc continent know that there are new animal gods, but few of them can match their names with human beings.

Bai Kun has a big jade on his back. Yes, it's the original totem stone of daze tribe. As for the one inside daze tribe, it was made by Yin Zhuxin, and the Qi luck over there was split from it.

After stepping out of daze tribe, Bai Kun was greatly relieved, "is it important? Are you tired? " Yin Zhu asked very worried.

Bai Kun has no time to answer. Tengxiao on the other side grabs Yin Zhu's hand and puts it on his chest. "Yin Zhu, you don't care about me any more. You've asked Bai Kun 15 times along the way, and I know you still like Bai Kun a lot. With Bai Kun, you won't have my place."

Before, he always let baikun in the tribe because he had been out with Yinzhu for a long time, and he took up a lot of Yinzhu's time. It's also right for Yinzhu to go back to the tribe to accompany baikun. But now baikun has left with Yinzhu, and he will follow Yinzhu for a long time. At this time, if he let Yinzhu go again, Yinzhu will not have his own place Bai Kun doesn't want to do anything, just pretend to be poor.

Yin Zhu looked at Tengxiao as if he was making a funny scene. He couldn't help but look white at Tengxiao. "I don't care about you. The animal skin you are wearing is my new one. Besides, you're not as sensible as Bai Kun."

She didn't find that Tengxiao was so jealous. Besides, can baikun compare with Tengxiao? As far as appearance is concerned, Tengxiao is a fierce man, while baikun is a weak and beautiful man. Can it be the same? Besides, Bai Kun now has to bear the totem stone on his back. What's the point of Tengxiao's lightness.

Bai Kun can't help but crack his mouth and laugh at Tengxiao. Yes, he is very proud, but there are still some things that hurt Tengxiao. Tengxiao is better than him.

"I, I didn't make any noise, just Yin Zhu, you haven't paid attention to me for a long time." Tengxiao is very aggrieved. He doesn't know how to say love words. Before, he seldom played coquetry with Yin Zhu, but he has already done it shamelessly. Now that Yin Zhu says he doesn't understand, Tengxiao is really aggrieved.

He thought he was quite sensible, but Yin Zhu hated his own.

Seeing Tengxiao like this, Yin Zhu quickly comforted Tengxiao, "how can I dislike you? You will misinterpret what I mean. That is to see Bai Kun work harder and pay more attention to him. I know that recently I have paid more attention to Bai Kun. Isn't Bai Kun in a special situation? It's me. I'll be with you tonight, OK? " With that, Yin Zhu gave Tengxiao a kiss on the face.

This one immediately let Tengxiao's face explode red, the rest of the words all swallow back to the stomach inside, can only keep nodding.

Bai Kun shakes his head helplessly at this time. Tengxiao's meeting can be regarded as crooked. It's so pity for Yin Zhu. It seems that a fool is not stupid.

They are also partners who can be Yin Zhu. They all have their own ways. If Jono is the first person to express his feelings and accept Yin Zhu, he has a chance. Then he is a little clever, Tengxiao is persistent, Leihe is selfless, and everyone has something to make Yin Zhu excited.

With these words, Yin Zhu turned his head and looked at Bai Kun very seriously. Fortunately, Bai Kun was not unusual, and he would not object, let alone embarrass himself.

Yin Zhu originally thought that it was good for Bai Kun to be with her, but every night she would be in deep water and happy.

"Tengxiao, Bai Kun, do you have a dream? What do you want to do in the future?" Yin Zhu asked curiously.

"Me? My dream since I was a child is to have my own family, have my own children and friends, and live a safe and happy life. " Tengxiao thought that now he had children and partners. As long as he eradicated the people who hindered his happiness, his goal could be achieved.

Bai Kun said that Tengxiao would really seize the opportunity to express that he should not have given him so much pressure. As for this?

Tengxiao's wish is simple. After these things, she can satisfy Tengxiao. Yin Zhu looks at Bai Kun with a smile and wants to hear Bai Kun's answer.

