On this day, Yin Zhu practiced again. He was very clear that he would tear a piece of energy from his original soul. He was afraid that his original body would be lost. At this time, there would be a temporary counterattack. After all, no one wanted to die. Even if Yin Zhu became like this, he would have to counterattack.

As for the original body didn't do anything at the beginning, it should be in the accumulation of strength to deal with itself, this is not white Kun and Tengxiao two people are on the side, waiting for Yin Zhu to help in time.

"Here I am again. This is my last conversation with you. I'm sorry, Yin Zhu. I owe you this sentence. I'm sorry, but I still have to do it." Yin Zhu said very seriously that he would have less guilt in his heart.

Yuanshen just laughed when he heard this, "don't you Yin Zhu spread your kindness and your beauty everywhere? How in order to survive, what kind of face will come out. "

Yin Zhu heard this just a faint smile, no matter what the original body said, she will not stop.

In order to continue life, in order to make their next life stable, Yin Zhu did not hesitate to hand.

"Yin Zhu, I tell you, you can't win, you can't win, the beast God has already arranged everything, you can't win me." At this time, the original body gave Yin Zhu a strange smile, and then began to laugh.

"Arrangements?" When Yin Zhu heard this, he couldn't help laughing. He just wanted to disturb the arrangement of the beast God.

Yin Zhu didn't hesitate to start with the original soul energy. It was very simple before. However, this time something went wrong. The soul in her eyes shrank directly. There was a golden aperture in her soul. She didn't know where to get a turtle shell. The defense was super good. Yin Zhu found that no matter what means she used, she couldn't fight Break that defense.

Bai Kun and Tengxiao look at Yin Zhu, frown and open their eyes, "what's the matter? Is it tricky? Say it and we'll help you with your reference. "

At this time, Yin Zhu was very upset and said: "it must be the beast God's hand, or it's the beast God's backhand. She probably had this step early, so she left a magic power in the original soul power, and I couldn't break the defense of the magic power at all."

Bai Kun and Tengxiao are silent when they hear this. Although they are very powerful now, their quality is not the same as the divine power. If the power of ordinary orcs is water, the divine power is the ice that has been qualitatively changed. There is too much difference between them.

Who could have thought that the beast God would use the divine power to protect the soul of the original body? This also shows that they should have the right idea at the beginning, but what are they going to do next? Divine power can only be dealt with by divine power.

After Bai Kun was silent for a while, "don't worry, Yin Zhu. I don't believe there's no way. Otherwise, we'll go to Haishen Island first. Maybe we'll find a way there." Since there is no way to completely devour the original body, Bai Kun does not want to waste time here.

"Yes. Pack up your things, prepare some food, and then we'll go to Haishen island. I haven't seen the sea for a long time. It's like smelling the sea. " Yin Zhu opened his hands to the wind and said with a smile.

For this matter is not disappointed, anyway, Yin Zhu is also clear, his own way to devour the original body will not be too smooth, no, not for the time being.

Of course, there is another point. Is it cannibalism? This is also the reason why Yin Zhu is not active.

"Well, I also want to see the sea. I've been to many places, but I haven't been to the sea." Bai Kun said that he also yearned for the sea.

Tengxiao couldn't help scratching his hair and said, "I haven't been there either."

At this time, Yin Zhu held his chin and thought, "we haven't been to the other side of the sea. It seems that we need to find a guide, or we won't get lost."

"No, it's necessary, but we'll find it when we get to the seaside." Bai Kun said with a smile.

At this time, Yin Zhu was thinking about whether to upgrade the identification system again. Before, because most of the plants on the mainland were identified by her. As for those minerals, she did not dare to say that she had identified all the things on the road, or at least most of the things on the surface she had been to.

Now Yin Zhu is 100% sure that this system is related to the beast God, so Yin Zhu doesn't dare to use it. The system hasn't been upgraded to the top yet. Is it that the ultimate monster Wuji will appear after upgrading to the top?

If you don't upgrade yourself, it's estimated that those things will happen. It's hard to go to sea. There must be many animals and plants that don't exist on the land. You can upgrade your system quickly. If you upgrade your system to the highest level, you can completely know the purpose of the beast God. You won't have to guess like now. It's too hard. If she guesses wrong, what will happen It's a big one.

