It's a long way for Shiwu tribe to go to the seaside. In addition, Yin Zhu can't row a boat. They can fly in the sky, but they can't hold it for a long time. Yin Zhu can swim, but it's just the ability to walk in the swimming pool for a few laps. It's certainly not possible for a long time. In addition, there are still some fierce animals in Shanghai. What's more, they don't know the direction of the sea. Once they get lost in the vast sea Disorientation is a bad problem. We must find an acquaintance to help us.

So after delivering a message to people, Yin Zhu told them that if the seal had changed, he would go to the seaside to find them. If not, he didn't have to tell her.

Yin Zhu hopes that there will be no news. After all, no news is good. If there is a problem, it shows that Bai Kun's ideas are all right, which means that she has to deal with more people.

It took Yin Zhu and Tengxiao more than a month to get to the nearest tribe by the sea, called Haiyan tribe. Well, the specialty of their tribe is salt, which is used to make salt.

Most of the orcs here are underwater orcs, such as snakes and fish. Yes, they are fish that can go ashore. Yin Zhu has a big vision. However, although fish orcs can go ashore, they don't like to live ashore because the hot sun will burn them Their skin, more often they like to stay in the sea, only need to trade when they will go ashore.

The arrival of Yin Zhu and his three did not attract people's attention. Strange people came to haiyancheng to trade salt. It can be said that most of the salt eaten by orcs on the mainland was provided by them. Although there were salt mines in some places, there were not many.

Salt is even the strategic material of each tribe, just like the Daze tribe in the past, they bought salt through the Juque tribe, because daze tribe was too effective at that time, and there was no way for the people to cross the long distance to haiyancheng.

Haiyancheng is rich because of salt. After all, salt is valuable, and they are not afraid that they can't sell it. At least they are not as poor as the tribes Yin Zhu used to walk through. However, because people here live a better life, there is no one here to learn the skills Yin Zhu spread to change their life. For them, they only need to know how to make salt They need some daily necessities such as ceramics, which can be traded with salt.

"Do you feel lost? People here didn't learn what you spread? " Bai Kun asked with a smile.

When Yin Zhu heard this, he said with a smile, "that's not true. They don't need to study, which means they live a good life. I'm more happy about this. At least I don't need to see hungry and frozen faces."

"We are kind." Tengxiao said with emotion.

Yin Zhu said with a smile, "in fact, most of the people in this world are still very kind, the world is very beautiful, so we have to protect the world."

At this time, Yin Zhu began to stroll around to see what was new.

Not to mention that Yin Zhu found many novel things, such as various edible seaweed plants, and many sea fish. Fish is a good thing. Yin Zhu hasn't eaten much fish in the orc world for so long.

There are fish in the stream of their tribe, but there are a special kind of small fish living there. There are a lot of fish bones, and the fish is very small. It's as big as an adult's finger, and it's not big enough to grow. There are so many spines that it's not delicious and it's not enough to eat. There's another kind that's poisonous and it's not easy to deal with. So Yin Zhu didn't promote the surrounding tribes to eat fish Fish is not the same, very big, and the meat is fresh and tender, but the Yin bamboo greedy DC saliva.

"Is Yin Zhu hungry?" Tengxiao saw this and quickly took out a piece of dried meat from the small backpack behind him and handed it to Yin Zhu.

Although Yin Zhu has a backpack, in order to confuse outsiders, Tengxiao carries a big bag with some necessities of life.

"Saliva drips down, Yin Zhu." Bai Kun laughingly looks at Yin Zhu's greedy appearance.

However, this is also because their material life is too poor. In the original world where Yin Zhu lives, he eats too much food, and has all kinds of delicious food. Where can Yin Zhu be greedy because of one mouthful? In a word, it's because they are too poor that Yin Zhu will become like this. It seems that Yin Zhu likes to eat sea fish very much, and then he will buy more In addition, we can ask the tribe people to buy some dried fish here in the future, so that the females of the tribe can taste the flavor and specialty of the seaside. In the future, they will not be lured away because of some small food.

Bai Kun has heard some of Yin Zhu's sayings. For example, if you want to catch a person's heart, you must catch a person's stomach. For example, Yin Zhu in his family is obviously a foodie. If their partner is seduced by a fish, they will have no time to regret it.

