Just as Yin Zhu was about to open the wooden box in his hand, Tengxiao, who was standing on one side, took away the wooden box in Yin Zhu's hand. "I'll do this kind of rough work."

Yin Zhu knew Tengxiao was worried about the danger of the things in the wooden box, so he snatched the things in his hand.

After Tengxiao snatched the wooden box, he didn't give time to wait for Yin Zhu to react, so he opened the box directly.

Three people hold a heart, but nothing happened. At this time, Yin Zhu looks at the wooden box. It's a beast pill, but it's blood red and full of evil spirit.

every Orc has a beast Dan, which is the essence of an orc's body. The dead orcs will slowly corrode, leaving only a pure white animal Dan, and the bloody red beast shows that the beast is stripped from the living orcs.

Orc's animal elixir is very common in the mainland, but it's all dead people's animal elixir. I don't think this kind of animal elixir has ever been taken out alive, because the animal elixir of ORC doesn't grow in a certain place, but is hidden in the body of ORC. Only through some secret method, a living Orc can be extracted from the human body with her rising vitality It's too cruel to separate from the body, and it has long been listed as the forbidden technique in the world.

"The animal pill is unknown." Tengxiao has covered the wooden box for the first time. Because it is the animal pill extracted by human life, it is full of bloody evil spirit. These things make Tengxiao very uncomfortable.

"Whose animal Dan are you going to be?" Yin Zhu said with a frown.

What's more, the animal pill is still shaking in the wooden box, which means that the original person is still alive, but it's probably no different from being dead.

"Wuji is too cruel." Teng Xiao sighed that killing people is just the first step, which is too cruel.

At this time, Bai Kun went to the front of Yin Zhu and grabbed the wooden box in Tengxiao's hand. "No matter who the original body of the beast Dan is, a person who can make Wuji so scared, once we find her original body, it will cause great damage to Wuji. This thing is still preserved first."

"Bai Kun, you said that he should know about the array laid by our bad beast God. Why didn't she stop us?" Yin Zhu said with a frown.

The beast god mountain and the lonely mountain are destroyed. Yin Zhu doesn't believe that the beast God can't feel it. But she didn't come to trouble Yin Zhu. This is what Yin Zhu is most puzzled about. It shouldn't be.

"Because it doesn't matter. Maybe this array has a great constraint on her before, but by this time, it's no longer necessary. She's arranged for so many years, and the time is ripe. It doesn't mean much to her whether you destroy it or not. Of course, another possibility is that she has more important things to do now, and she can't be distracted." Bai Kun thought about the answer. He hoped that it would be the second answer. If it was the first answer, their future would be slim.

"I want to do so many things. No matter what, I will destroy these things. No matter whether it has anything to do with the beast God or not, I do good things." At this time, Yin Zhu reached for the wooden box in Bai Kun's hand and put it into his backpack.

"Do you think it's of any special significance for them to suppress people here?" The orc world is such a big place, why we choose mount jimie to suppress, this is also one of the key.

"There should be some reasons, but the information about these is that the Shiwu tribe can find some answers when there is too little information or they live nearby." Tengxiao suggested that, after all, Shiwu city was next to jimie mountain, and the information about it was more or less known.

"Well, let's go and find out. If only we could know the news about the beast Dan." Yin Zhu gave a faint smile.

"Don't worry." Bai Kun grabs Yin Zhu's hand.

"I know. It's OK." Yin Zhu turns her head and smiles at Bai Kun. She has a sense of urgency in her heart. It's probably a matter of her nature. Maybe she can't make Mount Tai collapse in front of her all her life.

When Bai Kun sees this, he reaches out and touches Yin Zhu's head. He is trying to embarrass Yin Zhu. After all, Yin Zhu is a little woman. Even if she is forced to shoulder such a heavy responsibility, any female in the orc world will be defeated. In fact, Yin Zhu is doing very well.

"You're already great. I think you're great and I like you for that." Bai Kun said with certainty.

Tengxiao frowned at this time. He really felt that he was no better than Bai Kun. Bai Kun was too good at saying love words, and he would always give an affectionate confession. In this way, he would be despised by Yin Zhu. Not to mention Yin Zhu, he just started to dislike himself. How could he be so stupid.

"I like you, too." Yin Zhu said with a smile that her heavy heart was much better. To tell the truth, Bai Kun was in a much better mood along the way. Bai Kun is really a good person.

