Leihe finally received the news from Yinzhu. Leihe knew the place where Yinzhu was sealed. Leihe knew that this matter was very important. Thinking of this, he went to the small valley Yinzhu said as soon as he could.

On the surface, little valley has not changed, even the seal on the surface has not changed. But if you look carefully, you can see that the seal has been passive. What is left now is only the surface. In fact, the core has disappeared.

Leihe directly digs the place where kaiyinzhu buried the totem stone. Sure enough, there is nothing in it, and the original totem stone is gone. There is something wrong with QingHan.

Leihe went back to the city of darkness with great anxiety. He was really worried. He wanted to know that Yin Zhu was their appointed master at the beginning. QingHan said all this, and QingHan guided all this. Besides, he still remembered what QingHan had done to tengan. Leihe didn't think QingHan would give tengan any good things Benefits.

Yin Zhu has three children, but Leihe says that teng'an is what Leihe cares about most. Teng'an was brought up by him, and he didn't plan to have a baby himself, so teng'an is his own son. Thinking of this, he quickly went back to find teng'an.

The conspiracy, QingHan thinks, is a big problem. Even the reason why tengxi and Tengcheng are lost is because of QingHan. Is it possible that even tengxi and Tengcheng's children's road is calculated by QingHan.

Leihe flurried back to the dark city, looking at teng'an still standing in front of him, Leihe held teng'an in his arms, "teng'an, you tell father, what's wrong?"

"There's no discomfort. I'm fine. Father Rahab, what's the matter with you?" Teng'an looks at reih suspiciously.

Leihe looked at the golden pattern on teng'an's forehead at this time. This is destiny. It's a sign of the appearance of destiny in the legend. If there is any difference between teng'an and QingHan, it's destiny.

"Teng'an, father, I remember you said that tengxi and Tengcheng have their own way to go. Do they have their own destiny just like you?" Leihe asked in a calm voice.

Teng an and Teng Xi, Teng Cheng, are three children of one mother. There is a connection between their brothers.

"It should be like this, because I feel that they are the same as me in some places, and they will have different powers like me. Why does father suddenly ask this?" Teng an asked curiously.

"My father is worried about you and that you have been calculated. Even my father is sure that someone will use your three brothers to calculate your mother." Reich's voice was very heavy.

Teng'an was silent for a while at this time and said, "don't worry, father Rahab. Do you remember what you taught me? No matter what those people do, even if it's a conspiracy, we will move forward and never retreat. Besides, I can feel that destiny gives me strong power. No matter what I want to do, I always need strength. This is definitely right. "

"But." Reich wants to say what if teng'an is controlled by fate?

"Father Lehe, you can rest assured about this. I don't know how they did it, but father Lehe, I can tell you that destiny doesn't exist only by calculation. The reason why destiny exists is because I do have it." Teng'an has been pressing his hand on his forehead, which belongs to the pattern of destiny. The golden pattern gives off a brilliant light.

"Well, father, I believe you, but if you have any discomfort, you must tell father." Reich held teng'an tightly in his arms.

It's been several months since Yin Zhu left. He misses him very much, but they all have their own things to do. They don't know what will happen when Yin Zhu goes to Haishen island next.

Sometimes I really want to be an ordinary person. Many times I really want to know that the more I bear, the more I bear. At the beginning, Leihe really thought Yin Zhu was the salvation of orcs. Who can understand that all this is a conspiracy. The most painful thing is to regard this as Morrison's belief. I don't know what happened to Morrison now. It's estimated that there will be a lot of bad luck .

Thinking of this, Leihe can't help sighing. At this time, he can't help looking up at the sky. All the orcs used to say that the orcs became orcs because of their mistakes. But now Leihe knows that it's not. The orcs didn't make mistakes, just because of the superior's conspiracy.

Time is running out. Although he has unified the city of darkness, it is far from enough. The orc is the most powerful combatant by nature. He wants to build the most powerful tribe in the world for Yin Zhu and prepare for the final catastrophe. If Yin Zhu wins, they will be liberated. If Yin Zhu loses, they will be liberated from the city of darkness Go away on the street.

When they want to go out to sea, they naturally have to prepare boats. After all, even if they can swim, they can't swim all the way. They must prepare tools for going out to sea. However, there are no boats in the world. The orcs usually use rafts, even small wooden boats, because Yin Zhu specially spent some drawings on building wooden boats and oars.

