Finally, the wind came up, and Kuo took Yinzhu and they went out to sea.

In fact, Yin Zhu was very curious about how they judged the wind. Only the old sailor who had been for many years knew that the wind was blowing there.

Although he asked someone to lead the way, Yin Zhu was worried that he would get lost. He made a chart with the system along the way. Fortunately, the system has the function of recording. There is still a trace in the place where he walked. Generally speaking, the general direction is not wrong.

"Uncle Kuo, does it get windy at this time of the year? Hasn't it changed? " Yin Zhu asked curiously.

"Yes. This is the God of the sea blessing us, I tell you, no matter what you want to do, do not offend the God of the sea, or you will die without a burial place, you must remember my words, in addition, no matter what you want to do, you must solve and leave the island of the God of the sea in ten days, or you will be trapped in the island of the God of the sea forever Kuo said in a calm voice.

"Why?" Yin Zhu is very curious to ask, she also heard such words for the first time.

"The reason why Haishen island is called Haishen island is that there is a great Haishen. Haishen island is not always there. Only at this time of the year will Haishen Island appear. It takes us eight days to reach Haishen Island, and then you can stay on it for ten days. You must come out in ten days, no matter whether you get what you want or not, Don't piss off the Poseidon, understand? " The broad admonished looked at Yin Zhu several.

To tell the truth, he was surprised to see the combination of the three. A strange wrapped male, a female, and a slightly normal looking male wanted to find Poseidon. It's true that over the years, some people have got some precious shells from Poseidon Island, but not everyone can get things from there. Most of them are killed there He saw too much, so he told himself not to be greedy. That's good. He would never go to Shanghai God Island.

"OK, thank you for your warning. We will keep it in mind." Bai Kun said gratefully.

It was a peaceful and smooth journey, which surprised Yin Zhu a little. When Kuo saw Yin Zhu's expression, he couldn't help laughing and said, "it's normal. As long as you don't go to Shanghai God Island, this road is safe. But after stepping on Shanghai God Island, he said that if you want to get a baby, you have to pay a price. Only the most powerful warrior can do it You can get a gift from Poseidon. "

"All right." Yin Zhu said that she was very helpless. There are always many things in the world that can't be explained by reason. There are all kinds of miracles. Besides, she suspected that there was a beast God left behind.

Soon eight days passed by. Kuo stopped at a distance away from Haishen island. Then he pointed to a fog in the distance and said, "see that? There is Haishen island in the fog. I won't go there. Go up by yourself. I'll wait for you here for ten days. If you don't come out in ten days, I'll go by myself."

Bai Kun nodded. This is what they said before.

Tengxiao changes directly at this time, and the rest is far away from him to take Yinzhu and baikun.

Looking at Tengxiao's appearance after transformation, the flying lion is quite famous in the whole Orc continent. After all, it is a very powerful race. No wonder it dares to come to Haishen island.

In fact, Yin Zhu was very curious about the appearance behind the fog, but the fog was too big to see anything on the island.

Ten miles is half an hour for Tengxiao. Tengxiao has been flying to the front of the fog. The front is still foggy. They can only see a few meters in front of them, but nothing else.

"You said, what on earth is hidden on the island? If you want to make it like this, are you afraid of being seen?" Yin Zhu complained that this kind of invisible situation makes people feel bad.

"Yin Zhu is calm. It's just a small matter. You can rest assured that we can feel something. We'd better go down to see if there is a road under our feet." Bai Kun patted Yin Zhu on the shoulder to calm him down. Then he was ready to find his way. He couldn't ask Tengxiao to carry them all the time.

Tengxiao slowly landed and soon saw the ground. Because of the fog, Yin Zhu also worried that the three people would be separated. The three people held hands with each other and walked slowly. They were careful all the way, but nothing happened.

three people as like as two peas go forward, and the environment around them is not what's changed. If Yin bamboo has systematic annotation, he will keep moving forward. Otherwise, he will think that he has been spinning around in the same place.

Such a ghost place really tests people's psychology. If you walk alone in such a place for such a long time, you will collapse.

I remember Kuo said that many people who went to Haishen Island didn't go out in the end. I don't know if they were lost in the fog.