"I love that. "Bai Kun said with a smile, and then he could not help rubbing Yin Zhu's head.

”Yin Zhu, here you are. "Tengxiao has picked some wild flowers from the roadside and put them into Yin Zhu's hand.”This flower seems to be called bedbug flower handle. It is said that it will give off a stinky smell and attract bedbugs. " Bai Kun looks at Tengxiao with disgust. Even if Tengxiao wants to grab attention, he should at least make flowers better. Bai Kun directly takes out the words in Yin Zhu's hand and throws them to the side.

Tengxiao's face stinks at this time. He saw Bai Kun and Yin Zhu laughing together just now, so he picked some unknown wild flowers on the roadside. How could he think of such a move.

"Bai Kun, you don't mean it What bedbug flower? Why hasn't he heard of it? He's grinding his teeth.

"Do you smell if the flower has a faint smell of rotten eggs?" Bai Kun said that the bedbug flower is a rare flower, and it's normal for Tengxiao not to know it. In fact, it's not harmful to people, and it will only attract some small insects.

This guy is a little enlightened by his stimulation, but it's better not to compare with himself.

There was Tengxiao on the way. Bai Kun was in a very good mood. At least he was in a very good mood when he saw Tengxiao eating shriveled. He thought that among Yin Zhu's friends, Tengxiao was the one who didn't like Tengxiao the most, but in the end, he walked into Yin Zhu's heart with his foolishness.

Can we say that a fool is blessed with stupidity, or that persistence is victory? Anyway, Bai Kun is not satisfied with this.

Yin Zhu didn't see the secret war between the two. She always felt that her partners got along very well. After all, she didn't have to worry about who would sleep with her every night. Basically, they arranged it themselves, and didn't see that they were jealous or quarreling because of this quarrel. So Yin Zhu was very relieved.

It's too early for Yin Zhu to worry about it. They just don't want to let Yin Zhu worry about it. They know how heavy the burden is on Yin Zhu, and Yin Zhu doesn't have any other energy to worry about the relationship between men and women. So they all fight in private, or use caution machine, but they will never put it on the table On the surface.

Even if Bai Kun has a plan, he won't occupy Yin Zhu for a long time and won't let Yin Zhu contact him. What he has is to talk with Yin Zhu as much as possible on the road. At night, he doesn't need to talk with Yin Zhu at all. The two of them are now and consciously, one night by one, which can be said to be very balanced. In the field of ningwai, one person will watch the night If you are a tribe, you'd better have a rest alone.

"Bai Kun, you used to travel around and know more than Tengxiao. You can teach him more about this in the future." Yin Zhu said directly.

"Do you hear me? You should learn more from me on this point." Bai Kun gently touched Tengxiao with his arm. If he had eyes, he would blink at Tengxiao cunningly.

"I'm better than you." Tengxiao cold hum, his subconscious is also very obvious, that is, "beat you in the skin."

When Bai Kun heard this, he looked at Tengxiao and said, "OK, I've played Tengxiao. Although his mental power has been greatly improved in the totem stone, Tengxiao and Yin Zhu have not suffered any loss. He has absorbed a lot of animal elixir in Utopia alone, not to mention that he has been practicing hard in the future.

"What are you talking about?" Yin Zhu turned his head and saw that the two seemed to be whispering.

"Nothing. I'm talking about cooking some new food for you at noon." Bai Kun told a lie without blinking an eye.

Tengxiao nodded at this time.

"You don't have to take care of me like this. You think about what I like to eat every day. What do you want to eat? You don't think about what you want to eat? I'll eat it. I'll say it myself The mouth says don't, can see these two people put oneself in the heart, Yin bamboo heart inside sweet honey.

"It's my duty to take care of my partner." Tengxiao said with a face.

"I like to spoil you. I'm happy to see you happy." Bai Kun also turns his head to look at Tengxiao. Even if he doesn't look, Tengxiao knows that Bai Kun must be laughing at himself. See, he is more powerful than himself at any time.

"Well, I'm happy. I'm very happy." Yin Zhu is very happy to hold Tengxiao and baikun's hands at this time.

Tengxiao was still depressed because he couldn't please Yin Zhu, but he would see Yin Zhu holding his hand. All his unhappiness was gone, and he was happy in his heart. No matter how upset Bai Kun was, Yin Zhu still had his own heart, and he didn't lose to Bai Kun.

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