As soon as the wooden boat is taken out, the people of Haiyan tribe appreciate it very much. Although all the people of Haiyan tribe are good at water, there are some people in their tribe who can't do it. Because of this tangle, it's good to have this wooden boat.Because Yin Zhu talked a deal with daze tribe by the way. Daze tribe brought a large amount of salt. Although daze tribe is not short of salt now, it has to eat all the salt. In addition, daze tribe has too many people, so it's very fast to eat salt. It's good to have such a source.

However, because it was built for the first time, it took a long time to build a wooden boat, and several of them were wasted in front. It took nearly a month to build a small wooden boat that satisfied Yin Zhu.

However, even with a wooden boat, you can't go to sea at will. Du said that if you want to go to Haishen Island, you have to wait until the wind blows in mid August every year. Then they can go along with the wind and get to Haishen island in about half a month.

After hearing Du's statement, Yin Zhu felt that the island was more mysterious. Du said that such a gust of wind would blow in mid August every year. There was no fixed day, sometimes a few days later, sometimes a few days earlier. Anyway, it was about that time, but Yin Zhu had to wait now.

Fortunately, it will be half a month before we leave in mid August, otherwise we will have to wait.

Yin Zhu stayed in Haiyan tribe for a month before receiving the news from Leihe. Sure enough, her previous seal was destroyed and QingHan ran away. She would have received QingHan in her backpack if she knew it, and maybe she could still control the people in her own hands.

Thinking about the problem of the system, Yin Zhu can't help but have a headache. It's clearly golden finger, but she doesn't dare to use it. It's also a good thing that there is no pie in the sky in this world.

"Leihe has passed the news over there?" baikun sees that Yinzhu's face is not very good, and reaches out to touch Yinzhu's long hair.

"Yes. It's going to be the worst, as you speculate Yin Zhu sighs that other people are eating and drinking when they pass through. Apart from harvesting a few beautiful friends, she can't eat and drink anything, and she has a lot of troubles.

"It's not necessarily the worst. If you think about it in another direction, it's not easy for the cold. It's good for us that the beast God has such a powerful opponent." Bai Kun smiles and pinches Yin Zhu's cheek.

Yin Zhu knows that Bai Kun is right, but QingHan is not on her side, so she thought she was one enemy, but now she is two enemies.

"You, thinking about things is too comprehensive, too complex, and simple. Not all things are bad. Besides, you always say that if you believe that heaven is the best and heaven is the best, you will never die. Besides, we work so hard, and the beast gods are the worst. We are for the orcs in this world. If there is heaven, then we are for the future of this world If we continue to pass on, we will not lose. God will see. " Bai Kun comforts Yin Zhu with a smile.

"I know what you mean. Don't worry. You're right. If there is a way of heaven in this world, then the way of heaven should understand that it is ordinary orcs who support the orc world. Anyone who tries to hurt them will be punished. I believe that there is cause and effect. It's impossible for us to work so hard to benefit the orcs and push forward the world It will destroy people like me. " Yin Zhu smiles.

In the past, Yin Zhu didn't believe in the so-called immortals, but after so many things, Yin Zhu believed that all things have cause and effect, and she would come to this world, which was destined.

"Well, it's not easy to get to the sea and take a chance to go swimming in the evening? It's rare to come to the seaside. " There are many orcs in the shallow water area next to Haiyan tribe, and this area is very safe. Many fishermen live there because they don't like to go ashore.

"Good." The shallow water area can be regarded as a part of Haiyan tribe's living area. When you get to the beach, you have to go into the water. What's fun if you don't go into the water? Yin Zhu has really learned swimming before, but now it should be no problem. Moreover, when you finally come to haiyancheng, you always have to pick up some shells and take them back, polish them into jewelry and give them to the little females in the tribe. They must be very popular.

"Do you two know how to swim?" Yin Zhu asked curiously, a lion and a fox, it seems that they don't know how to swim.

"Try?" Bai Kun smiles and pinches Yin Zhu's cheek. This guy understands that he's going to see Tengxiao's joke with him. He doesn't know if Tengxiao will have water. Anyway, he wants to disappoint Yin Zhu. In his early years, because he ran everywhere, he learned everything. Although it's not very useful, it's OK to come here for a few times.

Tengxiao looks at baikun with an eyebrow at this time. It's obvious that this one is going to compete with baikun. It seems that he will be able to swim.

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