When the three returned to Shiwu tribe, Yin Zhu did not immediately go out to ask for information, but had a rest.

Yin Zhu's temporary residence is in a small cave in front of Shiwu tribe. This is Yin Zhu's choice. After all, Bai Kun is different from ordinary people. It's not good to attract people's attention. This place is very biased, and few people will come here.

Although baikun's whole body is covered with animal skin, outsiders can't see the appearance of baikun's skeleton, but it's rare for baikun to be wrapped in such a tight body. Moreover, Yinzhu doesn't want others to look at baikun's strange eyes. Even if baikun doesn't mind, Yinzhu will mind. Her partner is very good and doesn't want to see any look down upon.

"Yin Zhu, are you tired? Do you want to have a rest first?" Tengxiao asked.

Yin Zhu shook his head, "no, I didn't do anything. I didn't even walk much." In order to make himself more comfortable, Tengxiao became a beast to ride on, so Yin Zhu was not tired. Tengxiao and Bai Kun were the two most tired people.

"You two should take a break and I'll cook something to eat." Yin Zhu put a lot of food in his backpack. What he wanted to eat was boiled quickly. Although Yin Zhu asked them to have a rest, they still came forward to help. Bai Kun didn't need to eat. Only Yin Zhu and Tengxiao ate.

"It's easy to find jimie mountain, but it's not easy to find Haishen island and Sun Temple. The sea is big, there are many islands, and the vast sea has no direction. Where are we going?" Tengxiao couldn't help asking.

Well, he only knows that there is a sea in the Far East. As for what there is by the sea, he can say that he has no idea at all. As for the legendary Temple of the sun, it is the extreme place in the East. It is said that it is the place where the sun rises, and that place is also ethereal.

When Bai Kun heard this, he stepped on Tengxiao. This guy talks nonsense. Isn't he putting pressure on Yin Zhu?

"Yin Zhu, you can see that we have found mount jimie so easily, and we have also found something. It's easy to find Haishen island and Sun Temple." Bai Kun comforts Yin Zhu in a soft voice.

Yin Zhu nodded when he heard this, "well, I know. I'm not in a hurry. Besides, we have to say whether there are things I want in those places. All this is just our guess."

Tengxiao was trampled on by Bai Kun, and he knew he was wrong. He poured cold water on Yin Zhu, so he quickly changed the topic, "en, Yin Zhu, the pickled cabbage noodles you made are really delicious."

It's not that Tengxiao talks big. The whole tribe uses spices and side dishes, and Yin Zhu uses them best. Of course, Yin Zhu knows a lot about them. Even if those people use it, they use it according to Yin Zhu's formula. I'm afraid there will be more problems and less problems. It's too standard.

"If it's delicious, eat more. Come on." Yin Zhu smiles faintly. Tengxiao's character is straight. Yin Zhu knows that. As for Tengxiao's wrong words, Yin Zhu doesn't care. It's hard to find them. It's just like that for Yin Zhu. Yin Zhu thinks that there is a force in the dark that will lead him to find those things.

She has seen the sea on the other side of the earth, and the sea people here really haven't seen it.

"Thank you, Yin Zhu." Tengxiao takes a bowl of rice noodles from Yin Zhu with a smile and eats it Zizi.

Bai Kun looks at Tengxiao, who is eating sweetly, and his whole skeleton body. He sighs that now he is wasting food.

Yin Zhu looked at Bai Kun and felt that he was not very happy, so he proposed with a smile, "Bai Kun, if you want to eat vermicelli, you can try to eat it with mental energy. In our world, spirit can also eat. After the old people go back, we will worship the old people every year, and the dead people will come out to eat it at that time You can try something to worship. "

Yin Zhu didn't know whether this proposal would work or not, but he couldn't see Bai Kun's grievance.

"Is that ok?" Bai Kun said in surprise.

, "well, yes, you can try, of course, you can't really eat the noodles, but you can eat the essence of the noodles. If the people on our side worship a bowl of delicious food, they will become tasteless and tasteless, because the real essence has been eaten, and I have never eaten it. Blood sacrifice, if you say that the altar can really eat these things, it must be because other people eat the energy of those things. " At this time, Yin Zhu put down his chopsticks and looked at Bai Kun curiously.

At this time, Bai Kun was eager to try, "then I'll have a try." He really didn't know that mental power could eat.