"In the past, I wanted the tribe to be strong and the people would not be hungry any more. Now I just want to follow Yin Zhu to travel all over the mountains and rivers, and then we live and die together. Anyway, I depend on you." Bai Kun said with a smile.

Tengxiao's heart was cold when he heard Bai Kun's words. Compared with the two people's love words, one of them was so sweet that he was tired of death, and his life was as plain as water. As expected, he had a hard time with Bai Kun.Bai Kun thought in his heart that he was used to talking too much. Although he was good at speaking, it was not as simple as Tengxiao's words. Those real words were more exciting. Unfortunately, he was afraid that he could not change them for a while.

Yin Zhu doesn't know that these two guys are already competing with each other. It's also true that they seem to be very modest and modest on weekdays. That's because they have their own psychological bottom line and won't overpower Yin Zhu. But at this time, they still have to fight.

"Well, the wishes of both people are ordinary and great. I'm so moved that we will realize them." Yin Zhu cheered himself up, and then both sides praised him.

Bai Kun looks at Yin Zhu funny when he hears this. Yin Zhu is impartial. Even if Yin Zhu is eccentric, he won't show it. Although he says that he has a small book in his heart, which has arranged for him several times, he can't be the first one anyway, but he still doesn't show it enough.

In the past, Bai Kun could say that he only needed to win by his appearance, but now he can't stand on this point.

"What's your wish, Yin Zhu?" Bai Kun asked curiously, after all, Yin Zhu is in a different world. Yin Zhu's wish must be very strange.

"My wish?" At this time, Yin Zhu couldn't help thinking. After a long time, he said, "maybe it's to find a good man to marry him?" Her mother kept nagging in her ear all day, let her find someone to marry, and then she thought about it before crossing.

As for many other small wishes, there is no big wish, because Yin Zhu also knows that she is an ordinary girl and can't become a big man. It's better not to daydream. But no one thought that she would have such a chance and come to the orc continent.

When Bai Kun heard Yin Zhu's words, he couldn't help laughing. "Now you've found four good friends. Has that been completed?"

When Yin Zhu heard this, he nodded, "that's beyond my imagination. I told my parents about you. They are very satisfied with you." When practicing and concentrating, Yin Zhu told his parents about his situation, and they were all happy for him.

However, a good partner has the advantages of a good partner, but at the same time, the headache is the partner's children. Several of them accompany each other and always have to give birth to a child for each other. Thinking of this, Yin Zhu really has a headache. Qiao Nuo baikun and they all want children. Fortunately, Lei he doesn't want to. Of course, it's because Lei he is a ORC. If she tries to curse him When the curse came into contact, Leihe wanted to have a baby of his own. Thinking that he might never return on the way to have a baby, Yin Zhu could not help shivering and felt terrible.

Just like this, Yin Zhu still wants to give birth to a child for her partner. She is a mother and her life is complete. But Jono has not been a father yet. Their life is incomplete. Because of love, they are not willing to be wronged. They would rather be wronged. If they are still in the 21st century, Yin Zhu will never have such an idea.

"I told my parents that I would have a lot of children in the future. I would have a little fox with Bai Kun and jonoreh." Yin Zhu counted with his fingers.

Bai Kun's eyes smile when he hears this. Yin Zhu is thinking about giving birth to a fox. It seems that he doesn't have to worry about Yin Zhu. He will work hard for his soft fox.

Tengxiao is very jealous after hearing this. Although he already has a baby, he still wants something. Although he has a baby, for various reasons, he doesn't enjoy much of the fun of being a father. Xiao Teng Xi Tengcheng left soon. If he had another child later, he would have to wait in line for a long time.

It's a pity that Yin Zhu had not been pregnant with him for such a long time before. However, he has children. No matter how greedy he is, it's not good. It's estimated that Bai Kun will have an opinion. Moreover, having children will do great harm to females. Think about it. Anyway, their children will be their own children in the future.

Bai Kun is laughing, listening to Yin Zhu, watching Yin Zhu's sense of belonging to the world become stronger and stronger, his heart is more and more happy.

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