"What's more? If you have any problems, don't carry them yourself. Tengxiao and I are not decorations. " Seeing Yin Zhu frowning, Bai Kun is very clear. Yin Zhu thinks that for some reason he is entangled. This partner always likes to solve problems by himself. Bai Kun says that he is powerless.

Partner is too capable to appear useless, how to do?"It's the system. You said that when I went overseas, should I upgrade the system to the end?" Asked Yin Zhu. The first several levels of this system are all for Yin Zhu, while the latter are all related to animal gods.

"Upgrade or not?" Bai Kun also thought about it seriously, and then said seriously, "Yin Zhu, is the upgrade out of your control?"

Yin Zhu thought for a while, then nodded and said, "it should be within my control. After all, I haven't upgraded for so long, and I don't see the system crash."

Later, Bai Kun had a very serious understanding of the system upgrade process and how to upgrade it, and then gave Yin Zhu an opinion, "in this way, Yin Zhu, you should first identify and accumulate experience, but when you are about to upgrade, you should leave almost one tenth of the experience not to upgrade. This one tenth of the experience is not much, in case one day we need to borrow the experience after upgrading We can't make up for the West or power. The reason why we leave one tenth instead of the last point is that the beast God may have the means to let Yin Zhu upgrade himself, so the conservative way is to leave one tenth, which won't be much. We can quickly make up for the experience when Yin Zhu really needs it. "

When Yin Zhu heard this, he nodded, "OK, just do as you say." In fact, Yin Zhu is very curious about what will be waiting for him when he reaches the end of the upgrade. Yin Zhu knows very well that step by step, the things arranged by the beast God are useless. Each one of them is a good thing to say individually, but it's not so pleasant to put on the plot of the beast God.

"System upgrade?" At this time, Bai Kun seriously thought about this thing. He didn't really think about it. He thought that this thing was everywhere, but he directly took Yin Zhu to the temple to take over the inheritance. Maybe this thing could locate where Yin Zhu was and transmit it. That is to say, regardless of where Yin Zhu was hiding, he was afraid that he could not escape the hand of the beast God.

Thinking of this, Bai Kun can't help feeling a bit blocked, but he can't tell Yin Zhu about it. To say that the system is completely broken, but before it actually brought some good things to Yin Zhu, but it slowly changed after Beina appeared.

Bai Kun wanted to say whether the system could be separated, but he was worried that if the system turned out to be good for Yin Zhu?

"Yin Zhu, can this system be separated?" Bai Kun asked curiously.

Yin Zhu shook his head and said, "probably not. This thing should bind my soul." Yin Zhu discovered this a long time ago. She also knew that the system was not good for her, so she would not upgrade the system. But Bai Kun was right. What if the system could help her?

How to say, the system has given her so many things to improve her strength from the beginning to the end, including which production tools have also improved the strength of the tribe. Even the spirit has really improved the power of Yin Zhu's spirit, but there are more calculations of animal gods in it, so Yin Zhu doesn't know whether to take the advantage or not.

It's better to follow Bai Kun's advice. If you really want to use it, one tenth of your experience can be quickly upgraded. Yin Zhu thinks about it for a while, and thinks that he is worried about gain and loss again. He has already said that he would face the worst calmly. What else can he do.

"Well, we'll leave for Poseidon island tomorrow." Yin Zhu cried out. As for the original body, because Yin Zhu couldn't swallow her, it would still be smiling and laughing over there, laughing at Yin Zhu's incompetence, and scolding Yin Zhu. Anyway, he said everything. It's estimated that the original body was cruel some time ago, and now it's scolding desperately.

Fortunately, Yin Zhu didn't care. No matter what she said or scolded, she wouldn't listen anyway.

Tengxiao knows that Yinzhu is going to leave, and he also hastens to pack up his things. Fortunately, they don't have many things. Yinzhu also has a backpack, which is very easy to handle. The only one that is not easy to handle is the totem stone. Yinzhu can't put it in the backpack. Moreover, Yinzhu wants to send a message to Leihe to see if the soul seal of QingHan is still there .

Although they have guessed that Fen soul may have escaped, they still need to have a look, and the seal is next to the dark city. What if Teng an brings them danger?

Fortunately, for such a long time now, Yin Zhu also has a channel to deliver news, that is, the caravan from the tribe. Yin Zhu is ready to deliver the news to the tribe and then leave.

This is also good for tribal development. Yin Zhu doesn't have to do many things by himself. It's not so convenient to do these things before.

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