Yin Zhu thinks that this idea should be feasible, especially since the world is different from his original world, but there are gods here.

At this time, Bai Kun controlled his spirit, and then absorbed the breath of the vermicelli. "En, eat well, the taste is really good, so I can eat like this." Bai Kun took a mouthful of vermicelli and was very satisfied.

The amount of vermicelli in the bowl is not less, but the smell has disappeared.Soon the three people finished eating. Yin Zhu poured out the tasteless bowl of vermicelli that Bai Kun had eaten. If the poor daze tribe in the past would never throw away the food that could satisfy their hunger, but now the Daze tribe is no longer short of food. Even the tribes outside have learned a lot of animals and plants that can be eaten, so they are not bad at food.

Now that the orc world has solved the problem of food, it has begun to improve on the aspect of clothing. As for what will happen, Yin Zhu has not vigorously promoted. Some things are better left to them. Yin Zhu has provided the general direction, and the rest depends on the orcs themselves, because Yin Zhu knows that.

After eating, the three of them lay comfortably on the lawn outside the door for a rest. Yin Zhu made a few pieces of animal skins and padded them up. "The air here is so fresh and the things are very healthy. In our world, this kind of Paradise like place is very rare." Yin Zhu said with rare emotion.

"So you mean our world is better than yours?" Tengxiao asked happily.

When Yin Zhu heard this, he turned to Tengxiao and said, "it's not like that. Our people's material life and spiritual life are worse than those here. It's a kind of progress. Thailand is still poor here, but fortunately your physical fitness is quite different from ours. Maybe this is the environment that makes people."

The physical quality of the orcs here can be said to be quite good, but if you think that god man can appear in this world, you can understand what the physical quality is.

"Well, the spiritual culture of our world is waiting for you to spread." Bai Kun laughs and says that Bai Kun knows that Yin Zhu is willing to promote those things, but now Yin Zhu is really busy. In addition, he has to make paper, print and teach those people to read. It's a big project. Fortunately, Bai Xue and Jiuyue work hard. Otherwise, Yin Zhu can't be divided into several parts.

"Well, take your time. When it's over here, we'll go back to the tribe. If we have nothing to do, I'll take care of my children and educate them." Thinking of this, Yin Zhu can't help planning a beautiful blueprint for the future.

Think about it and feel very comfortable, Yin Zhu faint smile.

Recently, Yin Zhu has talked about his future ideas. Bai Kun knows that Yin Zhu will stay here forever.

"Well, we'll have more babies later." Tengxiao said with a smile.

"You want to be beautiful. You have three children. It's not your turn." Bai Kun couldn't help joining Tengxiao.

When Yin Zhu saw these two people's daily quarrels, he didn't care. Instead, he held his chin and began to think about tengxi and Tengcheng. He didn't know where they were. Although Teng an said they were safe, what was Yin Zhu worried about.

Children who are only three or four years old, even if the orc children mature earlier and faster, compared with the children of the earth, they are also children's, and the two children don't know what destiny is.

When it comes to destiny, Yin Zhu is still puzzled. What is destiny? Is it destiny? What are you, a schemer or a destiny?

Bai Kun and Tengxiao were still fighting. Seeing that Yin Zhu was so quiet, he pushed Tengxiao away and then lay down beside him. "What is Yin Zhu thinking?"

"I think tengxi and Tengcheng are gone, and I don't know where they are now, and whether there is anyone around them." Someone followed them at that time, but it was so dangerous deep in the swamp and jungle. Who knows if they were lost.

Bai Kun's eyes darkened when he heard this. It is obvious that they just mentioned that the child reminds Yin Zhu of tengxi and Tengcheng. "Don't worry, Yin Zhu. They will be fine. When they appear in front of you again, they have become powerful soldiers and will protect their mother."

Yin Zhu nodded when he heard this, "I know." Just know is know, but as a mother care about their children's heart will never change, fortunately he is the biological mother of two children, can feel the two children are still alive, otherwise Yinzhu how can now so calm.

"Yinzhu, soon, believe me, we will see tengxi and Tengcheng soon." Bai Kun really wants to catch that bastard of Wuji and beat him up. Because of Wuji's mess, they have a good family.

The child is missing. Even Jono doesn't know where he is now. Fate, this is a damned fate, a damned fate.

"Yes." When she really conquers Wuji and becomes a beast God, she will be able to figure out where her child is.

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