Besides, Yin Zhu also said that females should be rich, so that if they see colorful things outside, they won't be cheated by some petty profits. Of course, Yin Zhu won't. this can be used for their future children, especially for Meizu, who basically give birth to daughters. However, Bai Kun's recollection is a bit far away. Before Yin Zhu is pregnant, he wants to have children.Yin Zhu quickly raised his hand to wipe his mouth, and then there is no saliva, and then she glared at baikun, obviously baikun joke.

"Your eyes are almost nailed to it." Bai Kun said helplessly.

Don't think orcs are honest. Yin Zhu is so obvious. People know that you have to pay a high price.

"Ouch, little female, the longxuyu in my family is delicious. Look at the fish with a total weight of 10 jin, and the longxuyu with a folding ruler is the best. The fish with too big meat is old, and there are too many small bones. The longxuyu with a weight of 10 jin is the best. You really have eyes." At this time, an uncle in the stall called on Yin Zhu in a hurry.

"You two, buy your partner a longxuyu. If you eat it, make sure you still want to eat it. You won't lose anything. The one who loves females is a good partner." The uncle on the stall is talking to Tengxiao with a smile. It's obvious that Tengxiao has a big bag on his back. There must be something good in it.

Bai Kun nodded at this time, "uncle, if we buy more, you can count us a little cheaper."

"How much do you want?" Uncle asked curiously at this time.

"All of them. Uncle, how much is it? We'd like to get some information from you. We want to go out to sea and find someone with good water quality." Bai Kun is very polite to say, as for the purpose, Bai Kun also said directly, so as not to let people misunderstand.

In the past, people from other tribes used to inquire about the secrets of Haiyan people's salt making. As a result, they were beaten to death by Haiyan people. So Bai Kun said it first to avoid giving people a bad impression.

Later, after chatting with Bai Kun, he learned that the uncle was Haida, a snake man. Knowing that Bai Kun didn't want to inquire about the tribe's secrets, he began to chat with Bai Kun with a smile. Knowing that Bai Kun was going to find the legendary sea god Island, he said with a smile, "you are really looking for the right person. There is an old man named Kuo in our tribe who really knows the sea god island It is said that he went there in his early years. "

Then Haida and Yin Zhu find Kuo. Kuo is over 60 years old. His hair is half white, but he is still healthy. In this sea area, the whole tribe wants to find the orc tribe that is more familiar with him. The tribe can't find a second one, but he doesn't go out to sea often now. Even if he does, he won't go far away. After all, he is old.

Haida took people to Haishen island and left. After all, Yin Zhu and Kuo went to talk about the next deal. Besides, Haishen island is a mysterious place. Many people often go there, but not everyone can enter Haishen island. It is said that only those chosen by heaven can enter.

Kuo takes a serious look at Yin and Zhu. It's really rare for them to go out to sea with their partners. After all, females are weak in nature and have little fighting power. Taking them to the sea is obviously a burden.

"What are you going to do on Poseidon island?" Kuo didn't say whether to go or not, but asked Bai Kun what they were going to do?

"It's said that there are treasures on Haishen island. We just want to go up and have a look." Bai Kun said with a smile.

Broad heard this sneer, "treasure? If you don't tell me the truth, I won't take you

Bai Kun was silent for a moment when he heard this. Then he said, "Kuo, you're really joking. What else can you do if you don't go there to find the treasure?"

Kuo laughed when he heard this. Then he thought about it seriously and said, "well, it seems that you have something to do there. I'm sorry for your life. I can send you to the place ten kilometers away from Haishen island. I'll point out the direction for you. You can walk the rest of the way. I tell you that Haishen island is not 100% safe, and the rest is not safe I don't care what you do next. "

When Bai Kun heard this, he nodded his head to show his agreement. They could row the rest of the sea by themselves, which was OK. Besides, the old man obviously knew what was on the sea god island and warned them.

At this time, Kuo took a serious look at Yin Zhu, and then said, "do you want to follow this female? I suggest you leave her here. At least there is no danger here

"Thank you. We'll remember what you said. But it's better for our partner to follow us. " Bai Kun sincerely thanks each other for their kindness, but he won't listen to them.

Rich hear this words don't get angry, anyway he has already reminded, others insist so, he has what words to say.

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