After hearing this, Yin Zhu was silent for a moment, and then nodded her head with certainty. To tell the truth, she was happy that she could go home to see her relatives and the world she knew. But Yin Zhu knew better that her joy was not as good as the life of the whole Orc world. Moreover, she had chosen the orc world for a long time.

Otherwise, every time she looks there and thinks about it, it's also a kind of torment for her, especially when her parents have something to do, she would like to rush back.

Yin Zhu is very clear that if Bai Kun's guess is correct, then every time she practices the divine spirit, every time the divine spirit comes out of her body and returns to the earth, she will deepen her connection with the other side. That's the goal of beast and God.

"Yin Zhu, we will be very good to you." Tengxiao hurried to one side to express his mind.

Yin Zhu, who was not in a good mood, couldn't help but look white at this, and then said, "I know if you dare to be bad to me, I'll castrate you." After that, Yin Zhu gave Tengxiao a fierce look.

At this time, Bai Kun touched Yin Zhu's head and held him in his arms. After a long time, he said, "Yin Zhu, go and tell someone."

Even if you want to cut off the relationship, you always have to let Yin Zhu tell the world something else. It's a pity that they can't say hello to their father-in-law.

Yin Zhu nodded. She should have a good look.

"Let's guard you." Bai Kun holds Yin Zhu and says.

Yin Zhu didn't hesitate. He just lay down and began to cultivate the spirit. Soon the familiar pulling force came again. Yin Zhu felt that his soul was flying higher and higher. Then he went through a red and white light zone and returned to his familiar place.

Back at home, it's a pity that Yin Zhu's parents are not at home at this time and have gone out. When she went home, Yin Zhu was very familiar with her family. This time, it was still the same. Just thinking that this was the last time she came back, Yin Zhu could not help but began to shed tears. She was really reluctant to give up her relatives and the world where she grew up, but Yin Zhu knew that she had to give up this time.

Yin Zhu's hand brushed every object in his home. It was sacred as if he was on a pilgrimage. Everything was so familiar and reluctant. If he had just started to cross, Yin Zhu would have been desperate about the world. After the cultivation of the spirit, Yin Zhu's heart had hope, and even hoped that he could bring his partner back to have a look one day Their parents, it can be said that first despair, then hope, and despair, such stimulation is really painful, even if the first despair, no hope, the heart will slowly calm, but hope and despair, this is the real despair.

But there are too many things in the orc world that she should cherish, as well as responsibility. There is a saying on the earth that the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. Yin Zhu believes that it is God's will that he came to this world with the identification system. God wants him to save this backward world, change them, and punish those conspirators.

She got so much, always want to do something for that world, Ning Wai kind she also can't watch the orc world experience another catastrophe.

The last time I come back, I always have to do something for my parents, right? Yin Zhu held his chin and thought.

Yin Zhu tries to pick up the things at home, but it's really hard to pick them up. Yin Zhu estimates that his strength can only do one thing at most, and he was about to collapse on the ground last night.

Yin Zhu thought for a moment that it was the simplest way to cook for her parents. Chengtian used to cook at home, but she was lazy. Most of the time, her mother cooked food for her. Yin Zhu couldn't help but feel that she was so unfilial at that time. She was so old that she had to cook for herself. She was busy every day, although her mother also liked to cook something for her At that time, I always felt that there was still a long time to be filial to my parents in the future, so I didn't care. Now I understand that filial piety depends on the present.

When she opened the refrigerator and saw the ingredients, Yin Zhu simply made a spareribs corn soup, a tomato scrambled egg, and a fried bean. They were all simple home dishes. Her parents would not cook much delicious food at home, but only the children would make a lot of delicious food when they came home. Thinking of this, Yin Zhu could not help crying again.

You can't cry. If you go on crying, the dish will be burnt.

The three home cooked dishes, which are very simple, make Yin Zhu in the state of soul very hard. He is sweating, and he can't bear it. His whole body is shaking. Obviously, he is exerting too much force. But this time, Yin Zhu must insist. For the last time, Yin Zhu tells himself.

After the meal was finally finished, Yin Zhu collapsed on the sofa at home, unable to move her fingers. She skillfully came to ge you to lie down. Then she took the TV remote control and began to watch TV. I remember that when she had nothing to do in the past, she was lying on the sofa watching TV like this.