Yin Zhu felt that he had been walking for a long time and had been watching the system for eight hours, but he still couldn't get out of the fog. Yin Zhu couldn't help sighing, "Bai Kun, how long do you think it will take us to get out of the fog?" Her feet are sore.

"Yin Zhu is not in a hurry. Isn't someone successful? I think this is to train people's mind. Anyway, it can't last more than ten days. Yin Zhu can rest assured. " Bai Kun comforted him."Yin Zhu, let me tell you a story." Probably because he didn't want Yin Zhu to think about the fog all the time, Bai Kun changed the topic.

"Good." Not to mention, Bai Kun has heard all kinds of fairy tales.

"Well, just a story about a chimpanzee." Bai Kun thought for a moment and said it slowly.

In fact, the story is very simple, that is, a beautiful shark fell in love with the orc on the land, and then abandoned his parents for him. All the people suffered to live on the land. As a result, the orc betrayed the female of the shark. As a result, the shark directly returned to the tribe, and then called a group of people to hang the male on the wall, then seduced himself The female of her own partner was seduced by her relatives. The male betrayed her partner. She didn't touch the female's finger and made her family broken.

At first, Yin Zhu thought it was a dog blood love tragedy, but he didn't expect it would be such a reversal. He didn't expect that the female was a fierce, just a queen, too powerful.

Of course, Yin Zhu admires such people, but he can't do it himself.

However, there are few males in the world who will betray their partners. She used to think that no male would betray his partner, but she didn't expect that there would be.

Yin Zhu's emotion made Bai Kun smile, "there must be, after all, no one is perfect. Sometimes people really can't get along with each other. When they come to a dead end, they will betray. But generally, betrayers will leave their tribe far away, wander outside, never go back, and seldom let their former partners know."

Yin Zhu nodded to think of this, yes, no matter how the rules are, if the other party is too bad and too much, it's unbearable, and the betrayal is reasonable.

Besides, it's a very serious punishment for a male to be expelled from the tribe. Who wants to leave the tribe that he grows up in.

"I think the world is too harsh on males. This should be changed." Yin Zhu said that the orc's complete preference for females would make females more delicate and domineering.

Bai Kun said with a smile, "in fact, it's OK. Most people just want to get along with their partners, and then they can get along well. Females don't dare to treat males too much. After all, they depend on males to live. Although females can find many partners, if females are too bad, males are afraid. You can drive away one, two, three I thought there was a group of people waiting in line to choose for you, so in general, we can maintain the balance. "

Yin Zhu laughs a little when he hears this. He just laughs too much. People have been doing this for thousands of years. If there is really a big problem, it will start a long time ago.

All of a sudden, Yin Zhu felt that his eyes were bright, and then the fog around him suddenly disappeared. There was no light in front of him. Yin Zhu turned around to see that there was no fog behind him.

At this time, Bai Kun did not speak, but seriously stood in front of Yin Zhu, looking at the tall statue in front of him.

Yes, in front of it is a tall statue, which looks like a person very familiar to Yin Zhu.


Yin Zhu called softly.

As soon as Yin Zhu's voice fell, the original dead statue pulled out a smiling face. Yin Zhu was so scared that he stepped back two steps. When he saw this kind of thing laughing, he was thrilled.

"Yin Zhu, you're here. I've been waiting for you for a long time." Bena's familiar voice rang out in Yin Zhu's ear.

"You..." Yin Zhu hesitated, but she didn't know what to ask. When she first came to the world, she really regarded Beina as her sister, but now it's obvious that she was calculated by Beina.

"Yinzhu, upgrade the system quickly. I tell you, the system has reached the last level. If you upgrade the system at the last level, you will get divine power. As long as you upgrade, you can get divine power, which you have been looking forward to." Said Bena in a seductive tone.

Yin Zhu shook his head at this time. "I don't believe what you said first. Even if it's true, it's divine power. I don't want to go any way that the animal God arranged for me. I like to go against it. Divine power is not rare to me." Yin Zhu is a little angry.

"Yin Zhu, I didn't betray you. You have to believe me. You must upgrade quickly." Bena said anxiously at this time.

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