The next day, Yin Zhu and Tengxiao began to inquire about the news about jimie mountain. They just spoke to the clan leader of Shiwu tribe, but the other side looked at them with very serious eyes. After a long time, they said, "are you from daze tribe?"

At this time, the three of them couldn't help looking at each other. They didn't say their origin from beginning to end when they came here. How did the people of Wu tribe know their origin.

"How does the patriarch know that we are from daze tribe?" Bai Kun asked curiously that they had lived in the tribe before, but because of their own health, they didn't have much contact with the people of Shiwu tribe.

"That's because more than 4000 years ago, someone left something here, saying that one day people from daze tribe would come to take it. It has been passed down from generation to generation in our tribe for many years. The tribe dare not move because of this, for fear that one day you will never find Shiwu tribe again." Shiji, the head of Shiwu tribe, said.

Bai Kun can't help frowning at this time. That is to say, it was calculated many years ago that Yin Zhu would come here to investigate. I really think it's the same.

"Who is the one who left this thing? Is it your people? " Bai Kun asked seriously.

"No, she doesn't belong to our tribe. She calls herself Miss Han. She is the Savior of our tribe. She even taught us to plant the unique Pingyin mushroom. Our whole tribe appreciates her kindness. It has been in our tribe for many years. Our patriarchs of every generation are determined to teach you this thing. They thought that I would be the best in my life I can't wait for you. I didn't expect you to come. " Shijiri said with emotion.

"Do you know what it is?" Asked Yin Zhu.

Shijiri shook his head. "It's sealed. We don't know what's inside."

Yin Zhu nodded at this, then turned to ask, "do you know the situation of jimie mountain?"

Shijiri shook his head: "I only know the surface of the news of jimie mountain, but the benefactor said that as long as you see what she gave you, you will understand everything."

"Please give it to us." At this time, Yin Zhu was guessing who the cold girl was. Among so many people he knew, QingHan was the only one with the word "cold". But QingHan had been devoured by the beast gods long before the great catastrophe. QingHan could not be the benefactor of the Wu tribe at that time.

Bai Kun also frowned at this time. It's possible that the person who decorates these things can't be a nobody. It's very likely that it's QingHan, but QingHan is engulfed. How does she appear in front of people? It can't be a state of soul, can it?

But as far as Yin Zhu knows, no one's soul can be pure without sustenance, no one can do it, even the beast God can't do it. How did the cold come about?

Soon shijiri brought that thing over. It was a sealed small box. The box was not big. For the time being, I couldn't see what was in it. Yinzhu gently took the box over. Shijiri laughed with relief when he saw Yinzhu take the box. It was obvious that the task of thousands of years for generations kept them thinking about it all the time. The pressure was heavy, and now they were finally relieved It's too late.

"Thank you shijiri, let's go first." Yin Zhu didn't intend to open the box in front of strangers, but Jiri also understood and laughed. Although he was curious about what was in the box, he cherished his life more than curiosity. It was certainly not a good thing that he could have something to do with a place like jimie mountain. He had better not know the secret.

Back in the cave where he lived temporarily, Yin Zhu threw the box in his hand, "Bai Kun, what do you think will be in the box?"

"I don't know, but no matter what it is, just take it apart." Bai Kun said with a calm face, now he feels that things are more and more serious. These people have arranged the following things as early as thousands of years ago. That is to say, the step they are taking now, they all know, even when they are clowns, they are constantly struggling.

Yin Zhu is not in a good mood either. He is angry when he is calculated to do so.

"Do you think we'll go to the Sun Temple on the next Poseidon island?" Yin Zhu looks at Bai Kun. If everything is well calculated, there's no point in going there.

Bai Kun felt that Yin Zhu's heart was shaken. He nodded his head and said: "go, why don't you go? Even if those people know what's going on, we only know what's going on when we go. If you don't go, you'll be carried away. I don't believe those people can calculate our mind every second. If I want to say that a person's heart is the most complex, I'll never forget it If you don't believe it, you can count on it. "

Bai Kun said calmly that he was the best at calculating. Since those people like to play like this, they should have a good time.

"I'll see what's in the box." Bai Kun turned his hand into a sharp claw, then made a paw on the wooden box and crossed it.