Yin Zhu was lying on the sofa watching TV for more than 20 minutes. At this time, there was the sound of opening the door. Yin Zhu quickly started to do it. Well, her mother didn't like her to watch TV like this. She used to say that she had no image. For the last time, she couldn't let her mother nag, although she might not be able to see it.As soon as Yin Zhu's mother came in, she saw that the TV had not been turned off. She raised her hand and "patted" her old man in the head. "Old man, it must be you that didn't turn off the TV."

Seeing this, Yin Zhu quietly lights wax for her father. Anyway, if there is any problem at home, it must be her father's problem. Anyway, her mother will find her father.

At this time, Yin Zhu's father grabbed his short hair in doubt. "I remember turning off the TV. It's really strange."

Two people walked into the house at this time. At this time, Yin Zhu's mother suddenly found the food on the table. She ran to the table, then reached for the plate and said, "old man, did I cook before I went out?"

At this time, Yin Zhu's father walked slowly to the dining table, looked at it carefully, and then said with certainty: "this is where you cooked it. This is our Yin Zhu's handwriting. Looking at the scrambled eggs with tomatoes, he told her how many times not to put garlic. As a result, he kept putting garlic, but nothing could be changed."

Yin's father was silent after saying this, and then he turned his head and looked at his wife. At this time, his wife was holding the table with shaking hands, and two lines of tears slipped from her old face.

Yin Zhu saw the pain in her heart. She wanted to show filial piety to her parents, but she didn't expect to frighten them.

Yin Zhu stood by his mother's side and wanted to help her. Seeing that her mother had nothing to do with her, she stopped.

It took Yin Zhu's mother a long time to calm down her excitement. Then she held the table in her hands and scolded angrily, "damn Yin Zhu, you unfilial daughter, since you're back, why don't you come to see me? You've become anything. You're my daughter."

In fact, since this period of time, the couple always feel that their daughter is still around. They often dream of Yin Zhu talking to them, saying that she is living a good life in another world, and they also find a son-in-law. At the beginning, they thought that they missed their daughter too much and had hallucinations. They hope that she can live a good life in another world. Now they want to respond It's not an illusion.

When Yin Zhu heard her mother's roar, her tears fell down one by one. She didn't expect her mother to say such a thing. It's really tough. She deserves to be her mother.

"Mom, I'm coming back to say goodbye. This is the last time I come back to see you and dad. I can't come back later. I have a good life in the orc world. Jono baikun, Tengxiao Leihe and the four of them all love me very much. I'm very happy. You don't have to worry about me. I'm just afraid that the unfilial girl can't be filial to you. Mom, I'm sorry." Yin Zhu sobbed.

Yin Zhuma trembled when she heard this. She heard it. Even Yin Zhu's father was shaking. It turned out that they didn't dream before. It was the real daughter who came back to see them.

"Well, you just have a good time." Yin Zhu's mother covered her mouth and sobbed. It was enough for her to know that her daughter was still alive.

"In this case, you stay at home. I'll ask your brother to come back for dinner. Our family will have a good reunion dinner. Don't hurry to buy me vegetables." Yin Zhuma arranges things neatly at this time.

"Mom, don't work so hard. I just came back to see you." Yin Zhu doesn't want to be tired of his parents because he came back.

Yin Zhuma this time directly did not discuss the cold hum, "this family when it's your turn to make the decision, nothing to see your TV." The last time, she wants to cook delicious food for her daughter. Although she doesn't know why Yin Zhu can talk to herself like this, Yin Zhu has gone to another world. It's hard to think of such a way. She's glad enough to be able to do so.

Yin Zhuma watched the TV changing stations over there. She could not help but began to nag, "don't always lie down. It's not good-looking. Be careful that your four friends will run away when they see you like this." Knowing that her daughter was at home for the last time, she could come as she wanted to make her as comfortable as possible, but the familiar words could not help slipping out.

"Mom, just let me lie down for a while. I can relax like this at home. I'm dignified and elegant outside. I'm sure everyone praises you for having a good daughter. Hey, hey. " The familiar dialogue mode reminds me at home again.

Two people forget to leave, so as usual, say daily words, if not the sofa looks empty some strange, all this is no different from the past.

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