The wooden box is split in two. At this time, Yin Zhu finds that what he put in the wooden box is actually a scroll of paintings made of animal skin. Looking at the scroll above, it should be from the ancient times, which records some knowledge of the ancient times."It's a good thing. Let's see what's written on it." It's because the characters in ancient times are much different from what Yin Zhu learned. Fortunately, Bai Kun is here, and there are pictures. Even if you don't know one or two words, you can guess the general meaning.

But after reading these things, Yin Zhu's heart was shocked. It was really left by the cold, which recorded the information of the beast God Wuji from small to big.

Yin Zhu glanced at the fragmentary things and let them go. The most important thing is that the beast God knew that he could not break the void and go to the kingdom of God. So he launched a great catastrophe five thousand years ago, using the people of the whole Orc world and thousands of years of Qi Yun as sacrifices, and forced his simplest little disciple Bena's soul to the kingdom of God. Then five thousand years later, Bena's soul was destroyed He will come back with a soul of the kingdom of God. For the soul of the kingdom of God, the beast God has arranged a lot.

In fact, the whole daze tribe is the descendant of the beast God. In order not to be contacted, no one knows the news. Even the orcs are made by the beast God with their own blood, so that they can use the ties between their blood to pull all the people close to him in 5000 years.

There is also the beast God Wuji, who is the nine headed snake emperor. She can split her soul into nine. When she fought with Qingling five thousand years ago, the so-called beast God died. Only one ninth of his soul died. The other eight are still alive. But no one has ever seen the beast God. No one knows who the other eight faces are. So QingHan warned Yin Bamboo must be careful, be careful of the other eight people.

Of course, QingHan also guessed that the so-called disciples of the beast God might be the other eight faces of the beast God. After all, people like the beast God would not be able to separate the right to control the temple.

Yin Zhu and Bai Kun frowned deeply at this time, "do you think QingHan's words are credible?" Asked Yin Zhu.

Bai Kun also had a headache at this time. "I don't know, because I never believed in QingHan. Moreover, according to Qingling, QingHan has been swallowed up for a long time. How did QingHan come from more than 4000 years ago? Why didn't QingHan leave us a convincing explanation."

"What's more, Qingling is punished by Shenhuo all the time. If Qingling is one ninth of the beast God, I don't understand what the beast God's mentality is. He wants to keep himself in pain all the time for 5000 years. There must be a division of the beast God on the other side of the temple. I don't refute that, but it's not credible to say that all the disciples of the beast God are However, it should be true that Wuji's beast God is the ancient nine headed snake emperor. The soul can be divided into nine parts. After all, if you really want to find out, you can still find out. If you believe a lie first, it's true, false and true. Only in this way can you find out easily. " Bai Kun said calmly.

In this way, it's even more difficult for them to find out the beast God Wuji. It's not one person, but eight people. It's a headache to think of Yin Zhuren.

"You said QingHan told us what we wanted to do?" Yin Zhu thought, holding his chin.

When Bai Kun heard this, he hummed coldly, "it's very simple. Looking at the things QingHan did, it's obvious that QingHan was not engulfed. At most, QingHan was engulfed by a small part, and most of them escaped. It's estimated that this is the reason why the beast God can't really break the void. QingHan is definitely not the opponent of Wuji. She wants us to fight with Wuji now, and then she takes advantage of it. It's even very possible that Wuji's purpose is also her purpose. After all, Wuji devours part of her destiny. She escapes from Wuji and lacks part of her destiny. She also has no way to break the void and enter the kingdom of God. She can't completely destroy the plan of the beast God, because it's also her own plan. Because she wants to calculate, she can only use this kind of sneaky means The law is aboveboard to our cooperation

"She thinks too well." Yin zhuleng hum, no matter it's Wuji or QingHan, it's not easy to deal with, but she's good that she can always keep her heart and doesn't believe any of them.

"Do you think the cold ghost we sealed before is her?" Yin Zhu thinks deeply.

"I think it should be her. Otherwise, how can she command us in the totem stone? But the back hand we set up before is useless. If I guess it's true, QingHan has already taken back her ghost." Bai Kun said with emotion.

"What are we going to do?" Tengxiao can't help but ask, he can't think of it after such a big circle. Now he's worried about Yin Zhu being surrounded by wolves. How can he ensure Yin Zhu's safety.

"We may not lose, they never thought we would guess their purpose, so it's simple. As long as we cut off their way, there will be nothing to worry about. Yin Zhu, you try to observe and find out your own connection with that world, and then cut off the connection with that world completely, but then you can't go back I'll never see your family again. " Bai Kun squatted down and looked very serious.

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